Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, December 14, 1906, Image 1

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M MtaÿJ •
By, . 1
NO. 50.
■ nd building • large eelWAilbouae In hli
«Olitesi our »fate miater in offnfing 11«,
Neat mouth will I m * oar last vliaru*e to
' •
Lecturer Outlines the Year’s Juvenllle Grange Christmas Program.
Work—Urges Mem-
Christina« game, let each child bring
an inexpensive article wrapped in )*i*»r
Iters to Help.
place Illese in a l*ox or upon a table,
Gmham Grange, 270, held It regular and let each In turn draw out one, then
let sii «il in a rirete and o|*en the par­
meeting I tec. H. with an average attend­
cels al the Mine time and make merry
ance After the usual line of busin*-»«, over their chance fitta. Pearl Ruegg,
the following officers were elected for Lecturer.
tbe ensuing year.
Worthy Master, J. F. Roberta; Over­
seer, A. WUkinmin; Lecturer, Husie
Ru**gg; Cl »plslu,
Marie Dinger;
Emu» Metager; Assistant Steward,
Cecil Metager; Gate Keeiwr, J. W.
HliattiK-k; Treasurer, G. W. Hleret;
Pomona, Anna Gibb»; C«re». Kale Wig»-
ler; Flora, Mrs. Merrill 1 l-ariy A»»i»tant
Steward, Mrs. George Hleret; Fianuigt,
Ml»» Elfie Jtobert». .Mr». J. W. Shat­
tuck waa elected installing officer.
Center Association Meets.
The Center Addition Progreraive A««o-
elation met laat Monday evening in
«IMwial B»«iion, and the subject under!
diacuMhm waa the wideniug of
Ltle J. H. Douqldss an Active Citizen.
avenue, there waa a large turnout of
Janiea II. Itonvlaaa, one of the boat
pro|*erty-ownera in Center a» well a« a known settler« of Multnomah county,
number from Montavilla. A great deal died at Ilia home in Pleasant Home
of discussion waa engaged in, nearly November 2Hth at the age of forty one
everyone present having aomelhing to year«.
He waa born on the old home place
H|>erial Installation program as fol­ M.v, and with only oneor two exception»,
low»: Hong by th« Orang*-, installation , all expriaaad themselves in favor of an of bur lather and grandtather near
of officer», with addre»»»-» by retiring eighty-!*»*» »tree». It has been very Troutdate. II«-lived there ewwpt four
inaater ami each of the newly in»tall«d hard for the people who own property on year» that he reaided in Troutdale and
office«, firing by th« («rang**, Belget the avenue wlere it rune through! a year ago uiove*| to I'h-aaaut Home
reading, Mr». Merrill , F.»»ay. Tbe future (tenter addition V* accept tlie widening where the family now resi*ie engaged in
of Agriculture, Theo. Brugger; Helacl of tin* street, »» a great deal of ilamage the general merchan<!i«e busine»».
In HW9 he «>n married to Mi»» Emma
reading, Mr». Ruth Roberta; addrea», 1 would lie uanaed in that »ection among
What can be done In tlie long Winter i the »mailer bolder» by taking from them 1 Meaerve, a member of the Meaerve
evening« on the farm, Timothy Blown- . the ncceraary twenty feet, but they fully , Family Band. He alao leave« two child­
hill; v*a*al sob, .Mr«. E. E. Hleret ;pa|wr, ' realixe the great benifite that Would ren, Harlow and Irene, who will iiiiax
H**w different nation« celebrate the accrue, and they have, al moat to a hia loving hand to guide them.
Hie only brotiier, George Itougla»»
New Year, Marie Huger; recitation, man, fallen into line. No action was
Mr». Olive Shattuck ; vocal solo, Mr». taken except to indorse the revolution *>f Sacramento California, waa with him
. I ba». Gedanke; Roil call on, The I m » i > pawed by the aaaociali<ui at a previous U> comfort bint in bia laat <iaya.
Ihiring hia three year» of sickness he
| meeting, to the effect that Villa avenue
feature« of the Grange.
I I m * opened from the eastern city bounu- anent one year in Arizona anal the next
Our newly elected master believe« in
at tbe Open Air Sanitarium near Port­
promptnee» and requeateil me to notify a v westward to Gran* I avenue.
Whitney I.. Bota**, John F. Cordray land. He lias I hm - ii a patient sufferer
all tbe member» to be on time at next
meeting and ««pecially tbeollicer« to lie and other» were present on behalf of the and always looked on the blight aide
inatalled. The progressive mark for ! new east »ide theatre and a.ked that a of every thing.
tin* Grange is attendance ami as the
lecturer 1» reaponaible for that mark I
urge i-acti member to turn over a fr-w
leaf on the New Year ami attend the
Grange, <’*»im- and learn of th*- great
dairying aee u to I m * in the mtjority,
■mi Ultimately for Western Oregon
e»|«cially, it aeema trie gem rally nn-
deratood that in thia particular'Section
the dairyman has gr.en (nature th«
Opening Ways of Getting in year around.
Coat of living expenses ia asked in
Touch With Prospect­
many letter», climatic condition« form
the chief note of other». There are
ive Settlers.
11 lose who want to engage in bee-keeping,
who wish to raiae poultry. Angora
(Bplrlai Correfipondetxe.)
goat», cattle and »beep all receive their
PORTLAND, ORE., Dec. 10, 190« —
»hare of attention. Fruit growing ia, of
Fifty dollars per week in ;*oetage gives
Funeral aervicea ware held In the
course, a »object of special prominence
eome idea of tlie enormous joint
in many letter», bnt remarkable a» it
Methodist church at Plearant Home at
correspondence of the Oregon Develop­
may appear, while a majori ty of the
2. p. m. tairial took place in the iMmglaae
ment League aud Portland commercial
letter»come from wheat growing dis­
cemetery near Troutdale Novetu her 30th.
trict», vtry few, if any of the writer»,
The pn-sent interest in Oregon pa*oiea
a»k regarding thia important cereal.
all precedents and tbe inquiry exceed»
Gresham’s Souvenir Cook Book.
The Oregon Development League,
by at least one hundred per cent tiiat of
through it» central office at Portland,
Tbe souvenir cook book for which
the I^iwis and Clark Exposition period.
haa placed in the band« of tin: sixty-two
receipt have been gathered by the
Tbe above refers only to the corre«-
organization» forming it» member-ship,
Woman'« Guild of the Baptist church,
. .
. ’ nomienceccnducted by Turn Richardson,
Gresnam, baa just been iaaued
■1 fro.n
,r”'n th'
"r' B|„l (or several weeks past each and an opportunity to get directly in touch
pre»« of ili« Heaver State 11____
* * ____
every one of the sixty-two commercial with people already enough interested
in Oregon to have written letter» »»king
will bo on rale at the Gresham Drug
bodies throughout Oregon which cum-
about ‘ Tire Beaver State,” and tin«
«tore, Post < Iflice store, and F. B. Stuart
poee tite Oregon Development League
opportunity should be improved by each
. A Co. Thia volume of one hundred
. have been furnished with the names
and every community, for when a
page«, 7x10 is printed on fine book
and addresses of enquirer» sufficient to
farmer’« iuterest in anv portion of the
I«ber with blank leave» between each
, keep » we|l equipj-ed. ^office busy in
section for uutea and a few p-*grfV~
I country ia sufficiint inducement for him
-4o**>eniinaiing inforrnstion about tbe
: to write a letter it »ho»» he pretty much
sehet and appropriate advertisement. [
differeut portions of the state.
j in earned. He ahould nut be allowed
The price ia 50 cent«. Thia book will
These euquirie» are chiefly confined to
to forget Oregon and 11» -pwtai advan­
make an appropriate Chriatmaa present.
four language», and while those using
tages until he become« a resident of thia
English in their correspondence predom-
district Mid better grade for road«. lie
never gave up till be luul the rural mail
route wla 1 >iiabed at Trouble!«.
Mr. Douglaea waa aflertiooately cal ted
“Peanut Jim" by all of hta young gentle­
man friend« white in th« dorr.
lie waa ala*> known for hte beautiful
tenor voice. Ha waa confined to hi«
bed for 0ve week« and waa i>re|iared for
the time which he reelized would ba
very abort he waa •Iso a follower of
Mr. Itouglass waa clerk and school
' committee of three lie appointed to meet
! w itli like committee» from the East Side director for fourteen successive year» till
■ Improvement Association an*i other hia health failed.
A great part of hia life waa »i*eat in
»■«■elation» ami push the project, which
th« upbnkliirg of our country as locating
lllustrated Lectnre and Moving Pictures **»’*■ th«e
Germans, »w«de«
It is during the winter month» that
the farmer« of tbe entire Mississippi
Valley, especially tliesection represented
in the states mentioned above, do their
greatest amount of reading, and they
ought to be given a chance to learn all
about this state. The foundation of an
active <am|*aign by any commercial
burly is first of all to determine who
■hall be written to fur beat results. Thia
question ia answered amply by tbe iiata
turutefied by the Oregon Lfevclopmeut
League. Never waa »0 splendid and
includes the Mississippi Valley and economical an opportunity presente«! be­
embrace» all tbe territory between the fore lor every community to advance ita
Rockies aud the Allegheny Mountains, in teres la.
Every subject ia touched upon iulbe«:
Subscribe for The Herald
oommunications, but those relative to
and Poles writing lor information, aud
One of the taut and most interesting _
ap ! will be supplied.
entertainments will lie given by the' The Oregon Development League has I
Weister Artist company oí Portland in been doing some very extensive adver­
tbe Grange hall on next Monday even­ tising throughout tbe lfakota«, Minn-
ing December 17th. The SanFrancisco e*ota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, >
dteaater will I m * rhown with the n.oat Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, .
superb eter*option and moving picture Indian Territory, Oklahoma, Indiana |
scenery. Everybody should witness and Ohio.
Naturally, tlie n.nge of
this grand entertainment. Funds for enquiries covers almost «very (»art of the
the beuifit of tlie M. E. church. Tickets
United States, but tlie great majority of
10 cents fur all bublic school children.
' them are coming from what is known as
Allulla 25 cents.
. I the “Middle West,” that ngiou which
The committee on Christmas exercises
for the M. E. Sunday school are arrang- >
ing a program to I m * given Sunday Dec- I
eiubei 23rd at the tune of th« Sunday 1
«¿bool fionr
To Intending Purchasers of Holiday Goods Exceptional Bargains Are Offered
For the coming Holidays I intend carrying a large and complete stock of Holiday Goods mostly in staples with a variety of
TOYS and the usual HOLIDAY GOODS, I ask you all to come and inspect the FINE STOCK and LOW PRICES
and if I can sell you the same quality of goods at a considerably reduced price from what you can get the same goods else-
We have a full line of silverware, including knives, forks
We have on display at this time a good variety of staple goods
A very fine line of men’s suspenders in individual boxes,
spoons and individual pieces.
such as linen handkerchiefs in plain and lace, cotton handker­ the finest present that a man can receive and we want to know
chiefs in plain and lace and cotton in initial comers, silk in plain that ever man has a pair of these for his Christmas.
and initial.
Large Display of Rockers
Men's Women’s and Children's Gaps
Woolen Mufflers
We also have an elegant line ef silk and woolen mufflers.
I will put on display a large assortment of fine rockers for the holidays at
closing out prices, come au<i take di van tage of offerings.
We have a complete line of men’s women’s and children’s
caps that are very appropriate for the Holiday season.
We have a large and endless line of neckwear all the seasons
In our crockery and glassware department we are showing
latest at prices tnat are very attractive.
some exceptionally fine values of dinner sets, salad sets, glass
Our line of neckwear for men is up-to-date and prices that are sets, toilet sets, cups and saucers, shaving mugs, children’s
within the reach of all.
mush sets, salt and peper shakers, individual plates, cake
plates, an elegant line of jardiners at all prices and an endless
varity of brica-bracs and everything that has a place and con­
stant use every day in the year.
We have a fine line of Ladies* purses and hand bags in all
prices and verities.
Ladies’ Purses
Gloves and Mittens
I will show a very fine line of clocks in a variety of shapes,
Men’s, women’s and children’s woolen gloves and mittens also a very suitable present present for any one whether young or
in kid mochas.
Dealer in Goods of Quality”
Children’s Toys
In onr toy department we have everything for the children mechanical toy»,
toy look», toy lank», toy diehea ond game« galore. Santa Clans tines our store
for hi» headquarter» aud ia surely leaving the children of Gresham their share
of holiday goods.
We have a complete line of Jewelry,
Staple Groceries
Do not forget white we ire devoting time and space to onr holiday goods that
we are not losiug siget of the staple, our stock is the most complete of any in
Multnomah County outside of Aortland and you can get your want supplied in
this line.
I have just received 5 cars of feed and the price is advancing steadily.
can save you moneyL