Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, October 19, 1906, Image 5

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Parlor-Car nivaralwn.
“I’orler.'' said file fussy lady In tbe
parlor <ur, *'l wish you would opeU this
The Indy in the seat directly across
the ear heard th« request and drew a
cloak about her.
“Porter, If that window Is opened,”
she snapped, testily, ”1 shall freexe to
Few are entirely free from It.
Il may develop so slowly as to ennae
little if anydistiirbanceduring the whole
period of childhood.
It may then produce dyspe|>ala, ca­
tarrh, and in urged tendency to con­
sumption, iM'lore causing eruptions.
Sores or swellings.
To get entirely rid of It take the great
“And If the window la kept closed,"
retUHlod the other passenger, “I ahull
Annexation Sure to Follow Next
Failure ol Cuba.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
surely suffocate.”
The porter stood timidly between the
In usual liquid form or In chocolated tablets
two fires.
bnuwu as bareatabe. luodusssgi.
“Porter,” remarked tbe commercial
traveler, "your duty Is
I m mat .rial.
The elderly and somewhat fl ultra tod Open the wludow and freexr one Indy.
lady stopinsd an obese mau on a crowd­ Then cluse it and suffocate tho other.”
ed street.
"Does It make any difference,” she
asked, "which of these cere I take to
tbe cemetery?"
“Not to me. modem.” answered the
polite heavy weight, as be lifted bls
but and tmasod on.
you wtxnt
and long
spent this summer at tbe seashore are
strongly disposed to spend next sum­
mer In the back country or tbe moun­
tains. If they persevere In this detor-
uination their places will be filled by
persons who have spent thio summer
In tbe mountains and tbe back coun­
try and don't want to go back. It has
been a very trying summer, muggy,
fuggy. 'skeetry, damp, moist, hot and
miscellaneously plaintive, but It bas
been about aa bad in one place as Is
another.—Harper's Weekly.
"I ha<l been showing symptoms of kid­
ney trouble from the
timo I was mustered
out of the army, but
in all my life I novel
suffered as in 1897.
Headaches, dluinsaa
and eleeplssenese flrat,
and then dropsy.
was weak end help­
less, having run down
from 180 to 126
I was hav­
ing terrible pain in the kidneys and the
«scrolloni passed almost involuntarily.
My left leg swelled until it was 34
inches aronnd, and ths doctor tapped it
night and morning until I eon id no
longer stand it, and then he advised
I refneed, and began
using Doan’s Kidney Pilis. Tbe swell­
ing subsided gradually, the urine be­
atme natural and all my pains and
tehee disappeared. 1 have been well
now for nine years since using Doan's
Kidney Pills.**
For sale by all dealers. 60 cents a
box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Tommy—What la the "height of fol­
ly." P"7
Fa—Yonr sister's beau, my son. Hs
Is six feet two.
lioolo Allow.
anld Undo Allen
Rparks. "ditn all hie other reverses frrnu
tbe even lug when hie bsst girl turned hloi
'Many a man.”
Hope Deferred.
Dlnguas—Shadbolt, I've
borrowed a
good many little sums from you, at one
time and another. Do you know just how
much 1 ewe you?
Abadbolt (with alacrity)—Tee; it’a ex­
actly |V6.
I linguae—Then let mo have >5, wlU
you? That will make It an oven hundred,
and it will be easier tor me to reeueuaber.
Realised It Heroelt.
Tlie angry waves broke upon the state­
ly vessel.
"Isn't tho eoimnotlon terrible?" ex
claimed the young man with the steamer
cap and tbe camera.
"O, yes!” moaned tho pels young wom­
en In the eteemer chair. "You tool It,
too, do you?”
Weald Salt Mias Better. 1
The Judge -Mr. Twiggies, do you wish
to poll tho jury?
Tho lawyer (who bad loot hie case) —
No, your honor; but It would afford me
Infinite satisfaction if I could club the
FrolteMr West All Nt*ht.
All desierà. Foli eie, package llorai A Rovai
Koapi B page bookl,l end MMrenlr plriure Tei« In.
IO evlor« nr*’* for IO cGnta •>»<! <1ral»r*B nane. FA­
CI ne COAMT BGHAXC’a, Oakland cale
£*3.00 Shoes
W.LDouffu 14 GUI Edp llto
BXfutolbRequxlledstsnf prloo
“J. Rm I th. Famished Geological Struc­
ture, III."
This was tho address on the letter
postmarked "Boston, Aug. 27, 1906.”
"Try Starved Rock,” wrote tho edu­
cated railway postal clerk just below the
address.—Chicago Tribune.
Artificial rubies are now successfully
made up to twelve or fifteen carats by
M. Verneul, a scientist of Perla.
other make«.
It I could take you Into my targe
factories at Brockton, Mass.,and snow
you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes
are made, you would then understand
why they hold their »hepe, fit better,
wear longer, and are of greater value
than any other make.
„the bottom,
which protects you agatast Mgh
If you are suffering from
impure blood, thin blood, de­
bility* nervousness, exhaus­
tion, you should begin at once
with Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, the
Sarsaparilla you have known
all your life. Your doctor
knows it,too. Askhimaboutit.
Yoe must look welt after the enedlUen of
yoer liver and towel,. Uni,,, there I, deity
action of the bowel,, peiaonnea predset, ere
abeorbed. ecuilng hoedeebe. billouaneea. neu-
; •d°.,!n,rt:.^:r^ ‘h:£
liver pill,. Aet gently, ell regeisble.
> le only one pill al bedtime.
P. N. U.
HUI writing to edvortleere pl
monilon this pepar.
Washington, Oct. 16.—Republican
senators and congressmen who have
been in Washington recently and offi­
cials cloeely identified with the admin-
istiation agree with the president that
Cuba shall have another opportunity to
try self government, but the opinion is
almost univsrsal that annexation is
only a matter of time. Little is being
said publicly about the probability ol
annexing Cuba to the United H tales,
but the subject is receiving a great deal
of attention in Washington and public
men are seriously discussing the beet
method of bringing the island under
the protecting arm of the United Htaiee.
President Roosevelt is absolutely sin­
cere in bis declaration against tbe
present annexation of Cuba and be has
hopes that the Coban people, on tbier
second attempt, will be able to form
and maintain a satisfactory govern­
ment. He does not want the island
made a part of tbe United States if, by
any possibility, the Cubans can c< n
duct their own affaire and protect the
lives and property of all tbetr citiseos
Ho does not believe that the United
States at this time would bo justified
In taking over the island, meraly be
cause vast amounts of American capital
have been invested. But if tbe word»
of other administration officials can be
held to be authoritative, it io to bo in­
ferred that tbe president will interpose
no further objection to annexation in
care the second Cuban government is a
While annexation is generally ex
pected, no one looks forward to It with
enthusiasm. Rather, tbe Cuban prob­
lem is regarded in the light of one of
tbe unpleasant outgrowths of the Span­
ish war, as perplsing in some respects
as tbe Philippine question.
mao would like to see Cuba made
American territory, but they want tbe
tariff wall kept up against Cuban sugar
and tobacco, and some bar »reeled
against tbe immigration of native Cu-
hans into the Unite States, The South
has more than its share of doeky citi-
It is probable that tbe men In con­
gress who are fighting a reduction of
the duty on Philippine sugar and to­
bacco would join tbs South in demand­
ing the retention of the tariff on sugar
a ad toljacco from Cuba in case of an­
nexation. If Philippine sugar is a
menace to tbe host sugar industry of
the West, it will he argued that tbe
sugar from Cuba, closer and much more
abundant, would be a still greater
Promotes Digestion.Cbeerfu!-
ness and Re si Contains neiiher
Opium.!Morphine nor Mineral.
N ot N ahcotic .
A perfect Remedy forCnnstipa-
lion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­
ness and Loss OF SlXEP.
Caatoria la a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Faro
goric, Drops and Soothing Hyrupa. It la Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tbe Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
Bean the Signature of
facsimile Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Trea >*««!■<.
In cutting a canal at Bordeaux a
Grandma—Tommy, is there anything
"T see they’ve discharged that clerk who statue has been discovered of Anne 4
you like better than a piece of pie?
saved oo much mono/ out of his small Austria, queen of Louis XIII., who *4
Tommy (with
bis mouth full)— salary. Didn't they know he was grafting at Paris in 1000.
Tes'm. Two pieces.
all the timer
“Tea, but they suspect now that be got
«100 Reward. >100.
Motherswill find Mr«. Winslow** Boothing
The reader, of thl, paper will be pl-rued to
(yrup the beet remedy touee for their children some of the graft that rightfully belonged
learn that there is at least one dreaded -Hasses
to the bigger officers of the company.”
during the teething period.
Oae et Hie Gloomy Mood,.
"Honesty is tbe best policy, to be sure,”
moralised the professor, "but In tbe caae
of too many men it is a policy that has
a surrender value.”
To Break In New Shoes.
Always shake In Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder.
It cures hot. sweating, aching, swollen feet.
Curse eorna. Ingrowing nails end bun lone. At
all druggists and shoe stores, 26c Don't accept
any subatltuta Sample mailed FREE. Address
Allen S. Olmsted. to Roy, N Y.
A aong railed the “Hymn of Apollo,”
written 2NO yean B. C., baa just been
sung for the first time in England.
that science has been able to cure In alllW
stages, and that la Catarrh. Hall', Calanl
Cure la the only positive cure known to toe
medical fraternity. Catarrh being s const«»
tlonal dlMaae, require, a constitutional treab
me nt. Hall's Catarrh Cure u laxen internally,
acting directly upon tho blood and mueoog
•uriaces of the system, thereby destroying ths
A Correct to*.
foundation of tho disease, ana giving tho ■»
Mr. Stoplate—I believe I must say tient strength by bolldlng np the constltotMS
and assisting nature in doing its work. Tbe
proprietors have so much faith tn its curative
Miss Tersleep—Oh, don't!
Why Cwsrs that they offer Ona Hundred Doling
r an y caae that it tails to cure. Bond for UN
should you?
of tea timoni*ls.
Mr. Stoplate—Why, really—ah—It's
F. J. CHENEY A CO.,Toledo,Ok
Sold by druggists. 75c.
getting rather late, isn't It?
Hall's Family Pills are the beet.
riTQ Rt- v tu®* Iar‘<l an Nervous Dir««
Il I v P**rma,‘ent,Jr cur*’d by Dr. Kline's Grrst
Nsrvs lu-storer. Head for FREE |2 trt<t bottle and
treailsa. Dr H IL Kiln* . Ld. Ml A rob 8L, Pbila.,Pa
Miss Tersleep—Yes, altogether too
late to say good-night Say good-morn­
ing.—Cleveland Leader.
At Wilkeabarre, Pa., In one day recen*
ly 425 foreigners were naturalised.
Hurricane Sweeps Through Central
America. Wanting Ml,000,000.
New Orleans, Oct. 16.—Damages of
fully >1,000.000, including tbe partial
demolition of one town, was dons by
ths hurricane on tbe coast of Central
America which was reported by a brief
wireleee met sage received here last1
night. Wirelees and cable advices to­
day to the United States Fruit company
say that probably no losa of life oc­
The hurricane appeared to be central
near Bluefields, on the east coast of
Nicaragua. It swept in front the sea,
Its first fury striking Little and Great
Corn Islands, which were swept bare
of vegetation and their topography
even altered by the waves. On tbe
mainland the storm’s damage was con­
fined mostly to a path about >0 miles
wide, In which banana and rubber
crops were destroyed and plantations
blown down. Great damage is report
ed from Rama, a town on the coast
about 40 milss from Blueflslds.
Mrs. Jefferson Davis Dying.
New York, Oct. 16.—Mrs. Jefferson
Took a aatee to Hies.
Davie, widow of the president of the
Plggmus—I see that
the champion
Confederate states, is dying of pneu
bootblack Is dead.
Dlemukea—Toe: Death loves a shining monia at the Hotel Majestic here. It
is believed she cannot survive more
mark.—American Spectator.
than a few hours.
Mrs. Davis has
been ill for several davs, but it bad
been believed she would recover up to
last night, when a sudden change for
the worse was noticed.
Mrs. Davis
went to the Majestic a short time ago
on her return from the Adirondacks,
where she spent most of the summer
for her health.
We Trust
AVei’diibk- Prcparationfor As­
similating the Food and Regula
Ung the Stomachs and 1 towels of
Neat Sasaaser.
Howwh ,a Newsy.
When you bgy
Sugar and Tobacco Mon Will Object
Io Free Competition, But II
Must Come.
A million or two of people who have
Tile Intention of clocks la by
means a modern one. Clocks which
wore run by weights were used by tbe
Ntraceno at tbe time of the Crusades,
and soma authorities state that they
were Invented by Paclflcus as early as
the ninth century.
In tbe works of Dante are references
to macbliiM which struck tbe hours,
and clocks must have been used tn
Italy about the end of tbe thirteenth
How a Veteran Was Saved the Am«
ceutury. The obtest clock of which
putation of a Limb. ,
there to any certain record was erected
B. Frank Doremus, veteran, of Roose­
In a tower In Hie palace of Charles V.
velt Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., says:
ef France In 1364.
A church recently dedicated In 8t. Pau)
was erected at a cost of >7,000, raised by
10.000 contributions of 70 cento each.
The Kind You Have Always Bon^ht, and which has been
In use for over 30 years, has borne the si^natnre of
mid has been made under his per­
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and << Just-as-good” are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment,
Hitt VMoa.
cunv ncrotAL
Trial of Naw York Central.
New York, Oct. 16.—The trial of the
Now York Central Railroad company
for the alleged giving of rebates of
some >26,000 to the American Sagar
Refining company on sugar shipments
to the West is the first trial for the
infraction of the Elkins law over un­
dertaken in this city. With this action
is inaugurated a sitting of the Federal
Criminal court that may be expected
to last with its successive terms for at
least a year and probably mnch longer.
Army In Cuba Given Name.
Washington, Oct. 16. — Brigadier
General Barry, acting chief of staff, to­
day issued a general order by direction
of the president stating that the mili­
tary forces now aseembled in Cuba or
to be aseembled there are constituted
an army to be known as the Army of
Cuban Pacification.