Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, October 12, 1906, Image 4

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Establishment of Bank Part of Game
to Get Control of Persia.
Berlin, Oct. 9. — The efforts ol Ger­
many to establish s bank in Fsraia are
only a part of a very deep game being SHEEP ON FOREST RESERVES.
played now for the ultimate control of
the Persian gulf by the German govern­ Chief of Graxi'g Dspartment An­ Superintendents and Principals Sug­
ment. The etatement that this bank
gest Important Changes.
nounces Limit tor Next Year.
will be purely commerc al is one that
— If the legislature of 1907
Tendlet n—As announced by A. F.
causée amusement in diplomatic circhs
in Europe, where it is felt that the for­ Porter, chief of the graking department shall grant any considerable portion of
■ neat Trellis ei Wise.
eign office will have to take energetic of the Forest Reserve bureau, in the the recommendations of ths county
Th« scarcity of beau poles forces mo
ttepe to prevent the bank being estab­ eastern division of the Blue mountain reboot superintendents of Oregon, the
A Resume of the Loss Important but lished.
schools of the
will ...........
reserve. a general cut of 25 par cent is public
’i tiituiiim
resort tss
to «'iiis
means of giving sup-
Not Less Interesting Events
German influence in Teheran is very to be ma<le, reducing the number of more funds, longer terms and be tier ¡xirt to my lima beans, says u gardener
1 In annual session here tl, j MriI1 am| Ftr,„|l|l, At one time I
In paid
. ” teachers
• - u -1
strong aud cautiously but surely Ger­ sheep from 238,000 to 180,000.
of the Past Week
many is pushing its policy forward. 'other reserves the number ot sheep al- the superintendents and principals 1 thought we could get around the dlf
agreed upon many desited changes in ficulty by planting the newer bush
First came the building of the German . lowed is as follows:
Western division Blue mountain, the school laws, some ot them of much llmaa. The latter however have never
railroad to the aliores of the gulf, aud
The trial of the Standard Oil in Ohio the intrigue that baa siuce been taking 230.0i>«; Wenaha, 100,000; Wallowa, importance and interest not only to
given me more than n fraction of the
has commenced.
teachers and off) are, but to laipayes
place to secure the shah’s permission 150,000 Cheenimus, 50,000.
crop that 1 can ami do get from my
In the ea'tern division of the Blue ami school patrons generally.
Radicals are again in control of the to make Koweït the terminus. Then
“pole“ 11 max. and now I plant the lat­
That the minimum length of term a
only a month or two ago came the mountain reserve 1,200 sheep will tie
Russian Democrats.
ter exclusively. They are trained to a
establishment ol a German line ot considered a band and the lambs will district shall maiutain school shall be post, wire and string trellis.
Snow has fallen for the first time this
steamships to trade along the gulf, a
Poots should lx» set firmly, and not
year at Minneapolis.
line heavily subsidised by the German h»nd will be allowed in the eastern di­ ai <1 that the county school levy shall t<M> far apart. 1
use galvanised wire
vision without reduction.
Permits for be raised from »6 per capita to »8 per
Taft will heal old feuds in Cuba be­ government.
of fair atrerigth aud find It good for a
fore proclaiming amnesty.
Now comes a proposal for the estab­
This is raising the mini­ number of years. It has to stand quite
provided each does not exceed 20 per suggested
General Funston will nee consider­ lishment of the bank. There ie good
mum term 66 per cent, ami Increasing a strain, as the load of thrifty vines Is
cent nor go over 1,200.
able numbers of mounted infantry in
Growers having from 1.200 to 2,000 the minimum county levy 33 per cei.t. very lieavy, and I, therefore, give ns
dian government ia watching every
meve very carefully, but »he English sheep in the reeerve this year will be One recommendation of general interest much support, by supplementary stakes
The triple alliance between Ger­ foreign office so far baa remained su cut 20 per cent, provided such a cut to teachers is that an application be (twtweeu the |x>sta), as la convenient
many, Austria and Italy is to be re­ pine.
will not reduie the number below granted but one second or third grade Tlie wires are made to rest In a crotch
those having from 2,000 to ceitificate in this state.
At present at the up|H*r end of the pols or stake.
4,000 in the reeerve this year will be only one such certificate may be obtain­
To make the trellis still stronger, 1
Sealing schooners returning to Vic­
cut 30 per cent, with a corrsapoudiog ed r.< a county, hut by going from one
toria, B. C., all report the seal catch as
xiunty to auother a teacher may get 33
Promoting of Stable Government Is provision as the above.
The proposed
Growers having 4,000 or more sheep third grade certifiia’ei.
Given as Object.
San Francisco police have captured
in the ea'tern division this year will change io the law will compel teachers
Havana, Oct. 9.—The preliminaries be cut 40 per cent, provided such a cut to advance from year to year in their
the man who is believed to have been
the leader in the Japanese bank rob­ of an organisation to be called the will not make the average cut for the educational qualifications.
Good Government l.ajus of Cuba were entire division greater than 25 percent.
In order to raise the standard lor
begun this afternoou at a meeting of
In the western division of ths Blue c uaty papers, it is advised that alge­
The Philadelphia manager of Ar­
Americans, Cubans and others, at mountain reeerve the reduction will be bra and physical geography be added to
mour’s packing house has been arrested
which resolutions were passed to the
for the illegal use of boraci c acid in effect that the purpose of the aasocia- made in a similar manner, though the the list of subjects upon which an ap­
plicant must tie examined for a first
average cut will be 20 per cent
ion should be the “promoting of all
In the Wenaha reserve 1,100 sheep grade county lertificate, and that ment­
Plans are on foot for the organisa­ legitimate means, the establishment of w ill t>e considered as a tiand, and these al arithmetic be dropped as a separate now put sereral rows able by side, and
couuect the i>oeta and stakes serosa the
tion by various railroad companies ot a permanent, stable and las fol govern­ now having lees than that number in subject.
Composition, bookkeeping
a gigintic refrigerator and stock car ment, competent to administer justice, the reeerve will he allowed an increase. and general history were suggesed as rows by cruaa strips fastened high
insure democratic tranquility, promote
On or about November 1 a meetirg proper subjects to be included in the enough to allow ths horse lu cultivai-
lug to ¡mas under IL
The Columbus, Ohio, board of edu- the general welfare ano insure the of the stockmen who use the eastern di­ examination for first grade county cer-
For each row I stretch two wires,
e t on has decided to adopt the simpli­ bleee^ngs of liberty to all the inhabi­ vision of the Blue mountain reserve titic'tee, but only the two mentioned
about six Inches above the gruiffld
fied spelling so far aa it ie practicable
It was declared that the league in rection of Superintendent D. B. Shet­
surface, the other about five feet from
in the schools of the city
tended to adopt whatever mean« to thia ler, and at that time the range within
the ground. Common binder twine la
The State Population.
Fiauds in the construe'ion of war­ end were deemed wiaect by a majority the reserve will be segregated among
Salem — Report« from «11 but fire wound algxag around tire two wire«. It
ships have been discovered.
ol the membership, which ia intended the stockmen according to the rules of counties in the state, and these sup­ makes a useful and quite ornaureutal
The negro race war eontinnee in a to be repreeentativee of all nationalities the F >rest Reeerve bureau.
plied with estimates based upon srhool support for the llmas, and the vines
and sections, aud not to be committed
small way in many Southern cities.
statistic« by Labor Commissioner Hoff, take readily, particularly and remark­
to any line of action until it is decided
Hood River Land in Demand.
gives the total population for Oregon, ably so, to the strings, even without
J. J. Hill has sounded a warning what is most conductive to the objects
Hood River—False of ranch and city according to the 1906 census, as 433,- much assistant« or coaxing on tbs part
against the waste of national reeou :ces. named.
properly aggregating »60,000 in one 6*4, as against 413,636, under the 1900 of the grower.
While there wm no expression to
Mexican guides have murdered a
day are reported by Hood River real Federal census, or an increase of 20,038
number of proept etors in the mountains. that effect, the movement generally is estate men, who said that the demand in five years. These figures are based
• ■pvrlorllr ot «he Mule.
regarded as pointing eventually toward
The mule is leva nervous than the
here for apple laud was never better on census returns from the countie«
Governor Magoon will rule in Cuba
some more definite degree of American
than at present.
The eta'enent was sending in reports to the office of secre­ horse ami then-fore loses less energy In
under the terms ot the constitution of
control or oversight in Cuban affairs
uaclcsa fretting. In fact, oue of the
made that O L. Vanderbilt bad been tary of state.
that republic.
than ia voudftafed by the Platt amend­
chief characteristics of the mule Is bls
offere I »100,000 for bis apple orchard
Cuban rebels have refused to give up ment.
ability to take care of himself under
Hunters Cut Wire Fences.
known as Boelah Land, which be re­
their arms until the government troops
fused because he has a »16,000 crop of
McMinnville — A number of farmers all circumstances, says Farming. Much
are all disarmed.
apples on it, which the intending pur­ complain that hunters cut their wire of the apparent shirking which la
It is eaid Mrs. Howard Gould will
chaser waited included in the •ale. fences in order to get their dogs charged against the mule la au Inborn
go to South Dakota and establish a res­ Result of 4,598 Courts Martial Dur­ Vanderbilt confirms the ea'e.
The through. One man found that his fence tendeucy to husband his strength and
ing Past Year.
idence when she will sue for a divorce.
ranch of F. Chandler, 60 acres, was bad been cut in three places. There is make every effort count Tire result
Washington, Oct. 9.—D iring the sold to the real estate firm of Albee, talk of foiming a club to keep poachers of tills Instinctive care on the part of
A marriage has been arranged be­
the mule Is that he la able to turn out
tween the Grand Dake Michael, only last fiscal year, accotding to the annual Benham A Co., of Portland, for »15,- off.
more work than would tie possible for
brother of the czar, and Princess Pa­ report of General George B. Davie, 000. The ranch ia eituated near the
Increase in Receipts.
judge advocate general of the army, is­ city, and it is expected that it will be
a horse of tne same weight under the
tricia, niece of King Edward.
Albany—The receipts of the Albany same conditions. Tire mule Inatlnctive-
sued tcdiy, 4,596 trials by general cut up into lots.
The new and powerful armored cruis­ court martial were held. Fifty of the«e
postoffice for the past quarter were lly avolda holes, sharp obstacles,* bartu<d
One Board for Normal Schools.
er North Carolina has been successfully trials were of commanding officer«, 42
»2 646.91.
This ie an increase of
Salem — At their session the mem­ »136 68 over the receipts of the ■ante wire fences nnd various other forms of
launched at Newport News. Exclusive of whom were convicted and eight ac
danger which ore not so successfully
of aimor and armament the vessel cost quitted.
Fourteen officers were dis­ bers of the D-partment of Superintend­ quarter a year ago.
avoided by horses. It Is a matter of
ence of the Blate Teachers’ association
»uc . |
missed uy
by cruicutu.
sentence. In tuui
four tarci
cases the
common observation that In Instances
Reed Smoot declares he, is neither
where mules run away they seldom in­
ashamed of his religion or his state. rank; in two cases resignations, “for , fs’or the placing of aH all state norma)
jure themselves to any serious extent.
Mtboole under the control of a single
He appeals to Mormons to concentrate the good of the service,” were accepted
Wheat—Club, 65c; bluestem, 68c;
board. There were one or two superin­
their efforts to obtain land in preference in lieu of confirming the sentences, and
Fnmlgnllon to I'rotwt Orehnnl*.
valley, 67®68c; red. 61c
in one case the sentence was disap­
to other forme of investment.
In Germany some Interesting experi­
Oats—No. 1 white, »23(423.50; gray,
»22922 50 per ton.
ments have recently been made In the
Panama and Colombia are quarrell­
About 50 per cent of the enlisted
Barley—Feed, »20.50 per ton; blow­ protection of orchard trees against
ing about tbeir foreign debts.
men convicted by general court martial vote upon the question, but all those ing, »2150; rolled, »23.
night frosts by means of fumigation. A
Hill has leased large tracts of Minne­ received sentences involving dishonor­
Rye—»1.25® 1.35 per cwt.
part of an orchard in bloom was thus
able discharge and about 5 per cent of
sota c«al lands to the steel trust.
Corn—Whole, »26®27; eracked, »28 successfully guard«! against an April
these sentences were awarded in view President, L. R. Aiderman, of Yam­ per ton.
frost by the dense smoke of naptha-
Forest fires are causing great damage
hill; vice president, E E. Bragg, ot
of previous convictions.
Hay— Valley timothy, No. 1, »10® lene. But the ex|x>rlment was very ex­
to forests in Southern California.
The trials by general court martial
11 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, pensive, fifty kilograms of uaptlitlialeiie
Gas explosion in Philadelphia kills during the year showed a decr< a*e of
»14® 16; clover, »6 50®7; cheat, »7® being consumed by seven flames In one
eight men and does great damage.
204, as compared with the previous
Portland— To operate be bar dredge 7.50; grain hay, »7; alfalfa, »1150; hour. Later a new preparation of chem­
The army forces are gathering at year.
icals was tried, producing a compara­
Chinook at the mouth of the Columbia vetch Fay, »7®7.50.
Fruita— Applee, common to choice, tively large volume of smoke with the
Newport News for transportation to
on an annual appropriation furnished
Rebels Waving Machetes.
25®75c per box; choice to fancy, 75c® cx|M-ndlture of only two kilograms of
Havana, Oct. 9.— Reports received by the state is a matter that came up • 1.25; grapes, 50c®|l 50 per box;
the material per hour. These trials are
Howard Gould and his wife are quar­ here late tonight from Guinea and A’- for consideration at the regular month­
Concords, Oregon, 275vc half basket;
under the direction of an experimental
relling about the management of Castle quisxr declare that disbanded rebels are ly meeting of tl»6 board of trade. In
peach««, 80 c® (I ; pears, 76c®» 1.25;
Gould, and may separate.
riding about these towns and waving his monthly statement Secretary I-aber crabapples, »1®1.25 per box; prunes, gardening association.
devotee considerable space to the fact
Two clerks wrestling on the four floor their machetes in a threatening man­
25®60c per box; cranberries, »9 per
1‘ulllna Old
that the Chinook has been lying idle at
of a Cleveland department store fell ner. General Funston will go to Gui­
barrel; quinces, »1 ®1.25 per box.
Fasten chain to post close to the
The members of the
from a window and were dashed to nea tomorrow.
Vegetables—Beans, 5®7J^c; cab­ ground, pass It over the wheel of an
disarming commission for Banta Clara, and during that time it has been use­ bage, lJi®l Xc per pound; cauliflow­
accompanied by Joeo Miguel Gomes, less so far as the purposes for which er, |1®I .25 per dosen; celery, 50®90c
The 18 year old eon of a Chicago
Garcia Canixaree, ex-speaker of the she was constructed are concerned. He per dozen; corn, 12%c per dozen; cu­
millionaire has been arrested for rob-
is of the opinion that funds with
bing slot m«chines and spending the bouse of representatives, and others ar­ which to continue the work on the bar cumbers, 15c per dozen; egg plant, 10c
per pound; lettuce, bead, 20c per des-
money on chorus girls.
Trinidad, thia evening.
They were can be secured.
en; onions, 10(412per dozen; peas,
The St. Paul road his voted to issue met by a large crowd.
4®6c; bell peppers, 5c; pumpkins, 1 J$c
Rebuilding Pendleton Levee.
»150,000,000 of new stcck with which
Pendleton — The work of rebuilding per pound; spinach, 4®5c per pound;
to build a line down the coast from
Steeds From the Desert.
the levee along the weetern part of the tomatoes, 30®50c per box; parsley, 10
Portland to San Francisco.
New York, Oct. 9.— Twenty-seven
®l5c; sprouts, 7}<c per pound; squash,
The exar has returned to hie gilded Arabian horses were landed today from city has been started with a small force lJicper pound; turnips, 90c®»I per ordlnnry corn plnnter,' bitch tenm to
of men and teams. Owing to the late­
prison from his zacht, keeping a sharp the steamship Italia. They have been
ness of the season the work will be sack; carrots, »1®1 25j>ersack; beets, chain and go ahead. It don't damage
lookout for bomba.
on the way from Syria since August 14.
rushed as fast as possible, This citv is »125® 1.60 per sack ; horseradish, 10c the wheel and the broad tire keeps It
A great telephone system, backed by This importation is said to be the now in the midst of a labor famine. per pound.
from sinking Into the ground.
Onion«—Oregon, |1®1.15 per hue-
the Western Union Telegraph company, largest of the kind ever made and is In addition to the usual demands for
the result of the only trade ever issued
Setting Pence Poatr.
is being organised to fight the Ameri­
help, the street paving company, the dred.
to an American.
Homer Davenport
Potatoes—Oregon Burbanks, deliver­
Some farmers argue that It Is beat to
can Telephone and Telegraph company.
negotiated the purchase. The rtiimals,
experts are all being greatly handi­ ed, 80®85c; in carlots f. o. b. country, set posts early In the fall, when the
Roosevelt says the enlargement of the he says, represent the only strictly des­
75®80c; sweet potatoes, 2®2t^c per ground la aolld. Of course, a poet care­
powers of the national government is ert bred thoroughbreds ever brought to
fully set at any time will remain In Its
this country.
the only remedy for the trust evils.
Bntter—Fancy creamery, 25®30c per place, but the fall season is really n
Linn School Fund Apportioned.
Albany—County School Hupe-intend- pound.
much worse time than In the spring.
An emigrant steamer plyirg between
Ministry to Resign in Protest.
Eggs—Oiegon ranch. 31®32c per
ent Jackson has made the semi-annual
Digging the holo makes the soli loose,
Hoihow and Hongkong foundered. The
St. Johns, N. F , Oct. 9.—It was re­ apportionment of the I.inn county school dosen.
and If done In the fall It has not time
captain and 60 passengers were lost.
Poultry — Average old hens, 12®
ported today that the ministry, follow­ funds, A litany receiving 32,308 30 of
to become com;,act again. Water fil­
The coroner’s jury believes that ing the recent exampls of the national the amount. Other cities received as 12Hc per pound; m'xed chickens, 12® ters down through the loose soil, which
Carey M. Snydar, whose body sat cabinet, intended to resign as a protest follows: f^banon, »811.60; Browns­ 12J4c; spring, 12®12^c; old roosters, will raise the |>ost a little every year
found in the woods near Hillsboro, was against the temp >rary arrange nent of ville, 1790 50; Scio, »280.20; Harris­ 9®10c; dressed chickens, 14®15^c;
Oreat Britain and the United States, burg, »488.80; Halsey, »302.00. These turkeys, live, 16®2tc; turkeys, dress­ until It throws It out altogether. If
by the provision of which American amounts do not include the amount« ed, choice, 20®22c; geese, 1 ve, 9® the soil has time to settle It absorbs
less moisture, and after the first year.
The governor of Himbirsk province, herring fishermen secnre privileges con­
received by each district through it« 10c; dneks, 14917c.
If the heaving out has not already be­
Russia, was wounded by a bomb.
trary to the laws of New Fonndiand.
own tax.
gun, It will rarely begin.
10911c; 1906, 14H«17 c .
A strong desire for annexation by
Wool—Valley, 22«22Xc; Eastern
Where Alfalfa Grows Luxuriantly.
Accepts China’s Word.
the Cuban citizens of all nationalities
Anthrax and Karth Worms.
Weston — Marion O'Harra baa just Oregon, 14®21c as to shrinkage; mo­
Shanghai, Oct. 9.—Sir Robert Hart,
is «penly expressed and talk is indulged
From recent ex|>erlments It Is cer­
director general of the Chinese imperial finished cutting bis third crop of alfal­
in of tatking a vote on the question.
Cattle— Bee*, steers, »3 6098.65; tain that earth worms are resixmsiblo
customs, has issued a circular to the fa at his ranch a short distance above
|3®3.25; cow», »2.5092 85; for conveying the spores and anthrax
An Oregon minister has laid himself
cows, »2®2 25; bulls, from various burled carcasses to the
liable to a fine for marrying a couple received assurances that his status with acres of sub-irrigated bottom, which
surface of the earth and thus bringing
on the Vancouver ferry while it was regarJ to Chinese customs will not be made 18% tone. Mr. O’Harra has put »1 E0®2; calves, »494 50.
Rheep—Rest, »4®4 25; lambs, »4.50 about a reinfection. Thia process of re­
moored on the Washington side.
Hogs—Bast, »6.50; light weights, »6 infection was urged by M. fxiuls l‘as-
marriage license was pr cured in Van­ will be no undue interference with for-' one of the most successful producers In
j tsur, but without success.
In a Condensed Form lor Our
Busy Readers.
Make aw Asearaaws ■««.
Here Is a reminder from ous who
evidently appreciatea tlie good things
every farmer may have lu bls gardeu.
lie advisee everyone Ur make an as­
paragus bed, and says very truly It Ie
easily nod quickly done. Asparagus
needs n rich, mellow, warm coll. Ma­
nure lire ground thoroughly with welt
rotted stable manure. l*luw eight to
ten Incbea deep or deeper. Plant In a
long row. Pulverise thoroughly with
disk and harrow. Hecure a hundred 9
year-old plants nt a COet of from
cent« to |1. Opeu a row with plow or
a cultivator. Het plant» two feet apart
In row with crown three Inches below
surface. I’reas soil firmly alxiut plants,
fill up the row and cultivate same as
corn or beaus, and next year you will
have an abundance of delicious aud
healthful food, «lid the same will con­
tinue for year« If you keep free from
weeds aud adJ each year a fre»b sup­
ply of farm fertiliser.
Voice ot a Slle.
It Is very Important to provide some
means hy which the dairy cow can be
supplied with good food at all seasons
of tlie year lu order that she may yield
milk moat economically. Such medium
may l>e found In the silo which fur-
nlalies a place fur the storing of food
lu the form of silage. It la a well-
kuown fact that the nearest an Ideal
food that can tie obtained for the dairy
cow Is good pasture; but for several
mouths In tlie year green pasture la
uot available. At such times the best
substitute are corn allage aud such
roots aa mnngela and turnips. Corn
yields an averuge of twice aa much
dry matter |*r acre aa root crops; and
since the latter Involve much more la­
bor. and greater expense, silage la far
more economical.
Iluw to Uruw Mbsbsrb.
Have the ground on which rhubarb
la grown very rich. It requires well*
rotted manure. Divide the roots, al­
lowing oue tuiier to tlie bill. Tills
»tumid be done every other year. Keep
tlie dirt boed up loosely around them
and aa soon a» tlie first leaves como
and begin to dr<»>p over on the ground,
cut them off; this will start tlie stalk»
to growing the taller aud straighter.
All stalka should be cut when they be­
gin to droop toward the ground. Never
pull them, for If you do, you take with
them the sh<N»ta for the next »talk» and
also break the small roots that help
nourish the plant Cut them one Inch
above the ground. Always cover with
alxiut three Inches of straw In tlie fall.
Follow these rule« and your pieplant
will yield abundantly till frost kills IL
< «srn Ahrllvr.
Thia Is a cheap way to make a grxxl
feet long, lire»» the plank smooth;
drive some 8 penny nails Into the plank
to within one Inch of tbo heads; put
them oue half Inch apart In rows lu a
square six Inches each way.
■sea end Smoblew.
Many times lxx»s are smoked more
than 1» ncceMary; perhaps, leM-nuw not
every one knows that during a nectar
flow some honey la lost every time a
hive la o|x>n«d, says Farming. When
beea are smoked they fill themselves
with honey and If so much smoke Is
used that most of the tx-ee In the tllve
nt that time take honey, It will tie
more than an hour before it la redepoe-
Itvd Into tlie cells nnd tlie regular work
resumed. Bees sometimes gat tier nec­
tar enough to make a pound of honey
an hour, so one can see that It would
t>e quite a loss If every colony In a
fair sixer! apiary were smoker! enough
to interrupt the work for one hour.
Cream left to Itself will lx*come sour
spontaneously. This la the result of
the growth of lactic add bacteria,
which feed upon the milk sugar, and
ns a final process convert It Into a lac­
tic acid. Other forms of bacteria are
always present In cream; some have
little or no effect In the rl|x*nlng proc­
ess, while others, If allowed to do­
velop, produce undeslrablo and often
obnoxious flavors. To cultivate and de­
velop these "wild" germa la caller!
"spontaneous" ripening, and Is often at­
tended with uncertainty. Good butter
making demands the use of a "starter,’*
either Imine made or a pure culture.
The former abould bo made of selected
skim milk.
Hoge Clean.
To give the pigs a thorough acrub-
blng may appear to be labor thrown
away, but If two lots of pigs are treat­
ed alike In every res|x*ct, except that
one lot recelvea a thorough scrubbing
with soapsuds once In a while, there
will bo a marker! difference' In favor
of the hogs Hurt are washed when the
time for slaughter arrives. A clean
bed of straw with a dry house, so aa
to afford them comfort at night, will
also promote thrift and growth. The
hog la naturally a cleanly animal and
enjoys a bath. If considered a filthy
animal, that devours filthy food. It la
because of tha treatment given. Hoge
will select clean aur! wholesome food
If given the opportunity to do eo,