CONQUERED. >W GRESHAM and MONTA VILLA, MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1906 nought amt found |>ea<*e here In th* IMPROVEMENT LEAGUE MEETING JAMES H. DOUGLASS DEAD. R. R. Carlson on Grand Jury gaunt pillar on a lonely rock. R. R. Carlson, who wan recently em- Strunge how differently men are con­ Favorable in |«uelle*l on tlie trial jury says that for stituted. And women! Bail! A hard look came Into Ids eye*. Ill* mouth net tlie secood time since the ('minty was Home. Avenue. In ■ stern contempt. For ■ llttl* while organised a grand jury was drawn in the III* face bore a nteely expression which mialdle of the w-nnion of the trial jury. Author ol The 1 mprovement la-ague nu-t in reg­ J. H. Ifouglasa, one of the beat-known would have amazed tlie man within the Mr Carlson was made foreman of the "Th. lantern, now singing lustily a* be ular session last Monday evening. The mtn of eastern Multnomah, died at hie Wing* grand jury, and under his leabernliip worked. committee on railroad station was asked home in Pleasant Horne last Tile*lay, of of ths ami at the suggestion of District At­ Blit, an the linrp of Itavld canned the by the pri-ni.lent to punh matter* along consumption. Morning" torney Manning, the grand jury pro­ evil spirit to depart from Snul. so cd hl* genially: widening of Villa avenue, and in allow- little over a year ago, estsblisbing a herdj al*» the city and county jails. In bend out. Ing the citizen's committee full sway, general merchandise more at that place. "goon as'II bs In txmdon Town, the report Mr. Carlson says the gram! fling, my lads, y«*o ho-o! "I ild you ball trie?" he lu»|tllr«*d. it, nevertheless, han a watchful eye up- Mr. lloiiglanf had been nick in lied for And the Ulna In bls uolden crown, jury called the attention of the county Tlie matter of fact words invoke tli* on the proponition. the pant live week* and hi* death was my lulls, )»o ho!" officials to a number of mutters that dreiimer. Ha turned with u plounant A motion win» made and unanimously not altogether unexpected. 'Hie num on the platform siomied to nui 11*. needed attention, some <>( which if p it He leave, a widow, one non, Harlow, be amused from a pnlnful reverie i-y carried that the secretary lie instructed "To lie exact. Jim, I did linll some (Continued on page 5.) (Continued on page 5.) (Continued on | sit -I. tin* jingle n» curiously apropos to hl* laxly, but It waa Aurora. Spirit of tin* I in\vii. not a hard bitten aullormati th nights. He tapped his pipe on the Iron railing mid was nt »out to enter the like you.” "till, that'* nil right, cup’ll! 1 thought lantern uu.l ao to the region of sleep beiieiilh when suddenly lilZ glance, I beard you nlnglii' out for a light.” The other mull bent III* li *«4 to niileld trained to an acuteiwss not dreamed of a mntcli from n puff of w ind, tint* con- by folk n-li ire. rented on Home object *■ Of Rodgers Stock Men’s, Women’s ’ renting from liln companion tin* gleam ncomliigly distant a mile or less and of In Ills eyes HI* mute urd'tlng slowly nearer with the tide. Shoes, Hats Miscellaneous Fancy At this hour u two knot current • ulffed ilu* fragrant <• lor of tin* tobacco longingly, but tlr* Elder Brethren of swept to the east around anil over the the Trinity mnlutnlii strict discipline. tri*n< heroin reef whose aituki*n tangs In mi less than the I'll go lielow.*' vup irons eddies fading down to the Both men wore the uniform nr and tumbled canvas, betokennd ahr<**ln of white mist were curling fur an accident, perchance a tragedy, “Jim!" he crfet on the glow lug picture. I»' » i M e pled the void with llle mid Inmlalied came at the call. He was lame, C<- ■ poetry with tlie thinly sheeted ghosts result of u wound received In f 3 g of the fog. In il little tuoni tinnì nli Egyptlnn cnmjMiltni; nevertheless, hour she would be of thè Utili was quick on bln feet. flV "What do you make of that?” IliK'k light. Tlie «atelier lielicved was The sailor required no more than r. almost certain, In fuct flint alte was the Princess Il » bomewnrd bollini gesture, lie dialled Ills eyes with hl* frmi New York lo Southampton. Fiori right hand, a mere shlp'ioanl trick of Values Inequaled Anywhere w her deck thi e enthusiasts who corn-ent rat Ing vision and brain, for tin* rialtig sun was almost Ix-'ilml him. bail risen early ■■ lough to catch n first WK - * "Ship's Isiat,” ho answered laconical­ glimpse of the English «-oast were al­ ready sc.'ilining the trimly rugged out­ ly. "t'olllnlon. I expect There’s bln lines of tin* Sellly Isles mid aiurchlnt; no blow to speak of for days. But TAILORS with their glasses for t!ic Iaui.l's End they’re gon»*. Knocked over! »on rd when k I ii * was took a hack by a squall. In mid the Lizard. less then! birds" In n few hours they would be !*1 lie spo! e lii n sp»<*les of verbal short K intliaiufiton; that nfternoon In Lon­ this stock can be found in the of don I. .nd.»u. the Mecca of the world, hnml. but his meaning was clear from which two year* ago he t!«i! with enough, even To the sentence left tin n loathing akin to terror. The b.g ship finished. The craft was under no <*on out there, panting mid straining ns if tn 1. Sin* would drift stolidity Into the she were beginning, not eudlug. her bay u.tll t'le tide turned, wander la » iH-t-in rm e of .’l.iHM) miles, was carrying an nlmh-ns cirri.* for half an li**ur * eager hundreds b> tin* pleasures mid thereafter. hhi ! then, when the ebb re *• follies of the great city. Yet he, the stored direction and force to the cur­ man smoking mid silently stnrlng nt rant. voyage forth again to the fabled tin* growing bank of smoke a young realm of I.yontiesse. this will YOU GREAT are For a little while they stood together man. t: handsome, erect, with the clean, smooth proflie of the aristocrat- In slleuce. Jim suddenly quitted his I I (Continued on |>ag<* 3) had turned bls back on it nil and Hopes THE PILLAR of LIGHT Villa Louis Tracy CH A ITER I. 0 IX nlgbt king the great boll of the lighthouse, slung to a stout beam projecting sea wan! la* neulh the outer platform, hud tolled Its warning through the fog. Tin* monotonous ticking <>f the clock­ work attachment Hint governed It. tin* ►harp ami live).er dick of the occult­ ing Itarvl’s machinery, wcra the ouly sounds which alternated w ith Its deep boom. Tlie tremendous clung sent a thrill through the giant column Itself sml |>eul<*<*rhuimrn eye sought to pierce the very heart of tlio fog. and the furnace white glare, con­ centrated ten thousand fold by the eti clr< ling lilve of the dioptric lens, flung far Into the gloom a silvery clonk of liiooullke majesty. At Inst nu Irresistible slly sprung to the asnlstaiu'e of the uneoiiqill*rnble light. About tlie dose of the middle watch ■ gentle brru*«* from the All. hi tic followed the tide «Ild swept the shivering wrsltii landward to tlie north east, while the first beams of a June aun ctMupleted the destruction of the routsd s|MM t»r. Ko oiu-e more, as on the dawn of the third dny. the waters under the lieaveu were gathered luto mw plsce mid the dry land appeared, und. liehold. It urn* good. Ou the borlsou the turquoise rim of the sea lay with the she»*n of foli toil • Ilk against the softer canopy of the sky. Toward the west n group of Is­ lands. to which drifting banks of mist clung In malting desjialr. were etched In slmdows of dreamy pundv Over the nearer nra floor the quickly dying vapor spread n hnxy pall of opal tints. Across the face of the waters glisten­ ing bands of emerald gT»*en mid soreuo blue qttlvereil In fairy llg'its. The slanting rays of tin* sun threw broad­ cast a golden inlriieo u nl glided nil things w ith the dttnili i!l.idm* s of an English summer-* dny. A man. pacing tin* narrow .* il!ery I»*»- tun th the lantern, hiitcd fur n mo­ ment to flood tils soul nfrc«h with n beauty made entrnm-ln : by tlie kiiowl- rd- e that n few brief tnl'Httc« won! I resolve It Inf» niaturvr uud more fa­ miliar clinrmn. lie was cngnwd. It I« trit**. In tin* Unromantlc m-tlon of flllbhis pipe, n simple thing. I m *I ovi * I alike of | hh * is and nnvvlea. yet Ills eyes drunk In the mute glory of the scene, mil. captive to the spell of th.* hour, lie murmured aloud: "Ftontlng on wav*« of music nnit of llxht, Iteliold the chariot of the fair* nw th.* unylel ling .dr; Their fllmy pentionn nt h* r wor.l they furl Anil stop obedient to tlie reins of light." The small door benenth the glass fane wan often. The worker within, busily cleaning an eight Imli buruer. NO. 48. for a Wider Died Tuesday at His Home Pleasant I The Great Sale is still on ! and Children s Clothing, Articles at 8c Sons’ Bankrupt of and Caps and Portland's Famous Emporium, the The Cheapest Place to Buv in United States LATEST EASTERN STYLES from $5.00 to $15.00 * OVERCOATS from S4.75 to $15.65 ...... p FROM WORLD’S FAMOUS In everything needed enormous THE LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUALITIES IN WEARING APPAREL. FOR ALL. Bring the Boys and Girls and Get one of those : $4 to $6 Coats for $1.50 A MANY taking advantage of Sale and it Where will you invest your Money? In the Bank $100 for one year will bring a net return of only $4 In Fairview FOR PARTICULARS CALL ON shape $100 invested for one year will net at least 25 per cent, or |J £ VAUGHN PORTLAND, PAY ♦