* I BEAVER STATE HERALD, JANUARY 4, 1907 4 ▼ A NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION. Onr hank h«* nearly roivplHrd it* flr*t year which hat K*en a pr«x|H'roiiM one. Our »ffort« will, nt th«* rb<»f the bi*r;4 v»ar, result* exeoHlink’ that pre’liett*»! by lion. W. \V. (\>tt«»n, who completed the ortfAoirwtbm of «»ur bank. We tnke this «>pj»ortunity t<» thank one un4 all of the patnms ol the liank »inrinf the tear «•( its intam v. Our Rcs ’ilution 6»r thv th,. New Rcs«>kition u V »r ir is that u • : tfive tfivr our pa:rm* patr<»u* la'tter and nunc «ilieivat service v\ .*u thtni^h the bank is put to considerable vx|H*n>v in doing *•'. On and after January 1, VW th« bank will rereivr t* r dep«wit and col'ia*- tion bankable pip- t on an\ p ent in tl Vi »,»i State* uitheut charu«‘ bu* v»» * lectin.: vx « ptin^ en ra: - ma ’. by othe bank* wneie it i* invu**.uy to hn waid tin* ptper uh other Laiik*. St ite 1 'gi,latore the Another Resolution * ti it ne ». *n>. • I • ’ paaaa>r« of tl*. • ie »p »*e I bill whereby ev- r k \ Il V ex minisi once vai li year l y tbe Public State Hink exai.i n« .*. Riivivr Y. ar of Illy life bv Your Resolution *1 ml-l he: Mak I ‘ > cultivating the Kank habit. The flr>t m«»nth in the new year is a ¿***I time nw vv N»» g’M» I r» * ‘¡it, iri inchi ie* * » u.aay »»’ Lui * as t to a bar.k aer.emt. It trot oiilv lead* t«» proper ty and veni -rt b jt it i.;.-urv' -ebriety, vconoii \ an I thrift. » : J. M. SHORT, Tres, I* I I I i ne A. MEYERS. Cash'r ark OF i R:?I!\M. Oi.ij.ON Transacts a General Banking Easiness, Loans M ?nev on Good Security, Sells Draits and Travelers Checks. < I Available anv p‘. •» > fl. W. I.L.XM.V, V-Pres. I i > . * r. ■ i i I - ’ • . ■ Buvs jintl '» in th?* I r *«■ I " ’<•* a y • f the 1 »1 ■ ' >‘unH’v - • ' » ' < s * ’»ml K »i*l < neck*. \\ i .t * birv Iu>. Frits Salsman, t'w young engine* r "f this place, »pent X luistii as al hou.i* w itli hi, putems. Bs’iijamin Kiiieiiem and faniili -i-nt under mvlii- d I'ciitmeut nt Portland. Mr. mul Mr,. Ro. - iiid'i.iu, > w i,li him »ueiv-«. Mr». Sala n tn enteriainv I the I . ut dinner I'liri.-tm i, day. Andvrxuit's cuter I.line the week -,-veral ol their I Mrs. Maud « «. tuiam. teaelwr oi Hiilbart, w aa s .x.ituida.-. 1 throughout ¡ends. I he pt,pi ar *n «*n ihr lin Mr. aud Mn. W. Crow -t >11 ate ing ut tlick', at tbe present. S J'V- PIGEON POINTERS. C. C. Wi'c>>x and Miss l*ai«y WJ-..X iavc lievu visiting their parent, at tin» place. N. M. Mi-DanieU, S. I*, and W. II W '»buru were xisitors in Fairview recent- !y. FAIRVIEW. ORE., January 2, 1907— W. T Scott and Wm. Townserd and Campl ell A McGaw have a laigecrew wife were guests of B. H. Bowmsn on of Italians eng i je I in clearing I .n I f >■ Yew Year's day. them, with the ai I of a donkey engine Com in union service will be oliaerved Mr. Richar Is an 1 wile an I Miss liuti n the Presbyterian church next Sun- visit - Osborn, of M mtavilla, were recent lay. ors here. The Indies Aid Society of the M. E Mrs. N. W. Rice, and daughter Mrs ■liurch met with Mr». J. H. Healin on Austin who have been spending the Thursday. winter at Salem, are home for a short visit. Mrs. H. Donley, ol Walla Walla, ha' been visiting her mother Mr». H. Shaw. FAIRVIEW Mis» Calls Hrs'.in, wl ° enployei ax a teacher in -one of Baker City's public schools, spent Vacation at her ho ne here. Herbert Lee, of Sellwood, visited here recently. Mrs. Clara Anderson, of Gresham, visited friend» at the ho.ueof W. Ellison on Sunday. Mrs. A. T. Axtell has been quite rick for several days. A. O. Jackson, who is employed at Rainier, spent Christmas with his family here. Frank Waters, and wife, of Portland were recent guests of her parents, J. H. Stapleton and wife. G. Hiet and family of Portland were Christmas guests of Mrs. Hiet’s sister, Mrs. A. O. Jackson. Miss Laura Luce spent her vacation at her home in Forest Grove. D. S. Dunbar has been improving the sidewalks by putting on fresh gravel, TROUTDALE Mr. La Dillon was the guest of his i esters, Mrs. Zimmermsn and Mrs. Ed. ' Campbell. Mrs. Myers of Portland is visiting her ‘laughter, Mrs. C. Schart. Mrs. Sadie Wright ia visiting her , parents. Al»ut forty Woodmen went to fort- land to attend the Woodmen'» inatalla- ; tion. Buela GriRetts is qnite sick. Miss Emly of Portland is visiting Mrs. , E. Woodard. Mr. ami Mrs. Hulbert were Troutdale visitors from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Burton were viaiting in Troutdale recently. The work on the bridge is progressing nicely. C. Larson was in Portland recently. Mr. C. Rowley and son spent Monday in Portland. Mrs. H. Vanderhoof and family is visiting Mrs. J. Emckaon of Sellwood. H Barney was a Portland visitor. H. Richeson was recently a Portland visitor. IL Latourell is on the sick list. Albert Hensley returned to Corvallis after spending the holidays with hie parents. J. Cook and wife was in Troutdale Miss Johnston, of Canada, is here on recently visiting friends. business. J Tunny !s back again in Ti< nt.lnl Mr». Dick Anderson is visiting friends working for the Union Meat company. at Pleasant Home. G. Coleman and Stanley intend to Word reached Mrs. Frank Jarvis on move to Portland soon. Saturday of the death of her busband at Mr. E'lmoims and bride of Catiias, Catablamet, Wash., w.jgre he was visit­ ing I*. Cadence. While the two were Wash., are visiting Mr». W. P. Pelton. B. Jones and family have moved to B. driving last Friday Mr. Jarvis was suddenly stricken with heart trouble. Banuetts place from across the river. He was given the best medical treat­ Mr. Wm. Light has returned from his ment to be had, but he only lived till Christmas visit with friends at Readville, Saturday afternoon. Interment was at Oregon. Catablamet. Mrs. Jarvis left for that Mr. John Vanderhoof and mother baa point on Monday morning. It is an moved from here U> their ranch nine unusually sad incident ns Mrs. Jarvis is miles above Sandy. very aged and mill tn and ba, no rela­ Dr. Mason spent Christmas with his tives living except a sister, who resides | parents at Spokane, Washington in the East. Dick* Anderson. Sr, is working at Bridal Veil. Miss Pearl Bradley, of Hood River, has been visiting in the family of Rev. C. E. Crandall. Rev. C. E. Crandall'» liook, “ Z. A. Boy ” is being highly praised by person, here and at the other lui’its where be preaches, who have read it. Carl Underhill, ol Salem, has been visiting at the home of N. W. Rice. NOTICE! The undernigned Hrim Ixiught the WORDEN BLACKSMITH SHOP ;• From A. Fox and has arranged to open up in connection ‘; therewith a FIRST-CLASS HARNESS SHOP Where I shall be prepared to do any and all kinds of :: HARNESS REPAIRING, CARRIAGE TRIMMING, :: Etc., also first-class HORSESHOEING and GENERAL ; I REPAIR WORK. PASTURAGE IOR MORSI’S AND CAULI! < > ' > UPPER LATOURLLl :i’ Rummage Sale. »otile Hints t:> 11-velera of the I.Itti» Krnlhrted Bruttile». the toVowIng valuable hints ou pigeon rearlug are clipped from Pool try Success: Binis bred from goixl foUDddtloU stock will »how their g»xl qualities for several generations tn come. Charcoal Is oue of the necessities that pigeons must have, and granu­ lated charcoal is the best, as It la free from dirt and dust and uniform In sixe. This should lie In every loft. Too much attention cannot l>e given the birds at this season of the year, the molting time. Some call It the "dying time." A well balanced ration, cleanliness and ventilation are neces­ sary. Keep your coop free from feathers. Examine some of them and you will find lice and mites. Burn them and lessen your trouble. Don't tend your birds on the Install­ ment plan and say there U nothing la the business. Common sense, care am! attention Is the only road that leads to success, and then you find some thorns on the way­ side. Why of course you are going to ex­ hibit that pair of birds at your local show, and If they win a place aend them to another. Remember the pigeon breeder who has spent tan or fifteen years In per- fectlng a strain of birds cannot sell them at low prl<*-s. Get the best from reliable breeder» and you will be bet­ ter satisfied one year from now. Do not be led astray by some of the literature put on the market by some squab company. Remember the squab bu.stnens must be learned largely by experience. Better start with six pairs than COO. Sonic people rnih Into the squab business, thinking fabulous sums can be quickly realized. Remember. It tiik-'-s year» of experience nn.l judicious hanilling to make a success of the busi­ ness. Bowel trouble In pigeons Is usually the result of linpro;>er feeding, filthy xvater and crowding. In tli" breeding of pigeons It Is well to rememlier that size Is Intlm-nce-l largely by the female. MUST GO! Of all odds and ends in the Store. > Must have room for our well-bought, well-selected » È Stock of Spring and Summer Goods which will soon * * begin to arrive. ft V* TROl I DALE. OR! .«MN S. S. Logan, STATE LE(Tl lU:nS 60MÙ OF THClrt M^RE IMPORTANT DUTIES DISCUSSED. ! 3;>t-c!a| Cori • -«p on>lonc, ) The v >rk of n state grange le -turcr H t.- in.’ Mileil uiul calls for a vai-l."y Cf quulil iilon.i. but above all It I» sapervi - >ry. tearing inilcli the same re .tloii t > t! e siilK>nii:i.-ilv grange as d > >- the « Tio.'l s.iperlnteudi'lit to the several scliis'ls c.Htiprlskiti Ills district. Tlie lar..’ xvurk of the grange lies t!ir»u;:!t its lecture hour, and the un­ derlying u Ixsl.m of the state le -turcr I, to secure for that lecture hour the highest possible standard of excel- len-e. As there are mighty «’I.Tcrences lu the co'.np'isltlon of subordinate lectur­ ers It I* the work of the state lecturer to acquire the fullest possible ncqnalntance with the quail- flcatlousof each as well ns the field b» occu plea. Thia may t>e secured by some systema­ tised plan of reporta by cor- respondene» and by as much personal con­ tact as tnay tie. [Lecturer Massachu­ It mean» end­ setts state crange.) less work to gain auch an acquaintance throughout a »tale, but It la the lisais for auevesa- fill supervision, and It can be done, while without It the opportunity for Improving the lecture hour work la greatly diminished. Some local lecturers mint be od- vised, some encouraged, ■ome warned. all helped. The position of subordi­ nate lecturer is Are you to turn over a new leaf. Ethel?” "Yes, grandma. I'm never going to ask for mor» than three pieces of cake ” Never pasture "the alfalfa the first y*ar. A healthy flock of sheep Is a profita­ ble flock. . , , STILL IN THE RING And busier every day. Our work speaks for itself especially in HORSESHOEING Particular people bring their horses to us because they know they will be »hod right. General Repairs of all kinds quickly and Neatly done Troutdale, Ore IAMES H. LATHAM, Troutdale, Or. I llll i'll "I w lit" <• . ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦ 41 1 J. I. Ilici KIN. ♦ I.lllty, yet ................... . devolios lip m 4»er-ions having li'llo rvall.-.nlhui of Its roqult vinenw, T i am b ns the c the •t.:te I-1-tUler s’"'till pc iVI' n frleivl Indeed, nml vvrrj cull trim the •• tub "nlln.tle xv.irkera h I mui I i I I i '» vp Ills In '•ant rsqntt i'. I'.ir virry - nl< >r llnstv n-’d I''> i . ioiii lecturer In the state to ♦ I ■ .' i t t • t > t ■ it • lecturer on liny suh.lvet In doubt mid to be sure of Initnnt ltit' r >it, '’’ireful • nisldet itl-'ii cull n lieLiful mid piinc t ill reply e exerted through the local lecturer, who stands. Ethel's New Leaf. L. E. GOTHAM, Prop. Best of Feed ull the year. Good Winter Past- uraftv. Shelter. ORI . I l?l)t I DAI I . ••••••••• • ••••••• House IX I Kilt HAI ». BCO.US AND B0A7D COMERCIAL TRADE SOLICITED SjtlSmCEon C.Cfd.lUsj % l.«>ui> Heimln)' Prop. Main Strati Trouidile, Crt «•••••••••••••••• •A W. F. GREER» Steam W ood Saw F WILL MAKE TRIP TO ANY 1.0- < \I.ITY Foil 2» CORDS. TROUTDALE, OREGON. i l inst iinuieuinir fiel?. responsible for the work. So the state hx-turer*» work, bow ever exerted. In spokeu word, writtan suggestion or by personal contact. Is to exercise wise supervision, to tlently and tnctfully counsel and to au unfailing auunv of helpfulness hl, sulMtrdlnatea In »timulstlng largest luterest aud In awakeulug meml>ers nt the Order to Its tuaguifi. cent iMMsll'Ultlra. CHARLES M GARDNER. Lecturer Massachusetts Stats G rangs. r r ô î 1 Miss Laura Menile» and Iter (stilar James Menate» are spanding thè lioli- day» with Mr. and Mr». Beri Ilari. •« Beaver State Print • * “The Right imprint” Send orders to Greslwm. Oreoon