Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, November 23, 1906, Image 1

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VOL. 2.
Prof. Bert Arhurst Has Resigned
Mountain »« liool wlll givo a Tlinnk»-
< >ieslislu
giving Entcìtaliiiiiuiii iin>l Basket Social
regret to
iicxt week.
Columbia Gr*ngu n-pirt» u
ba» not
eiitlinciiisiie sih - ìu I la«! Saturila)’
Agissi crowd «us prestili lo v
thè burtilng <>l lini mortgagi*, inni thè
hall is liow Olii of delit. '
Mr W. l'rowsleii s|»*nt Siiti lnv ivitli
hi* little daughter*, « ho are niakliig
tlielr prvseiit limile «I Amier-mi's.
Mr. limi Mr,. Kos« trausacied busi-
in»» in Portland mi Tliursday. Mr».
Ibis» having t«*i <i«twr» cmilliied tu tl:e
loun C’fllccrs Named.
A largo nuin|H*r of thè yming folk» of i
I’ursuaiit t<> llu* call of Mayor lu-w is
Ibi» placo I» down wttli Hgrip|s*.
Shattuck a goodly number of voter»
Mr. and Mr». Ilasmiiasen of Cortiett gathered In the Regner hull last Mon-
wuscsllers ut Anderson’»ibi» we»k.
day night, Nov. IWtlj, ami after electing
Additional Gresham Locals
Mr. and Mr». W. II. Persons were
among our many visitors Saturday.
They were delighted to find us »<> nicely
Hr J. P. Powell, one of Powell Valley'«
most honored mill oldest srttler», dl<*|>-
l*ed in to see Tin* Herald's big press last
Naturday. lie said the high wind» of
Inst week reminded him of the big
wind iii tin* early *•>’» that in ill a mt l‘>
minute» mowed a smith through the
timber big enough f*>r him to see Mt.
Ibssl from Ins trout gate for the first
Fred Palmqiiist, son of J. A. I'almquist.
r< turned home for u few days visit after
an absence of eight liiontlis ill t'arsou.
Wash, lie mol G -orge an I Arthur
llsldwin left oil tin* I'.’tli for Lis Angeles
Cal. w here they expect to s|»-ml a few
Ed. Littlepage, who is helping in the
construction of A. H Meyer's new res­
idence, is residing on his farm at pre­
sent. lie says there is to Is* n Mamie
store built near Ids place in the very
near future.
la*«is Hhaltuck chairman and Rulph
Johnson secretary, proci-«-di-d to the
nomination of officers for tin* Town <>f
Gresham. Alter a number of nomina­
tion» and I’alloting u|sm »ami*, the fol­
lowing were nominateli by a majority of
all vote» cast : E. ('. Liedsey for mayor,
J II Metzger, tteiisurer; J>, H. John-
son, recorder; Fred McElliott, muraioli;
F. II Stuart, councilman to fill the un­
expired term of Councilman S. It. John­
son, reaigued. »ivi I* M. Ilola*rta, Bert
Thoma» ami I.. I*. Manning eoui.c.lmeu
lor the lull term.
A new scheme for stulillng dairy
cows hus la-on suggested by t‘rofi*»»or
Erf of the dairy department of the
Killians Htnti* Agricultural college. A
covered yard plan consist* of building
n cheap structure oud allowing th*
cows to run liaise In the stable. In
oilier words. It Is merely a covered
yard, with some cheap routing material,
closed III ou all aides. On one cud of
thia yard la a milking stable, luto which
the cows are driven to I* milked every
nlglit and morning. They are fed their
grain ratluus while being milked. Tb*
Archie Corn itt, of Pleasant Valley, louxtaag* I* fed In the covered yard
paid ns a visit last week.
A*eaw(aaea a* tile MetlteA.
Charles Reynolds was a business visit­
Ttie advantages of this method of
or last Saturday.
stabling are enumerated aa follows:
First.- Cheapueaa; Uo stalls, no ex­
pensive building and no .-ement floors
Hlqh School Basket Social.
are required, except those that are In
The Istaket ms-ial given by the Gres­ the milking stable.
Hecond This covered yard la liedded
ham High school, under the leadership dally. It lias the advantage of making
ol 1‘roflrsaor llert Ashurst, last Friday the greatset amount of the best ma-
■light ass a decided success. A large uurv of auy plan that may tie devised.
numlirr of nicely decorated l«»ket» The stable Is cleaned out at aucti tint*
had been arranged ami sold at prices as to allow the manure to lie hauled di­
varying from fifty cents to (2 realising rectly from the stable to the Held. Thu*
about (31) which will la* applied to tlie uothlng la lost In tlie way ef fertility.
Third -4'ows are more comfortable
improvement of the lalioratory.
In such n stnble than In stalls.
Fourth With plenty of tieddlng tb*
cows con tie kept cleaner.
I« All ISraewAs.
Fifth.—It »lives lalior to clean out
Mau From Jupiter I wonder If the stable every day.
tbiUA’» on earth are expensive?
Hlxth.—All that It la necessary to
Man From Mura Nome thing* may keep scrupulously clean la tlie milking
be. but airships don't catue very high. stable, which la but a small part of th*
—Detroit Tri Im ue
» b*rn.
Mare Trewkle.
And Russia will And
Mattrrs svsn morr warm
When It makes up Ils mind
To a sprlllns reform
— Washington Star.
Hr Had
Froled ftaoarbudy.
Gerald Ap|ieurancea an* often de­
Geraldine Ho aouwbody ba» taken
7011 for it gentleman again!—New Tone
Alaa. Yeel
A humble tailor Death had raught
Within hla clutches grim.
Tat by hl» grace ws stood and thought
How much we owed to him.
—Philadelphia ledger.
He Keew
Howell I had some worda yesterxlay
with Rowell.
Towell -Thru I'll tiet yon paid tbs
telephone folia. Brooklyn Life.
An Eighty-Foot Thoroughfare Many Items of Interest Call
Meeting With Approval
Out a Full Attendance
on Tuesday Night.
by Property-Owners.
Fairview “Push Club” Should Cduncil Specifies How Side­
walks Shall be Built—Will
Now Make Effort to
Extend the Road.
Provide for City Light.
Gresham tliqh School Has Vacation
Owing to the resignation of the prim-
ipal tlm Gresham High school «»» giv­
en a vacation la«t Wednesday morning
which will continue until lire. 3rd, at
which time arrangement» have la-en
male for the wliool to open as usual.
The Public school will have a vacation
during all of next week in order that tia
teacher» may attend institute.
The Successful Man.
NO. 47.
enough to »nit you I store it ¡»gone, In­
side- that which you have in the bank
w ill act ax a magnet in helping you to
put more there and the more you have
there the harder it will pn’l for yon. I
you want to buy a small tract of land
that i» a good way to raise the money.
If yon ex|»*ct to build it will surprise
you how fast you can make that fund
grow and then yon will find it very con­
venient an I an excellent plan to pay all
expenses in building by check, which
will give you a complete record with a
legal receipt for every expenditure, ami
■Itould you have a tire the fire insurance
company cannot contest your claim.
Paying bv check puts you on a looting
with all the business world just where
you onght to be.
The First State Bank offers every in­
ducement consistent with good banking
principle» ami will tie glad to give you a
check Look and any information you
may deaire.
You will hear the croaker say of a
No one of the couiiciimen or officers of I successful man “I can't see what there
the town was absent last Tuesday night is alsiut that man that make» every­
thing he puts his hand on turn to mon­
at tlie adjourned session of the council
ey. He isn't any smarter than I am,
excepting the treasurer ami he was out and here I am plotlding along just mak­
of town.
ing a bare living by hard work. I was
It was known that several matters of ahead of him at school; in fact, he was
s|<e<-ial interest were to come up and the fool of the class, but here hr is roll­
ing up hundreds at every turn while
this called out several visitors. The
men who were smarter in eve.ything NEW HAMPSHIRE STATISTICS
others were there, of course, from a seern to have trouble to make a decent
Oser 30.000 Atlrst Gr»»»e l.eetares
sense of duty. That tliisis true is shown living.’’
la Three UoRlha.
by the fact that while the visitors got
State lecturer I*attee of New Hamp­
tirisl and left early tlie conn ’¡linen de­ ful man lias acquire*! that one habit,— shire reports a most excellent work
the habit of saving,- saving a portion
liberated concerning the affairs and w el­ of liis earnings no matter whether it lie done in tba*. state during the first three
fare of tlie town until nearly midnight. wages, salary, profits, interest or divi­ months of this year. There were given
LOOT selections of vocal and 037 selec­
Several ordinances were introduced dends. He is taking care of tlie ilollar
tions of Instrumental music, 2.438 read­
and given their first reading. One pro­ which lie lias earned while his brighter ings. 531 essays. 327 addresses. 18
vided fora refund tc tlie owner of cer­ friend is chasing some wildcat scheme dramas. TO farce*. 103 tableaux. 0G4
tain tracts on Rolierts avenue, recently whereby he can treble his money by dlscussioua upon which 4.219 people
iixws-e,I for street im provemelite, of a »(¡ending that which lie already has.
spoke; 52.S37 people beard these pro-
proportionate share of |25 deihicted by
Then there is the man who has spells grammes. In
all there were 10.247
the contractor from his bid Ix-eause of ol saving that don’t last. He feels a parts given,
consuming 41 days. 3
alternation in the plan of the work on slight awakening of spirit in his body,; hours and 4G
minutes. Can the value
sizes hilnself up, and after reasoning
|»irtioii of said street.
of aueb an amount of work be esti­
Another ordinance provides for the with himself that he is as go*sl a man
isiynieiit to Henry Kane of |!<l for ma as many others who have made suc­
“I read and am told.” eave Mr. Pat-
terial and lalmr on a portion of the
“that during the summer mouths
I will.’’ Ah! What a pity that he
street not otherwise provided for.
grange Interest slackens and that lit­
Ordinance 27 was iiitnsluced ami tin-
erary work must Ire 'in a lighter vein.*
W. II. Reed went Li Shoalwater lay der tuspenaion of tlie rule was adopted. strength soon wanes and he catches I do not concur In that opinion. I be-
Thia ordinance »iwifles how sidewalks
on Tuesday.
can’t," ami he soon finds that bulwark, lieve in hard work in hot weather.
Fred Hboltz was a Portland visitor on »hall be built in the town of Grtslmm.
It provide» for gravel, plank or cement that little fortification which he hail The summer season is that of greatest
activity among farmers, and I bold
walks. All plank walks shall lie five built upadound him, that which would
Mrs. Newell Gleaaon, who is recover­ f«*el wide with a curb, the curb to lie have helped him rise in the world all that people can work harder with their
Leads when they work harder with
ing from an attack of quinsey, sjieiit the t* i tie «even feet I nun property line. All gone and lie feels defeated.
|M»t week with her aunt at Ferndale gravel walks shall 1« seven feet wide.
"There is a tide in the affair* of men their bands. I do not mean that pro­
When tlie council hereafter orders side­ which, taken at the flood lea,is on to gramme» should be long and tedious,
C. J. Littlepage »|wqit Thurailay and walks U> U* built sccording to specifica­ fame and fortune.” Fortune may bat that they should be mo rs carwfwily
Friday in tlie city. Ilia ,laughter May tions it will be knowu what is meant.
knock at your frout door once but she arranged and presented In the best
who is attending college returned with
not going to wait for you to come and possible form. Do not expect your
At Ttiesday night's meeting a résolu-
members to sit through • dull pro­
him Friday evening to s|iend Naturday tion was passel providing (or six street open if you don't hurry.
in a hot ball. Hee to It that
and Bunday at home and attend the light« at a probable cost of (72.
matters eoocernlug the work la which
ings and uses that only which he actual­ they are at that tlmo engaged are
Grange lanquet Saturday evening.
ly needs.
Rev. Houle preached at Corliett sc bool
brought to the atteutioo of the mem­
Ixiok at our large corporations, the ber». Every member will be interested
house Munday morning.
Many of tliem commence when bis own affairs are under dis­
Notice is hereby given to all stock- railroads.
Mrs. laitta Benfield ami daughter,
o|M*rations loaded down with debt. If cussion. For example. In the baying
Anna, w ho are being i-are*l for at a
under proper management they adopt a season a thirty minute programme,
Portland hospital, are reported very sick I A Clackamas Comity Mutual Telephone
saving plan at once. All their funds with essays, readings and a discussion
at this writing with typhoid fever.
phone bills must be |iaid to the treasur­ are immediately banked and cannot be concerning the bay crop, will be of
David Benfield drove to Portland on
interest to the farmers, who would not
er of said company at tlie First State checked out except over the signatures care to listen to a programme deal­
Friday witli a load of peas.
Bank on or la-fore the 10th day of eacli of at least three or four different per­
Tlie moat enjoyable social event of the and every month. Otherwise no long sons. Each year a portion of their earn­ ing with European affairs. Interesting
as they may be. Above alL. do not In­
iM-aeon was a Imnquet given by the distance calls will be honored over the ings is set aside and placed in a sinking fringe upon the time and patience of
Columbia Grangers at their hall Satur­ lines of this company. Said stockhold­ fund with which to finally pay the debt. your people by lengthy programmes.
day evening. After a short session of ers and renters are also notified that Tlie fact that they are able to set aside a Thirty minutes of good work ou a hot
tlie grange tlie doora were thrown open any violation of Rule 5 (which follows) |M>rtion of their earnings, though it may night Is better than an hour that
to a lew invited guests. Tlie event was will lie charged with tlie full amount of lie small, places them higher each year drags."
to celebrate tlie burning of a |«i<l up the inesnage.
in the estimation of the public and we
Hon 1» «he Dairy.
mortgage on the hall. C. J. I.ittlefmge
RULE 5. No member shall allow hear of them as a successful corpora­
The conditions most suited to the
in a short »* Id less very ably gave a brief the use of bis telephone free of charge tion. “Success makes success as money growth of germs are food, warmth and
history of the order here from it« organ­ to any person not a stockholder, except makes money."
moisture. Milk furnishes the required
isation in IH1KI to I he presell ttime. Tile it lie a mem tier of his family, hia part­
If this lie correct policy for corpora­ food for their growth. Bacteria are es­
grangers have a fine hall and should lie ner in business, his employee or guest tions why not for individuals? If debts pecially numerous In and around a
complimented for their enterprise.
who is actually visiting his family, or a amounting to millions of dollars can be dairy and get Into the milk in many
F. W. Reed, in the employ of the N. member of another line who lias free (mid in this way why not the mortgage ways. Thousand» of them are con­
cealed in crevices that can barely be
I*. R. R. Co., is running a gasoline lamii'h exchange with this line, and then only on the farm or home dwelling? Deposit
seen, and If they come In contact with
lietween Mt. Pleasant landing and Cape to a stockholder or renter. Any mem- j the money in the bank as you get it and milk they wUl Increase many thousand
her who shall violate any of tlie provi­ it will surprise you to see how fast it fold within a short time and set np bad
of this Rule shall lie charged with will accumulate with a little effort on fermentations, which are familiar to
An immense slide and washout near
Bonneville was the cause of no trains | the full amount of the message so per-, i your part. Ikin’t wait to make a big all dairymen. — Kansas Experiment
deposit because it may not get big Station.
over the O. R. .♦ N. on Thursday.
The committee heretofore ap|siinted
to prepare ami present to the city coun­
cil, u resolution to o|ien East Glisan
street (Villa avenuejeightv feel wide to
to the vast line of the city, is meeting
«itn general »up|»>rt from the property
owners along the »treet.
lust Saturday evening the committee
submitted to the East 2htli, street Im­
provement Aawwiation, the pro|sjsiti<>n
of widening Glisan street westward from
the l.a<l<l farm to 2Xth. street and open­
ing the street thence westward to the
Handy road, ami thus make one con-
tinttoua wide street from the Willamette
river to the vast line of Montavilla,
That asrsa'intion ex|ir*-»»e 1 itself a»
being heartly in favor of such a move­
ment and appointed a committee to
confer with the pio|«*rty owners along
the street ami to call a meeting of that
association within a few days when the
matter will la* fully considered.
It is now time for the "Push Club"
at Frirview to commence u|>eration to
o|»-n it county road eighty feet wide.
You have heard men say:
“I could have bought property in Portland
— or some other place — 20 years ago, yes,
even one year ago, which has since sold
for many times the sum asked at that time
con Id’nt see it
If you want to be among the successful
buyers of Fairview Property, see
110 Second St
Portland, Ore
Fairview Lots and Acreage
is now offered at the lowest
Persons buying now will not
one year or 20 years hence,
it.” They are sure from the
possible prices,
have it to say
“I could’nt see
start of
Good Returns for the Money