COTTRELL. Mr«. Nettie Killen h«« been vl«itlng her parent«, Mr. ami Mr». Jae. Spier», for the laat we«k. She ex peen to »tart for Pendleton ««in where her huabaml We are busier every day, selling the best of everything haa recently l<»:ated. to be had for the least money. Mr«. If. (’. Nelaon, of Orient, vi«it«-d the Cottrell m I iim .I lu«t week. She Let us quote you prices on good things to eat or wear brought a library of '»» liook» which «lie l«>ught with the priH-eivI« derived from a aocial given during the la«t day» of her ad hi ini»t ra'ion of lhi«»cliool »" teacher. Mi»« Alma Bowman ia principal, ami Mi«« Winnie Koak ia the primary tea< ti­ The ii»>l i.nuli i.oiihs, PAIR DI. \I. liouac ha« recently l«it uhi fri«*ti‘la here r«,«,viil- the «tumj»i taken out of hi» lota. Earl •y- Jack ia doing the work. A car <»( drivi pruni* »«» »hip|»sl The Cottrell to Boring r<>ad 1» all torn from C.irlwtt, grown by Toto Evon», up a» tlie reauit of blaatina the »tuuiji» Mr». Emily, M. Kicker«, Mr«. K inetto I out of the road. and Mr. Haundvra, on Oct. 25th. H. A. Itotv ha» taken a contract for Mr. atol Mr«. F. N. laxlie ami Mr». the clearing of HI aeie» of land fori-rank V, Elli« made a trip Ut PorlUmi lift Benn. week. There i» a movement on foot to call Mi»« Kathrine Johnson, of Portland, the tax|iayera together U> iliacu»» the wa« viaiting Iter parent», Mr. uml Mr«. adviaability of levying a apecial tax for A. F. JohnMMt, recently. the improvement of the road« in Sandy Potato digging i« at it» heightli bere. uml Cottrell diatrictx. The crop 1« not op to it« «tamlard either AnvtiM MMitlln« « •k*lrh wn«1 dwrrlMlon map B. F. Griffith» waa doing liitaine»» in jtiirnip M«M»rtain «>ur *»t*»ii«»bl«* ( • »mm unira- Cottrell Tueaday. ! Ditto ■! riot IY int i Hilen Hal HANDBOOK •'«» We »<■<■ tlie •’Itomele»»** boy hauling M»ni rr«M* «ÍI4»«< ogwicy f<>r ■«« »jring pui«nt«. M. Bull, while working in a dryer re­ Patenta taken llir<>u«h Munn A < u. rrcalve tle«toCoil« tt. Wonder il that buggy w ifht.ut Charra In iba cently, accidentally »truck hi» knee i» fixed yet. againat a box, making a jiaiiiful brume from the effect» of which he ba» been tet.mely llluatralad week)» Earveet nr rutatn>n of any scientIBr Journal Terme • ' a cuni|ielled to U m - a crutcli a part of the paar rtul4 by all newxlealera. ((OHI. Fred Sholtz wa« a busine»« visitor in time. Hranch OÄec SX F \Vaahiu«tun. I). C. Mr. Zimick killnl a fat [torker for Mr. the citv recently. Newell Gleaaon, and Mr. ami Mr«. Ball laat week. Notke for Publkation. Mr». Ida Holme», of Oregon City, ia Haumlei« were Portland visitor* la»t liillnl Htalce laotfl ’»Oh v, Portland. Orvfoii, visiting her parent», Mr. and Mr». J. week. OrtnlM r JB. E»* Nolle«* I» livrrb) given that In rompila nee Mr. Emily , oí < «r« »hani, was at Cor- H. Blackburn. w II h I hr pfovlaloii* «»I th«* act o! <*ongrr»a <»( Elmer Goger is building a modern June '■ IK>. »titilliti "Alt act for the «ale of Is-tl recently. 11 in I m -r latiile In t In mi a tee nf < a 11 ft irnla, < ’n M<»n. Floyd Revi and Guy Smith went to house. M. Ball i» aniating him. N«va all the Public l.aii'1 Míale» by act oí Clifford Schneider lia» started a fine iugu»tt IMVJ, Joevph It uf I orllalid. Warrendale la»l week to try camp lile lie has two acie« of « oiint) <»f Multnomah, Miai, of Oregon, has ami fiel, for »tmgeoii, but a» li»h were walnut orchard, tille fiai Wird III thle ttfttiH* Ille »Moni »tat« IH* lit voiing tree» of the California variety al­ No, TiÄlf, for the ptirchaer of the M 1 J Nff 1 I of nearer they only «layad a lew day*. act- No IKhi towhahlpNo I N . llaliRi* No. •’» Kev. Soule preached al Corbett Sun- ready planted, and expects to plant >.a»t. and will offer proof to show that ihr lau t »ought le mor«- laiuablr tor It» timber or »loiio da y morning. • mure in the near future. l han for agricultural puntole» ami t«>r*tabll»b hie claim to aaltl land I m fore th*’ Reglaler ami The Baptiat lui. 1». Jack ia AM i F.HNO.N H I b RK mm KR. Regleter CI» teacher. We l<«'k forward to a very tlie secretary, Mr». P. M. Miller treasur­ Urei publication, Not Dewi; I m » i piibliarenta, Mr. A Mr», • • .lame« Pounder, our re»|»-ct«»l toad spier». She is on her way to Pendleton One of the oldest and beat In- * RU|«rvi«or, i* driving a new buggy lioiwe to join her husband who has recently • • iiunincc coinpanieii in the world, e the«e day«. located tl ere. Minae« M h I h -1 ami Ague. Evan« «pent Christian Emleavor met Sunday even­ • JOHN II. METZGER. • Aqent • Illi enjoy able evening nt I he home of ing with a go<«| attendance. Wednes­ • • Mina Glenore Rllaaell recently. day evenings there will lie meeting» for a GRESHAM, OKE. • Taylor school children are thinking of bible study. All are welcome. giving an entertainment ami banket un­ Mr. Burton, of Columbia Slough, call­ cial nometime during the holiday«. ed r t g*»li to think it piivn. In th«- matter of th«« eMalr of FranrlN D. Tegarf. <|erra»r*l We me »oity to hear that Wm. Clown­ evening. Notier I» hereby given that the un>’ ill. in our burg »day or two ago he re|«>rts a t herein u Illi the < *<»11111 y < 1er k oí M nit nomali district road meeting at Sandy on Friday KELSO. eve for the pur|«we of levying a «|»-eiul Mr. Knox in building n new hoii«e. — road tax. Ed. Bruns of Sandy was among uh Bernhard Kligel viaited Portland laat Saturday afternoon. Saturday ami Sunday. W. A. Proctor A S. W. S«-oville went Minn Anna Bachmann viaiteil the Sun­ day hc I khi I a* Boring lant Sunday. She to Troutdale Saturday evening, it being »ay» they have n tine Sunday achool. full moon. Mr. and Mrs. F. Beers were the i-w«ts Chrin. Pngli wan laid up for a few dava of Z. Beer» last Sunday. hh a renult of la-ing »truck by n flying • •••••••••••••••••• timber while running the picket machine Miss Lottie RoHt-liaum is »topping it in JoiiHrml Bro’», mill. A road meeting J. Fowler» for the present. The disiip|>euraiiee of Mr. Millsti i-l is will la- belli nt Sandy next Friday even­ still a mystery. ing Nov. 2ml to diseuiH the improve ­ a In Clackania« County, Ore. ’ Potato digging is still the onler of the ment» of rnadn. day. Crops are re|»itcta- to digger. Mr». C. T. Wilson is doing the cooking fol tlielsiyaat the Prm-tor A Beers mill. Mr. Wilaon 1« hauling tiesaml log». Sis. Harris of Boring was doing buai- m-»» in Sandy last week. Among the fortunate hunter« of thi« vicinity are Ward Ito'igla«, Guy Custer, ami George Kitzmiller. Sol Carrel son of < lackamas has «tarted a hisip factory at Sandy. New ton l Irr re|H>rt« a thriving «tage lsiaine«i. Many new comers are settling near Sandy. Mr. Grr has recently built a neat four-r<»>m cottage, in which it ia Hua|H-<-t>-'l he will install a cook in the near future, T'a-roml« leading from Sandy to Bor­ ing ami tirewham are liadly in need of repair. It ia «aid the roads Is-low the mill» are kept up in g<«»l «hape, but between Sandy and the mills no men­ tion ih made of rej«ir». J. B. Tawney i» building an addition to Ins blacksmith »hop. V. B. Tappof Cherryville is a frequent visitor at Sandy. Geo. BoriiHtedt's imslern seven-room' cot lay e, will aoon lie fininheil. Ed. Bornstedt made a bnaines» trip to the metro|s>ii« last week. Miss Mabel Friel of Cherryville visited with Mr« Allen, la»t Sunday. W. P. Allen is driving teain for Born­ stedt's. Thomas Bro'» have recovered the Sandy Bridge. S. X Stoiier, C. S.Geological Surveyor, has left Ins outfit at McIntyres and de|«. C. where he will »¡«-nd the w inter, returning to renew the work Hometime in April. F. M. Gill deputy state organiser for the Oregon State Grange wa* l. Hart and wife of Firwood visit- ed in tin-sham Sunday. Miss I Mr a Milliron returned from a visit in Portland Sunday. Henry Keiseker is hauling lumber for a new house. Clair Corey, who owns a fine tindier- i-laim four miles s< uth of Cherryville, transacted business in Sandy Monday. J. H. Revenue, formerly of this place, moved his household i-ffects to Kelso during the week. Ed. Suekow lias purchased the Stone place on Sandy Ridge ami is alHiut to erect new buildings on it. Win. lluiiHdell formerly of this place called on the soft drink trade Tuesday. Jus. De Sluizer of lk>ver w as u busi­ ness visitor Monday. Henry McGugin had the misfortune of having a chip of iron enter his leg Rev. W. C. Exon, while bringing an while splitting wood last Saturday. organ and furniture to hi» homestead, t'bnrles Sliarnke lia« an umiMial ma­ had the misfortune h> upset the load on chine enroute from the East for thresh­ a hill side. Nothing was seriously 'lam- ing Lis large crop of peas. aged and Mr. Exon escaped injury. Mrs. M. McCormick is eonfinetl to Iasi suffering from u severe cold. 8ubrcril>e for The Herald. gRAN, $16.70 per ton. ORDER Your Winter Suit of Us, — FIT OCARANTEFD - gUBBERS and Rubber Goods of All Kinds. |^EW SHOES Arriving Each Week. ^^1.ICKERS, long, $2; short, $1.75. -1-OMATOES, Standard, 3 for 25c. We pay 1c above market price I^GGS. FOK FI LL CASES j^RY GOODS, for Winter in endless variety. -pHIS IS NOT ALL, not by any means, COME to our well-stocked Store and SEE. Yes, SEE for Yourself. “The Name that Taiko” «¿T Ä BORNSTEDT’S Sandy, Ore. ♦ <♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦<.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ : : : : ♦ NEWTON ORR, - - PROP. ♦ LEAVES Sandy for Boring at 6:30 a. m. and 2:00 p. m. ♦ <« : Boring for Sandy at 8:35 “ and 4:45 SANDY STAGE and LIVERY Schedule subject to change without notice. At Sandy Makes Connections with Salmon Mail: Stage. Also makes connection for Asch- t off’s and meets first car at Boring. | ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ •»♦♦♦♦♦»•♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Y ♦♦♦« « • <> < > < > < > < > < ■ < ' < i < i < i < i < > < > < > < > < > ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ The Famous Sandy Hostelry t The Sandy Hotel CHAS. E. LEWIS. Sandy, Under new management. Pays ? special attention to commercial and ♦ transient trade.............................. « Meals for Automobile Parties ♦ Mngr. Ore. Phone orders promptly attended $ to. Clean beds. Best of Home J Cooking. Prices Reasonable ... 4 Feed . Stable . in . Connection i ----------- --------- ------------- - X EGYPT Grandpa Wendhimi who was viciously attacked by a savage Isiar on last Sun­ Wm. Burkholder and Val Gebhardt day week has ao far eeeaped any serious are running the Fgvpt sawmill. Mr. complication. Huff has moved Imek to Portland. Clarence Cassidy, of Dover, w ho has The school district stiil has ¡Hissession bad typhoid feverfur the past few weeks, of the school is running along smoothly. is progressing favorably. Another recent addition to our popu­ lation is the Wilson family who, leaving GAGE Sherman county last mouth, journeyed Mr. Zilm and daughters, Bertha and aertss the mountain» al* the way with May, were in Portland recently. their own team. Watkins Paubalur Stock F»ositi