♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a >♦♦♦♦♦<►♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ IL L A 1 You’ve got hurry XI TO — I I : BI * ♦ *♦ ♦ ** ♦ ♦ ♦ : : : ♦ Incentrai Store* _______________ I Special Line of GLOVES M c C aslin . e . j. Car. Car Line and Base Line. Phone, East 732. I Albert Ehlers, HARDWARE DEALER NOW is the Time HERE is the Place to get your Stoves 223 HIBBARD ST. MGNTAVILLA. OREGON ______________ League to Leave Matter Rest, (or While at Least. The la-ague held its rvguhui meeting last Monday evening and various mat ters of importance were brought up and , <liscu»svd. The committee appointed to interview the electric ami gas companies in regard to light facilities re|s>rted that they had not l»eeii aide to get an audi ence with either President Fuller of the ehs-tric company, or Manager Piqwt of | the gas company, ami recommended i that communication be addresm-d to tin se gentlemen, setting forth our w isli- i cs and asking what promises for the fit- ‘ lure in tiie matter of electric light and i gas could Is- given. The fact that a remonstrance against lhe pr<>|s>se I improveim-nt of lliblmrd street had been circulated and present- cd to the council was re|s>rt<sl. Dr. Itevenv, an owner of property on that street, was present and urged that as the League had taken up the matter ami had circulated the petition asking for the improvement, that it follow up the g>**l work by ap|s>inting a commit tee t" »ee the street committee of the council. The doctor said that lie W MM very much in favor of improving the street ami desire»! that everything sitile be »lone to forward it. A com mittee consisting of Epton, Carter ami Dr. lk-veny was appointed to take the matter in hand. Tin- f.K't that the Board of Trade ha»i joined hand» with the Center A»l»lition Protective Ass»*'iation and had defeat»*! tiie widening of Villa avenue, for the prevent at least, was brought up, and w hile some of the ineiiilier» were desir ous of making a further tight the major ity were of the opinion that the League bad »lone everything that could reason ably lie asked of it, and could r,'st con tent to let the blame of the failure rest w here it belongs. D. McMillans, Tw^.ÄcLLAdK : LOCAL NEWS ITEMS — HEADQUARTERS FOR— Umbrellas. Rubbers. Rubber Coats and Caps for Men. an J Men’s Hats and Caps in New Styles an J Colors WANTED—To trade, g'«»l Bay State organ for fresh milch cow. W . C. Ayls- wortli, 101 Villa avenue. Rev. Gilman Parker will liegin a series of sermons next Sunday morning oti “The laist Messages of Christ to tile World,” the first to la- “Tiie B»s>k of Rev.” At night the subject will lie “Getting Right With to d.” Two were received for membership last week. SPECIAL ! Mon’s Fancy Cotton Hose. 25c Values, for 15c I. T. H g WITT G. K. HOWITT G. K. Howitt & Co., CONTRACTORS WOOD AND COAL YARD And General Team Work All Kinds of Fuel Itetilerss in Horseu Phone, East 4153 Base Line Road, MONTAVILLA, ORE. Warren’s Pharmacy Dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, Stationery, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS :: CAREFULLY • • Patent Medicines, DISPENSED Phone East 975, 2 Doors East of Postoffice, Base Line Road. Montavilla. Harriman Must Pay High. Dougherty & Gopenhefer GENE R A L Blacksmiths AND WAGON REPAIRERS Horseshoeing a Specialty BASE LINE. NEAR END CAR LINE MONTAVILLA, ORE. •••••••••••••••••••••••a IL B. DICKINSON Attorney - at - Law, Notary Public . . . 1>. S. Iiiinlmr has been acting as juror in tiie circuit court now in session in Portland, ami one of toe principal cases which he served on was a case between the Love estate ami the llarrinan lines, to determine what amount the Harr- inan lines should pay the Love estate for running the St. Johns to Troutdale branch across one corner of the estate. The i state wanted to allow the llarrman line to lay less than a mile of rails on their grounds. This looked too much out of proportion to Mr. Harr- man and naturally it was left to the court to decide. Tiie line will undoubt edly be very expensive for tiie Harrman system on account of the fact that it will touch nearly all of the principal farms between St. Johns ami Troutdale. OFFICE. 507 Commercial Building, - Portland RESIDENCE, 20 Villa Avenue. - - Montavilla At Home in the Evening. •••••••••••••••••••••••• Mrs. M. E. Hook, Fashionable Dressmaker Tailor-Made Suits a Specialty 10!» Cl’KTIB STREET, MONTAVILLA, - ORE. Mrs. Herron Shoots at Robber 1-arge variety of tinware at McCas- lin’s. G. K. Howitt report* basin«-** rush ing, having more work than his team* can do. Get your groceries, Hour and feed ut McCaslin's. Yes. we keep them, THE VERY BEST, you use them, and want the best. This should tiring us together. A TBIAI. ORDIR wìll convince .Voli VVe can sell at Prices that defy Competition, quality considered. thut olir g»M«ls ami in ice» uri' all righi frilMt I'lour, Feed, Confectionery, five- W .1 riami * »li’S». wit), ti F M .’ «•out AND ALL STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS. Mi un i Mr*. V !’ Hermann are »■*• tal.liahed in their new hotel on IlibUird atiwt near Ba»«- l.inv. Mr* <* I . Carter and little daughter. Mi»» I !»ie. who have la-en apeiHling the »ilium* it Hie Imine of Mr*. Carter’* si-ti r near O-wcgo. returned Wednea- dav. Mr* Georg»» Bariinger and childrcn are < \|» disi homi- next Suialay frolli a tweiiioiitlis' visi! with relative» al West l'uion, lowa. Chus. E. Blake & Son, lol Mr*. G <»sls>rii ami Mrs. II. Ilar- grav» *. "f » »regoli City, were gtiests of Mrs. \\ ani <lm mg lite |ui»t week. llililtnrci Street, - .Moniti vllhi, - Ore. : Will Move about Oct. 15 • into the NEW HOTEL MONTAVILLA, ON HIBBARD ST., NEAR END OF CAR LINE, , Mi ami Mr- G W Marlin, of West J Portland, «ere visitiug friend» in Monta- ♦ villa Smiilay. X I»r. C. V Cordm-r ha» returned frolli J bis hmiting tiip tu thè C<s»s country. : ♦ t X Where they will be pleased to greet old friends and en- t tertain as many new ones as possible. X M ch I m rind l»>- I >ny. TTn Vi L1 A IC ooiiim -Herman, Week or Mouth T Hibbard St.. I nd of Car l.lnc ♦ montavilla . x C. Ilemii-rsoii ami Miss Rts-ky bave returned frolli tlieir trip lo Wliite Salin oli. I Russellville Points Mr. and Mrs Mcl»owell,of Minnesota, are S|u-nding a part of their boneytrnsm visiting Mrs. MelhiWeH's brother, Mr. Zagt-r, of this place. The bride and gris.iii are ls,tli over years of age. Mies la ssie How itt, of Gresham, fell off u horse Saturday aftern<«>n while visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Kelly, and was quite seriously injured. She was iim-omcious for several hour*. Mr* F. F. Phillips visited with her parent.-. W. W. Howitt ami wife, Sun day. Mr*. I T. Howitt and little l-eonard were gm sts last week of her |»irents, I.. D. Thomas ami w ife. i . It. Hayworth and W. W. Howitt attended li.lge nt Gresham on W«»lm-s- dav evening of last week. Miss la-na Blumenthal, hello girl ill Portland, s|s-tit Sunday wile her moth er ami brother in R.isseilville. COTTRELL. Miss Bertha I» otv, of Cottrell, is IK W Miss Constance Emily, of Hurlburt, working at Douglass' store. is staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al. Edwards Bas hie house nearly W.C. Aylaworth, 101 Villa avenue. painted. Albert Elders is a husv man, doing Newton Ilidin i. painting his house. considerable tin work for the new The Cottrell school has a new library. buildings in pr's-ess of construction. Mrs. C. A. Hudson is very ill. Men’s up-to-date hats in new colors, Zi-'k Beers has moved into hie house McMillan’s. at Cottrell, ami is clearing land. liraniteware—Fine assortment of best All enjoV’sl themselves at John Zini- grade* at McCaslin's. lirick’s birth lay party Monday, Oct. 15. Chas Zimhiick, "f Dulur, i- visiting Mr*. C. F. Becker lia* purchased two lot* in Katharine and will shortly erect his brothci' at < •itrell. a residence thereon. Tiie farmers of tins country al! leulira- Yes, G. Butcher, our |s>pnlur butcher, tiie la-netit of tiie coming railroads Mrs. K. Ih.mi hue ami always has line fresh vegetables for sale. visiting her mother in ( lias. Hyle, president ami manager of week. the Standard Bnsun factory, is »'X|s*vt- Many of our memls-rs attend»«! the ed holm- alsiut Nov. 1st from his busi Odd Fellow Itslgr a» Gresham Saturday ness trip East. Immediately ii|*>n his return arrangements will 1st made to ami resoi t a good t ime. receive tiie machinery of tiie Salem fac- toiy. Thia will nearly double the pre*- LPPFR LATOURELL ent capacity and enable them to turn Tin- |H*ople of this community have out one hundred dozen a day. ~tiirt.il to dig tlu ir potatoes. Contractor Hallock has Prof. Bow- Mis. Deaver and daughter were Port land’s new residence on Ebv street it: the hands of the painters ami plasterers land visitors Saturday eml Sumlay. Geo. Knieriem is buying |s,tatoes for and is pushing it to completion. Page A Son. M. J. Foley, of H»ssl River, lias rent- Willis Hicks was in the metropolis ed the Miller property on Pearl street Sumlay. ami will s|*-ml the winter in tiie villa. A number of young people from thia H. Makelim has taken the B uh I i cut- district attended the inas<|Uerade liali tage for tiie winter. at Latourell. If you happen to pass <i. Butcher’« A. Floss Ims some fine pumpkins. | you cannot resist buying one of those Misses Alice mid Lilly Rasmussen ' fine roast«. wre recent gm-sts of Stella Anderson. The Latourell creamery is doing a good business. Mrs. Ftling mid daughter were in Portland a few days Inst week. Four times within a few weeks have marauder* attempted to gain entrance to the home of Mrs. Herron, on Grove street, but from one cause or another have been frightened away. Tiie latest essay was made last Sunday alsiut three a. m. Mrs. Herron, whose husband is a traveling man, ami away at tiie time, was alone witii her children when she was awakened by someone trying to gain entrance at the back door. She jumped from lied and picked up a revol ver and fired throiigh the door. Whoever it was at once took to their heels ami disappeared in the darkness, j Neighbors who were aroused by the shot came out lint no trace of the intruder, or intruders, could lie found. While robbing was tiie supposed motive, some i GROCERIES! * WIDENING VILLA AVF Nil Dili Al ID GAGE JJ Years Kvpvrlem« All Horh 0»ara«t«ed Dr. Russ, Dentist ■; GEO. Mt BRIDE, Why Go to Portland i; I) i: III I'ortlaiiil, (<»r th«* »Mint* prb « * Teeth Filled ¡iml Extracted Painlewa Tertli out mii <I ii «* w otir» t«»Hi<irr<>vA Sah at Tacili. S5 ac< up htlmct U 99 fccll tooth Caia. 14 and uo Stiver hllMgi ‘(k Br.dgg Work. ¿4 toclli ani up F i tracimi ih II i 25c la 50c I’lloNE orn< t. iiibij",/»"1,!;, hi ,.. M« «»Il »ÄI.- <» MONTAVILLA, ORE ♦ J. C. Pinckney t ♦ Contractor and Builder: X ♦ Mnki-s n Bis-cialtv of f rames, Door I rames, J ♦ Window Stairs, Pantry and Cab- inet Work. Promptly Attended to. Phone SellwtM.d 71 A. B. Hemstock UNDERTAKER And EMBALMER : X *li | Hibbard SI. Tsm'r I» • : Our full Stock_ - • «••••••••••••••••a • U MILLINERY M • • J is going fast but we are 2 2 2 : Burbank & Schumann. : • 2 2 Montavilla, Ore. • Just a Minute ! X •••••••••••••••••••••••••I • Kearney Strwt, MONTAVILLA. ORE. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■* • ••••••••••••••••• __ '»..ith ■> MmbOdM chiinli, Pill'll" tt»»l »Kill Corner East 13th and Umatilla Ave. PORTLAND, ORE. Teacher of Piano Horseshoeing a Specialty JI DORIS SIDE USE UH "040. J! East of Hibbard SI. MONTAVILLA. ORE. ; I ! > 1 v ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ a OF! ICEand RESIDENCECAI.LS MISS AILEEN WEBBER CARRIAGE and WAGON REPAIRING not too busy to attend to your wants. • Cor. Base l.lnc and Klnzcl St. ! MONTAVILLA. • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mr. Customer, do you want IOO cents value on the dollar for your money? If you do, don’t forget we give it and then some in fluoh G R O C E RIE S feeo John Epton and wife returned from n The Bilierg . family are moving to three-weeka' visit will, their aon in He School Supplies, Tinware, Hardware, Etc. attie last Monday night. They rep nt it Stuart* Park where they will make their future home. We tire sorry to see them go- of the neighbor« advance the idea that Fred and Geo. Nielson, Win. North- the miscreants were young hoodiunia wav and Geo. Mendion were welcome who knew tout Mr. Herron was away visitor* at Ceoeistrom's Sunday. ami only intended to give Mm. Herron Prof. Zilm ami liis two sons paid the The Erickson family entertained the a scare. It is too bod that the bullet did Chimi pheasants are very sinrce at Bachelor Ceder*trom a friendly visit u .Magntisscn family, from near Gresham, not find a lodgment where it would do present. Where have they gone? ( few days ago. on Sunday. the most good. Marshall Bros., Russellville, Ore.