Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, January 04, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Author of
ol th»
Copyright. lOOi. by
tdward J Clod*
fi« «H tin* htfliith»«u»M- h • .it th«
» i4^ti«il
lb«* t< <k
Tin» % I mii «I
Mti'l tJiwI 1 hul Im» n.««ti h»i> » I m VII
Hmti'l »>«-ii>l« thi»« injure«1 lll«*ll
lt.u k Willi Iri H. 1V- .LitrkaMiu mu I Lutr*
uhiiv *
uri1 b»w » i«*l ihbi tin* l»«»rt t uli-1 ¡U n t ik« *
k t<» 1*« ii/.«ti)i «*
Ih» 1 Mi*v i*
Hi« t hv l.i« ut« ni» t
i mhu|M
' uhu* }•
in ha «* with F i. .1
III r««l|H^ t«»r till’ Molili'>h*«l llt«*ll
1 ni'l »|»im ¡i I m ' h I M|*|> i » hi rhilitf th<i* r« M k
It i» I*.«« Mpwihtf.
1 •tnutl »It •• <•%*•» *
I hut it I«
hy M uii I h i«
f«»r thrill nut t»» luh’l, m ««I M mii I i «•|M- rv-
till I » to PefiXaln’e. IT. girl* *|»’ll<l the
lii^ht ut th** r«x k»
VÍ—-1 Hiring ’ 1» •
night u furi"U<* »form t «'n«)«*i»» »»I**'|» iin*
At <luun !» land intikr« uni u
»hip in dlvttt*8i
Brand the I uiitlim»,- k's'per au<1
ftrt'inl iim'tig th«» clalins >t bin adopt.«)
dnug'iter would In« two very different
tif c<>nr»<> all Peiizan««' knew that hr
vita a gentleman. n scientist in a »tnall
ivny nu<! a man of mean«. Otherw!»«
Constance m il I’phl v tmill not hnveoc
ctv»!ed tin* |»«MlHop they tii'14 In local so­
ciety. T1io«t' iin i* iunlii't«l with Fug
|.-h way« ofttl'tii'M make the tniattl;*
of rating n man's aocinl atatita by 'hr
me-iiis lu« p ,«».—■ t«n or th»« rnanni-r of
tla life In I.oti'l u. No greater error
could I«’ ciininiltt«il. Th«’ an nil. «'X In
•Ive county town, the •«icnnt.lly
which r-glstres ttir family nmncotlona
of many generatluua. 1« the only r&
liable index. Ilerv to la< of gent!»
birth ami breedlug not bn I credcutiate
pit'll In tin« court of Kin« l»vni<>» con­
fer» Brabuiaiii«-»! rank, no mutter nhat
tin* iH'i-atiiinl fortune» ««f the III«! I v 1« 1 tin I.
Brand, It 1» true, «lid not la-long to a
Corulah county family, but there wen»
tlm-i' who <x>ntu»i him ahremlly. They
rcgardol him na a well meaning crunk,
yet the c«llrt w ent forth that hla «laugh-
ter« wen- to hr "receive I.” amt rweli et
they ivcre. with pleasure nml admira­
tion. by all »tilt' such ntartlei! rltlerly
inatnmna na t atty Margaret B tanhope,
who expected her «<»«1 look In« son to
contract a marriage which would n*-
»tor«' the falling fortune» of the bouse.
All unconaclnua of the thought» flit­
ting through hla brain, for Brand was
busy trimiiilng » «imre lamp, tlie two
girl» amused themaelvca by lenmlng
th«' semaphore nlphabvf from n little
hnmllMMik which lie found for them.
When tlie night felt, itnrk and lower­
ing. tlie lamp wn» lighted. They luul
never before seen an eight ivl«k«»l con­
centric burner In uae. Tlie shore light-
I iouh «*» with which tticy were acquaint­
ed were llhinilnnte«l by ele«'trlclty or
on the catoptric principle, wherein a
large number of »mall Argnnd lamps,
with reflector«, are grotqw I together.
To Intereat them, to keep their eye«
nn<1 ear» away from flic low wnter
orgy of the reef, he explain«1«! to ttiem
the capillary action of tlie oil. Al-
though they hail learned these thing» In
school, they bud realize«! the ex-
netne»« of tlie atatement that otl does
not burn, but must flr«t be convcrte«!
Into gna by the application of heat.
On the Gulf Book then« were nearly
3,000 gallon» of colza oil atorod In the
tanka beneath, colza living used in
preference tn parattln becnu»e It waa
aafiT, and there waa no atornge accom-
modntlon apart from the lighthouse.
Requiring much «renter heat than
mineral oil to produce Inflammable gas,
the colza hail to be f«»r<««1 by heavy
pressttr«' In the clatem right up to the
edge of the wicks an«l made to flow
evenly over the rima of the burner,
else the fierce flntnc would cat the met­
al disks na well.
n<- read them a little lecture on the
rival clalnia of gna nml electricity and
<l»inr»i)«trnb'«l how dazxBngiy brilliant
the latter could be on n dark, dear
night by allowing them the lino light on
the l.lznrd.
"But In hazy weather the oil wlna,"
lie laid, with the proper pride of every
man In hla own engine. "Fishermen
•ailing Into Penzam»* along a course
oqilldlstnnt from the two imlnta tell
me thnt If they can «««• anything at nil
on a foggy night they Invariably catch
a «lull yellow radian«»' from the rock,
while the Lizard Is Invisible. The oil
hna more penetrative power. Its chem­
ical combination la nearer the mean of
nature's resmtrre«."
At the proper time he banished them
to the kitchen to prepare dinner, n
feast divert«! from the hour of noon
by the ehnneea of the day. Ho adopted
every exjiedlent to keep them busy, to
tire them physically nnd mentally, to
render them so exhausted thnt they
would sleep In bllasful cnltn
Louis Tracy,
(HAPTIK I,- At tUyliti nk un ar>i«t
mit keeper <>l till' light boll»«-, dl»« "V.-r»
ill tlit* liistatl«*«' H »Lip hi «li»trv»». Mi |>ll*
ill lit him I ugi i * i * m Io ru i in out to it. Ill
,o d<4lig li«« rullìi«« in rohtuit with u
»b»rk » Im li In« kill« alni hon o I «« tin«
•hip. Ilo II ih I» on I mu r 4 tlii I nh I v of »
di-ini noni ami n «tiungi- bundle under »
will, .Ion«'» I Io* light liouai* Iti'ViM-r low­
er» ii la-kit «iii'l lumi« Bru mi nri«l h*a
• tumgi' bundle »ably ii|u
II.— Tin'
bundle I'ulitalna n live It*by of wlirli
w hli'ti Join*« a.«iuii«*a «lung*.
"ET" are fi'lind "Il rhllo’a clothing,
llaby Ir pin« i «I in < liargi* o| mirai' who
bar iliaiy ni««« ol Mi'phi'li Brsrui'»
Clii'.l I« iiaiui’4 ''Ennl lii'iil«
Ili - I ightifii y« nr» lutei,
stati«'«*, «Iiiiik'hti'r of Brand, ami I'nl'l go
t*> lb* liglilliHiiM* with MH «»Id lUI h riunii
|h'||. *1 ll«*V till* « ll tt^ht ill r » Mtorm
7|8 9I10Ì1112
14 15J16 17 18 19
21 22 23 24 25 26
28 29 30 31
The East wood Nurseries
E. F. SMITH, Proprietor,
Gresham, Ore.
One- and Two-Year Fruit Trees. Small Fruita, Ornament­
al Trees and Shrubs, Rose Bushes and Flowers. « « « «* *
Write lor Catalogue or for latest Prie»-» on Anything You Want.
Imhoff & Minar,
Ili» orticai to cime.
Aa In« couhl not k-nve thè Imip. sud
l'ey refu«ei| to est sport fr-an bini,
thè <lliim-r. In thr««' «•nurse», «va» a
brentld«-«» uffa Ir. Golii« tip nini down
Uve flight» of »taira wltli sotip, jolnt
nnd pmldlng. wblle otte carrled thè
trny and thè othvr «ivung a hi lui listi stance connecte«! with Hi • date. iu> lie
t» flmg u deli «¡it crest ut the tornado
torti In front, rifluire«! lime nnd exer-
335 East Morrison Street,
consultetl tlie lighthouse dlufy for th it
tinti. They were chserful aa grlgs year. Ah! Here was a |s»»«lbh- ex­ the wb >le urn»» of water, many tuns Io
over It.
planation. 'Hie chief keeper, a stran­ surface mid flung Into nothingness.
Enld. wh«««e tura It wns to brlng tq
ger to him. was something of a meteor­ Bout» of th«««e adventurers, fon e.J up
tliv piati«» of top!«»'», pieni«- ! g’illty t<
l»y th«' r«-ef. bit the lighthouse with ••••»••••••••ss•••••••»••••••••••••»•••••»•••••••••••
a »llglit «<-ii<iit!on of ticrvou»m««s.
He had written: "At 4:15 p. m. t!:e
"I conili not belp H'inetnberliig " ahi bnronivtiT «tissl nt 27.1« «legre •» and greater f»r«"» than many a <-ani«»u bull
snld. "ivhot mi awfttl |ot of dark ltw the thermometer nt 47« Ml degri'ca. flrml lu battles which have made his­
They were g-,ne. I'erchnnce It was ••••••••••••••••a»»
stop» tlivre were beneath tue. I fvit There wn» a heavy »«--i an«! a No. 7 gale tory. Time after time the splendid his last «'giit of them lu this life. Thre»
• Watches and Jewelry *
a» |f Romethlng were cr«'«'plng iq blowing from the S. K.-W’. A’»»Ut 5 •triictti:«' winced Is-ii«-: tli the blow.
times tlie stalwart framework creaked.
If H'.-plieti Brand wero ever fated to
LhFArkLX*. * -I E' TALTY
«pilc'.Jy I m 'I i I iii I to grilli me by Hit O'clo«-I> the wind l:icr«':i«i'<l to a b'.irrl-
Once It mov««l »-» penvptibly that the
A Work '• iaranlr*<l
know fear be was face to face witii t >e
cai:<* »111-1 th«' »on b«-«'ai:iv mo:*«' violent ugly plinntom tlii'ii. Th ' granite col­ curtain rlir s J'ri':lc.l. Then he remem­ • r>.r
"Voti «¡li »uh! g « un and down tbrvt Hum I have >i-« n It «ltirl i.: five yenrs*
bered the won1« < f Isaiah:
tlim-i In thè dark." n i-« Bran i'» recipe «•'.p Tleu«-«« of this »tallo'i. Jud tin ! umn would not ylekl, but It was «ptlte
"For t!r> ! b.i«t l>een a strength to the
"\V1:«'!i y ni <|iiltt«*<l ili" <!o<»r leve! foi solely by the «loud» nml the fl I 'lit of
1 <x»r. a »trencth to tte needy l;i h!s <lix-
III«« tlilr I n« -<'iit yuu tvoul«! «'««a»«« ti bird», I slm bl lmngliiv that Hie cy-
tre *. a n-feg - fr »::i tic storm, u shad-
away a.*4 h<- with It.
V <>rry nbor.t Irup ««»il
"W fr tu the I - at. when the blast of • WATCHMAKER anJ JEWELER •
clo'dc <'i'*.t«"' p:i«*»"d over the fscllly
('ah»t.ince look«-«! ut li««r watch.
the tc-rlbie one« is as a storm against
Isles mid th«' Land'» E:i«i.”
breath, of the two girls l.i Hi • tiny
191 Morrison St.,
"ttn'y N <i'«'l « -k! IVhiit n Ioli« day II
Th'-n next day:
room Is-ii 'iith. Foroae ti'-'tiir; I i t int
I is l»-«-u!" «!>«* cottimi liti«!.
The blast of t'ie terrible ones! XVbat • PORTLAND, - - OREGON *
"A »tendy northe.Kt win«! still»«! the liis mortal eyes mz««l I .to the imw n.
"Yuu irli4 go t > b«-il « arly. Klwp lu •on most effe<'tmilly. Within twenty-
virl 1 pen picture of the awesome w
Near I’fij«’- Re<: irant.
luy moni. 1 o'i n III »««'in f irgi't wlicrt four hour« of the first «Igu« of the hur­ But the call of duty r«««tored b! n. The for«-«-» <it nature! How l«a.g would this •
exceasiv«* drift affe«'t»«! the lamp.
roti are. l'.aih of th<> hunk» I» emù ricane th«- cli intK'l wu» practicable for
tornado coi.tlntte? Already It must • •••••••••••••••••*«
fortnblv. Nuw I wlll Icave yotl it »mall craft. A fisherman reports that
steady hand be teailjust*'»! the Ilt'.lo hive Strewed It- pittfa with havoc at
'hiirge <>f III«« lutili» ubile l g» ami l«» li the const 1« strewn with wreckage”
bnit-s screw»—th^_ were so suj«T »ly iwn an«! on bin!. II'« rh"«!-.*al venues • •••••••••••a ••••••
rp "
Brnml mu«««l over the entries for Imilffi'rent to all this pandemonium— were elevated to tiie »uf«eniat'iral. He
Tli«'y lauglu'il. It soillMled ao Ilota» nwliile. With bls ulgbt glasses be
Ju»t little !»r;
screws, doing their secnied t» a -quire ubu «rmal powers of Z
Two Small Tracts C
P«»'rv«l long Into Hi«’ teeth of tlie grow­ work and ln«tdi:>T nuught l«e»l«!e. Sud­ eight and bearing. Ke could see the
" \ny b ar of lntrglur»r' crleil Enhl
for Sale.
ing storm to •<•'• if lie coul«! flail the denly tli» r«' came to him the trium­ trees bending before the wrathful •
"Visi; inoat exjiert entekatueu wln«1 double flash of tlie mngnlli< «-iit lig'.it ou phant I t • <• i
that the pure white wind, hear the crashing tl'es anti brick­ •
5 1-2 acre« improved, running •
nm! rulli and shut." he addi»! <|illctly the Bishop Itock, one of the AtlautiC Beam of tue light was hewing its path work as houses were demolished and
water, sealed to timothy and _
"I niiMt fii*ten all thè storni «butteri breakwaters of the Hclliy Isles, it was through the savage assailant without people hurl»«! to death. But there wn, e
end tmike ererythliig HiMlg !> «u't stll fully thirty five initatt dlstnut, but It as calmly ami fearlessly ns it lit up no ecstasy of soul, uo meutal altitude. • clover, on Sandy road, 1-4 mile •
unt i I ivnk<* yoti in th<- nurnlng "
flung Its radiance over the waters from the ocean wilds on u midsummer night In quick reaction came the fanciful • ea«t »«I Cleone.
"l'oor old dadi" «lgbe<l t'ouatiinctt a height of 113 feet, and tli«' Gulf Kock of moonlight nml soft z«"phyrs.
memory of the hardy old salt who •
6 1-2 acres, all improved, «»«»I- •
"Wluit a vigili"
lamp »too! l.'tu f<«'t above h'gb wutvt
e«L 4-room b'''i.“e, well, g "«I fern - *
"Thank Go I for that!" lie murmured cheered his •hlpmat«’, dnring a ter­ •
Ile wna tuaklng new entri«-» In tbi mark. A landatmiu wonk! not hnvedla- aloud. "How can a man die l»etter rific gale with the trite remark:
e ««1 garden, orchard, plenty of all e
wi"itl«r rvport whwi sin» rvinnrkod tlngiilshcd even the nearer reTolutlous tin«u at I ls post?"
“I pity the poor folk ashore on a • varieties of fruit, 1 mile east of »
tU'Ugl.tfully :
of the St Agni'« light, especially In the
The ring of Iron bener.tb caught bls night like this."
» Cleone on Ssn«iy r« a I, one mile »
prevalent gio nil. nml wls|»s of spindrift ear». II? turned from the lamp. C« ju -
What a curious Jumble of emotion, • w«-»t of Troutdale. Write or «re »
were already striking the lantern and stnm«' appeared, pule, with shining Jostled lu bis brain. A step from the » Major H. W. Love, Troutdale, Ore. •
blurring th«» glass.
eye». She carried the lantern. Behind sublime to the ridiculous! Not even a • •••••••••a»»»»»»» •
Ni-verHn-b'«» he cmirl't the quick her «wept Enid, who hail been crying. step. They were Inextricably inter­
fln«b«-s reflected from clouds low. but Sb«" strove now to ch«"ck her tears.
woven, the woof and the warp of
unbroken. A« yet there was n chance
"lu this sort of thing normal, or a thing«. He recall««! the odd expression
of th" Incoming tide bringing lietter stieebil piTfoniimiee nrranged for our of an officer who bad passed unscathed
Sell Your
weather, am! be bent again over tlie bengflt?" said his daughter, with a fine through the iuteruo ui Splon top.
rvc«»rd of the <«iu!m»-tlnl gale In 1St»1. attempt at a smile.
"I had no sense of fear.” said he,
Boon he aliandomsi this hope. The
"Oh, dad. I am so frightened!" cried "but my troth began to ache.”
growing thumier of the reef us the tide Enid. "Why does it howl so?”
Brand, a student, even of himself,
atlvanced give tin- tint unmistakable
dis««>rere<! that hi.« dominant sensation
warning of wbat was to cmue. Aa a
was one of cnrioslty.
— to —
mm mntter of noise the r»-vf roared
"If it has to be,” said his nervous
T says a goo«I deal for Stephen
Its louihmt ut half tide, lie underst«»»!
Brand's courage that he was system, "let it coiue quickly.” He felr.
now that a gal«- luul swept across ti.t
able to laugh Just then, but it like a man lying on the ojieratfng table
Boring, OregtHi
Atlantic In an irregular track. How­
is n flue thing for a man lu a waiting for the chloroform.
soever th«- winds mfly rage the tides moment of sopremeat «langer to be
Suddenly the bright flame of the
remain steadfast, nml the great wave« calh«l on to comfort a weeping woman. lamp lessened. The use that was bls
now rushing up fpitn the west were
The next minute might l«e their last.
actually harbingers of the fierce blast Of that he was fully ««luscious. Even wicks and ndm|J more draft. Even
which had created them.
l»'foro the girls roacbeti Ills side be felt while his deft fingers arranged the
of course the Hirvutenc 1 turmoil In a curious lifting movement of the complex burner hla ear caught a drowned!"
t'ertainly if Stephen Brand hajj Im­
nowise <llM-unerrted him. It u wht l«e whole frame of tlie lantern. Steel und change In the external dlu. The shriek
Hint the rock would tvmnln lnaeo-««l glass alike were yielding to the sus- of the wind «lroppe«l to a thunderous agine-! two mlnr'es earlier Hiat he was
tile during many days. In thiit event talned violence of the wind pressure. growl. This was a qnle. not a tempest. «bout tc laugh long nnd loudly In a gen­
the girls would take the watch nftet Well were they mol<le«t by men whose God l»e praise«!, the crlsl« had passed! uine surrender to an uncontrollable
the lamp was extinguish»«!, nnd they consclene«" need luirlior uo reproach of
Tlie hurricane had la«t««l thirty-fire spasm of mirth he would have feared
"It Is high water nbout half past 1. mnst learn to endure the monotony and dishonest craftsmanship. They were minutes. A similar tornado sufficed to lest his wits were leaving 1^1. Yet
discomforts of existence In a storm being tested now almost beyond eu wreck one-half of the city of St. Louis. be lnughe«l uow until his vision was
1 think?"
’ ll«- nialdcd, pretending to treat til» Istund lighthouse. 'I1»ey would l»c nerv­ durance.
This oue, as he learned afterward, blurred. And the wonderful relief of
It! What n tonic after the ordeal he
ous unquestionably — perhaps he liad
queatlon aa of no special Import.
Some natures would have found relief swept around the south of Ireland, had endured!
"From all appearances thene will be forgotteu how nervous—but Brnml v
In prayer. Gladly would Constance created a tidal wave which did great
It chntuvd Just then that an eman­
a philosopher, ami at present he wils and Enid have sunk on their knees and damage to th«- Scilly teles and the
a hi'iny sea," »lie wvut on.
"Just an ordinary bail night," lie said most tnken up with wonderment nt the la-sought the Muster of the winds to beadlands of the south <«»ast. yet spent cipated wave embrace«! the granite col­
curious blend of cin'miistan«'«»» wlilcb spare them and those at sea. But Itself somewhere in the North sea. umn. hit the rornice an«l deluged th»
“!>«» the waves reach far up the light- result«"«! In their presence on the rock Brand, believing that a catastrophe Dwellers In Inlami cities were amazed lantern. Its dis Integra ted mass striking
the glass with force enough to break night
house lu a gale?" »be jH-ralaled.
was Imiuiuent. decided that In order aud Incredulous when the newspapers
Ha! A tremor shook the great pillar, to save Hie girls' Ilves ho muat neither spoke of Its extraordinary violeuce. A iwy ordinary window. Tte astounded
'1 lieu Braud gnuped the situation
lie hcnnl wltlioot the frenzl«"»! shriek alarm them nor lose au unnecessary truth Is bartier to swallow than a He gtrte rould not refuse the evidence of
ey«w am! ear«. Here was the frantic
“So that your ahimliers may !>e of the first repulsed roller which flung lustant.
all the time.
peaceful." he Mild. "1 will call your
Fp clattered Enhl with the steaming see. leaping to a height of 140 feet nnd
T«» desert the light—Hint was imix>s
kind attention to the fact that lite Would the girls sleep through the next slble |>er»oiiiilly. If given the least beverage. Constance, the lantern bear­ more, yet their father was treating tb»
Gulf Ikx-k light has appeared every few h«nir«? I*«»«s!bly, If awake, they warning be wouhl spring toward the er. providing the rear guard.
incident as she merriest joke of many
nli'lit during th«* past twenty-tlve wouhl attribute the vibration of the Iron rail that curved by the side of the
"I do believe It is blowing worse than a month.
years, or »ini'e a date some four years column ti t!w wind, lie truste«! It stairs to the service room and take his ever." saitl Enid, striving desperately
No better cure for their hysteria could
l»«fore you were horu. t on«tance. It might !»■ so. Flint In as they were, chance; otherwise lie wouhl go with to l>e unconcerned. In reality the an­ be rontrived. Brand was obviously not
mntalu» 4,000 ton« of graulte and Is they ««mid mW distinguish «»nnds. Ev­ the lamp. There was no other alterna­ gry wind was n<» longer able to behead acting. The hearty pulsations of laugh­
practically inouolllhlc. ■« If it were erything to tliein would he a ««infused tive; the girls must leave him at ouce. the waves. With a rising tide and the ter had restored Ills ruddy color. Evi­
carved out of a quarry. lndr«e«!, I hum. with an occasional «hirer aa the
The laugh with which ho greeted gale assisting there would soon be a dently they were alarmed about noth­
think 11« bulliler went otic better Hum granite braced Its mighty heart to re­ their appearance gave him time to sea worthy of Turner In hl, maddest ing.
nature. Here are no «Tack« or Assures sist the em-my.
"Here. Enid, drink your parting cup!”
But what new note wns this In the
or undetected flaws. Tlie lowest course
"Good gracious, dad," cried Con- he cried. “Have no fear. It Is only
"1 ought to scold you. but I won't."
1» l»olt«il to the n»ck with wrought outer chaos? An orvllnary gale shod- he cried. "Are you plucky enough to otance. "bow pale you are! And you« th« docban Juris oefore many another
Iron clamps. Every »tone Is dove- derod and whistled and chanted Its descenil to the kitchen aud make three forehead Is wet. What have you been feast."
tnll««l to Its neighbor« and clsapix! to way past the lantern In varying tones. nice cups of cocoa?"
Feeling somewhat ashamed of them­
them with Iron, iilsive. Iielow mid at It «aux. It plp««l. It liellowed. It play­
Brand hastily mopped bis face with selves, though smiling very wistfully,
Just think what It cost him to speak
tlie shies. If you understand coulc sec­ ed on giant roods ami ernslied with In tills bantering way. careless of a handkerchief
they obeyed him. He sipped bls cocoa
tions I coil!«! make clearer file »elen- cymbal». Now he louked at the clock, words, though each additional syllable
"During some of the heavy gusts." with real nonchalance. Another wave
tlflc aspect of the structure, but you after midnight - there was a sustained might menu death to all throe.
he explain««!, "I was compelled to turtied a somersault over the lantern.
can tak«« It from me you are far safer screech lu the voice of the tempest
His request had the exact effect he stand on the trimming stage. And—the Bran«!’« only anxiety was to blow irt
here than on a natural rock many which he <lld not remetnlier liavlng calculated. For once Constance was micrometer valve retjulred adjust­ the steaming liquid and cool it suffi­
time« the dimensions of this co I uumi ." heanl before At last the explanation deceived and looked her surprise ment."
"That »omuls very satisfactory," dawueil on him. The liurricune was Enid, more volatile, smiled through
She eye I him narrowly. The margin
Yet was he watching them and ham­
muminrHl Enid, sleepily.
mering out the right course to adopt.
there, a few feet awny, shut off from her tears. So It wns not quite as l»a«l of suspicion was wider.
"I am overwb<«lni«xl." «aid Constance, him by tuero sheets of glass. Tlie as they imagined, this gale. Their fa­
"There Is nothing else wrong?" she n«‘ nl no understoiid thnt to the novice
who grasped the essentia! fact that lie lighthouse thrust its tall »haft iuto ther coaid never be so matter of fact asked.
the amazing ordeal from which th»
had not answered her question.
He approached and ki«se«1 her ear.
lighthouse bad stt<««’ssful!y emerged
this merciless tornado with grim stead­ in th«- face of real peril to all of them.
Roon nftor !• o'clock he kls«<*d them fastness, ami around Its smooth «wo- Cocoa!
Fan«? a man giving his
"Since when «lid my little girl begin was ns naught compared wi'h the
good night. They promised not to s)t tours |smr<«l a volume of unearthly thoughts to cocoa while they were ex­ to doubt me?” he said quietly.
thunderous blows of the waves, the
up talking. As a guarantee of good be­ melody which seemed to surge up from pecting th," lighthouse to be hurled Into
Her eye« fili««|. Even the hint of a sstoui; hng rever’-eraHows of the hollow
havior. Enhl snlil slu> would ring tlie
reproatli from him was intolerable. pillar. th<> continuous deluge of spray
the broad base nml was flung off Into the English channel!
eliM'trlc bell Just liefore »lie «-litnl>*'«l the darkness by tlie outer sweep of the
He turned again to manipulate th» For the life of her she could no longer striking the lantern, which the infurt-
Into her bunk.
brass screws.
control the flood of terror which welled nt««l sea would Inflict on them.
Tlie signa! camo soon and he was
"Now, do rot stand there shivering." up beyond restraint.
To urge any further effo-t to sl«x»p
glut!. He trusted to tin’ fatigue, the
he said, "nut harden your hearts and
"Forgive me, dad," she murmured, was folly. They must remain with him
fri'sli air, the confidence of the knowl­
go t'se the oil stove. By the time It "but I thought, aud I still think, that ami be romforted.
edge that ho was on guard, to lull hour. Not during all bls s<>rvlec * >r Is ready"—
Being reasonable girls, of fine spirit
w» were and are In a (»osition of the
them Into th<> security of unconsclous- In «"iirller travels through dlsfirot nils
"Shivering, indeed!”
utmost peril. I can't help knowing under conditions less benumbing. It
Constance, of tlie viking breed, wou I q that it is high water nbout 2 o’clock. wns better that they should grasp the
The liehnvlor of Hie mercury puzzled fury. He thought lie heard something
him a»"» that he had no mono|»oly of It 1« tiow only a quarter to 1. Tlie facts necurutely. They would b» timid,
him. In the barometer It fell. In the crack overhead. He looked aloft. Imt
worst Is not over. Do you think I can
thermometer It rose. Increasing tem­ all seemed well. N »t until next «lay the family motto, "AUtleo.” She, too, not reml your dear fare! Dad, if there of course. Just us people are timid dur­
ing their first attempt to walk 'twixt
perature combined with low pressure
"l>own you go, Enldf she cried. Is danger don't send us away again.”
rock and cataract nt the falls of Niag­
was not a heulthy weather combina­ been cntrled away, a wrought Iron
ara, Vut they would have confidence in
tion In Jandary. Looking back through shank nearly two Inches thick having
He looke«l ovvr lii»# shoulder and white cheeks. Enid, holding the tray their guide aud eudure the surrouudiug
the record« of several yours, he dis­ •implied like a piece of worstisl nt the
covered a similar sot of coodltiona one place where the tempest hnd found a «nught Ills dnughter glancing at him outburst from her proud and self re­ pandemonium.
from the well of the stairs.
"Here's to you. Hold. Still we live,"
day In March. lMIH. He was stationed fault.
“Bad night!" he shouted cheerfully, liant sister, set It down on the writing he cried, and drained bis cup.
He trl««l to look out Into the heart
then on the northeast coast an«l falleil
desk with a crash.
to rementlsT any remiirkable clrcum- of the gale. The ulr was full of fly-
"Oh, dear." she walled. "I donUtwant
[TO ■« COSTl.srTO.l
ins foam, l«t ths sea was beatvu flat. | second time.
any cocoa If we're gug-gug-golng to be
ill J 1
Marble and Granite Monuments •
: Fred D. Flora, :