The Mvthislist church is Iw-ing repair­ ed. Much difficulty is Iwing had in se­ curing needed materials. What People Say Concerning Our Bank. “The hunk ia the |4»ee for change. You alwav* get just »hat you want." "I had no idea a 1 auk could la* of auch service to a community." “I can remit anvwlierc without it coating me a cent oilier than for |x»tage and can do ao right from niv ow n home. “It ia a might« tine thing for a pay roll hecauM the Imnk furnishes a com­ plete register in which names are recorded and men can dspoait their earnings in the lawk ami m*e that only which is needed.' “We like to receive a check on y«ur l ank I m anse we can mail to you for deposit and draw • hecks against it, as we need it "You »reselling Foreign Monet Orders chea|*er than the government can. Your Travelers Chevpiea are all right. I have used them Iwforv " “I purchased a ticket from the First State Bank. Portland, tire., to Copen­ hagen. Itenmark. and had no trouble at all with it. “I can mail n-v ont-of-town checks to the l>ank at Gresham and draw against them ami the« will collect for less than mv car fare to the city," "I am going to make you trustee of our church funds." "The bank is the place to transfer |iro|>ertv lavauae they attend to the w hole transaction ami are equi|q»*d for thej>usine»s. “Four |er cent, on savings is all right.' J. M. SHORT, Pres. Ci. XX'. KENNEY. X-Pres. A. MEYERS, Cash'r The First State Bank OF GRESHAM. OREGON Transacts a General Banking Business, Loans Money on Good Security, Sells Drafts and Travelers Checks. Available anv place in th.- I nited States or any of the Foreign Countries Sells Real Estate, C.isi e-Che k-. > Is 'te ouship and R illwav Ticket.-, Buvs ami t-e'.ls Mortgage*. Note-and K >.a I Checks Writes Fire • ••••••••••••a ••••• Two Small Tracts for Sale. • • • • * • l. ranni • * • " 1 , clover, on Sandy road, 1-4 mile • east of Cleone. • t> 1-2 a. es. id impr. ve-l, - • !■ • ml, 4-ro-mi house, wt 11. good ft : e • varieties • Cleo « • west of Troutdale. XX rite or - -e e Major H. XX . Ore. »••••••••••••••••a E AIRVIEW • . • • * . • • . • • The cry for wiaal is living hewn! from everv aide. Sevvial have purchased coal stoves and arc laving in a supply of coat, as it is aliiu>st im]»>asiblv tv secure wood. Rislney Hall has liven suffering with bbssi poisoning in Ida band. II. XV. Xlathison and daughter made a business trtpto Portland on Xlomlay. Miss Laura Luce is spending the week in Portland attending the Teachers In­ stitute. D. S. Dunbar has been improving Saudv road, east of town, by lilting in the low places. XI s. Jack Lurcher was a recent Port­ land visitor. John Wal«h is shipping large quanti­ ties of celery daily. XIr. Walsh ha« some of the finest celery that can la' grown, and is receiving fancy prices for it. Axtell A Cree have a force of men at work on D. I’l-ggail's new house on the B.a«e Line road near R akwis-d. Yearling Bull FGR SALE OH EXCHANGE fur Inculmtor and (Tdckriis. Write llov III, Wouba i, rWUllIDALIi. - URKOON ••••••••••••••••••••••• PASTURAGE I OH HORSES AND CAITI.I; Public m ’I ioo I brought in two wwgott I Fulton A Benell, lbw gim-er«. apple load» of groceries, etc., for n thank-giv­ i-intc the iiieiviodiig patronage tliev are ing offering to the liable«* Home and receiving. the Bov»’ ami Girl»' Aid S. k - i . iv. Mr. Itrwltl, all old lime resident of Cbe«ter Lewi«, of Woodland, U a«h.. the Villa lia- ii tiiiii<-d fiorn lllimmund will make hi« lutine home here. vmited the home folk tin» week. Koliert Lewi« and wile have ri-turm-d Viola Wall, the daughter of Mr. mid from North Yakima, Wu«li., and will 'll- "in. Wall, i« suffering Hom I«- make their future home here. pliofil (ever. Best of Feed a’l the year. Good Winter Paat- untxe. Shelter. t all nil Ol w I ite J. I. IIIUhlN. IROVTDAI.I:, • ORH. J. W. Herron i» r<-|«>i'ti«l sick at Id« Xli«. Ik-all, wlm wa.« taken to the li<>»- J. II. Jones, deputy sh'-riff, was here • •••••••••••••••• residence in North Villa. 1 pilid rcer iitly, 1» improving. on >aturda» stilq-s-iiing -evend of ti e farmers tor jurors in the Ik-cemlier term Spi. < • at XleCasliu'». XIr. ll'H'k, the bicycle mull, is «uffvr- from The Diller. I-S thoronghbrc-l Polan of jury. ing from a »were allai k of | h >.« oii oak. i.k.tPtNii nom tv iiiuiTPAi.K China lmgs for his stock farm here. J. X| Souvignivi i» building a bmdnvi» XIrs. L. J. Xteishon spent several ihn T. B Drake ia «till (■«•king for a l»a- John B'iss, Wm. Teggart ami J. II in Portlan I this week and was in attend­ ollii-v for J. I Reilinond. W. J. Carter ROOMS AKO BOAEO tioii. It i» hard for him to gel away I« aaaisting in tin- work. Cianahan are shipping potatoes from ance at the Teachers Institute. Horn tin- Villa. hete. COMMERCIAL TRADE SOLICITED A. B Horton, wim ha» been »offering Dr. J X| >lioit was attending to pro­ laiWHoii Parker, who »tailed III the Miss Daisy Wilcox. wh > has taken up fessional duties hereon Xlomlay, irom a severe eohl, i« lietlvr. Satisfaction Guaranieed grocery busi lies» a »hurt time ago. re­ her residence in Portland, s|wiit Sun­ ----------------------— Joseph Whv«-|»r » excavating for » ttori» bu»im-H« vvrv »ali»taclory. day w ith her i>arents here. I oui.» Helming Prop. bam-mvnt pri iHirulory to building a new Rev. C. 1;. Crandall is improving his Xli«. Pauline I’lidllp«, who Im« I h - i - ii house. Ma n Slrssl Trouvait, Ors. lots 11 Filth and Main streets by -citing uiidei tivulmviitat the Porti.imi «aiutai- Altieri Ehler» i- making «orne im- out fruit trees. • •••••••••••••••• inni for Houiv time, Im« letuim-d to her proven ent» to the R., Nov. 26. P.k'41 — Roland ITnllip«, the »on of Ol i ICI nod RI SIDi SCI CAI.I S A very welcome visitor arrived at the and have returned to their homes here. The Foresters gave a ball in Masonic XIr. mid Xtr». F. Phillip«, is ill with Miller home recenti). Papa Xliller Promptly Attended to. Mis. I.. Renner liar returned to her ball Thanksgiving evening. pneumonia. wear» a “»mile that won't come off." home in Portland after a few dais’ visit Phone Sclluood 71 Fa’rview 1. »Ige, A. F. and A. XL, of Mr- lliinivth’ i- improving very nh»u • XIr«. Xlarv Hayes i« Iniving some witli Mr-. H. Shaw . Troutdale, held its annual election Sat­ I). '¡hr to Ml II. C. Campliell has had a contractor urday night, Nov. 24th. The following needed iinplovrmeilt« made to liei cot- irrt her. tag-- on Xli»m*r street. here looking over the old grist mill, sit­ officer« were elected : F. 1’. Hubbard. B II B 'xx iiiaii,•>(<• i «'-lirtin, rrcrnlly UNDERTAKER uated by Fox’s store, with a view to XV. M ; H. B Chapman, 8 XV.; G. N Xli»a Con«tam*v F'milv, who i» making »«•1'1 iixr l »i- ri Kmzrl I’ark to W J. moving it onto the O. R. A N. sidetrack. l;. ■ i -11», J " ; I' " Mw K n. T her home with Mi«. XX’. C. Ayl»worth, /Mid EMBALMER This mill was built and equip,>e. ;W. «|«-nt Thank-giving with the home folk <>xXrliM. Tilt* « UM* liiM'lr through U A. >tr\f||«. al years ago, but after a tew weeks' Sale, J. D. and II. II. Wright, T. at Hurlburt. Corner East IJth and I L* \|«»i*lH\ilhi !••»*(• »Birr i- | h » u «»nr eration was closed down and ha- not XIrs. II. X’anderhrsif visited Portland • thr ini»-t mnvrniriitly olihu-*« been run since ts-came it was found thi« week. Umatilla Axe. in th«* ««»untry. It im uvutly p>«iiitr«l, that the expense incurred ill transport­ Sell Your The latdies Aid is very I n«v getting a uii«l tif rangrtl that |Mtr<»n»t havt* a< - PORTLAND. ORE. ♦ ing the grain ami Hour to ami from the fair under way for the month of Decern- ♦ «•« -w to their I mix < at a»! rriiiHHitihlt* de,sit would more than exhaust the pro­ > la-r. hfili m oi thr ‘lax. fits. If moved to the projswd location ♦ Ih Uiorrii ha- ma-h’ nrinngtoiM h I n E. XI iv, formerly in the employ of ♦ all such ex|H-n.»e w ill lie avoide I. t'» giw Lin 411-b inri- thr ptlxilrgr td the I’uioii X! it fo., leit now of Port­ ♦ to — XV. O. XX’ood and w ife left a few days è rrM'liiig I oh «»!* thr hil<-t anl I hp I moi U» land, w. - in Troutdale Saturday. ago for Bridal X'eil where they will ♦ «»( tit tioii f »r 50 rrnlw. VETCH Ä SONS, ♦ XIrs. Ihm Xliekley was visiting her ♦ s,ieml the winter. Mr. anti Mr-. I|owh*tt, «»f Scuttle*, nrr Boring, Oregon ♦ mother, Mrs. Peteisoii, in Fairview last Whitney A Anderson have la-en en­ viniting thrir hrothri mnl family, WILL MAKE TRIP TO ANY I.D- week. \\ • j.'i! on " uronii WriU loi J Gr<». MrBrith*. gaged in repairing H. XV. XLitbison's < AI.ITY FOR 20 CORDS. XIr. Harding, of Cougar Xlt., was in store building by putting in a new IngiriliriitM f«>l ('hl 1-tlii'iM pUtblilig, Mt ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦t attendance on the Xiasunic laslge Iasi TROUTDALE, OREGON. foundation and mending the roof. Mr( . im I ih ' i «. Saturday night. The cheese factory has suspended XIrs. Nellie < ».-burn, of Portland, was operation bra short time. About Hoo a visitor of XIrs. Fuller this week. gallons of milk are Is-ing sent to Port­ XIrs. Schwaliel, of Tacoma, is visiting land daily. J. T. Stillion has leen engaged in her sister, XIrs. Tom Corder. Union House TRO IT H A I.E A. B. Hemstock FAIRVIEW, ORE., Nov. 27. 1906 — Among the recent teal est ite sales was S. A. John's farm of 82. acre-, sit ual.-d on the Sandy road. ne-foiirtli mile east of town. The purchaser was N. XI. Mc­ Daniels, of Portland. C •nsideration. $.8000. Dr. A. Tompson lias purchased lots 1, 2. 3 and 4 in block 16, located on Seven­ th ami Depot streets. Several parties in Trout lale have pur­ chased lots lu re for residence pur|««*ri>, eight blocks having lieen sold the past few days. A great many people favor Fairview as a residence town liecause of the a I w nee of any saloons. Thomas Brothers, of Gresham, have nearly finished painting the interior of A. Kronenlierg’s residence on the Sandy road, west of town. C. C. Aanglin has purchased a $275 carriage which lie uses to convey his putting in a milk cooler in the cheese customers around to his real estate. factory. The entertainment given bv the The Ladies Aid Society of the Smith Grange on Tuesday evening was quite XIeinorial church w ill have a bazaar at well attended. After the following pro­ the resilience of Mrs. Wm. Townsend on gram was rendered the young f«ople Thursday afternoon, l>ee. 20th. had a social dance: instrumental solo, XV. T. Scott was a Portland visitor Alta Wilcox; recitation. Caryl Heslin; recently. recitation, Mrs. C. E. Cree: solo, Mirs J. XV. Townsend has moved his family Myrtle Irwin; reading, D. >. Dunbar; into bis new residence on Sandy road solo, Miss Christine John; recitation, east of tow n. Mirs Ftliel Heslin; solo. Miss Edith Xlc- N. XL McDaniels was transacting Kilip; recitation, Lloyd Axtell; duct. Misses Ethel Heslin and Magic Quinn; business here recently. XIr. McDaniels recitation. Mrs. Julia Ashcraft : solo, E. will shortly take possession of his farm Heslin; essay, Mrs. Carrie Townsend; west of town recently purchased from solo. Miss Myrtle Irwin; recitation, the Osburn brothers. CREAM XIrs. Wm. Carlson was in Troiitdnle calling on old friends the first of the week. Rememlier the < •re-ham fe<«l mill rolls ami chop« every day. Worden. xcs of apples, one Isix griK-eries, one box canned fruit, three sacks |s>tatocs. two sacks vegetable«, one sack onions, one sack Hour, cash *3.4<> or a total i-onti ibiition amounting to »25. COLUMBIA ViLW The IJtfUirx’ S h ifty met laf 1». P. Rtym I<’ h , La»» returned tohiw home m ar Marmot. J. Sf hantin. of Portland, viwited rela­ tives here lawt Sun»lay. A. Meining, of Sandy, wa* seen in the vicinity la^t Sat unlay. « Say ! • > TROUTDALE. OREGON. Nov. 22d. 1906 TO THE PEOPLE WHO WANT COOD GOODS: JUST RECEIVED. ALL NEW GOODS. THIS YEAR'S CROP. 100 Casso Columbia Tomatoaa, 100 Caaaa Iowa Roll Canned Corn, 25 Caaaa Blue Ribbon Paaa, 25 Cases Blus Ribbon Bsans, 100 lbs. of Currants. 8 oi. to 16 oa. packages, 100 lbs. of Rusins, Citron and Lemon Pealing in large quantities. 300 lbs. Soft Shall English Walnuts, 100 lbs of Almonds, TABLE LINEN. ALL PATTERNS. VERY LOW. Come in and share in this sals with us. We don't cut prtcee but buy and sell just as cheap for cash as our nsighbor. Ths stors that sails SUNFLOWER SHOES for style and wear. Yours Truly, S . S . LOGAN. Do you think it’s pleasant to wait around a blacksmith shop all day this cold, wet weather, waiting to have your work done ? I♦ Additional Montavilla Items ♦ < > Jim Latham at the old stand at Troutdale, Ore., is prepared to do your work quickly and let you go on your way again. Our prices are right; you may have been told that they were high, but just ask your friends and our’s about that. < > HORSESHOEING : A : SPECIALTY •< » We pass up nothing ; All work guaranteed. : I James H. Latham, I'ROUTDALE, - - OREGON i; ♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦<♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦: I A. FOX, FOX & CO. TROUTDALE. FAIRVIEW. ITie trend of prices is upward SUGAR has again declined 10c per 100 lbs., making a total of 40 cts. decline.|| WEE PAY this week Dairy Butter. 50c: Eggs. 35c a dozen WE QUOTE THE EOEEOWING PRICES : The Largest Stock and Assortment of Patent Medicines Improvement League Meeting. in (Continued from page 1.) to communicate with the Fairview Im­ provement Assis-iation »«king its ct roailway from th»- eastern city boundaries to the Twelve Xlile road. The majority of farmers owning pro­ perty along the route have heretofore signified their willingness to entertain such a proposition, and it is thought that by a little effort unaninioiis con­ sent could la- obtained. Now that the widening of X’illa avenue seems practicallv assured it is of the nt- nirvt importance that the extension eastward lx- widem-d thus si-curing one of the grandest thoroughfurea in tl.e county. If untiring work ami a "never give up" spirit count for anything the Is-ague intends to win out on this line. Multnomah County The boys and girls of the Montavilla XV. I-'. ÜREER, Sleali) Wood Saw Bran, per sack, .... 50c Shorts, ..................................... 70c Fine Salt, 50-lb. sack, . 30c Lipton’s Teas, 1-2 lb.? . 30c GOLDEN GATE BAKING POWDER. Best on Earth, 39c Tomatoes, Corn and Peas, 3 cans, 25c e Pork and Beans, 3 cans, We will 25c guaran tee Soda, Arm & Hammer, 4 for 25c satisfaction Carnation Cream, 3 for 25c to every cus­ Bakers Breakfast Cocoa, 20c tomer. We are Mince Meat, .... 3 for 25c back of our Postum Cereal, .... 20c guarantee and • Grape-Nuts, .... 13c stake our repu­ tation of 15 Allen & Lewis extra Standard Oysters, years of con­ the Jobbing price today for futures is $1.25, tinued business we retail for ... . per can 10c in this Extracts, Lemon and Vanilla, . 3 for 25c community. Com Meal, best, per bag, 10 lbs., • 23c Cats.up, 25c size, • 17c Pearl Oil, per can, $1.10 Swift’s Pride Soap, hot stuff, 9 bars, • 25c Golden Star Soap, 8 bars, • 25c 1906 Milkner Herring, per keg, $1.10 Gem Mail Boxes, 1.15 Flour, Best, .... per bbl. 4.20 Raisins, 16-oz. pkg., 11c • • Every Day is Market Day with us.