MONTAVILLA j. E. M c C aslin , I ♦ Incentrai Store Nights Dark Long;, : • LOCAL NEWS ITEMS : • Tlx- Unitisl Artisan’s team is to take |><«rt in a contest to lx« •••••••••••••••••••••••••a ' preparing belli at sill«'» on Saturday evening, : Í : 9 will soon be here and you will need Alarm Clocks, Lanterns. Lamps and Chimneys, Wicks and all Lamp Ac­ cessories. ♦ ♦ : ♦ ♦ ♦ : :♦ Cor. Car line and Base Line, j ♦ ♦ Phone, East 732. »♦*♦**♦«** *•.«•.*««*.*,**„***„***»•**. : I. T. HOWITT G. K. HOWITT G. K. Howitt & Co., CONTRACTORS All Kinds of Fuel And General Team Work K««*t 4153 I'liotie. IXji>Iers» in Homex Base Line Road, MONTA VILLA, ORE. Monday, Oct. 8th, Next t<> (.'■■nfevti' iiery store ”i*n f”r Buxine«« in x«-« L.>.-ati.ui In .New I weet «Sc \ ance Bldjj. WITH AN FXI.AKGFD STOCK OF Furnishing; Goods FALL GOODS Rubber (foods For Ladies’, Men’s and Children’s Wear Base Line Road, Montanina D. McMillan's, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••e Warren’s Pharmacy Dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Stationery, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS :: CAREFILLY :: DISPENSED Phone East 975, Base Line Road. Montavilla. 2 Doors East of Postoffice. FI. B, DICKINSON Attorney - at - Law, Notary Public . . . OFFICE, 507 Commercial Building, - Portland RESIDENCE, 20 Villa Avenue, - - Montavilla At Home in the Evening. GROCER/ ESI Dcqree It'dms Io Drill. Octolx-r 18th, in which m'verul Portland Mrs. Gilman Parker ha» been very 111 •sacmldie» will pnrtici|>ate. Consider, the |>ast week, of heart trouble, but is able time Ims Ixvii spent in the work of much improved. ' drilling and ths- liiemliera of the team Mrs. Stella Oleson ami family will re- are quit.. liofieful of winning th«« first side |>ermaiieutly with her |wirvntw, Rev. i prise. . and Mrs. Gilman Parker. TI ium * who will take |mrt ill th«- Horn—To Mr. ami Mrs. Stevens of work are Mi««es Flora Kreglow, Coral launlx'it, Ruth Osburn, Grace Gilman, I Anderson street, a daughter. laaiise Stevens, ami Messer». Emil One of Mr. ami Mrs. Price’s twin Kling. Frank Barringer, Roy Gill, Neil latbies die. I Tueeday morning. The Ta ylor, Oivillv Stevens ami George other is very ill. Empkeii. The regular business meeting ami social of the B. Y. P. Ü. of the Grace Mrs. Cordelia Moore Dies. Baptist Church was held Wnluemlay evening at the home of Mrs. Sissley. Mrs. Cordelia Moore, who died Sept. 2l»th at the home of Mrs. IL hh I on Villa Dr. Warren has solved the light prob­ lem. His pharmacy is one of the beet avenue, w as at the time of her ileatli prolmblv the heaviest woman in the lighted places in the Villa. state, having attained the enormous Miss Adeli.i Roy was married to Mr. weight of 450 pounds. Mrs. Mixire hud Arthur llitchox-k ot Woodlawn on Sun­ been bed-ridden for about six years day, Sept. ¡Wth, at the home of the with chronic rhniiniatiam and d ropey, bride's párenle on Broad street. Rev. ami wa» brought to Mrs. Hood*! about Father llros-eau officiating. Mr. ami two months ag>>. She originally cam« Mrs. Hitchcock will lie at home to their from Nebraska where »he is siip|iom>r Height». 11. L. Searls has a new tank for his W. I’. Dickeoli of Hart avenue, Clin­ wood saw outfit made by Albert Ehlers. ton tract, has hi» new l>»rii D. B. Troutman, successor to T. H. xml moved his atix-k. Drake, grocerman of North .Montavilla. E. W. Wample has leasoi the Bru­ has latelv moved into the store building baker property at 1500 Itase Line. formerly occupied by Mr. Drake on the Chas. Menzies, son-in-law of A. Rum- corner of S;>encer street und X ilia av- sey, has movtsl into the Allen home at i enue. I West avenue ami Helmont. Frank Sperger of Upper Albina has J. M. Murphy, blacksmith for J. II. l taken charge of the Wingert store which Higgins, lias doimxdled at 5fi Davison he recently bought. avenue. Ed. Aylsworth is reporte,! rapidly im- Mrs. M. Wright has her new house at | proving. 43t 11 « i X-11 In, Will Move about Oct. 15 • e e e e e e e .e e c e e e e e e e e e a e e e e .a e e e e e e e .e e e a e e e e . b * ► into the NEW HOTEl- MONTAVILLA. ON HIBBARD ST., NEAR END OF CAR I.INE, Where they will be pleaeed to greet old friends and en­ tertain as many new ones as possible. N ten lx tin«! K ihihim I l»y Week bl 1 ■ A • -E a Herman, j-s-M-w-k-* « -w-* or Nlorrtli Hibbard St., I nd of Car l.lne montavilla . THE ELITE CONFECTIONERY D. McMIl.l.AN, Proprietor. Soil Drinks, fine Confectionery and Cltjdrs — Oysters : and : Oyster : Cocktails, Chicken Tamales, Cold liollcd Ham, Cheese and Bakery art of the city. ''""inn U-. AS Year» Kvtarteffic« Base Line Road, Montavilla All W»rh Dr. Russ, Dentist Wm. Doelling has purchase«! the pro­ Why 6o lo Portleid & perty at 521 Ebystreet ami is occupying -WIDER ROADS NEEDED" HE SAYS In Portland, th«* »aine ¡»rh e* i the same. He expects to make a num­ Teeth Fillcil ami Exti.icted Painless (Continued from page 1.) ber of improvements. Trrth «nit today and n«-w on»*» tomorrow Geo. McBride has his new house in m-ed not be very wide only so that ship" Sat« of Tt«lh IS 99 G«id HtllMf» J2 and m Freeborough trai t nearly complete«!. may moor along each side and still h-nve Gold ÎMth C m ». M and m Full Line <>f 1,., i STATE P.VlXxS Stivar Libati '.fc and m Bndfa Weril. M iMth and m Ealracltag ld«ML 2&c I« Sic Mrs. M. M. Johnson has moved to room for vessels to |«a«s. The l«uuks III rvrddriirr. PIION E Banner Assembly No. 158. (*niteerh«'t fdain the en­ Montavilla Catnp No. 87, W. O. W. OFFICE and RF.SID! XCLCAI.I.S C. E. Bryson has moved tp 448 Hib­ meets every Mondav at odd Fellows’ bard street, having sold bis own pro­ tire length <>f th«- canui s<> that a man Promptly Attended to. ! could run n hand ti m k from the Wil­ Jobbing an. flmimially the monhsl center <>, the | • FALL SEWING • The telephone company are putting in ' Kelly, the past three weeks. We are rmxlerate cm lent ami by its clear, cixil, IL W. SXAMIIALL. • of : All : Kimis • a new line on Anderson street. fresh water keep the waters of the liar- worl«l. pleased to hear of her improves! health. < ireeham, Ore. tmr always fresh ami clean. This would ; Tailor-Made Suits a Specially ; Mr. ami Mrs. Cole are visiting her make one of the most sanitary harbors • parents, Mr. Lang ami wife. in the world. J 10» CURTIS STREFT, J Broom factories Consolidate. A. Blumenthal has gone to Eastern Do not think that this is overdrawn J MONTAVILLA, - ORE. ! Oregon to try farming there. for all this will surely come to pass. I Chas. Hyle, president ami manager of • • the Standard Broom Factory, is on his Fred Phillijis ami family have arrived have long felt confident that. Portland annual visit to Eastern Kansas where he from Nebraska and are visiting his is destine«! to lx•<•ome the New York of the Pacific Coast, but since the San I. W. Perkins is excavating the base­ is buying the year's stock of broom corn I mother in .Mansfield addition. for the factory. It is in this way that Claud C. Ixiuek, a conductor on the Francis«'«» disaster I have somewhat ment for a new resilience on Mizner street, near Villa avenue. J. E. Black­ the best broom corn is obtained. O. G. U. P. Rv., underwent a serious o|»era- changed in my views. I now feel that I am not exaggerating in the least burn has the contract for construction. Kiel has charge of the factory during tion recently. when I say that when the ong hun­ Mr. Hyle’s absence. S. P. Osburn, of Fairview, is doing dredth anniversary of the Lewis ami The Salem Broom Factory was recent­ Large, cloth Trespass notices jury duty ami is stopping with his ly consolidateli with tiie Montavilla fac­ Clark Ex|»isitioli shall come around the printed and for sale at The Her­ city of Portland will have liecome the mother at her residence in the Villa. tory and the plant is new being moved ald office. Price low. metropolis of the United States and Smith, the shoemaker, moved his to Montavilla. GEO. McBRIDE, Blacksmilh | .Montavilla Lodges ALBERT EHLERS, ■ ; CARRIAGE and WAGON REPAIRING <* Horseshoeing a Specialty ; ■ «O rth siot rose um roro . I > J > Eul of Hibbard SI. MONTAVILLA. ORE. ! > Hardware Dealer A. B. Hemstock jJ. C. Pinckney j I Contractor and Buiider: « Make» n H|x*cialty <>f « j Window Frames, l>