Horses E. Smith Gresham on 5th with a and unbroke will arrive in or about Oct. band of broke horses. School Opens Monday! : Watch the dati». You Will Need Supplies ia no place like Oreg“” to which he will ihm hi rvturii. School Books Stam|«< appear to I h * <>h«**|>er tinnì toriuerly. Ask Mr«. McColl alxnit il. RIGHT KINDS I NOUUH FOR Al l. Mri». .1. A John«, formerly «4 Fica«- ant Home, now of Portland, ha. ugniti placiti u» under oliligntion» to ber. It I» n plcamirv to licnr frolli »uch »taunch friend. <4 The llerald. THE Messrs. Whitney A Anderiwin, con­ tractors and builders of Cleone, droppd in to st«- us the other day w bile on their way home from Portland. TABLETS, PENCILS, PAPER. ETC. Ever brought to Gresham We have the Largest Line Hoof Ointment for «ore feet, for «ale at Hart's. Gresham Drug Store Any pupil« who failed to [ hiss in any examinations last year will Is* given nu opportunity to try again next Monday. Riqsirt to tbo principal. Cor. Powell and .Main Sts. Headquarter, for tfasik.. Tablets, Pen­ cil, ami Inks at Gresham Krug Store. NoTlt I Notice is herein given to the Gresham Grange No. 270 that thv next regular meting, Oct. 13, will la* known as Busy Pay. The brothers arc to ap]>ear in working clothe« and the sisters in * ilieo. Memlivrswho appear in Sunday garb will lie subject toil tine. At the lecturer» hour each memlwr i. kindly «sked to rv»|s>nd to the roll call With sollielllillg for till* Ins.I <4 tile Order. M. S. Rl'EGG lai'tlirer. a «*♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Brings .1 demand for ♦ ♦ ♦ Lunch Goods. Soft Drinks, ♦ » ♦ lemons. Oranges and Candies ♦ I : : ♦ SUMMER SEASON ♦ We carry a new ami fresh line of ♦ ♦ the almve, also ♦ ♦ CI6ARS. TOBACCO, PIPES. ETC. ♦ ♦ ♦♦ Swetland’s Ice Cream ♦ ♦ and Soft Drinks ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ >e ■rved everv Saturday and Sunday ♦ ♦ Mrs W. J. Wirtz ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Her Ice Cream Parlor* on ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ : ♦ * ♦ 0. M. ROBERTS. Prap. ♦ ♦ ♦ GRESHAM, OREGON ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ : GRESHAM LOGALS FOR SALE—Cheap, one set of dou­ ble chain harness nearly all new. and strong. M. Rickert, R. F. D. No. 2, Troutdale. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. King, recently of Gresham but later of Vancouver, Wash., have moved to Sunnyside Portland where they will reside with their daugh­ ter. Mr. King’s health is very poor and the change is made for his benefit. Powell Street t GRESHAM ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ X ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ORE. ♦ ♦ Wan ted 10 Suits, $7.45 to $25.00 IF NOT RIGHT WELCH ÌVELCH, MANES IT RIGHT THF AMERICAN CLOTHIER. 221- 223 Morrison Street, Corner First PORTLAND, F. B. STUART & CO. Laborers. At the PI OPI.E'S CASH STORK, Fine rubla-r-tired buggies f«»r Hart'». Union Meat Company, There will Is* a meeting of the teach- er. of the < ami high school at t Saturday afternoon at OREGON. The “BEAVER STATE HERALD” $1 for 12 Months. Mr. Bert A»l urst ha. taken up quarters at Mr«. A. I iorduii's ami is planning for the year'» work. Mixa Lottie Allen, of Lebanon, spent last Sunday withold friends, Theodore Brugger and family and E. Scliwedler and family. Mrs. Minnie Kurin and Florence Fancher made a trip to Seaside mi Sun­ day. They report a very enjoyable day. Si Allen was a Grisham visitor on Sunday. < '. S. Chase, of Sandy, was in town on Tuesday. M. Rand, of Pilley has rented Major Love’s place near Troutdale, and with his family will reside therein the fu­ ture. : : : ♦ At From 3c to 10c. The Chance will not last I oiijc XI rts. I *< im (< »nice McCOEL, I. I HnilcllriU. < i • i l< I i • itf. - • ( «rerwl it t ti I, ( >rv. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••e C. L. Crenshaw, s • Tinner and Plumber Make and Repair all Kinds of Tin Work, Plumbin? a Specialty. Country Trade Solicited GRESHAM, OREGON. EMERY. QARLSON & Undertakers and Embalmers A Complete Stock of Coffins and Furnishings always on Hand. HEARSE FUPHISHEO IF DESIRED CAILS PROMPT! V ITTUCEO TO SIH EK STATION Ben Mathews ha. Iieen hauling lum­ ber for his new barn which lie expects build s«x>n. Miss Bertha Weil. < >rc. E. L. Thorp is taking a much needed Ed. Siefer is having some hay bailed. vacation from his mail route and is Mrs. Johnson has Iieen very sick but .[lending his time on the r«*|s«rtorial staff of The Oregonian with headquart­ is recovering. ers at their east side office. Miss Weblwr, of Yaqiiinu, is visiting Schuyler C. Jones recently went in at J. C. Elliott's. some fine samples of quinces grown on Mr. Sumner, an old resident of Sunny­ his place near this city. side, was buried at Kamawiis Tuesday. Grandma Linnemann surprised ns this week with a present of pears which we do not care to undertake to describe. They, however, weigh considerably over a pound apiece anil fairly melt in ones mouth. GRESHAM, ORE. MAIN STREET, J. I*. Freeman i< currying on Route 2, for E. I.. Thorp »hiring the latter** va- cation. TROUTDALE, ORE. FOR SAI.E — Brown Swiss Bull Astoria for over twenty years. Helmke No. 678. For further particu­ Mrs. M. M. White, of Salem, is visit- Mrs. Minnie Punn and children are lars w rite or call on Andrew Brugger, ing with Mrs. R. R. Carlson. visiting her cousin, Mrs. Cora Carroll. Melville Farm, Greshain, Ore. All work guaranteed at Hart's. CARD OF THANKS Every day is the «lav to have your F. L. Rugg aned at the Gresham Fee* 1 thankful to the many friends who so visiting Mr and Mrs. E. E. Paring and Mill. kindly assisted them during their re­ will accompany them mi their trip to Steven Black and Ed Smith, old-time their homestead on the Siletz. They cent sickness, and desire to express their gratitude through the columns of friends and prosperous farmer. <4 ex|«ect to leave Saturday, the 22ml, and Sherman County, were visitors at The will Ire gone all winter. this ¡«ajajr. Herald office this week. M. E. RI GG. Mrs. Ford Metzger was visiting friends I>. M. Roberta could stand the strain at Ander«mi this week. When in Portland get voui lunch at 1). A. Hart's, 212 Fourth, near Salmon. no longer so he and the purp hied off to Ed. Sleret, Wm. Welch ami John the mountains where they ex|x-ct to H. L. Stone was doing business in sleret are s|«emiiiig a few weeks hunt­ get a taste of oldtime fun hunting. Grediam this week. ing in the Cascades, near Ixtbanon. FOR SALE—Twothoroughbred Jer­ Rev. W. E. Potwine, of Hawaii, call­ Mrs. R. R. Carlson was doing busi­ sey, yearling Imlls. Can be seen at my ed on Mrs. I. McColl on Friday. He is place, five miles east of Gre«liam, < (re. ness in the metro|s>lis on We i.l XI KAI.I Y llnviog th«' int«'i«‘*i* «»( F. W. (hiriii.'Hi, who on «<•• count of t»irknc*M hiiN returned to hi* (nrtner horn«* in Minn«*tt|Milin, we take tin* o|»|»»rtiinity to thunk «»ur nnttiv friend* «nd |»Hlfoim for th«* |»l«'HNunt und |»r«»M|»• are our iuterentM ani without an agrwahlv ««»o|M*ralioti a buminv»« t animi • int. A m we hav«* come t«> loak«* tin-* «»nt futur«* home, u«* wi*h t«» I m * c«»unt«*d among voiir iimia worthy citix«*m*. riivtvfore, thanking you ugain for your p:o«t favori«, we remain, Your» Vrr> K< *i»«*<-tfiillv. Butchers. Helpers and looking for a g*«»l time, ami a memls-r. lie sure to attend. If you are not a Our ti.-ldhouse agent, M. Rickert, was member, you ought to lie. calling on the |x**q«le this week smith of Timothy Br w:.hill Ire r> ’urned from tiresham, in Clackamas County, arid a trip to Eastern < »reg««n w here lie found found a gissi res|sni.e. Especially are a complete failure in crop» and many the fieople of Ihimascu« to Is* congratu­ farmers thinking of w>-stern <( >-gi>n as lated upon their increasing interest in a place where they can de|n*ud iijsin our paper which we desire to Ire ropre- good enqs* every year. Mr. Brownhill sentative of all this section. left this morning for Newport where he J. B. Emery is visiting his nephew, will attend the Oregon Press A-.’.xia- B. W. Emery. Mr. Emery lias lx*en tion. j«>stal clerk mi a Isiat from Portland to ♦ ♦ Just Suppose ♦ ♦ : ♦ : Announcement. 11 ♦ 11 o I ► I > Colne early and’take your pick o < I of the following: I > I ► 12 Milch Cows o Sale Now On ! I > < ' < < < I I I > I < ► < ► < ► 1 2 1 1 ator Bull Horses 31-4 in. Mitchell Wagon Empire Cream Separ­ (350 pounds). 4 4 Economy is the Key to Success 44 and that is the reason so many trade with us; they like the saving of a penny or a nickel on small purchases and 10c to 20c on large ones. This saving counts for a good deal at the end of a year and goes a long way toward a new suit for father or a new dress for mother. Z : AND YET YOU ARE GETTING THE BEST POSSIBLE VALUES FOR THE MONEY : Groceries and Hardware : : Flour, Feed, Confectionery, Tobacco and Cigars, School Supplies, I » Two miles east of Gresham. CHAS. KANE. : ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Lumber and Shingles D W • "• MFT7GFR ITILIjLVLIl, New Powe|1 st. store ORI SIIAM, ORI (ION. i ♦ ♦