♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ see CHALKER FAIRVIEW "The Reliable Real Estate Maa.“ TROUTDALE FARMS, DAIRY ANDSTOCK Eastern Multnomah's Hustling Town RANCHES. Small Tracts, im­ The real estate transfers have been proved or unimproved, Cetiar and active within the last two week*. B. Fir Timber, Empire Cream Sep­ A. Town, of Lenta, has pun-based the The Sinclair girls have returned A Harlow liccmne frightened last Sat­ Artisan Hall tnd mill from A. T. Axtel, arators. urday mi < ► SPEND A DAT FISHING on the Sandy and tributary streams. LOTS OF FISH ANO SHADE. ICE COLD WATER. MOUNTAIN AIR Leave« Gresham at 8 45 a. m. every day except Sunday, re­ turning at 4 p. m. D. S. JOHNSON, Prop. ♦♦ ♦ i ♦ ••••••••••••••••a Insure Your Property NOW IN THE LONIMiN ASSURANCE CORPORATION One of the oldest and best in­ surance companies in the world. JOHN H. METZGER. • Agent GRESHAM, ORE. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a» ♦ ♦♦ GRESHAM BARBER SHOP ♦♦ Tonsorial work of all kinds neatly « aud quickly done ♦♦ ♦♦ Razors Honed and put in first-class order ♦ ♦♦ ♦ Next door to Gresham Hotel ♦ ♦ Robert H. Childers, Prop. ♦ GRESHAM - ♦ ♦ ♦ : ! ♦ Hinman, (laying >1,000 for it. The Tegart Hock was sold to II. W. Go<«le, .4 Portland, for 11.200. It is reported that Mr. Goode is negotiating for other propertv here. E. Smith sold his cot­ tage property on East avenue to C. E. Cree. Building is also booming, car- iwnters being busy and having plenty of work engaged ahead. Cree and Ax­ tel have begun work on the J. W. Towu- send residence east of town on the Sandy road, and Whitney and Ander­ son have A. L. Turner's new house well under way. N. P. Heady spent several days here last week finishing up the right of wav work for the junction of the O. R A N Roland Du st an, of Portland, is visit­ ing relatives ami friends here this week. Rev. A. Beyer» is taking a vacation this week, «(lending his time at coast points. Mrs. M. Ridley and Miss Christine John are expected home from Seaside this week. The Grange is taking a vacation this month. The meetings are expected to Ise regular again in September. Miss Susie Hunter has returned from a visit in the family of her uncle, James Ross, of Latourell. Mrs. E. A. Whitney is entertaining her cousin, Mrs. A. R. Crump, and children this week. Mrs. N. W. Ashcraft returned early in the week from a short visit at Sea­ side. Miss McBride has been engaged bv the school board as principal of the school for the coming year. Ib witt Shepherd and wife, of Port­ land, are visiting relatives here this week. Airs. M. B. Sleret, of Portland, re­ cently visited her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Townsend. Peach plums are being shipped from here to Columbus, Neb. Fairview is making a record this year for the amount of fruit it is shipping to inland (sunts. Mrs. H. W. Mathison and children leave tomorrow for an outing at Sea­ side. S. P. Osburn has returned from a visit at Seaside. Mrs. A. O. Jack«oii recently enter­ tained Arthur Bartlett ami family, of Portland. Miss Mary Campbell, of Portland, is a guest of Miss Rae Zimmerman. LESTEDS. OREGON Miss Maud Manarv attended the wedding of a friend in Portland last Wednesday, she being one of the brides­ maids. Mrs. Ed. Littlepage and family are camping at Bull Run for a few weeks. M . and Mrs. George Lusted made a business trip to Portland Wednesday. Rolx-rt Manarv «faint a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Manarv, Kalsomining, Papering. recently. PRICES LOW WORK NEAT Miss Ivv Blackburn is «(x-nding a Call or write bini at week with friends at Sellwood. Mr. and Mrs. B. Abbott, of Portland, GRESHAM, ORE. spent a few days last week with Mr. O ami Mr-. Win. ( res well. Mr. Abbott is very nnii-li taken up with this part of the country. Elmer Hamilton and family were visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr. and GIST LARSO.X, Proprietor. Mrs. Ed. Hamilton, Sunday. Carries a Full Line of A bear has Is-en doing considerable LIGHT and DRAUGHT HARNESS, damage to Ralph Neiliauer’s young COLLARS, PADS, HALTERS. orchard, having broken down several WHIPS. BRUSHES, COMBS, Etc. apple trees. HARNESS, BOOT and SHOE Jacob Hosner and family, of Base REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Line road, were visiting their ranch ALL WORK GUARANTEED. near here Sunday. Mrs. Joseph Manarv started Monday ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a* for Clifton, Ore., w here she will join her daughter, Mrs. Drew, and two sons. They will sjs-nd two weeks at Long Beach. ♦ HARRY HLXLEY, Decorator and Painter Mrs. Itosch, of Portland, ia visiting I her mother, Mrs. Coleman. Mrs. C. Tims and Mt. and Mrs. \ E. Derry have gone Io Blue latke for an outing. Mrs. Lou Harlow Ims returned from the beach. The Troutdale lstsel>all boys played against theGrexham’s last Sunday after­ noon, on the Gresham ground. Gresh­ am winning the game by a score of It) to 8. Three of Troutdale’s beat players were absent. Dr. Russ of Montavilla was in Trout­ dale doing dental work recently. Mrs. S. S. Logan was in Portland buy­ ing her fall goods one day this week. Mrs. Funk was a recent visitor to the metro(x>lis. lairge droves of live stock hits been brought into Troutdale from Elgin, Ore., lately. Mrs. Dick Imtourell is making exten­ sive repairs on her home place, Mr. Emil Trigerstraml ami family have gone to Salem to reside. Fritz Morris, the <>. B. A N. Co’s, section foreman, will leave soon for Europe where he ex(>ects to spend the winter. The delivery horse of Harlow, Blasser u|> the bill U|»ettiiig the rig and damag­ ing it l>adly. Mrs, John Larson is visiting her mother at laitourvll tills week. Mr. Lusher la quite a frequent visitor to Troutdale. Mr. P. Storta ia working (nr the Union Meat Co. again. The Eastern Star held mi interesting session last Saturday night. Mrs. A. F'ox is much improved in health. Wm. Southerland will take Mr. Morris* position as section foreman during Ins absence in Europe. NOTICE The Indies of the Library Association will serve ice cream next Saturday night. Mr. John I.arson had mi exciting run­ away last week. He had left Ins horse standing untied for a momoiit.it la-emne frightened and ran away smashing the rig up in u bail sha|H<. While Mr. Barksdale ol Pleasant J Home waa driving down the Troutdale lull with a load of lies, last Wednesday. The colt which was following tell so , that the wagon ran over one of its hind ' feet tearing the Insif completely off. Be sure you read every word <4 the splendid Troutilale ads. thia week. PLEASANT HOML Wm. E. Stdnley Laid to Rest. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Markell an- at Aultsville, Ontario, Canada, where they are visiting Mrs. Markell's father, and Mr. Markell's brother. In a letter to Mr. A. E. Ibdlaveti, Mr. Markell -ay* they are having a tine time, and ex|>vct to lie home about the 1st of Septemlwr coming via St. Paul, ami Minnea]» dis, Minnesota. William F. Stanley, son of Capt. W .1. Stanley, <4 Portland, and a Veteran of the S|umish War, died in Arizona the 5th of August at the ago of 2& years. Mr. Stanley was 17 tears old when lie eiilistni in his fathers regiment, latter he enlisted in Co. C, 36th regiment, volunteer infantry. The liard*l>i|w of wur was too much for his constitution and he never recovered his health. He was a victim of consumption mid h id gone to Arizona with the ho|w i4 gaining health. He was a memla-r ol the Elks, W. <». W. uni Spanish Veterans. He was luiii to rest iu the River View Cviueterv last Sumluy after­ noon. An impres-ive ceremony was held by the Elks L<«lge in their hall after which the Spanish Vrivnaiis took charge of the l««ly and conducted the service» at the grave. Mr. Stanley was a m phew of M. ami L. II. Rickert, of Hurlburt. The “Oregon Busy Bee” had a »tic cessful picnic last Friday in the grove l>uek of the old schoolhouse. Iatrsoti Bn«. have started an addition to their butcher shop. Miss Etta Shriner has returned home after a few week’s vacation at the coast. John Kelly and family are S(w*nding a few weeks camping it the grove south of Pleasant Home. They are fixing up the grove for the picuic the 25th, Miss Jennie Collins returned home from Motimoth this week. • Miss Alice Stevens ami sister-inlaw, COTTRELL. Mrs. Steven«, made a short visit to Pleasant Home. W. A. and End Procter have gone If» Improvment is being made on the road the Wann Spring« in Washington. in frout of Cambell's store. W. H. Mathison who has been work­ ing at Donahue's mill had two of In« finger» sawed off la-t Fiiday. SPRINGDALE. Born— To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Br-eis Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Rasmussen of Corbett were down here lust Saturday a girl. A very large amount of lumU-r is cutting their oats. We are al ways glad to see their good old faces among us. i lieing sent out from the saw mill ol Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Erickson, former Procter A Heers. The survey for the Mt. Hissl electric residents of Montavilla, are milking some go they report a gOfsl the Buxton family near Troutdale. Campers on the Hu ven» place have time ami lots of tisli. G. B. < 'ross and wife who have I well left for their respective homes ami the coyotes can again resume their nightly working at Itoiiahuc’s mill has moved l>ack to their former home at Pendel­ serenades without interference. Die Springdale Athletic Club has ton. Can't afford to inis- The lleiald. (sist(Mined their meetings until latter. Gresham Harness Shop ELEGANTLY Fl'RNIBHED BUNDAY DINNERS A SPECIALTY RATES II TO »2 I’EK DAY Gin us a Call ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ SYCAMORE. Mrs. F. A. Baumann ia visiting in eastern Washington. Corbett and Bridal Veil Play Ball B. W. EMERY LIVERY. SALE AND FEED .... STABLES. G resham . - O re . THE HERALD, $1 A YEAR The Bridal Veil and Corliett baseball teams cro-seil bats at C'obrett in Bert Chamberlain's cow pasture Sunday in an exciting contest the score lining 3 to 2 in favor of Corliett. The only feature of the game was the injury of Mr. Del- iatlger, of Portland. In the seventh inning the Corbet nine quite to pail the cows, thereby forflting the game to Bridal Veil. A large crowd was present from Latourell, Bridal Veil, ami Trout­ dale. The Bridal Veil team has been reorganized with a new captain and manager ami promise to be a fast aggregation. We pa.v .apodal attention to all cases of interferinu. forging, scalping and knee hitting. All causes of foot lameness cared for and remedied. Latham, James II < > ri :< ;< I'ROUTDALE. PROLUDALI J. M. SHORT, Pre». G. W. KENNEY, V-Pres. A. MEYERS, Cash’r =THE FIRST STATE BANK= OF GRESHAM, OREGON Transacts a General Banking Business, Loans Money on Goo^ Security, Sells Drafts and Travelers Checks. Available anv place in the United States or any of the Foreign <'onntrics Kells Real Estate, ( ashes Checks, Hells Steamship ami Railway Tickets, Buys and Sells Mortgages, Notes and K oik I Checks. Writes Fire Ins. G(NM) REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD HAVE A BANK ACCOUNT. With a bank account you always know the exutft »state of y >ur finance*. It gives you new and profitable l>tuMl«iee»M hlents. It o | h iih new avenues for rlevclof»merit, study and self-improvement. The bank can get corn mere iul 1 nf< >rn in 11< >n for you from distant places, obtainable in no other way. Banking teaches you to nifinnge your own affairs. Hui’cessful management of your own nffairs shows that you are capable of managing the business of otliern. As “money is power” a hank ’ailatice nmkes you a «renter force among your fellow men. _ ■■ MEAT MARKET! Carries d full line of IRISH and (TRI l> Ml AIS and SAUSAGES, dt LOWLSI PRICES “The Proof of the Pudding is in the eating” a trial will convince you of the fact. Troutdale, Ore (i. N. Reynolds Prop CHY RESTAURANT House Union Srl vc* the I h - b I of luralrt ill |M»pll- lur pri<*wit nt all niral hour* UtAlUXti ItoTKI. IN TRotTDAl.K ROOMS AND BOARD COMMERCIAL TRAOE SOLICITED Salisfòcllon Guannleed Short Orders At All limes I nuis Helming Prop. W. I.. Van Houten Main St. Troutdale, Ore. Irtuldale, Ore. Main Street Whitnev & Anderson Contractors and Builders CLEONE, ORE. CREE & AXTELL, c e . chef : F G. AXTELL Plans and Ijitim- ates on Appli­ cation. Pipe Fitting and Housemoving on Stort Notice Contractors and Builders General Repair Work, CLEONE P. O., I Fairview I, OREGON. CORBETT. Two Small Tracts for Sale. Fred l.iissley,of Hurlburt, stiffen«! tin- partial miipiitntion of mi arm by falling against u woodsaw at Corbett on Thurs­ day Aug. utli. IL- was taken to a Port­ land hospital for treatment. C. A. Nutlev mid wife were visitor» at Corbett Friday of last week where their three Isiys are having an outing. Their daughter, Lucile, remained over for n few day's visit. Mis« Carrie Millspaugh hel l n service nt the Corls-tt si-hiailliousi- Friday even­ ing. Aug. lOtli. Lewis Reed made a business trip to Portland Monday. Miss Carrie Mills|mngh s|«-nt several , days this week visiting Mrs. Chiral Smith. Through tlm kindness <4 Mr. mid Mrs. Frank Reed, • party of twenty i-njoyi-d a launch ride to M iiltiiomnli Fulls Sunday. At a regular meeting of P. of II. it was decidisl to give a dmicc in the near future at their hull near Corbett. Mrs. Blanche llulhiirt, who has liecn visiting relatives mid friends in this vicinity, returned to her home in Port-1 land last Saturday. Mr. Albert Rod I urn and Andrew Blair are enjoying an outing at Seaside. Mr. Ray Harper, of The Dalles, is visiting his friend, Dalles Simonson Horseshoeing our Specialty First - Class l ire Setting fi 1*2 ucren impmvrd, running tinier, needed to timothy find clover, <»n Rnmly r«»tvl, I t mile riiM of Cleone. h nil improved, nmmn I- <••1, bromi botine, urli, g«>«»«l fenc­ ed garden, orchard, plenty of till varieties of fruit, I mile rant of Ch*oi r on Handv ron I, one mile went of Troutdale. Write or Major II. W. I«ove, Trolltrtions, requiring one of the largest stole build­ ings, warehouses mid cellar» in the country. T LO- F I Nt ST WNFAT S-lb. package * »I. TO I, I PORTIONS Write for free IsHlklft "ft." II >»nr irriieiT <|.»* m.t ,«|| It, >en