Montavilla has a few enterpris­ ing men who remind one of the bulldog - they never let go. Their enterprise and persistency is aln»ut to be rewarded in the opening of a boulevard through the Ladd tract to the villa, and possibly to Fairview. We are glad to see it. URltld ArtiSIHS mblv, No. I Hall — I ■ < • •». I....... . l»t mb I 3.1 Friday III R.gll.-r « t-ai-h mouth. One Dollar will A Ticket ILmry IX-utliit, M. A.; C. A. Nutlev, See'». All Altinaiw Weleoliio. Hi Mean« more th in tm rw traii»|s>rtation u n ia over GWtSMAM liltIH LOOGt Xo. til, I *• * F ,m<-et»-m Hie «ZTT-ml aiiiirtell. X. li ; Ml» Jo»v|dl Stallie». \ i; tir». II. F. Itavi», »»v telai»; Calla Keime», liea»ilier; Mr» Ruth li >l«*i't». I> I*. <»r I A»: let. ’•pec- Prrfrrl Ht k* Utt rum red Y io eye» Hued at h«'tue me f<»r I t «* Imt'klrt »!• •• riblnii ilri HfhurHt ta r »u ♦! Mrtti» I 1 »I • W Ati Io IsMiirij >«*i Per Year SI c» I»» advance- to foreign countries. >| m 'Three Month»' I tm I MibM rtptioi * are avvvpted from n*" »nbM-ribt r* tor ♦ » RKMITTAWE> »nould U *en< by Kxpre»-* or Pottortu■< Money Order. RegHlvrvd l i tter or Che-k Stamp*» aei’vptvd ui» t »¿Scent* l»ISCONTi ST KXCF> in »let« rvni-e to the w i»h of the majority of our »uhtrrther* the ¡«a|»er i» went until all arrearage f» paid and an order to diwontinue 1» rwelved. If you ui»h umr I*« per »topped at the end of the year, »late that fact when you »end in your »utw* riplion and your reque»t will he heeded. CH ANGE OF %PI»RESS. In ordering change of addrv».* aive old a* well a* new addre»» COKRESI*ONRENTS are wanted in every lommunitv if no correspondence apprar> from jr*»ur ncight»orh«»od you are rv»peetfully rvqr.« *ted to »etui ua a* many local item» a* you van. ADVERTISING RATF. s are rea»«»nat»lv and will be promptly »ent u|«on application JOB PRINTING i> our »laa-ialty. M e are well equipiasl to du the beat work at current price». Send ¿5c in Stamps for Three MontiM* Trial Subscription. Entered a» aero nd-ria sa matter at the p« »at office at Gresham. Oregon E O I TO RIAE EXAGGERATED REPORTS. “From yellow journalism, good Lord deliver us.” would be an appropriate prayer in these days. The horrible affair in At­ lanta a few weeks ago was due very largely to glaring headlines in Southern papers exaggerat­ ing real evils, and the reports received in the North concerning Atlanta were grossly exaggerat­ ed. William R. Hearst, said to be worth $400,000,000 (probably a big estimate), is the leader in this thing. With his string of “Americans” in nearly all the large cities, he appeals to the baser natures of the people, and is doing all in his power to sep­ arate class from class, and at the same time advance his own ambitions. A few days ago an item with scare headlines an­ nounced race riots in the town of Seneca. South Carolina: “A Negro college dynamited.” “the town destroyed by fire,” “race riots,” and “the state called up­ on for aid.” Having a nephew, pastor of the Baptist church in the tow'n, I wrote in deep anxiety, in reply I learned that there had been an unsuccessful attempt to dynamite a small Negro school, and that it was in all probability the work of rival Negroes: that there had been quite a serious fire for a small town, but by no means a destruction of the place; that the fire is supposed to be the work of an incendiary, and that there wa3 no riot or sem­ blance of one. In short it was just such an event as might oc­ cur in any town with no ques­ tion of race involved. Truly our Southern friends deserve our sympathy.—A. B. in Pacific Bap­ tist. A BETTER AMERICAN CITIZEN. A young man who came to this country young enough to get the benefit of our public schools, and who then took a course in Columbia University, writes: “Now, at twenty-one, I am a free American, with only one strong desire; and that is to do something for my fellow-men, so that when my time comes to leave the world, I may leave it a bit the better. ” These are the words of a Russian Jew; and that Russian is a better Amer­ ican, that Jew is a better Chris­ tian. than many a descendant of the Pilgrim Fathers. In this country every man is an Amer­ ican who has American spirit, American conceptions of life, American habits. A man is foreign not because he was born in a foreign land, but because he clings to foreign customs and ideas. I do not fear foreigners half so much as I fear Americans who impose on them and brutal­ ly abuse them. Such Americans are the most dangerous enemies to our institutions, utterly for­ eign in their true spirit. Such Americans are the real foreign­ ers.—From the Introduction to “Aliens or Americans?” THE OOSPEL OF HEALTH. Nature is always and forever trying hard to keep people well, and most so-called “disease” — which word means merely the lack of ease-is self-limiting and tends to cure itself. If you have appetite, do not eat too much. Be moderate in the use of every­ thing. except fresh air and sun­ shine. The one theme of ecclesiastes is moderation. Buddha wrote it down that the greatest word in any language was equanimity. William Morris said the finest blessing of life was systematic, useful work. St. Paul declared the greatest thing in the world was love. Moderation, equanim­ ity, work, love—let these be your physicians, and you will need no other.—Selected. VOTERS SHOULD PICK GOOD MEN Gresham is just at the time when the town council can either facilitate or retard her progress as a trading, education­ al and social center. Hence the voters of Gresham should use the greatest precaution in select­ ing the men who are to guide and protect her future municipal interests. The town needs men who will in every way possible work for the upbuilding of Gresham, who will, in so far as lies in their power, encourage every legiti­ mate business enterprise, ever keeping in mind the fact that pay rolls, be they ever so small, add to the city’s strength. Broad-minded, liberal, progres­ sive men. who have the interests of the town at heart, and who are not afraid to do right for fear of hurting their own busi­ ness. are the men that should be sought for, nominated and elect­ ed. Our readers will notice quota­ tions from the School and Home, Oregon’s baby monthly. The School and Home is published at Portland by the School and Home Publishing Company. The editorial management will be under the control of the Club. Timothy Brownhill of Gresham, Ore., will have charge of the business management. The pa­ per will be issued monthly. It is started primarily to serve the needs of the schools and homes of Multnomah County. It will work earnestly for better schools, brighter homes and happier boys and girls. If its message proves helpful to the schools and homes of this county, the management will be gratified. If its message finds a listening ear and an ap­ preciative word in other counties, the Teachers Progress Club will have accomplished some good in a larger field. We acknowledge receipt of an invitation to attend the meeting of the executive board (of which the writer is a member) of the National Editorial Association at St. Louis, Mo., December 4th. Business interests, however, for­ bid our attendance at that time. The people elect people to make law for the people and What is home? Home is then some people do their best where there’s one to love; to break the laws of the people. home is where there’s we to love us. Queer, ain’t it? 'lover Camp Xo :t|S. i.r. -h- We have heard of people who W. — 0. W. am, meet» tu Renner'« Hall ou could do two or three things at a -M ami 4lh»» at H p. in. I> F. I 'll • 'I. c c . I I.. Th..I p, l u ll,. VI«- time, ami do ’em well. We con­ Ituig \\ .»»linen W elcome. fess that our ability is somewhat limited along that line so we are Srtsham Lodgi No. 125. I. 0. 0. F„ now trying to do one thing well, Mevt» evei» s.tnr l., night in ••■l.l Fel­ lo»»' Hall. I.imi l'alm.pii-t, X li.; I> and if we succeed we shall feel M. R-lwrt», f»»«-rvt-»r»-. Etica itiimmiti quite satisfied. What about you? tne»*t» lat mii -I Ani W.»|n«>*la» a of eaeh In a personal letter, our friend Woodward, editor of the New­ berg Graphic, congratulates us on our latest move and suggests that nothing short of an earth­ quake can keep B?aver State Herald down. monili. All »iaiting ilivite.1 to alterni. “No Oregon mist last week. It didn't miss anything. It hit everything in sight” —“the rain we mean,” said one of our friends. “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes; but he who heark- eneth unto counsel is wise.” If all men could see alike there would be no need of law. «NO OCT DELICIOUS HOT CAKES DR. H. II. OTT, Anything you wi»h to know Alxuit Comfortable Traveling will Is. gladly told you by dkntimt * Gresham, rosTOFFtct Oregon R. V. HOLDER. Genl Ayl.. ISA Third Street. C. H. ATWOOD, M. I). PORTLAND. • ORtiOON. The product of the choicest wheat carefully prepared by our special Drocui. 4 poun(j package 20° If your <|roc«r dost e»t itll It, isnd us ths mooty lor a psckags. Booklst, cost- '.«Inine rscipst lor all our products, frsa or tht asXIng. Portland flouring Mills Ca. *i* ■'-»»•t«nd, Oregon Huimropathic Phyakiaa anil Nut geon Call« Attended to Day or Xigkl Office Phone. Main Hr» Phone. Main AX Gresham Ore. J. G. McElroy, PHYSICIAN "" SLRGEOJ Call« Promptly attended to. Ofice at Sandy Hotel. SANDY. tttt A Pleasant Way To Travel OREGON W. C. BELT. M. D PHYSICIAN »NO SUftCtON • nd we hrlíev» th* «ervle« and «rrorn- mor«> .1 < I.IXI^I Y, T., I’ . A I*. A., 112 Third st., I*<»rtlnt)it*. I’At I. B THOMPSON. I’’it. cl Pa««. Agt., Colninii Bl«lg., Svatilv, W;i"li. THE ORIEINALAND ONLY GENUINE DUST PREVENTIN0 FLOOR PREPARATION SEND FOR DUSTINE BOOKLET MANUrACTURCD BY WF? FULLER a CO. P £ M O Consolidating School Districts. SHORT LINE TO And lib ST aa well. The Oregon State Congress of Mothers is simply a conventional name for the organize«I, broad-gauge motherhood of this state. It represents the instinct of maternali«m that reaches out in sym­ pathetic helpfulness toward all children ami youth. Phili|»» Brooks soundeii the depths of true philosophy when he »aid, “lie regon who help« a child helps humanity with hor t ine an immeiiiatensM which no help given at any other stage of life can ever at­ tain." The Congress of mothers i» nion acific working toward» the attainment of the very l>e»t o|>|»>rtunities for the moral, 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY physical ami intelha tual deve'opnient of Through I’ulliusn «tsri.l»r.l« »...1 tour'.. every child in tlm land. It» objects are •1» .-pm«■<•»r. .Isily to Omaha, .'hlvago. Spo ksua; totirl.t «l.-.-phig cr dally to K nii - s - clearly set forth in Article II of the City Keclmlng < hslr <■».« (»••al» tr.-e) I.- th- Constitution: “The, objects of this Ea»t -tally. C-m/ress »hail Is* to raise the standards tatui INION DEPOT of home life; to give young people op­ . i \ 'i bally. portunities to learn how to care for children, so that when the» assume the R A M f» r. r m 9POKAKK El.VL It I’rtil) ball) diuies of pareutli<»»i they ma»' have some conception of the ineth<»l» which will l»-»t .levelop the physical, intellect­ Al LAXTH F.XPRM j * r i . P M 7 I » \ M ual ami spiritual nature of the ch Id ; to for tlu* East via Hunt bally. Daily. bring into closer relations the hmm- and 1 ! I - t < • 11._________________ FORTLANb Bl'.«.- ¡.o , ¡ . \ m the school, that parent« and t.-.nhers 6 P M CAL, forali I.H’al point« baiiy. Dally. may co-o|>erate intelligently in the edu­ Biggn and __ cation of the child; to surround the Portland. RIVER SCHEDULE. childhood of the whole world with that wise, loving care -luring the impression­ FOR ATTORIA and R 00 P M 5 «R> P M ball) ball/ point* < • »nn» 1 ng able years of life that will develop good way rgerpt rirept with ateatnar for llwa Hunlay, Sunday. citizens ; to use »ystematic ami earnest co and North H**a<*h, *t«*am«*r Haaaaln. Ash at Hat Ur«lay effort to ibis end through the formation ‘lo'k (water per.) lo Ul) P M of Mothers Clubs in every public school FOR D ayton , or» 7 no A . M. and elsewhere; through the establish-' gon city and Yamhill. bally Kl»t*r point», A.b-sl. «•xrvpt ment of kindergartens and the distribu­ -lock (w.U-r per ) Sunday. tion of literature, which will be of prac­ For L.-wl«t<»>, Idaho, and way point« Iron- tical use to parents in the problem, of Kltsirla. w a.h leave KIpaHa S 40 A M or upon arrival home life; to secure mote ade<|uate train No. 4, -tally except Saturday Arrlv« Kiparia 4 P M..dally except Friday laws for the care and protection of child­ ren and to carry the mother-love and Ticket < Iffice, Thini ami Waahinirton, mother-thought into all that pertains to Telephon»* Main 712. (’. W. Stringer, City Ticket Agent. Win. McMurray, childhood.” The Congress lias worked systematic­ Gen’l PaHitenger Agt. ally and unceasingly to promote ami ex­ tend the influence of the Juvenile Court, Local Schedule believing it to l>e a potent factor in . I\. CL H. Of Trains teaching the young to re»|>ect the law; E»«tw«r A V) 45 • 6 45 FAIRVIEW A M 5 ar raise the sm’ial and civic conditions of R 30 • 6 IR s i( our country than any other one thing. 9 04 6 i? » V 12 " This organization of mothers »tamis for the same wise, Io»ing thought and care for the children of the World a w i«e, loving mother gives her own children. The Herald is better prepared —The hch's.l and llmim. The principle of consolidation of school districts wa» e»tahli»h»-d in large way in Multnomah county last June when Mt. Tal«>r, South .Mt. Ta­ bor, Arleta and Woodstock were annex­ ed to School District No. 1, Portland, hv consolidation; ami Montavilla and parts of Districts 3, K ami 17 were annexed by extending the city limits. High school privileges for tlm Huhurban school« was the princi|>al incentive. Is there any way that we can secure high school pri­ vileges for other districts in flu- county not so fortunately situated?—TheScbixd ami Home. USE SCLF-RAISINQ CHICAGO “A wise son heareth his fath­ er’s instruction.” Work of the Congress of Mothers. It mean» thnt you will h ive every luxury mid cuinf'-it — tlm utmost Courte»»- (rom nil empi.-ve»- a «ule trip wml om- tinti will is- it p!e.ia- ure and delight. Il la the I-'H1 t.*l»l>. tins S.IVTM S|MX«1 hrother» cordiali»- Horn«, t»-l-a. tn., 1-A p. tn. IVFR What is the difference between an anarchist who does not be­ lieve in law, and a good (?) man who. knowing the law, deliber­ ately lives and works in defiance of it? METZGER & CO. . |o TACOMA PORTLAND SEATTLE 5P0KANE than ever to do your job printing in first-class style at low rates. /------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Watches and Jewelry The East wood Nurseries — REPAIRING A MPEdALTV — Ail Work Guaranteed. E. P. SMITH, Proprietor, Th. l’ion« .-r lu mut *C- 1 limlllllh < .» Gresham, Ore. For fljierial ftarfmlriM in Watches, Hoe Fred D. Flora, One- and Two-Year Fruit Trees. Small Fruits. Ornament­ al Trees and Shrubs. Rose Bushes and Flowers. « 4 w w 4 WATCHMAKER and JEWELER 191 Morrison St., PORTLAND, - - OREGON Write for Catalogue or for l.ate»t I’ric.m on Anything You Want. Mear PAp*v Restaurant. I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------