Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, October 12, 1906, Image 1

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VOL. 2.
Why You Should have Your Account with Us.
BECAUSE wlu-n you -leal with ua you ur<--leal i ng with « man who i« in­
terested iii tli« hunk la-yond a monthly «alary mii <I consequently is interested
in your welfare.
i nrmer»fuu ileal with a man who x|wnt tin* lore part of hl« life on a 700-
a<'i<- farm in Western Iowa un>l i'oii»-<|iii-iitly know« «omelhing of tlm farmer’«
liia-iLi ami cajaihllltii-«.
Knowing the needs aiul capabilitie« of the farmer we are able to ««slat the
country merchant in many way» ami I h - iiik able to axxixt the roiiutry mi-r-
chant we In turn la-nullt the farmer ami the buyer« of the farmer«' pr-sluct.
The manufacturer taken an Interest in u« liecauae In- understands that the
hank make« it |x»>»ible for the |x-onle in Ilia locality to make miidi faster pro-
grcsa than tln-v con I-1 without the bank.
Tin buyer of the farmer«' product« become» interested in us I-eculine
hr learn* the (armi-r iloi-a biixim-aa with ua ami In- cornea to ux (or infor­
mation concerning that which lie winhen to buy.
Tin farmer with money to invest come* to tin for bin m-curitiex Ix-cmu-e
we can sell him |ui|H-r Is'ariug a la-tter rate of inlercnt than Im cun obtain.
We encourage the young people to save ami help the thrifty man by
|>ayiiig 4 ]a-rei-iil. < n the money In- lay« by for an opportunity or rainy -lay.
<1. W. KIINNEY, V-Prea.
J. M. SHOUT, Pres.
A. MEYERS. Cash'r
l he First State Bank
Transacts a General Banking Business, Loans Money on Good
Security, Sells Drafts and Travelers Checks.
AvailHMf anv | »!»«••• in lhe
KI m U* w or any of the Foreign (’ountrivi»
NelU llfnl
Hlextiighip an«l H mi I whv Ticket $ s
B uy * hii <I Hell« Mortgage*, Note* mill llotul (’heck*. Write* Eire Ln».
: Just Suppose
♦♦ :
: Suits, $7.45 to $25.00
You buy one of those NOBBY NEW FALL
SUITS of Welch. They are made right,
fit right and priced right.
l H t amlkican ao TH!(R-
221- 223
Corner First
Imhoff & Minar,
Marble and Granite ______________
Monuments • ;
j__ AI.I.
335 East Morrison Street,
Oregon •
On Sunday, October 14th, *|«cial ser­ sionary Aas-s-iation of the Pacific North­
vice* w ill be held al the Baptist Church, west.
it Ix-ing the fifth anniversary of the
On Wednesday next, in the Swedish
present |>a*torate. There w ill la- a Sun­ Miaaion church, Powell Valley, at 2 p.
day school rally at 10 a. m., sermon by pi., services will be conducted by Rev.
pastor at 11, followeil by communion i C. F. Sandstrom, of Buffalo, Minn., and
service. At 2 p. in. n church rally will | Nel* Heiner, editor of Minneapolis
be held which will lie addressed bv a Weekly. All are Invited to hear these
numla-r of js-rsons representing the dif-' noted afa-iikers.
ferent department* of the church. The
FOR SALE — A good driving mare,
young |a-ople'« rally at 7 o’clock will be not afraid of automobiles. Also single
followed by a abort sermon by the pax- top buggy.—Enquire of A. M. Hoss.
tor. Bring basket dinner« and enjoy all
Frit* Stoker has lawn laid up during
the service«.
the past week with a painfully swollen
limb, resulting from a horse kick.
Rev. Andrew Johnson arrived here
Win. II. Nicholls died at hi* residence
thia week from Stromsburg, Neb., on hi«
tirat visit to the Coast. In company nt Rockwood on Friday evening, Oct.
5th. He leave« n wife, one son and one
with the Rev. Jonas Johnson of l’owell -laughter to mourn his loss. The re­
Valley he left Thursday evening for Ev- mains were laid to rest in Multnomah
i rct, Wash., to attend the Swediah Mis­ Cemetery on Monday.
Powell, Street,
Gresham, Oregon
For the next two months we will sell
Fr<>nlB?s“ Beet.
St 3 l*2C PCT lb.
We not only wish to sell meat to you but are al­
ways ready to buy at market prices.
For the following week we will pay for
to .Te
to Qc
8 l-2c
4 l-2c
to 7c
NO. 4L
Fred Emily, of Hurlburt, Crazed Give Liberally to Assist Neigh­
by Suffering Ends Own Life.
bor Ernest Beers.
And Mr. Snashall Thinks They And the Prisoners Realize that
(Npietal Cerre«po#de«ee.j
the Court Can Now
Should Be Provided
Frederic Emily, an old-time settler of
for at Once.
“Make Good.”
, this place who on account of ill health
and despondency shot himself on the
He Sees a Great Future for County Will Try to Crush Out afternoon of Octolier 5th, was lai<l to
! rest in Mountain View Cemetery at
This Section and “It Is
Crime While Prisoners
' three p. m. on Bunday.
Crush Out Rock.
at the Door.”
Mr. Fmily was 59 years, two months
In response to «pecial invitation* sent
out by Clerk E. L. Thorp of ('lover
Camp No. 31H, W.O. W., thirteen mem­
bers were present in Regner'* Hall last
Monday night to dincusN matters per­
taining to the order.
The physical condition of neighlior
Ernest Beers was brought to the atten­
tion of the order and ste;-« were immedi­
ately taken toward assisting him (finan­
cially and otherwise.
Under tne g-sid of the order John
Bliss, H. S. Harvey, John Clanahan, E.
C. Lindsey, F. C. Marquardt, L. P.
Manning, and other« made interesting
add reuses. It was finally decided to
have a grand rally on the second Mon­
day night in November at which time
all members are requested to attend and
bring well-filled baskets,' as refresh­
ments will be served and a g-xxl time
State Organizer H. L. Dey will be in­
vited to Ire present on that -xxasion and
arrangements will be made to materially
increase the membership.
Those present contributed lil*rally to
a relief fund for neighbor Ernest Beers,
and others have hel{M*i swell the fund
until it now amounts to $26.50.
ami 24 -lay« old, a veteran of the Civil
War of 1M61, a member of the Gran-1
GREXHAM, ORE., Det. 8, lHOtJ.—
(Special Correspondence to The Herald.)
Army (M. A. Boss Post No. 41, of
T<> tiim E ihtok :—Why not take time by
Multnomah County has started the
( Gresham,) an Odd Fellow and a Grang­
the forelock ami profit by the mistakes experiment ci working the county pri-
er. He was a prosperous farmer and
of others? I jay out and exfnblixh a fine «oner* on a large scale at the newly
I dairyman, an honest, industrious, kind-
w ide thoroilghfaie now Is-iore building* quired rock quarry on Kelly Butte, At hearted and benovelent neighbor. He
ami other improvement* are placed in this ¡xiint 31 prisoners are now employ­ leaves a wife and eight children to
the way to l>e removed only at great ed in taking out rock ami breaking it up mourn hi« loss, namely: Mrs. George
expense and trouble. Wide and w4i-
prej-aratory to crushing. For the safe Gill, Mr«. Jack Vanderver, Mrs. Ed.
graded t borough fares ate needed for U>e keeping of these prisoners the county | Woodard, Allen. Roy, Joel, Fred and
highest development ol the country al>-i has built a concrete building 26 x 75, | Constance Emily, all of wl oni were
nowhere ix this mure true than in tin- with windows and doors carefully pro present except Fred, he being east
section with it* growing towns and Its tected with steel bars, and the ceiling of the mountains and unable to get here
Ilea rues« to the city.
i« covered with steel plates so that the in time.
This is a matter that should l-e taken prisoners are a* safe here as they would
Mr. Emily also leaves a large circle of
up bv --nt citizens aial e-;*-eially those lie at the county jail, besides they are ' warm friends as was evidenceii by the
of Gresham ami lairview.
much iM-tter off. The county has a unprecedented large attendence to pay
We have the opportunity now. There crusher that can grind up 100 cubic ; their last sad respects to his memory,
is nothing we could do that would brit g yard« of rock per day, and has power i there being over seventy carriages ami
greater return* for the money invested enough to run another crusher of the at least three hundred people to follow
or enhance the value of «tirrounding same cajMu ity, so that that the plant his remains from his late residence to
property more than to lay out and es­ can turn out 21 KI yard* a -lav of crush­ the grave where anol her large assembly
tablish an avenue from the Powell Val­ ed rock. The rock will lie «weened so of friends awaited the arrival of the
G. M. Holtz Has Line Farm.
ley road through to the Columbia river. there will be three sizes,—the very funeral procession which was nearly
Take for instance as a starting point c-sirre, medium ami the fine screenings. one-half mile in length.
(Special to The Herald.)
the Twelve Mlle House; go north on the These three size« are se|-arated by means
Very impressive services were con­
G. M. Holtz of Barton has one of the
road already laid out to Fairview; then i of «Teens.
ducted by the comrades of the G. A. R. finest farm home« in thia portion of the
keep straight on down to the river. ‘ It is expected that crushed rock for at the house and also at the grave.
country. He is one of the oldest settlers
Let this road l>e widened to 80 feet at 1 the county roads can l-e delivered from
One sad feature of the burial was his in this community and one of it» most
least, more would l-e l-etter. From the the machine at a cost of 35 cents. It daughter, Constance, who, being over­
progressive citizeux. Mr. Holtz ami
Twelve Mile House come south on the cost heretofore |1 and $1.25 ,-er cubic come with grief, fainted away ami com­
family have contiumn<ly improved their
present road to the gravel pit; from yard. There is a saving of two-thirds pletely eolla)*K-d beside the grave. Dr.
farm until t-day it stand» xecon-l to
there open a wide avenue through on the cost of road construction, besides I Drake ami friends worked over her for
none in the comity. At-otlier feature
straight south to the Powell Valley road i it will make it possible to improve some time before she revived. Also
of the Holtz home-tea-1 worth conxitier-
coming out near the Gresham school­ . double the miles ol road surface than other meuil-ers of the family were near­
ing is its hospitality. Mr. ami Mrs.
heretofore, and with su;-erior material. ly overcome and had to l»e led away Holtz have numerous friend« and are
This would open up a th--roughfare
The prisoners are made to work. If from the grave until they recovered.
never so happy a« when entertaining
seven or eight miles in length which they won’t work they have to starve, or
An affectionate husband, a ioml fath­ them.
every wagon road, railroad and trolley ^ear| ’ HUrve . The working of these er, a g-Mxl neighbor und . n honest and
I X XX running
X.l XX ,1 S XX MWA
XX# Tv...
XX - «!•
. »•# ­ -
the .. city of Z Port
prisoners has been the ;>olicy of Judge upright man has gone to his well-earn­
land would I m - obliged to cross, for it : Welister ami Commissioner* Lightner ed and ;>encefnf repose. His earthly Telephone Lines Are Being Extended
would completely cover the «trip of ter- I ami Barnes for some time. They pro­ trials and sufferings are ended but we
E. S. Jeune, C. F. Rtiegg, The-xiore
ritorv lying between the butte* on the mise to make finest roads in the Vnited who remain behind will ever cherish
H. W. Snashall ami Timothy
south and the Columbia on the north. > States. The prisoners are made to the fond memories of a true friend.
Brownhill, director» of the M.
C. C.
The.>.|^,,t.„-s ..l on-ha r-Mi.l a.e so
many that time ami space will not per-1 they are able to earn a living and good
meeting last Saturday night at which
mit us to mention them ail here. The i wages, but when turned out of jail with­ Elmer Met/ger's Corvallis Letter.
it was learned that the lines of the
l-eople should get together and canvas* ! out having worked they return to crimi­
CORVALLIS, ORF.., Oct. 4. 190«.— company are gradually lieing extended
this matter.
nal ways for a living. On the whole Enrrog or B kavkh S tate H kkai . it :— to many parts of the country, and ere
The property along this pro|*Mied route : , this plan for road construction seems to
Another school year is fairly begun at long farmers will l-e able to talk with
can now I m - gotten at a very reasonable promise to I m - a success, ami solve in
O. A. C. Nearly all of the old students each other an-l with business men at a
figure. In fa-.-t, the first man who was large measure the problem of road con-
are back and in addition there are many very small cost to them.
*|K>ken to regarding the proposition, and I struction in Multnomah County. The
new ones, who have decided to make
he own. proiierty extending half a mile !
M7l7'li" deliveZl ’ on the
this their Alma Mater. There are at
along where the road is already laid out, r<>a<U ¡„ wrtgonM antl by lneans of trac. the present time more than six hun­
said without hesitation, ' “You
... engines.
„ ■
, can have lion
dred registered students, or nearly
another ten feet the entire length of my I
Mr. ami Mrs. D. C. R om were in
1 seventy more than at the same time
property to start with.”
last year. There is no doubt but that Gresham the first part of the week.
l*a-..|>l,- MM «--mmg I" t!>•' * ■ '.‘-t ami Mrs. Brugger Tells of foreign Trip there will lie a total attendance of over
Percy Giese was doing busiuess in
e«]M*cially to Oregon form every state in I
the Union east of the Rocky Mountains. | Mrs. Andrew Brugger ami little son, eight hundred students, making this Gresham this week.
Theodore, and her mother, Mrs. Anna the largest institution of learning in
Men of means are coming here to live |
Something is going to happen at the
! Mullenhoff, returned last Thursday Oregon.
ami enjoy themselves ill this equable
This gives an idea of the remarkable j Gresham Grange next S.itur-lay. Worthy
climate. Men are coming seeking in­
many, where they visited relatives and growth of O. A. C., but it is not unde­ master, Miss Effie Roberts’, suggestion
vestments ami business locations.
friends ami enjoved once again the de­ served. This college is today ranked I as to the apparel of the members on
Large citie* do not build out solidly
lights of the childhood home of Mrs. among the best institutions of the that day signifies work. Of course all
block by block. They usually jump out
Brugger. This was the first visit to the Northwest, unexcelled in anything i good Grangers love to work so do not
several miles, start a business center
which it undertakes. It is |>ossible for forget the day or the hour.
and then slowly fill up the intervening j father land in 17 years. During that
I time Mrs. Brugger says that many a student graduating from any one of
space. Just so will Gresham and Fair­
! changes have taken place, especially in the nine courses here to complete at any
view build up ami unite ami keep on
Berlin, Dresden, Radensl-urg and points of the large eastern universities, not ex­
growing until they become one city and
on the Rhine and in southern Germany, cluding Harvard, Cornell or Vale, in
part of Portland the great city.
where much building is going on. Work one year.
One reason why. this road question
A very important question which
is plentiful, money circulating freely,
should lie taken up now is that there are
j and the country is m a prosperous con­ now faces the O. A. C. is to keep plenty
so many autos in use ami their number
dition generally. Mrs. Brugger stopped ol room for its many classes. Although
is constantly increasing. Those who
off for a visit with friends in Nebraska a $15,000 student building, w hich is now
use them want a s|H-e-lway.
before coming to Oregon, to which she under construction, ami a $70.000 girls’
There has l-een of late much talk con­
, dormitory, of w hich $50,000 has la-en
cerning a boulevard east from Portland, i was very glad indeed to return
appropriated, will somewhat relieve
let those interested choose the In-st
the situation, a visitor will readily agree
'horonghfare practicable from Poitlami
District Meeting a Rousinq One.
that there should l-e other additions,
to the Columbia Slough, thence east !
including a larger college chapel. At
Mrs. T-trnei returned last Sitnr-lav
possibly along the Sandy road to Fair- '
present time nearly olie-fonrth of from a visit w ith nei «later, Mrs. D. B.
view, thence south through Fairview to quarterly meeting which was held in
the students are unable to attend cluq*-l Leming.-if the Lewis A Hotel,
the Twelve Mile House, Castle Edel Gresham beginning last Friday night
on account of iiiHutticiency of space. It Portland.
Brim, south through Gresham, then and clotting Sunday night was well at­
is to be hoped that the legislature w ill
down the Powell Valley road through
The reitl'ar <*>ve i int an I b-wine«
further appropriation for the up­
Cedarville and back to Portland. This The people came from East Portland,
meeting of the Baptist Church will be
would give a delightful ride through an Central Addition ami Estacada ami
held Saturday, the 13th, at 2:30 p. iii .
tion in the state.
enchanting country mid over au almost paxtor* from these point« and from
Business of ini|H>rtam*e is to come la-
level sja-i-ilway, passing almost every Bethany, Forest Grove and Damascus,
fore the church and a good attemlance
ini|M>rtant and interesting jsrint in east­ ami also from Grexham and vicinity.
is hoped for.
The meeting was in charge of Presid­
ern Multnomah County.
R. II. Childers, w ho has the Geilam-
But the most important reason of all ing Elder Coffee, who preached on Sun­
place rented, brought in an apple
I ton’t forget Grange Saturday, Oct --
is that by establishing this thorotigfare
¡Tuesday, measuring 15 5-8 inches in
now it will some day la-come one of the
grandest streets lea-ling up from the spiration. Following this an offering of l-asket. The la-lies are to weai calico
Invitations are out for a serie« of
harbor of Portland, for ns sure as the
clothes, or expect to be fined. Be sure dances to be given by the Fleur tie Lis
sun rises mid sets the time will come ing elder.
Sunday afternoon the Womans Mis­ and have a selectloj^ tor l.cturc .- hour. Club lor the season of 1906-07. the first
ami that liefore long, when our com­
merce will attain such a ningnitmle that sionary meeting was held and a volun­ 1 expect a g-xxl attemlance.
of which will l-e given Saturday even­
our present Imrlsir and dia'ks and ware­ tary offering of $43 was made for mis­
ing, Octolir 13, llt.t». The club Las
houses will liecome inadequate to meet sionary work. In addition a good sum
, l-een conducting very select and |x>pn-
the demand and capital w ill come to the was raised for the pastor.
I lar-huicvs lor, four or five sciisonx ami
front and build one or more ship canals
We desire to thank our friends and this season promises to be even more
from the Willamette river right up the
Andrew Martin, while working on neighbors who so kindly assisted us in successful than former-me*.
Columbia Slough. The formation of Gust lairxon’s house, met with a severe the loss of our son in this our hour of
Mi-« Nellie F- x of the Portland>-
the ground is such that steam dredges accident Wednesday. While luring a bereavement ami sorrow .
rary will Is1 present at the Giange meet­
can easily do the work. These canals hand ax it (lipped and cut a large gash
ing on Saturday an<l spewk on the Lib­
in lais right leg.
(Continued on page H.)
rary! >u's woik.
Additional Gresham Locals