Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, December 07, 1906, Image 6

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. i,.
“The Store that Beats ’em All”
We buy direct from the miils. This enables us to give you
a better quality of Feed for less money than you will have to
pay elsewhere.
Shorts, •
Olympic Flour,
Tomatoes, Corn and Peas,
Pioneer Cream,
Arm & Hammer Soda, .
20 lbs. Granulated Sugar,
8 bars Golden Star Soap,
per sack,
per bbl. $3.95
3 cans (or 25c
4 for 25c
Remember, we carry a full line of the famous
complete Line of Dry foods. Hosiery, Furnishings, Etc.
«-.J —
Bring your VEAL,
PORK, chickens , hides , eggs , bi tter
R. E. Jarl,
The Store of QUALITY as well as QUANTITY
staying for a few weeks with her cousin
Mrs. E. O. Rickert.
Ruth and Eva Jackson of Cleone
spent Thanksgiving with their grand­
mother, Mrs. Anna Perkins.
W. L. Gould an old timer of this place
who has been living in Idaho for several
"T [The following item« were left over from years |*u»t has returned with his family
last week.—E».J
to make his future home in Oregon.
A number of our young people attend­
Mr. Gould's brother-in-law, O. E.
ed the basket social at Springdale un Nix also come west to try onr climate.
Saturday evening.
We are glad to report that the sick in
our neighborhood are getting better.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Cameron of Trout­
Mr. an<i Mrs. A. Floss spent Monday
dale spent Satuntay and Sunday with and Tuesday in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Ogden.
Lewis L. Reed spent several days this
B. Wallace and Len Cameron of Trout­ week at Silverton.
dale called on friends beie Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. I.ittl-fiig»* spent
Miss Lucy Mershon is visiting hqr Wednesday and Thurday in Portland.
brother, L. Mendion, and wife in Fair­
Columbia Grange neld their monthly
meeting Saturday and elected officers.
Geo. Larson has gone to Portland to
Mr. Hewson and his men were at
work. He will lie missed by his friends
Summit several davs last week.
Miss Edith Smith sfient her Thanks­
Our teacher is attending institute this
vacation at home.
week. Vacation all week.
Soule preached at Corpett school
Wm. Henkle is hauling potatoes to
Friends in Gresham, Fairview and
Troutdale of Miss Rosa Baker, late of
Walla Walla, will be sorry to learn that
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Creswell ami
she died very suddenly of heart failure
on the “th of Nov. Miss Baker lived in family were visiting friends in Troutdale
each of the above named places for a Sunday.
while and was liked by all who knew
Quite a niimler attended James
Douglas's funeral Friday.
Mrs. Thumwav and daughter May.
visited Mrs. Ed. Hamilton recently.
Mrs. G. Mortton and children have
Roland Quesinberry met with an returned after a two weeks visit with
accident on Faiday, falling onto a sharp her parents at Arleta.
knot, making an ugly wound.
Our school teacher Miss Ruby Goulet
Floyd Lovelace, who was accidently has returned to her school after a weeks
shot on Thanksgiving day, is doing vacation.
nicely under the care of Dr. Atwood.
Ma* Davis was a caller at Ed. Hamil­
The dance given by Lady Macalieeson ton’s Sunday.
Thanksgiving night was a success.
Mr. Stiack is helping Theodore Nei-
Chicken thieves was seen and heard bauer dig potatoes.
around the coo|« of Mrs. M. Grimshaw
The ladies home mission l»azaar and
and Mrs. A. II. Bellon Wednesday even­ Thanksgiving fair at the W. O. W.
ing. Some one no doubt was looking ball, Orient was a financial success the
for a Thanksgiving dinner.
preceeds being (72.82.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Grimshaw took
We think the new story started in the
dinner with Mr. and Mas. Bolton on Herald will prove to lie a very interest­
ing one.
Alfred Hamilton was the lucky one in
the writing of a story contest, their
Miss Kate .Johnson of Portland spent teacher made it an object for her
Sunday with her mother, Mrs. A. F. scholars to work by offering a prize for
the best story. Alfred received a fine
Johnson, of this place.
Miss Mary Perkins a teacher in the book of which he is very proud.
Rhorer school of Portland s,>ent a few
flays, including Thanksgiving, with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Perkins.
Ole Westland who lost bis house and
Mrs. Vdy and her daughter of Egypt , barn by fire last Spring, has rebuilt and
made a business trip to this place last
improved his place wonderfully.
Burkholder and Gebhardt have started
Misses Mary and Rte Perkins visited |
their null np again and are nr w logging
Mr». Kate Rickert last Friday.
Mr. Butler's timber.
There was a surprise given to Miss
The first snow of the season has fallen
Connie Emily Saturday evening. Miss
here giving the ground a white coat.
Emily has l»een staying in Montarilla
Mr.Taylor’s brother-in-law, Mr. Daw­
taking music lessons.
son, with his two children paid them a
Ail telephone lines including the Hood short visit I*fore going to The Dalles
River line has been badly mixed up at
where he expects to spend the winter
the switch board for nearly a week.
leaving his children in care of Mrs.
Miss Annie Hansen of Portland is Tavlor.
Largest Miscellaneous Stock of Books in Portland
229-231 Yamhill St. (bet. First and Second),
Some «now on the gruund this morning
Imt going off (a*t, *ud tumiug into a
Coyote* have been catching J.
Henry Helm killed a fine lieef
dav, and is going to corn it down for u«e
this winter.
C. Mmsinger came up yvstenlay to
see hi* farm that Geo. Baldwin ia run­
ning. George I* digging potato«*. He
say* most of them are a* lung a* stick*
of stove woiui.
Henry Aschoff stuck a pitchfork in
hi* f»a>t yewterdav causing * painful
Otto Aschoff made 3lM> rail* veslrr-
day, but no wonder for he had a pretty
young tally helping hint.
Tracy Vanderlnail is visiting hi* broth­
er, Gilbert.
Frank Langrensami i* up having hi*
•puds dug ami hou«e»l.
Tom Berl« is preparing to move to
Eagle Creek, having traded bis farm
here for one there.
Clackamas County
» !
<1 I. K A N ! N <î H
Martin Mikkelaen haa purchased a
new top buggy.
On December 10th it will be one year since
Work i« rapidly |>rogre««ii>g on the
possession of our store here.
new plank road trout lhmahue'a mill tu
We have had a happy and prosperous year and will
Mr*. Clara McAnley arrived la«t Wed­
as heretofore to show our appreciation of the lib­
nesday from California and is visiting
eral patronage accorded us by doing an open-faced busi­
her mother, Mra. Bmdall, and other
relatives and triend*.
ness and by earnestly endeavoring to ment the goodwill
Mi*. Max Kligel, Mr*. Sin.tall, Mr*.
and confidence of this and the surrounding communities.
Clara McAnley and Aiiuit and Marie
Kligel visited Mrs. R. Jonarud Sunday
afternoon. The lime wa* pleasantly
spent with music and singing.
Thanksgiving exercisee wire rendered
at tlie school Wednesday afternoou.
The pleasant and welt-equipped school*
We are going to give away free of charge a 125 automat­
room was prettily decorated for the
ic drop-head sewing machine to the person who guesses
occasion. A good program was rendered,
nearest the amount of money in a glass jar which we will
Prise*, consisting of two squashes
have on exhibition at our store December 10th to 22d. One
were given to the two liesl speakers in
guess with every |1 purchase — except feed. Feed is ex­
the primary and advanced
cepted in order to save time.
Keep a Puttin’!
respectively. In the former John i
“F.f the this is running strong, keep a Maronay won the first prise and in the i
latter btalla Jonarud.
F.f the wind is blowing stroug, keep
a pullin'!
’Taint no use to cuss an' swear—
It is reported that Mr. Ridderbiuh
Wastes vuur breath to rip an’ tear—
Toys for the Children
Presents for the Whole Family
Ef it rain* or ef it's fair, keep a pullin'! has sold hi* timber to W. A. Proctor.
till» Hoffman attended the »lance at
"Though it's Winter or it's May, keep
Vanderlioof'* Saturday night.
a pullin' 1
NLXT* ¿fe
Sandy, Ore.
Ef you're in the ring to stay, keep
Goa* Stukki of Jobnarud'a mill visited
a pullin' 1
at Sandy Sutulav.
'Though you can't see e'en a ray,
L. A. Wrenn of Welches was seen on
Hnn is Inarm I to shiwe some day,
I <wir streets last week
Got to come'fore long your way, keep
It is said that the O. W. P. Ry. Co.
a pullin'!
will build a spur to Sandy P. O. next
“When you’re sick an' tire«! too,
a pullin’!
Frank Feth formerly of llii« place
Never ’low you’re feelin’ blue, keep
hands with fiiends here Bunday.
a pullin’!
Mr. Fetb spent the latter |*art of tho
Ain't no go»sl in blamin' tate—
’Cause you're working hard an’ late, summer ami fall in Eastern Waahlng«
Better say you feel first rate, an’ keep ton.
Cha*. E. Lewis went U) Grrtbam
a pullin' I
lo nome buaiuvM
“Fish don't bite just for the wisl in’ Monday to attend
keep a |»ullin’!
It i* reported that J. H. Alexander of
Change your l»ait an’ keep on Hahin'
Bull Run haa sold hi* place to some
keep a pullin' 1
parties from Portlaml.
Luck ain't nailed to snv »]«>t,
Miss Florence McElroy who speol her
Men you envy like as not
Envy you your job an’ lot! Keep Thanksgiving vacation with her parents
at this place departed for Portland
a pullin'!
< t1
Sympathy is just a fake, keep
Wm. Harding of Aims w aft a Sandy O
a pullin’!
No one feels it when you ache,
visitor Sunday.
< F
The Famous Sandy Hostelry “
keep a pullin'!
Miss Conning of Kelso visited witb < •
Under new management.
Pay« ! >
Only this is worth 'erwhile.
the Misses McElroy Satunlav.
< »
Ami you’ll fiml it helps a pile—
and i >
Win. O'Rugh of Cherryville visited at
When the win»! blows hard, just «mil*, Sandy Sunday.
transient trade................................
j |
an’ keep a pullin'!
Meals for Automobile Parties 3
The dance at Jinkin’* hall Thanksgiv­
“Ef your runners strike bare ground, ing eve was a sneer*** the spacious hr.ll
Phone orders promptly attended ; ’
keep a pullin’!
was filled to its limit with a lively, jolly
CHAS. E LEWIS. Migr. to.
Clean beds.
Best of Home <►
Don't give up an' don't go 'round! crowd of »lancers.
Cooking. Prices Reasonable . . .
Keep a pullin'!
Ed. Burns made a trip to Estacaila
Wouldn't give a hoes his grain,
Sandy, Ore. Feed . Stable . in . Connection <>
Ef he wouhin't break his chain,
A survey for a new rail row» I is I »ring
Back up prompt an' pull again an’
mivle from Anderson to Sandy.
keep a pullin'!
« «i
Mr*. J. II. Hofiniftter was shopping in
Sjswe ver haven't got a cent, keep
T. P. lhinn has gone to l’ortlaml to
The skating rink ha« been well at­
Sandy Monday.
a pullin'!
work with his brother-in-law J. II. tended, fio pair of skates whirl around
Not a ie»l to ]>ay the rent! Keep
Clair* Coray came down from Id« Dixon,
the hall.
timber claim last week ami compli­
a pullin’!
M. C. Ikmahue lost a valuable I iotm
Miiweft Daily and I airy Jone« went to
mented uh on onr nice weather he «ay» a week ago.
Gettin’ ‘busted’ ain't no crime,
Portland thia week.
Gurry mighty!—That’s the time
there is 3 inches of snow at his place.
R. Gocts haa moved Ida family here
Paul Dunn is building a around hi«
Grit will make a man sublime, keep
Wm. Robbins came down from Ids pasture.
to make thia their hoiucdaring hi« terns
a pullin’!
homesteail Monday to haul in a I» mu 1 of
at the Orient acliOol.
“Can’t fetch business with a whine, I suvplies.
W. Hillyard ia «lowly recovering front
keep a pullin'!
B. F. Hart i« busy hauling feed to
a severe «ick «|a*ll.
Grin an' swear you’re feelin’
fatten cattle for his butcher busineas,
Max Davi* will le*>l Christian En­
Rev. Crandall pr»melic<l a very interest­
an' keep a pullin'!
that's why Bennie sell« goes! meat.
deavor meeting next Sunday evening.
«ermon Sunday morning to a huge
Suminin' up, my brother, yon
John Gibbons was over from Bandy
Mr*. Markell ami Mr*. DeHaven made congregation.
Haint no other thing to do;
Ridge Bunday.
a friendly call on Mr« Loudc«l>ack last
P. IL Roork's mother ia visiting witla
Simply got to |>uil her through! So
Wm. Wai«]* transacted busine«« in Motxiay afternoou.
him and other relative«.
keep a pullin'!”
Sandy Monday.
E. E. Vanlieet look« rather lonesome*
Lekfi* Miller lias returned from The
—A. H. C., in Central
E. H. Sawtell came in from Dover Big Bend country to vi»it relatie* ami of late “What’s wrong Elmer?’’
Point Herald.
Monday. Mr. Sawtell say* the roads i friend«.
Mr. Ihillavcn haa lawn quite ill of
our fierce in his neighborhood.
A birthday gathering *»» lielil at the lute.
Mis* May Bhumway visited friends i home of H. J. Maxwell, in honor of
Sell Your
The Pleasant Home Methodiat churcla
Mr*. Maxwell's liirtlxlay. Old friends
here Monday.
held it« regular choir practise Saturday
Matt Zogg of Barton was a Bandy­ and relatives were preaent ami enjoy»*»! evening.
a sphmdxl time.
visitor Sunday.
Mr«. D. D. .lack ia visiting her sister
The Methisliftt Misson gave a fiix* in Willamette Valley thia week.
G. T. Beeler and wife of Marmot
— to
dinner ami fair at the W. O. W. hull
visitor! at Eagle Creek last week.
II. G. Lake, and family, spent Thanks­
", A
Peter Hei»l of Handy Ims *ol»l his place Thursday and Thursday
VETSCH & SONS, ; to Portlaml parties who will build a large crowd was present ami evening,
enjoyed it giving with Mrs. Lake'« mother in
Boring, Oregon
Hanatarium at that point.
W. E. Markell’s father and mother
It aeema to me t they’ve ha»l things
We put on wagons. Write for ¡
[ slightly twisted alsmt our school. There , are visiting him.
Alvah Lou»lerl*u*k, who 1« attending
is at present about 130 enrolled. Mr
Goetx, Miss Smith, Miss Wilson aixl the llolmea huainc«« college in Portland,
The Cottrell «cliool gave an entertain- Mrs. Lake lire onr 4 learners, and allow ia a frequent visitor at Pleasant Home.
I have at my place near Hurlburt,one ment at the eeboolbouM Monday night lne mention we haye two janitor*.
Helmer Johnenn and Myrtle Maxwell
Do you like to read? You will
red two-yesr-old bull and one «|»ottnd Nov. 2«. All report • good time.
Win. Hudson is r»x»fing the new shed atten»i Christian Etxieavor Sunday i be sure to like "The Pillar of
heifer two years old. Owner« call and
pay for advertising. M. D. Johnson, of hi* liarn. He was on the sick !|at Sat- njght.
urday and Stnxlay.
, —-------------------------------------------»-
Troutdale, Ore. R. F. D. No. 2.
M. C. Donahue’s mill crew* are plunk- j J
FOR SALE OR TRADE.—A «pan of ing the road to Kelso.
unbroken 3 year-old colta and a fine
Newton Hedin lea»i the Christian En­
fi year old driving mare will trade for deavor at Cottrell last Sunday. A large
cow». Enquire. Paul Dunn. Cottrell, crowd wa* present.
May and Mary Bowers and Miss Min­
We are busier every day, selling the best of everything
nie Harrison were present at the skating
Jo be had for the least money.
rink at Orient Inst Friday night.
Let>us quote you prices on good things to eat or wear
Asa Smith and Fre»i Radford were < F
hauling lumber for their new bouses i
last week.
Arthur Smith who attends school in
Portland was home on a visit last week.
Miss Dorcas Hedin was hone on a visit
last week, during vacation,
A. D. Edwaads, our supervisor, with
of men has been working on the
road near Cottrell.
Miss Georgia (Donahue visited her
---------------- — - . ,
7..t..».«Ma«aa >a aaaa aaaaa aaawam....A.^.fTTrît(t)t»
parents recently.
Free I Free 11
Christmas Goods
H ote I
♦ ♦
Flour, Hay, Barley. Bran, Shorts, Etc.
Books Bought, Sold and Exchanged.
School Supplies.
■ .........
Orland Zeek,
Pleasant Home.