7 I What People Say Concerning Our Bank. TROUTDALE JUST RECEIVED. ALL NEW G00D8. THIS YEARS CROP. 100 Casas Columbia Ton#lose, 100 Caaea Iowa Ball Canned Corn, Court Pioneer No. HOttS A, O. F. elect­ 25 Caaaa Blua Ribbon Paaa, ed officers for the ensuing year on last 25 Caaea Blue Ribbon Baana, M.ui'iav night as follows: C. W. Cooler, 100 lba. of Currant«, 8 oa. to 18 oa. package«, Chief Ranger; Aaron Fox Sub. Cheif « * a a 100 Iba. of Raiaina, " Ranger: J. M Short, Court Physician; Chas. Tenyeh Trees; Ray M «,re. Citron and Lenon Pealing in large qbantitiea, 300 lba. Soft Financial Hec.; E. C. Oil, R>v. Sec; English Walnuts, 100 lba. of Almonds, ■’ -• Shell . ............................. TABLE LINEN. ALL PATTBRN3. VERY LOW. P. Stilenco Sr. Woodard; F..- Holt Jr Coma in and share Mootlard; II. Vpneerhoof, Sr Beetle: in thia ail# with ua. Ma don't cut prices ........ _ _ _ _ but buy and aell II. Richardson, Jr. lhwtlv;C. I’. Brooks juot a# chsap for each at our neighbor. Dun Griffith and FjE. Harlow, Trustees. The »tore that eelle SUNFLOWER SHOES for style and wear. Tliey-wlli ta installed January n*|>ertv I* c < u-v they attend to the w hole transaction ami are equipp'd lor the i«u»ines-.” “Four per cent, oil »avails is all right." » J. M. SHORT. Pres. G. W. KENNEY, V-Pres. her mothar, Mrs. A. T. TillerowThanks­ giving. A. MEYERS, Cash’r C. W.Wilson was a Portland visitor this week. The First State Bank Miss E Woodard gave a Thanksgiving diuner to her freimls and relatives. OF OR1>IIAM. QREt.UN C. Wonleu was visiting his boy freiml« here Sunday. Transacts a General Banking Business, Loans Money on Good Security, Sells Drafts and Travelers Checks. Duck hunters report good hunting , Suuday. x The work on the O. \V. P, extension is going on rapidly. They have recoived the machinery to make the couerete for enbergls old tarn, and will use the the new bridge. material to erect a tarn on his own Mrs. F Frommelt and daughter were place. Portland visitors last Wednesday. A. L, Stone has had a crew of Ja|>an- Geo. Renolda ami mother ot Grealiain ese digging his potatoes. were Troutdale visitors on business Campbell and McGaw an* having Monday. more buildings erected on their farm to The railroad has changed the time of shelter their livestock. the arrival of the train here, from 7 to J. O. Downing has jwen hauling brick 7. 45 for the new hotel. Mr. Keralake had quite an accident on Mrs. G. O. Dolph at.J children have Staggerweed mountain Thanksgiving returned from visiting their grandmother eve., U|*etting Ilia wagon and doing quite a little damage otherwise. Mrs. Perkin’s at Corbett. Available any place in the United Slate.» or any of the l-Mteign Countries Sell- Real Estate. <'a-dics Checks, S il« Steamship and Railwai Tickets, Buvs anr. Atwood’s care. The man was of their eon, C. C. Wilcox in Portland a Russian by birth and baa no relatives tne latter part of the week. in this country. Mrs. A. B. Moller wee a recent Port- At the last meeting of the Artisoft l ind visitor. lodge the following officers were elected ; Mrs. J. H. and Mias Hattie Strpleton Master, O. H. Jenkins; Superintendent. were visiting relatives in Portland the Mrs. C. G. Coupland; Inspector, T. H. latter part of the week, Crane; Secretary, Mrs.J.M. Ashcraft; Mrs. C. E. Cree and daughter have Treasurers Mrs. C. L. Axtell; Senior returned from Lincoln. Oregon. where Conductor, Mrs. Mary Crane; Master of they went to attend the funeral of Ceremonies, T. M. Stensland; Junior William Downing. Concuctor, W. W, Ashcraft; Organist, Mrs. Alma Hall, Miss Susie and Mrs. Mrs. Alice Whitney. Florence Robbins and son visited C. 8. Smith of the The Dalles, was relatives in Portland recently. t ansacting business here the first of the Mr. Evans, of the Chamtar of Com­ week. merce, Portland, has purchased William A large crowd gathered on Friday Townsend's residence on the corner of evening at Axtell ball to hear the De First and I>epot streets. Consideration Moss family “Lyric Bards” and were I15U0. highly pleased with them. C. C. Vaughns free real estate bus is Mrs. L. Hogarth of Woodlawn, Wash., seen quite often on the main roads. has been visiting her brother S. A. Mrs. D. 8. Dunbar who has l>een ill John of this place. in Portland for some time baa returned E. lleslin has been grading his yard to her home here. at his residence in the south part of town on Fairview road. J. O. Downing and wife made a trip Inteiliijence Of Goats. to Lincoln on Saturday to attend the Cecil Metzger, while out hunting re- funeral of Mr. Downing's grandfather, eently, found two goats in the brush William Downing. o ieof which had its ft caught in the John Heelin and wife visited their la-il strap leaving it unable to lielpiteelf, daughter, Mrs. Anne Heinv of Portland, the strep had sunk into the tiesli. and recently. c irnsed a tad sore, giving every evidence Mrs. A. L. Stone was a recent Port­ of the goat having been in that condition land visitor. for several weeks. the fidelity and intelligence of its Mrs. E. Jenkins of Portland was visit­ ing her parents here tne last of the female companion however was very evident from the fact that Cecil found week. Rev. W. T. Scott was a rec. nt Portland | her csrrving nu«s and leaves to her visitor. Mr Scott is just beginning I is companion who rhe had fed and ke|t 16th year as paster ot Smith Memorial alive during all the time of hie inability to feed himself. * church here. Mrs. H. Shaw, daughter Ruth snd son George, were guests of Mrs. Shaw’s son, L. Shaw, at Uremia a few days ago. i J. T. Tillion is tearing down A. Kron- TROUTDALE J. Hickey was a Troutdale visitor from Portland. J. Erickson ami family of Sell wool, were Troutdale visitors. Myrtle Erwin attended the dance here last week. Mrs. Cole an r first class woodsmen and mill- men. He also says that surveyors are w .>s>ng on the O. W. P. ext* nsiun from Anderson, •" ••••• ••irinîtv n< Cottrell. • ♦ ■ 11 Dairy Wisdom In Brief ♦— —* > In Kansas a progressive dairyman tested his herd of sixteen cows. He found eight were making good profits and the other eight were eating them up. The t>e»t way to Improve the text Is to better the cow. Every heifer raised from an unprofit­ able cow will make one more unprofit­ able cow. The dual purpose row may do for the average farmer, but the dairy farmer wants a profitable cow. Shivering on the warm side of n straw pile ami suffocating In a .lark, poorly ventilated stable are two ex­ tremes. Avoid both this winter.—Kim tail’s Dairy Parmer. Teach the children to lie enreful to close the doors ami gates, says the Fann Journal. A prize heifer calf was lost by the tarn door bring left open nnd the calf gaining uci’ess to the .-hop- ped grain, the fact not being known until too late to attempt saving It. Calves gr.w Into money about as fast as any kind of stock. You have got to keep them moving, though When a calf stops growing. It Is pretty apt to g> back first thing you know Backward things are what swamp the best of ua. The quarters for the cows should be put In order, so tlmt when the frosty nights and cold rains come the herd may have projier shelter. Cows ars more sensitive nnd susceptible to cold than most other anlmnls on nccounl of the double drain upon them. Be wise nnd do not lay the foundation fot <11 sense nnd loss by needless ex (»»sure. Any loss In this wny In the fall of ths yesr puts the nnlmnln In so much worse condition for wintering. The loss Is not only Immediate, hut Is felt all through the winter and causes an ex­ tra outlay to restore them to a profita­ ble condition. Do you sell butter? If so, get your butter papers at The Her­ ald office. MEAT MARKET Carries a full line of fRESH and CURED MEATS and SAUSAGES, at LOWEST PRICES “The Proof of the Pudding is in the eating” a trial will convince you of the fact. Troutdale, Ore G. N. Reynolds Prop ! Do you think it’s pleasant to wait around a blacksmith shop all day this cold, wet weather, waiting to have your work done ? Jim Latham at the old stand at Troutdale, Ore., Th. Rallag Pass to a. The dualist has much to fear. B’as though hl. wound may not ba great. Th. aurgeon who I. waiting near Is aur. to want to operate. —Washington Star. is prepared to do your work quickly and let you go on your way again. Our prices are right; you may have been told that they were high, but just ask your friends ♦ and our’s about that. Wo Fear of Ptrstos. ♦ HORSESHOEING : A : SPECIALTY Giggles— What do you think of my new Joke lr Iticutator and Chickens. a Write Bo* IS, Route 2, TROUTDALE, « OREGON PASTURAGE FOR HORSES ANO CATTLE! Best of Feed all the Gtenidder Firm, th- home of Mr. an 1 1 year. Good Win*nr I ’Hut* Mrs- D. W. M. Kay, was the scena of a | untge. Siu Iter. very pretty wedding Thursday November • < all <*n or wi lie ■JU, when tlicir onlv d.iuglitcr Janet 1 Elisabeth was tinted tn n.siringe to J. I. HKLKIN. ItrotlierluiiWciitworth Grant Portland ■ formerly >>( Newport, Rhode l-lnnd. TROUTDALE, ORE. Promptly at noon, the bilie citerai the tHirlor, accompanied by her father by whom she was given in marriage, the. Rev. Winfield T. Scott ot Fairv ew ' HORTICULTURAL EDUCATION. officiating. The bIH. IX TIKH THAI.K • tinsi in a dress of white Elyse« cloth A farmer or fruit i rower should b" with lace trimmings, and carried a love­ educated in hie calling, and then If ly bouquet of bride roses. After the ti-nal he has any Industry he is bound to be ROOMS ANO BOARD congratulations a bountiful diiin. r was successful. There can be no question COMMERCIAL TRAOE SOLICITED served. Mr. and Mrs. Grant take witli that (he lack of enterprise In farm- Im Is one of the great drawbacks to SalisfdclioR Guarailtid them to their home in Portland the beat the proKrvBs of agriculture or horti­ wishes of a large circle of freinde* Mrs. culture. hilt It Is not the greatest by I.(Mila Helming Prop. Grant, having always peen actively iden­ any means. The great clog to Im­ tified in the religious and social life of provement In farming and frul\, grow­ Maia Strati Trwttak Ora. the community will lie greatly missed ing la the lack of Imformatlon of that knowledge necessary to skillful and by all her young aae-aiates. Mr. and . well directed labor. Every spare mo­ .Mrs. J. W. Melrath, Miaa Rutii Osburu ment should be sjient by the farmer ut Portland ami Mrs. Lotlie Rues of Bel- i In reading and studying those sub­ OFFICE and RESIDENCE CALLS hugham Washington, an aunt oi the jects he la most interested In. Promptly Attended to. Value of Dead Leaves. bride, were guests .1 tire weddi ig. According to tests recently made Con gratulai loua and gota «ere received ' Phons Sellwood 71 In France, dead leaves possess a high­ from frrinda in Canada, Rhode I,lami, er «slue as fertilizer for the land Washington and California. than ordinary manure. They are ex­ tensively used by the market garden era about the cliv of Nantes. Pear UNDERTAKER THE POTATO. leaves rank highest In nitrogenous <<>nt*-nt. oak leaves come nest, snd And EMBALMER Blessed be the potato! It keeps the leaves of vines lowest In value. Ireland alive, and furnishes no small Experiments have shown that 44 Corner East 13th and part of the bread of life to _ _____ of _. pounds of pear leaves, so pounds of people other countries. It provides the shiny poplar leaves. 51 pounds of peach Umatilla Ave. surface on the shirt front ot the so­ leaves. *2 (»ounds of elm leaves, and ciety youth, when he goes forth to S3 [Kinnds of locust leaves are respect­ PORTLAND, ORE. conquer, and now it la about to reach ively equivalent In nitrogenous con­ new use and dignity. Denatured al­ tent to 100 pounds of ordinary ma­ cohol for use In the Industries Is nure: vine leaves alone are less sal­ mad« largely from potatoes, and thus eable than manure. It Is a mistake the humble tuber. In addition to all to rake up the leaves In the wood lot Its other uses, will soon be furnish­ or any other place and burn them, as ing light, heat and power to all the many people do. If course they are unsightly on a lawn and therefore may people. be removed In summer, but they The unwTseniaV-ls~aiwayB In .« "I?™-.‘h*,J*,1.-°La WILL MAKE TRIP To ANY LO­ hurry. He eats In a hurry and gets ’ mulch In winter and to add to th« CALITY FOR SO CORDS. H7'tri!