Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, August 31, 1906, Image 7

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Buy Hair
at Auction?
At any rate, you aecm to be
getting rid of it on auction-sale
principles: "going, going,
g-o-n-c!" Stop the auction
with Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It
chccksfulllnnhulr, and always
restores color to gray hair. A
splendid dressing also. Sold
for over sixty years.
•’ M y hair r«tn« «»«at •<> foully I nearly lost It
all I had h«»ar<l
iiiurli afo»ui Ayar'g llalr
Vigor I tliuiight I would tflva It • trial. I did
au grid It c«HU|iUtal| etu|*|»«u1 tha falling, and
Iliads my hair grow vary rapidly.**- Ma MV H.
flll h, Nutlbrfald. Maa«
I.ark of Opporiaully.
>!iaa Gomitili Think uf I hoe« poor,
firgliHtr<| < hildren of Mrs. Offenwedd!
flow ran JUU ripret them to be wall
tl Minrd ■'
Miaa Tartun <>, I don't know. They
bavr h.itl the or ail different airpfathara,
«■•n>** of Ihaitt quila rr«p«ctabie and wall
■uraning u>« ci.
Receiving Highest Salaries Now
History of Slate.
Hr tern — Salaries of public school
teacher, In Oregon ar, now higher than
•ver before I m tlie hietbry ol the state.
Thirty years ago Hi, average monthly
•alarlee war, »45 68 for mains and
»38.64 for female«. During the *B0s,
when times were good, «elaries in­
creased and those of male teacbeie
reached the hlgLent point just liefore
tlie panic of 1893. The average salary
paid to men In the public schools was
then «61.11.
Ttie salaries of female
touched tlie highest point in 1891,
when tlie report« showed au average of
42.43. The <ompeu*ation of instruc­
tor, in the public «cliools then star led
on a decline ami eo continued until
1897, when men were receiving an
average of «41,75 and women «33 97.
For the last nine years salaries have
lieen steadily advancing and have now
reached an aveisge ot «<10.02 for men
and «44.95 lur women.
Multnomah county pays the highest
salaries, but of the outside count les
l.ake pays the highest to men and Har­
ney the highest to women.
••Norah, are you «*n<«<«*d to that po­
Grazing Tax Law is Declared To Be
liceman »ho cornea b* re to eee you ao
•firn T*
MYla, tna'atn, but I've given him warn’
Salem — The «Iregon Supreme court
has declared the gracing tax law of 1905
The decision will
have uu very far reaching effect, for it
lias uot been generally enforced or ob­
A test case was brought up
from Umatilla county, with the result
that there la <me more ray ot light cast
upon the problems of tax legislation In
Oregon. The decision will likely be ot
advantage in some respects to the legis­
lature ot 1907, which will give particu­
Mow*i Thia?
lar attention to the enactment of lax
We offer Ona Hundred Dollar« Reward fot laws.
any caa«’ of < atarrh that cannot be cured by
Briefly stated, the 1906 statute was
Hall • ' atarrh ' ure
F J i Ill.M i A CO, I’rot*. Toledo, O. declared void because it is a revenue
Wo. the un<leralgnrd. have known E. J.
Chmoy f r the last ISyrara. and larlieve him tax law and not a license law.
{«rle<tly h<>n<*ral*le In all business transao IxMseased the language and elements
Ions and n nan« tally able to carry out any vb-
of a tax law and not of a license law.
ligation« made by thrir firm
W am A I Mt 4 1. wholesale Dr unis ta, Toledo, O, The act provided that a tax of 20 cents
W AUsthu. K imman A M amvim , W hutosale Drug*
a head shall tie paid upon all sheep
Hail o < a>arr b < Hre 1« taken Internally, act­ owned by non residen'1 and brought
ing directly upon the bio«»«! and uiucuui eur-
fa* a« ol the ayateui. Trice 73r per bvtUU. into this state for uasturage.
Now They lioa't Hpeuk,
Clara Don't l»e aurprlacd If Willie
Ritpltdgb prupoeat to you to night.
.Muude <«ru<loua! Du you tbluk ba
Clara Sure » do. When ! refused
hhn lust night he said be didn't rare
wUut be xjuiu of biUJ.
lk>M by all l>ruM«i«ta 1 r«Um<>nial« tree.
ilaU a Jauidj "ill« ar« th« beat.
School, Show Good Advance.
l>uo't whittle on tbit
•t rwt!
Whut'e the matter?
one «lek?
But I'm afraid the vt-
bretlou will knock tlie city ball down.
—Chicago Newa
I nrle Alles,
"A curious thing about a man that ha.
a lot of atiH k in a tir» insurance coni
puny,” remarked Unci. Alien Spark*. "is
that a big fir. generally give, him cold
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Properly Rrssntlng ft.
•(Your hueband.” aaid Mm. Ilifhmti*.
grtrioualjr. "la decidedly Interesting and
oiigina!. even If he doea to met i met blow
hie own horn a little too------- ’*
•*lt isn't no!" Indignantly enlaimed
Mr«. Gaawell. ”.\fy husband always use«
hie handkerchief !”—Chicago Tribune.
Previous Trainin*
Salem — Material advancement is
ahown in the rendition, of the achoola
ol the etale by the figure« contained in
the nummary of Superintendent Acker­
man a annual report, which he ha, juat
given out for publication.
riy thia
statement It i« ehown that the echool
imputation ha« increased by at leaet
5,000 during the )>»at year, and the
total day,' attendance baa lieen in-
created to at leaat « million. Not­
withstanding thia latter increaae, how­
ever, the average <i«ily attendance ha«
fallen of! by over 100 day«, but the av­
erage month« echool taught during the
year haa advanced from 6 06 to ti.19.
for Mothln*.
present. It was decided that all grow­
ers should endorse the system cf pick­
ing by weight, but nt the same time it
was left to the discretion of growers
whether to pick by weight or to use
Ill ff erent.
measuring baskets of nine bushels each.
Tom—The la«t time I saw you you The general opinion was expressed that
wer« look'ng for a poult Ion where you the price of picking should be 50 cents
could keep drSMcd up all the time. Did per box or »1 per 100 pounds.
you get It?
Dick No. The only job I could Ond
Hood River Prepares for Fair.
waa one whore they keep nil the time
Hood River — Ifor. E. L. Smith,
dressing tna down. Detroit Urea l’reaa
president, and G. J. Geesling, secre­
tary, o« the Hood River Biennial Fruit
Nothin* Accomplished.
“The society paper a apeak of her aa fair, have issued a call for a mass meet­
*a young woman of many aceompliab ing of Hie residents ol tlie town and
valley for the purpose nt making ar­
uient.i.' la she really?”
rangements for this event, important to
“Oh, yea. Khe’a n aort of female
fruit growers. The meeting will take
Jack of all trade«: not much good nt
place Retpember 1 in tlie Commercial
any one of them.” Philadelphia l’reaa. cl..h rooms, when plat.« will also be
riTft H,‘ V'-tua’ I'sn<* »nil all Nnrvous DI»* smm
P* rmansntly <ur»««l by Dr. Kim*'« Orrai
Ssrvs il'-eiorrr. e««n«l f«>r FHKE flirtai botti« and It.Kiln . Ixl. .Ml Arvh Mt., Phils., Pm.
fl I ò
Get at tha Caute—Cura the Kidneys.
Eugene — The Royce A Peterson ex­
celsior p'ant ha« closed down here on
account of the failure of the Southern
Pacific to furnish care. All warehouse
space has been exhausted, and there
wm no recourse but to stop manufac­
turing. The company's plant at Junc­
tion City can run about two weeks lon­
ger, and then it will have to shut dean
if cars are not available.
Will Add Two Grade,.
l^banon—At a recent meeting of the
voters of tlie local school district it
was decided to lease the Hantiam Acad­
emy building and grounds and add the
11th and 12th grades to the present
high school course. The change will
become effective October 1. The fol­
lowing corps of instructors has lieen
elei’ted (or the ensuing year- Princi­
pal, E. K. Harner; vice principal.
Frank Mclh ugal, of Dallas; assistants,
Mrs. C. F. Higbee, Miss Harriet Alex
«rider, of Gresham; Miss Mary Mc­
Cormick. Miss Margaret Cotton, Miss
Trenia Motlitt, of Salem.
Denkr How dore your wife like the
Pay Hop Pickers by Weight.
aeuing machine you bought for her?
Woodburn — Al a meeting in this
Young Husband She hasn't
learned city recently of the Willamette Hop­
how to o|>rrate it yet. «She had an idea
growers' association, 85 hopmen were
It worked something like a typewriter.
There is nothing more distressing than an itching, burn­
ing skin disease, and upon the return of warm weather those
who are afflicted with skin troubles find the symptoms appear­
Helens—That the fanners of the Wil- ing and know that they will be tormented through the hot
lamette valley are lee« under the con­ summer months.
7 lie blood is heated with humors and acrid matter, and as they are forced
trol ot wxrehoiieeuien end miller, then
skin seems to be on fire. The treatment of skin diseases with exter­
ever before le ««»»rted by W. A. Tay­
lor, s prominent Wald«» Hille farmer, nal applications is all wrong, l>ecause they do not reach the trouble which is in the blood.
who ha, tiken the lead In the ta»k of
1 he most such treatment can be expected to do is, allay the itching and burning and cover
breaking the hold of the buyer, of
the trouble for awhile, but as soon as it is left off the disease returns.
“Farmer, are thia year bnyinx their
Ail f.xxl taken into the body contains, in some form, the elements necessary to sustain
sack, to a greater extent than ever be­ the different parts.
One portion is used for
fore,” he eaye, ‘‘and they are under no
another for muscle,
obligeHone to any buyer.
They are
Sirs My body broke out with a rash or eraptloa
entirely free to «ell when they can get one for bone, still another for fat, and soon.
which in spite of all effort, to cure oontlnued to get worse.
tbe higbeet price. Then many farmer, After these different properties are ex­ The Itching, especially at night, was simply terrible. It
are planning to etore their grain on
would almost disappear at times, only to return worse
their ferine until they get ready to eell, tracted from the food there still remains a
than ever. I had tried many highly reoommended prepa­
rations without benefit, and hearing of S. S. S. determined
Instead ol haul ng to a warehou’e im­ portion that is useless, or waste matter,
to give it a lair trial, and was inexpressibly delighted
mediately. They will make a sale firet which is intended to be disposed of through
when a few bottles cured me entirely, removing every
and haul the grain afterwards, and get
the natural channels of bodily waste, tlie blemish and pimple from my body. I shall not fall to reo­
better term,.
H. S. 8. whenever au opportunity oocura to do so.
At this season ommend
“I have noliosd,” continued Mr. Liver, Kidneys and Bowels.
Escondido, Cal
Taylor, "that miller, ami warehouse­ yf the year, however, these organs become
men are pretty anxioue to get poxne,-
torpid, dull and sluggish, and fail to perform this duty, and these accumulations remain in
eion of wheat and have been offering
inducement, to get farmer, to store the system and are absorbed by the blood to ferment and sour, producing burning acids and
grain in their warehouse,.
Nutw*th- acrid humors.
The blood cannot properly nourish the system while in this impure condition,
• tending the declaration that no more and begins to throw off these acids through the pores and glands of the skin, producing Acne,
•acks would l>e lent, sacks have .«en
offered in the hop« that thereby tbe in­ Eczema, Tetter, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum and skin diseases of every description.
tending buyer would secure an advant­
EOZEMA appears usually with a slight redness of the skin, followed by pustules from
Not many of tbe fanners are which there flows a sticky fluid that dries and forms a crust, and the itching is intense.
tying tliemeelves up, however.”
is generally on the back, breast, arms, legs and face, though other parts of the body may be
afflicted. Iu TETTER the skin dries, cracks aud bleeds, and is often very painful. The acid
Files on Big Power Site.
Eugene—8. W. Cnrtis, of Han Fren­ in the blood dries up the natural oils of the skin, causing a dry, feverish, hardened condition
etico, eaid to represent tbe Fitlebnrg and giving it a leathery appearance.
AONE makes its appearance on the face in the form of
Reduction company, of Niagara Fall«,
disagreeable because of its unsightly appear­
an aluminum manufacturing concern,
haa filed notices of location of a power ance, while PSORIASIS, a scaly disease, comes in patches on different parts of the body.
site on Horse creek, a tributary of tbe One of the worst forms of skin disease is SALT RHEUM,
It discharges a watery fluid, form­
M* Kenzie river, in tbe vicinity of
are the parts usually affected,
Foley springs, 60 mileaeast of Eugene,
lie files on 20,000 miners' incliee un­ and sometimes the hair falls out and a mass of sores forms on the scalp.
der a six-inch pressure, and it is esti­
These and all skin diseases are due to the saiue cause—burning acids and humors in
mated that 30,000 horse power can be
and until this vital fluid is cleansed and made pure they will continue. The best
Mr. Curtis declines to
make any statement regarding tbe in­ treatment for all skin diseases is S. S. S., a remedy that is purely vegetable, being made en­
tentions of his employers, but it is tirely from roots, herbs and barks, and acts directly on the blood with a cleansing, healing
presumed that they may, aome time in
effect. It neutralizes the acids and purifies the bloixi so that the skin, instead of being
the future, estaliah a manufacturing
blistered and burned by the fiery fluids, is nourished by a supply of cooling, healthy blood.
plant in Eugene or vicinity.
•u into the circulation and forces out ever article of waste or foreign matter,
City Water for Ashland Normal.
builds up the bl
and cures all skin diseases promptly
Ashland—The Ashland public echool«
S. S. S. does not leave the least par­
will open for. the fall term .Monday, |
September 3.
The State Normal at
ticle of the poison for future outbreaks, but entirely rids
Aehland will not Iregin work tills year
the blood of the cause for all skin diseases.
until September 26, tbe opening date
S. S. S. tones up the system and regulates the
being tized later than usual so aa to
give time to get a number of important
Liver, Kidneys and Bowels so that they will carry off
improvement« at the buildings and
the natural waste and refuse matter through the proper
grounds further under way. A con­
instead of leaving it to be absorbed by the
tract was let last week for a new beat­
Nothing equals S. S. S. in the treatment of these troubles and for building up the
ing plant, which will covei the prin blood.
cipal buiijings on the campus.
general health. Write for our treatise on skin diseases and any medical advice you wish.
We make no charge for either.
Lack of Cars Closes Plant.
in Can Hold Their Wheat Until the Price
Suite Them.
perfected tor entertaining the Oregon
State Irrigation association.
More Power is Needed.
Doni* neglect oacksche.
It warns
I,a Grande—Owing to the increase in
you of trouble in the kidneys.
Avert demand for electric power, the elec­
the danger by curing the kidneys with tric company has I wen unable to get
Doan's Kidney Pills.
along with the energy developed at the
J. A. Haywood, a well
Cone power house and it was found
known resident of
necessary this week to use some of the
kin, Tex., says:
power from Morgan lake.
In all the
wrenched my back
company is now using 700 horse power,
working in a sawmill,
and this ameunt will be gradually in­
was laid up six weeks
and from that time
had pain in my back
Postoffice for Myrick.
whenever I stooped or
Pendleton— The postoftlee at Myrick
lifted. The urine was
station has been re entablished, after
badly disordered and for a long time I
having been discontinued for several
had attacks of gravsu
After I began
months. It is a fourth class office and
using Doan's Aionev ivllls the gravel
the postmaster is William Love. My­
passed out, and my back got well.
rick is a small station on the line of
haven't had backache or bladder trou-1
the W. A C. K. R , 12 miles northeast
ble since.”
of Pendleton. It is in the midst of the
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.'
rich wheat growing section.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Wheat — Club, 67(9«>8c; blneetem,
70(47lc; valley, 71c; red, 64066c.
Date—No. 1 white, »22'922.60; grav,
Harley—Feed, »20 per ton; brewing,
«22.50; rolled, »230 24.
Rye—»1.30 per cwt.
Corn—Whole, »26; cracked, »27 per
H»y—Valley timothy, No 1, »110
12 50 per ton; F.aatern Oregon timothy,
»16; clover, »707.60 cheat, »6.50;
grain hay, »7; alfalfa, »10; vetch lhay,
Fruitk — Applee, common, 60075c
per box; fancy, »1 2502; apricota,
»1.25'01.36; grape«, »101.75 per crate;
peachee, »101.10; peare, »1.75, plume,
fancy, 500 75c per box; common 500
75c; blackberriee, 506c per pound;
crab applee, 75c per box.
Melons— Cantaloupe«, »1.75 0 2 per
crate; watermelon«, 101 t^c per pound.
Vegetable«—Beane, 507c; cabbage,
l'a 02c per pvund; celery. 85c0»l per
doaen; corn, 15 020c per dozen; cu-
cumbere, 40060c per box; egg plant,
10c per pound * lettuce, head, 25< per
dozen; onion«, 10012t^c per dozen;
poae, 405c; trell peppere, 12*v015c;
radiehee, 10015c; perdoaen; rhubaib,
202tfcc per pound; epinach, 203c per
pound; tomatoee, 60 0 90c per box;
par« ley, 25c; equaah, »101.25 per
crate; turnipe, 9Oc0»l per sack; 'car­
rots, »101.25 per lack; beets, »1.250
1.50 per sack.
Onions—New, 114 01 j^c per pound.
Potatoes—Oregon Rurbanke, 70075c;
sweet potatoes, 404j^c per pound.
Butter—Fancy creamery, 22 ',025c
per pound.
F'lffia — Oregon ranch, 21 %022c per
Poultry — Average old hens, 13c per
pound; mixed chickens, 124013c;
springs, 13 4014c, old roosters, 90
10c; dressed chickens, 14015c; tur­
keys, live, 16022c; turkeys, dressed,
choice, 200224c; geeee, live, 8010c;
ducks, 11018c.
Hops — 1906 contracts, 18 0 20c;
1905, nominal; 1904, nominal.
Wool —Eastern Oregon average beet,
15019c per pound, according to shrink­
age; valley, 20022c, according to fine­
ness; mohair, choice, 28030c per
Veal—Dressed, 5 4®8c per ponnd.
Beef — Dressed bulls, 3c per ponnd;
cose, 44<95,4c; country steers, 506c.
Mutton — Dressed, fancy, 708c per
pound: ordinary, 506c; lambs, fancy,
fork—Dressed, 7084c per pound.
M oyo I
Mrana to F.acat« Hor F«ver
Fol Io yv rd by a Hermit.
MOWAHD K. BURTON — Asaayer and Chemist.
■I Lead villa, Cok>riHl<>>
nuen price«: Oold.
Silver, l^ad, ft; Gold, KtlT«r,7ir;
iu«-; Zinc or
( oppe-r. 91. C'yanidn
Mailing envelopes and
full price list sent uo application. Control and Um-
plre work suHctted.
llefervucs: Carbonate J»«r
Uuual IkUaK.
4 horse­
power fully warranted. 9125. All size« and
■tj lee at lowest prices. Write for catalog.
Warren Carrol, a coal prospector who
has been operating In the vicinity of THE DAISY FLY KJLLKR destroy« all tbe
flies and affords
the Chetcamp River, eoutb of Grande
cvm* rt toe very
Etang. Cape Breton, tells of meeting a
rxim, sleeping
room and all
man In the barren lands who has been
places where
living In a tree for three summers be­
fli»-s are trouble*
some. Clean,
cause he believes It will cure bls bay
n»*at and will
not soil or in­
jure anything.
Try them once
Carrol «ays that tbe man, who claim­
and you will never be without them. If not kepi hr
ed that hl» name was Strong and that dra er«, sent prepaid for 20c. Harold boiuer«,
he came from St. John. N. B.. had built 14« DeKalb are.. Brooklyn. 3i. Y.
himself a comfortable cabin of one room
In the tranche, of a giant hemlock
and wa« thoroughly enjoying life. The
bouse was set about forty feet from the
ground and was reached by several lad­
ders which were «piked agalust the
side« of the tree trunk.
F.SH pommel
In the cabin was a bed made of
bougha. a stove constructed out of sheet
Iron, three looking glasses, a lamp,
three rustic chairs and thirty-six cush­
ions stuffed with balsam needles. Tbe
place was as neat aa If kept by a wom­
bmadrofthr best
an and was built eo that there would
be no waste space.
fuity aardnlrtiind sold
rriiaSr dwlrr: rvrrrwfrere
Strong was rather reticent, but Car
rol learned enough to convince blm that
tbe man was In bls right mind and that
be really believed the "tree cure" was
doing him good. He said he couldn't,
explain why tbe bay fever would not
attack him as long as he lived In a tree,
but that It was a fact and he took ad
Portland Trade Directory
vantage of It. He lived mostly on flab
Ntm« and Addresses in Portland of Reprä­
and game, but he had some vegetables
sentativ r Business Firms.
stowed away lu hollow tree truuka near
CHI' AM BKCA K A1OKS-W. |W1 As. lb. U.S,
Portland. OrefeiK
Egan Dramatic and
Operatic School
and consider
Season 1906 and 1907 Opens Sept. 15
Prepares for Dramatic and Operatic
Stage ami places Graduates.
nized by leading theatr -I manager,.
Send for Catalogue and list of gradu­
ates and their success.
Egan Dramatic and Operatic School
Egin H a II Arcade Building, Seattle.
FRANK C EGAN. Principal.
Or. C. Gee Wo
Th'« wonderful Cht-
n«M Doctor la called
great because ha cures
people without opera
tiou that are <tvere up
to die. He cures with
those wonderful Chi­
nes«« herbs, roots, buds,
barks and vevatables
that are entirely uu-
knowa to me«tical sci­
ence In this conutry. Through the use of those
harmless remedies this famous doctor knows
theactlou of over 500 different remedies which
he success fully usee In different diseases. Ha
guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung, throat,
rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver , kid­
neys, etc.; has hundreds of testimonial»
Charges modsrate. A all and see him. Patients
out of the city writ« for blankr and c rculara
bend stamp. CU.N s I'LT a TIUN i llKb.
Separator to be th»« best. Write iur free catalog.
11 »se I wood Co.. Fifth and Oak.
Knonlrdft of
At a suburban residence near Phila­
delphia there recently appeared an un­
kempt looking Individual who asked for
employment, It chanced that his ap-
plication was uiade to the lady of the
bouse herself, who was superintending
tbe transplanting of plants iu tbe
“Are you* a gardener?” asked
"Ain't had much experience at
fienln’,” was the reply.
“Can you plant these bushes?
“I'd bate to risk «pollin'
"Then what can you do?”
“Well, mum,” reaponded the
kempt looking Individual, “if you
to hand me one of your husband's ci­
gars I might sit lu the greenhouse an’
smoke out them Insects that's entln'
the leaves of them rose bushes."—Har­
per's Weekly.
Ainnnv Friend«.
*Wbew! What. Lottie Brown engng
•d? That prove« what I've always «aid
— that, no matter how plain and badly
tempered a girl may be. there's alwayi
a fool ready to marry her. Who's tbe
poor nan?”
“1 am!"—Lit«,
MEN’S CLOTHING — Rnffum .t P«adl«ton, nol«
4L«eni« Alfred Benjamin «t Co.’« correct clothe*.
Everythin* tn men’* furntahing*.
Morrleou and
Hixih «trteta. Opposite poatoihcs.
1’1 ANOS
OHG A NS—Many flne In# ramenta re­
vert to ba account a c K ih - m or removal of buyer
Write for d»‘*cr ptlon of p ano* now on hand,
term«, etc. Write today.
Gilbert Co., Portland
No. 35 06
I1FN writ In jf to nd vertiaere please
mention tills paper.
162'« First St., S. F. Cor. Morrison
Mention paper.
P. IM. I
___ ____________ /
Every reader of this paper can get a package of “20-Mule>
Team’’ Borax and a bar of “20-Mule-Team” Borax Soap,
with a Beautiful Souvenir Picture 7x14 inches in 10 colors;
Absolutely Free.
For « limit* <1 time only, on receipt of 10 cents In tamps or silver (to pay postage
«nd packing) w th v..ur name ami address and your dealer’s name, we » 11 S' nd you •
full sise package of that universally used Household Ne eeity, ‘“20-MULE-TEAM”
BORAX; also a bar ' 20-MVl.E-TEAM” BORAX 8OA1*. fr'*<*; ami i elude a beautiful
s uvenir picture 7x14 In 10 color*, called the 'OLD DRIVER'S REVERIE,’’wi ha 3*3-
page booklet giving 1000 valuable uses for Borax in the Home, Firm, Garden and
0 irv; Borax in the Laundry, Nursery, Sick Room and Kitchen; Preservativ.-uses ul
Borax, and liinta on “How to Have a Clear Complexion" and art cl s on the “Hair and
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Add.ess, Pacific Coast B ral
Co., Oukiund < u .fo. nia.