Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, December 07, 1906, Image 3

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... By ...
Louis Tracy,
■I th«
Coarrifht. 190«. by
Edward J. Clod«
(This story wss commenced in tna is
sue ol Novrnita-r 3Uth. Tie so- «ud«i rile
ing st once a III on request receive a copy
ol that dale )
Author of
i I
ff »WIIT |
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• •
eggs aa* baddlck—fit for tbe queen. • •
| God bless her.' An’ baby's bad another
i plut of JotM*«' brew—Lord love ber lit-
’ tie eyes, though I haven't seen ’em yet!
A mlnlt ago Jones sung down to me
that th«- Lancelot has jiMt cleared
Carn du.”
Tbe -concluding atatement brought
Mias Clara Holfonl gave a aocial dance
Braud to bls feet, The doctor would
here Haturday night Itacember 1st, in
be ou tbe rock by the tim» breakfast
Potato digging is almost at an end in tbe school boose hall. All who attend­
was ended and tbe letter to Mrs.
vicinity sod everybody seems Ratio­ ed reported a very good time.
Sheppard written.
When tbe doctor did arrive be ebook ned with the outcome. A good price
Mr. We«f*Hpear made a business trip
bls bead dubiously at first sight of tbe has prevailed tliia Fall an«l it lo>dt> like to Portland Sunday.
the farmers are prospering.
A small crowd from here attend«! the
”1 don't kuow bow «be lived. 8be to
Mrs. R. P Rasmussen, wife of R. P. Thanksgiving dance in Troutdale Wed-
a mere skeleton." be said.
Rasmussen, the leadirig farmer of Cor­ needey night.
Braud explain»*) matters and hinted
bett, i« at tbe Ht. Vincent tmepital un­
at bls theory.
Mrs. B. Williams an»l hnsban«! spent
"Ob. tbe ways of nature are wonder­ dergoing an operation. Our sympathy ■ Thanksgiving with her sister Mrs. Chas.
ful.” admitted ibe doctor. "Hometlmeo i« «i[n the folk« but we a»e giau to re
a uiau will die from an alwmrdly trivial port that «lie is doing nicely for the
Mrs. H. A-TI-atourel! is visiting her
thing, like tlie sting of a wasp or tbe time being.
daughter Mrs. Carol Larraon in Trout­
cutting of a Auger. At others you can
Mrs. Hoe« made a UustneMi trip in
flint litru headlong from the Alps and
be will merely Htiffcr u bruise or two. town on Monday.
Mrs. ClaraJLarrson and son were
Of course, this Infant has an excep-
Stella Anderson entertained her
visiting relatives here Sunday.
tlonwlly strong constitution or sbe friends on Sunday.
Mr. Robert Seal and wife spent a
would have died »lays ago. However,
Erling Hound of Portland is visiting,
you have done right so far. I will see
pleasant Thanksgiving with Mr. West
to tx-r proper nourishment during tbe his friend Roy Anderson, this week.
uext few days. It to a moot extraor­
Martin Lund took a Io?d of young.
Mr. Bramlet has moved tb Palmer
dinary case.”
people down to Gage to the entertain­
he is working.
Joues had managed so well that the ment and they ail enyiyed * the ride
child's garments were dry and well
Roy Parson has moved in
aired. Wrapped in a clean blanket.
Mr«. P. Anderson spent Saturday and
she was luwere»! into the ateamer'a
Left over from last week.
boaL but the doctor. preferring to Sunday at tne St. Vincent.
Mrs. St. Johns was taken to the hos­
jump, was sogked to tlie waist owing
to a slip on the weed covered rock.
pital this week for ap|iendicitis.
The crew of tbe tuglioat balled out
A. I-atourel),was a Troutdale visitor
tbe derelict aud towed ber to Ten-
The Ekstrom brother's store is prog- . Saturday.
C. Larsson was in Latoureli on busi­
Thnt evening a fisherman brought a reusing nicely.
Mr. anu Mrs. Eli Elliott spent Thanks­ ness this week.
note from Mrs. Sheppard. Among oth­
er titlugs, «lie wrote that tbe baby’s giving with A. B. Elliott and family.
Mr. anti Mrs. Patterson were visiting
cloth -« were lieautlful’.y made and of
George Howland, Henry Wiblon, in Bridal Veil Sunday.
a very ex|»e:islve Vi*-
wa* fever-
Mrs. Grace Latoureli and grandson
Irh. the doctor said, but the condition Herbert Simmons, Joseph Wilcoxon,
of ber eyes aud lips would account for A. B. Elliott, Harry Gist and Dave were visiting Mrs.^Cbas. Larson, in
this, spurt from tbe effects of prolong­ Manary attend«*! the Oldfellows meet- Trout«lale, Monday.
ed ’-x|>osure.
ingat Estacada Saturday evening. They
Mrs. Hoovqy was a guest of Mrs. C.
Brand read the letter to bis mates re[Hirte«l a g«K>i time.
Latoureli this week.
wheu the trio were enjoying an ev»»n-
The road this side of Orient has been
tnic pl[»e on the "promenade.” tbe outer
Mr. Biglard and family have mov«l
repaired with new plank.
balcony under tbe lantern.
“S’poKe ber people don’t show up."
Mr. an I Mr«. Eli Elliott an I Miss
Mr. and Mrs. Courter recently at­
observed Jim, ••■what are you goin’ to Ruby Elliott spent Friday with Mr. and
tend«! a theater in Portland.
«•all her?”
Mrs. Charles Simmons.
•Trevillion." raid Brand.
Bruce Blaine is «[tending a few days
Lett over from last week.
The others gazed at him with sur­
at Summit.
Miss Fox, of the Portland library,
prise. The prompt announcement was
Mrs. Hudson andjjiaughter were^ re-
gave a talk on books at the Orient
“I have told you about tbe fabled Grange Saturday.
cent Portland visitors. , v«a*attt^Za
land of I«younrase lying there lieneath
A. B. Elliott and daughter were in • Mr. Barnes is visiting bis sister,^,Mrs.
tbe sea," be weut on. pointlug to the
dark blue expanse on whose distant
couflnra tbe Reilly isles were silhou­
Wm. Hillyard, who has been sick of
etted by the last glow of tlie vanished quinsv, is reported to be improving.
WANTED—3000 15-foot c«lar hop
•uu. “Well, th«’ uame of the only per­
A surprise was given Mr. and Mrs. posts, F.jO. B., O. W. P. Write Dr. A.
son who <•»«■«|icd from that mluor del­
uge was Trevillion. It Is suitable, and Emanuel Anderson of Gresham last 8. Nichols. I>ekum Bldg., Portland, Ore.
It accords with the Initial of her prob­ Satunlav evenii’g by .the Swedish Luth­
eran church in honor of their druglner,
able surname.”
“Oh. 1 see!” piped Jones. Ills vole«, Eva. The members wished to express
always high pitched, ts^’ame squeaky their gratitude to Miss Anderson, who
The work on the Fairview and Trout­
when bis brain was stirred.
has served as organist in the church.
“That's O. K. for the ’T.”’ remarked
A sum of money was presented her. dale branch of tbe O. W. P. is in pro­
Jim, “but «-hat aliout tbe ‘E’?” Eliza­
gress and we expect soon to be in close
beth Is a nice name when you make It Relreshments were served anti everyone touch with these points.
reports a go»*! time.
Into Bettie."
Mr. Wvgant, who has been running
“I think we shonld keep up the idea
The Ladies Mission Society met with
of tbe Arthurian legend. There are Mrs. C. P. Johnson last Monday. , Rev. Mr. Heiney's,Jfarm, has moved to
two that come to my mind. Elaine and B. 8. NyStrom was present an«i made a Goshen Oregon. Mr. Heiney, although
Enid. Elaine died young, the victim
very interesting speech on “Be Thank­ advanced in years, will run the farm
of an unhappy love. Enid became tbe
wife of a gallant knlghL Gawain, who ful.” About il7 were present an«i a gen­
W. G. Cathy anti wife are spending
cake were served. The next meeting TtiHnksgiving with their eon Dr. B. A.
“Ever foremost in the chase
And victor st the tilt end tournament:
will be hel«i at the home of Mrs. Eman­ Cathy at Corvallis.
They called him the great prlnc« and man
of men.
But Enid, whom her ladle« loved to call
Mrs. Nordblom has returned after a Francisco.^bae iiyhis “cottage a£beuch
Enid the Fair, a grateful people named
welT«tuipped witn harness and saddle
month's visit in Seattle.
Enid the Good.”
tools with which he expects to busy him­
"That settles It." cried Jim, brandish­
ing his pipe toward Penzance. “I hope
ns how Miss Enid Trevilllou Is asleep
Mrw Swank, of Portland, was in the
Miss Alice Mulford has returnetl after
an’ doin' well, nu' that she'll grow up
vicinity buying up potatoes. The farm­
to lie both fair an' good. If she does, a weeks vacation to finish her term of ers appreciate the g«xKi prices offered.
she'll lie lietter'n most women.”
Brand made no reply. He went «-Ith-
In to attend to the lantt'ru. In five
Walkias Paubalur Stock F imm I
Watkins Flavoring Extracts
minutes tbe great eyes of the l.lxanl,
tlie Ixingsbips and the Seven Stones
W ntklnw Veaetot.te AnUline Liniment
lightship were solemnly «tarlug at
their fellow warden of the Gulf Rock,
while. In tlie far west, so clear was th«
night, tbe single flash of 8L Agnes and
tbe double flash of tbe Bishop Illu­
mined the aky.
11906 DECEMBER 1 9061
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than It la. Rhe ntomrbad water through
the pares of the akin, which rejected
the salty element« and took In only
those parts of tbe compound nredod by
“They’d keep me busy.” he grow Iso the blood. Ton follow me!"
“When all's said an’ done, It’a too*-
“It ta not new. It occurred to a tiefore help could roach th« Gulf Bock
nstcr. an* they can't help IL”
Bn<-ons<-l<Mis that be had «tntnd the ship's captain who wsa compelled to from ashore.
primordial thesis, he left the forage«* navigate hia |>a«oeugers and <v»w a
Wbou Brand and Bpence entered
alone Hauling the sail out of tbe wa­ thousand uilles In open toots across Jou<<s' liedroom they found him bard
ter, he dla<*overe«1 that the stern board
at work washing tbe child's clothing.
lire at sea. Well, tbe child was well
waa mtaalng. broken off probably wl»e«
“She's asleep.” be «aid. jerking bls
iiourlabed. In all likelihood, Ire fora tbe
tii« mast fell. Ills trained scrutiny
bead toward a bunk. “I gev’ her a
accident hapixuad which set her adrift
soon solved a puzzle su-gtrsted bv tl»«
plut of mixture. Hhe cried a bit when
on tbs Atlantic. Hhe may have lost
there was uo more Io tie bad. but a
state of the cordage, t'uder ordinary
a few |M>unda In weight, but Star­
conditions the upper part ut tbe maai
warm bath with some boric acid In It
vation is a «low affair, aud her plump­
made her sleepy. An’ there she la.
would either have carried tbe sail cleaa
ness saved her life In that respect.
«nug as a cat.”
away with It or be found acting as i
Most certainly she would have died
The domesticated Jones waa up to
sort of «•■ anchor at a abort dtaiaucs today, and eveu yet she la In great
hia elbows In a tattler of soap.
from the Ixtnt.
danger. Her pulse la very weak, and
“Have you noticed any laundry
Hut It had gone altogether, aud th«
rare must l>e token not to stimu­
marks or Initial« on her clothing?”
strand« of the «all ropr were bllteu
late tlie action of the heart too
asked Braud.
not torn, asunder. Tho shark buC
“Yea. Here you are."
striven to pull tbe host under by tug­
WI m ' ii Brand spoke In this way Jim
He fished out of tbe hubbies a little
ging at the wreckage.
H|>eiice was far too wary to ask Per­ vest, on which were worked the letters
Ha r lag made the canvas ehlpabape
Komet I mea, , In
F. T. In white silk.
Jim ■etth’d the next pressing question eotial question«,
early days of their acquaintance, lie
“Ah! That Is very Important. We
by seising uu empty tin an»l sluicing
bad sought to pin bis friend with clum­ can eatnblisb her Identity. eapectally If
the fore part. Then be pnaacd a rope
sy logic to some admlaslou as to bls tbe laundry mark U Ibero ulso.”
under the after thwart uud iseved It
pnsf fife. Tbe ouly iwsult be achieved
“I’m fearcil there’s nortflng else.”
through a rTngiiolT In n rock placed
was to seal the other mau'a lips for said Jours. "I’ve nut looked very care­
there for mooring purjiosra In very
days so far as reminiscences were con­ fully. as It’ll take me all my time to
culm weather like thu prraeut.
get everything dry afore tbe tug comes.
When tbe Trinity tender [mid bar
Not only Jone* and H|>ence, but As for Ironin', It can’t lie doue. But
raootlily visit to tbe lighthouse all» was
luoort-d to a buoy three cable lengths T!iom|i«on. the third aaalataut. who my missus *11 see after her until some-
away to th« northwest. If there was was taking hi« mouth aaiiorv. toxetlier liody turns up to claim her.”
“That may be never.”
tbe least ausplrlou of a sen O’ er tlie With the supernumeraries who helped
“Surely we will get some news of tlie
reef It waa Indeed u ticklish tusk land­ to preserve the rotation of two months*
rock duty aud one ashore, noon real­ ship which waa loetf’
lug or einbnrklmr ston-s and mon.
“Yes. that 1« little enough to expect
CloschHuli-d. tlie boat would All for ized thnt Brand, whom they liked and
ward n« the tide drotH««l Tills waa looked up to. had locked tbe record of Yet It Is more than probable that her
lunttorlesa By thnt time all her ni«r- bls earlier years and refused to open parents are dead. A haby would he
separated from her mother only th- tbe
at k’ <s»otent»~sbe appeared Io have the diary for auy one.
Yet so helpful was be, so entertaining mother's death. There Is a ve.y real
plenty of tinned iriiwt and biscuits
alioiird. but no water - would be re­ with Ida scrap« of aclrntlfli- knowledge chance that poor 'E. T.' will be left for
nil more ample general reading, that years oa the luiipls of those who take
moved to tho storeroom.
Tlie sailor was sort lug the psck-tgea those whose turn on tbe rock wua co­ charge of ber now. Tlie only alterna­
—uundcrlu't «hut queer story of the incident with Ids relief hulled bls re tive Is the workhouse."
‘That’, ho . cap’o." put In Jim. “You
ilcef« would ls< fortbcouilisr when the appearance with Joy. Durlug tbe pre­
recent b'story of the rescued child waa ceding winter ho actually eutvrtaiued always dig to tbe heart of a subJeC*.
them with a free* translation of the eveu If It's a shark.”
•acrrtallu’d— when Brand balled him.
“In a word. Jones, you can hardly tie
“Uiok out tlM-re. Jim I niu lowering twenty-four booth» of the "Iliad,” nnd
great was tbe dellubt of Jim Npeuce asked to assume such u responsibility.
an ax.”
when lie was aide to conuect the ex­ Now, It happen« that
The weapon was duly delivered.
I can nfford to
ploits of some Greek or Trojan liero adopt tbe child If she Uvea and Is not
"What a tbe ax tor. ea;»’n?" was the
with the Identity of one of her majes­
claimed by relatives, It la alinoat a
■a turn I query.
ty'« ships.
“I want to chop out that shark’s
duty lmp-med ou me by events. When
In private they discussed him often,
Ireth They will servo as mementos
tlie doctor comes, therefore. I purpose
tor the girl If abe grows up. which la and a common agreement was made «Ki.Illg him to <<ee that «he Is handed
Ikely. judging by the way abe Is yell­
ever to Mr«, Sheppard. the iinrac who
should Is’ roapectad. Their nickname,
tag at Jones.
looks after my own little girl. I will
"Wot’s lie a-«loin' of ?” came th«« sharp "tbe cnp'n." was a tacit admission of write to her. My turn ashore comes
bls higher social rauk. They feared
tiext week. Then I enn devote some
“Giving her a bnth, nnd excellently teat Inquisitiveness should drive him time to the necessary Inquiries.”
Well too He Is evidently quite domes­
Jones made no protest. He knew
ary, who heard from tbe cook of the
that Brand's suggestion was a good
' "If t>^v mentis ’under Mrs.
one, nnd be promised slleuce with re­
thumb,' py.t’re right, rap’n. They tel) l ephew <if a Imronet. was roughly bld- gard to tbe fight with tbe shark. Men
i en to “close Ida rat trap, or he might
tuc thnt when he’s nnhore’’—
In the ligtitbons«’ service are quick to
ratcb something he couldn’t ent.”
“Jim. the first time I met you you
Ro Jim now contented himself by re­ grasp the luotlves which cause others
were wheeling a perambulator. Now, marking dolefully that had his advice to avolJ publicity. They live sedate,
loud tbe skip nnd 1 «III haul In.”
been taken "the bloomin’ kid would lie lonely live«. The noise, tlie rush, tbs
They worked In alienee a few min­ well on her way back to the Neilly purposeless activities of existence
utes. Brand descended, and a few tales.'•
■ shore weary them. They have been
well placed cuts relieved the man enter
"You must not say that.” was the known to petition the Trinity Brethren
of the serrate«l rows u«etl to ouch serl- grave nwpouse. "These things are ile- to send them back to Isolate«! stations
sus [luntone In life that lie bad attained tenn'n-d by a higher power than man's wbeu promoted to localities where th«
a length of nearly twelve feet. Het IntclEgeiice. Think bow the seeming pleasures and excitements of a town
double In the lower jaw mid single In accident of a fnl'en sail saved tbe child were available. upper, they were of a size and from the cormorants nnd other bird«:
Haviug determined the Immediate fu­
shape ominously suggestive of tbe liow a ehnm-e sen foil Into ths boat and ture of little "E. T..“ whose shrunker
sreature’a voracity.
kept her alive; ho-v mere Idle curiosity feature« were now ptacid In sleep, they
"It Is a good thing,” snl»l Brand, on my part Impelled me to swim out
.•nlmly hewing nt the huge J4wa, "that aud Investigate matters."
nature did not build the Carcharodou
“That’s your way of puttin’ IL” Jlti
Itnleldoe ou the same line« as mi al­ w«s forced to say. "You knew qitl’e
ligator. If Ibis litg fellow's sharp em­ a el) that there might be a shark In her
broidery were not altunt»*d so close to
Ids stouiach lie would have made a wake or you wouldu't have taken tbs
lueal of me, Jlin, unless I carried a knife. An* now you won't have n word
ton >cdo.”
«al l about IL At the bouiburduieut of
“H»?'a « blue shnrk.” commented tlie Alexandria a messmate of mine gat the
other, Ignoring for the nom’e wlmt lie V. C. for les«.”
termed “nonio of the cap'u*« Jnwbrruk-
"Tlie real point Is, Jim, that we have
era "
not yet discovered what «alp thia boat
It Is the only dangerous belongs to.”
"No, an' what's more, we won’t find
«¡M’CICH found ao far north.
"His teeth are like so many fixed out in a burry. Her name's gone fore
bayonet«. Of course you would like to aud aft.”
“Is there nothing left to help us?”
><<•«•[» 'em, but be would look flue In a
“Only this.”
museum, Plenty of folk In Penzance,
The sailor produced the brooch from
especially visitors, would pay a bob
tils walsicont pocket. It was of the
n bend to see him.”
safety pin order, but made of gold and
Brand pnuKcd In his labor.
“Llaten, Jim,” he said earnestly. “I ornamented with small emeralds set as
wnnt both you mid Jones to oblige me a four leafed shamrock.
by saying nothing about the shark.
"Is the maker's name on the nail?”
“No. I fancy that this craft was rig­
Please do not mention my connection
with the affair In any way. The story ged on board ship for harbor cruisin’.”
Brand passed a baud wearily across
will got Into the newspapers ns It Is.
Th«» additional sensation of the fight bls forehead.
would send reporters here by tlie score.
"I wish I had not been so preclpl
I don’t wish that to orcur."
tats,” lie tuormured. “That man bad qnfetty separated. Bran«) flung himself
pn|s*rs on him. In al) likelihood."
“Do you mean to say”—
wearily into
- bunk to obtain a much
o a
"You couldn't have «tosi It, mate. It
“Mr. Jones will rrport the picking up
needed rest, t. >1 Ad the others hurried to
of tho bout anil tho finding of the baby, was bad enough for me. It must ha’
overtake Uie many duties awaiting
together with the necessary burial of been worse for you.”
“Perhaps the baby’s clothes uro
a man unknown”—-
Weather reports and daily journals
“Hlist hoi * of a chap waa beT’ In­ ma-ke<l."
“That's a chance. She was well Hf- demaitded Instant attention, The oil
terrupted Jim.
expenditure, the breakage of glass
“I—I don’t know—a aallor-thnt Is all ged out.”
Brand cast the shark loom', Thè chimneys, the consumption of stores,
I can toll you. He must have been
monster slid oft into the green depths. tlie meteorological records—all must be
dead aeveral days.”
“Then how In the world did that A uo I ho I om ['recession of dim forms noted. An efficient lookout must be
maintained, slguala answered or hoist­
baby keep alive?”
rushed after tlie carcass. The birds,
“I have lieen thinking over that prob­ ■brill with disappointment, darted off ed. everything kept spotlessly clean
and meals cooked. I'ntil noon each day
lem. I Imagine thnt. In the first place, to a<<our the neighboring sea.
a rock lighthouse Is the acene of un-
there was a survivor, who dlnnppenred
Beyond the damaged boat, bumping
since the death of the poor devil out against tip' rock, and the huge jaws remitting diligence, and the loss i of
there.” He pointed to tho sea. "This with their rows of wedge shaped teeth, nearly an hour and a half of Spetr ice’«
person, whether men or woman, looked naught remained to testify to the watch, added to the presence of the
after tho chlM until madness camo, drama of the hour save the helpless baby and the constant care which one
ennsed by drinking salt water. The baby on which the head keeper was or other of the two men bestowed on
her, made the remaining time doubly
ne»t step Is suicide. The little one, waiting so sedulously.
left living, fell Into the bilge created
Already the signal “Doctor wanted” precious.
About 9 o’clock Brand was awaken­
by the shipping of a sen and adopted, I was flutterlug from the lighthouse flag­
by the mercy of Providence, a method staff. It would 1« noted at the Ijind’s ed from a heavy slumber by Jim's
of avoiding death from thirst which I End and telegraphed to I'ensance. hearty voice:
"Breakfast toadyv cap'iL
pught to be more widely Tpreclated Th« ssqnUng would b< well advanced
30 31
Suits, $7.45 to $25.00
The American Clothier
221-223 Morrison St., cor. first,
• • • •
• • • • Portland,
IT the foot of a long flight of
steps lending from the boat
quay to the placid waters of
l’enzance harlmr a stou!^ built
craft was moored. It had two occu­
pants this bright January morulug,
and they wore sufficiently diverse in
appe<iraitce to attract the attention of
the locr.l squad, of that great army of
lonngers which aeenia to thrive In to
liagco hlessed content at all places •
where men go down to the sea tn
pnlr consisted of a weather beat-
K^flabvrman and a glrk
RtsiotNca irowsars Avtnut
Imhoff & Minar,
: Marble and Granite Monuments •
[ to as
continuxd .!
335 East Morrison Street,
: Portland,
Do you sell butter? If so, get
your butter papers at The Her­ •
ald office.
Oregon • •