Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, July 27, 1906, Image 5

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7Ai*»Jt JV-rw nu Ji a
Wash., writes:
**l feel better than 1 have for over
four years. I havn taken several but­
ties of Peruns and one bottle of Mana
"I can now do all of my work in the
boms, milk the cows, take cars of the
milk, and ao forth. I think Peruns 1» a
moat wonderful meditine.
"I Irellevr 1 wunld be in bed today il
I had not written to you lor advlrs.
1 had taken all kinds of medicine, but
non« did 111« any good.
"Peruns lias made me swell and hap
pv girl. I can never »ay luo much lot
Nut only woman of rank and leisure
praise Peruna, l>u< ths wiioleeotue, uae
ful women engaged in honest toil would
not Ire without Dr. Hartman's world
renowned remedy.
Tits doctor has ptercribed it (or man,
thousand women every year and he
never fails to receive a multitude ol
letters Ilk« ths shove, thanking him
for his advice, and especially for the
• ouderful bane fits received from Pe
rr.|rM* tram tbe Betteaa
te tbe Tap.
Tipping la rapidly becoming a nation­
al evil. It lirgan with the payment of
email gratuities to waiters In restau­
rants and hotels. In this form It wus
an Importation from Europe.
coinse, tbe waiter ought to serve tbe
customer fslthfully
without being
brllx-d to do the work which lie bsd
lieen hired to perform, but tbe custom
Ims grown to sui-li sn estent that un
less one fees lie Is sure uot to obtain
good service,
lie submits, therefore,
to the imposition, as tbe less of two
evils. The practice Ims spread to such
an eatent tlmt the num who blacks
your boots, that helps you ou with
your coat, that bauds you your hut,
that tells you tbe way, that brings you
a glass of water, that shaves your face,
or cuts your liulr, eipecta u gratuity In
addition to th« pay which be receives
for performing his work.
The tipping evil bss gone higher up
than Ibis, aud Is now beginning to
spread Itself through all the depart­
ments of business und politics. It Is
tbe duty of the legislator to puss good
laws, but be sometimes bus to be tlp|>ed
to do It. It Is the duty of the polli-e-
inan to protect property from robla-ry.
but be often has to lie tlp|>ed to do It.
If you want to sell a line of goods
It la even necessary to tip the butler,
tbe farm su|M-rlnteiident, tbe purchas­
ing ngviit. I»o you want a switch con-'
nectiou or a prompt supply of cars
from a railroad? It may be welt to
tip the railroad official with a gift of
money or of stock.
It la about time to check this tip­
ping abuse. Ix-t us atop It first high
up, and work down to tbs bottom.—
Wall Street Journal.
O m I, the rro.l,».
A big sea turtle was aprawllng around
In the tank In front of tbe restaurant.
"Look. papa!" exclaimed tbe little boy.
"Lot*. go In and have some real green
turtle soup!”
"Not yet, Geordis,** «aid tbe father.
"Walt till some day when you see tbia
tank empty.**
I.table • «
The Hessians al Trenton bad surren­
"Ab. well,'* they said, "think how much
more disastrous It might have been If we
bad bad to make a hurried retreat !*'
latter, as If to verify their words, came
tbe Hessian fly.
II, «Ir.
Russian Parliament Tells Them
Not to Pay Taxes.
"It takes time, trouble end Infinite pa­
tience, nt course, to be a goo* Sunday
school teacher, but you have the satis­
faction of knowing that you at- helping
to mold the character of the rising gen­
"Yes, but It makes mo sad to think how
quickly a year's work Io uttdouo when
green apple time coutes."
| „41, [
Notary Public
llall'a Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, and
art. directly ou the blood an<l mucoua eurfaoe»
of tbe ayalem
Send f r trrtlrnonlalt, free
F J 1 tllNKY A CO , Toledo, O.
Bold by Itrueclata, 75c
Hall a ».mllr Mite ata the beat.
Illa Hrpalallai.
Mies Medlcua (slater of tbe new vll-
Five Weeks In Bed With Intensely luge doctor)- Have you beard of Dr.
Painful Kidney Trouble.
Medlcua about here?
Mrs. Mary Wagner, of 1367 Kossuth
Ave., Bridgeport, Conn., says: "1 was
so weakened and
generally run down
with kidney dis­
ease that for a long
time 1 could not do
my work and was
five weeks in lied.
There was contin­
ual bearing down
pairt,terrible back­
ami at times dizzy
spells when every­
thing was a blur
ta-fore me. The passages of the kidney
stcretions were irregular and painful,
and there was considerable sediment
and odor. I don't know wliat I would
have done but for Doan's Kidney Pilis.
I could see an improvement from tbe
first box, ami five boxes brought a final
Hold by all dealers.
60 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Native—Rather, mum! Ito you I see
that hearse und carriages golu' by over
there? That's one of bls fuuerala.—
Harner's Weeklv.
Guards Prevent Newspapers From
Publishing Revolutionary Man­
Ht. Petersburg, July 24.—The greet
news of today is the adoption of an ad­
dress to the people by the deputies to
parliament, who assembled at Viborg,
the iai.gusge of which, with its revolu­
tionary demands that the |»eople erase
to tornish money and troops to the gov­
ernment and repudiate further loans,
affords pretest enough for the govern­
ment to lodge its authors in the fortress
if it feels strong enough. A rumor was
spread .tonight that this course had
lieen decided upon.
Copies of the appeal to the people
are in the hands of all Hl. Petersburg
newspapers, but it will scarcely Ire
printed tomorrow, for the reason that a
detachment of police is posted at the
door of every newspaper printing office
in the city, with orders not to permit
any papers to leave tire building until
authorised by the censor. The author­
ities hope by equally vigorous measures
to prevent the publication of the appeal
in other citiee, and in the meantime to
nullify the fears of the people as to the
l>oeaible effect of the appeal.
Meanwhile the masses of the Ruasian
people, slow of thought and action,
hate not yet roused themselves to tbe
gigantic upheaval which is sure to fol­
low tbe dissolution of their psrliament.
Minor disorders are reported from half
a dozen citiee. An incipient anti-Jew-
iah outbreak at Odessa has been check­
ed by the police. A sympathetic strike
bee been begun at the Kbsikov rail­
road shops, which may Inauguratf a
general tieup of communication, but
Ht. Petersburg, Moscow and moat of
tbe other great centers are still calm.
To Break In New Shoes.
Aiwa,» »hake In Allen's Foot Earn, a powder. I
Baron Takakl aaya four fiftbe of
Ja pa near hnya are now at tidying
gl lalt. and that It will soon become
langunge of Japan, and later of
crookeda." — Philadelphia world.
Iteurae hot, »Waallns, aching awoilen i.wt
1 o’J*
Ingrowing nail. and buakma Al
all drusalata and ah«w »tores, Mr
fton’l accept
anr.utwmuta Hampie mailed FKEE Addraw
Allan H. Climated Is ftoy, N Y
MotSaeswtll And Mr-. Winslow's ttoothln.
Hyrup tha boat remedy to uaa lor tbalr cSLWra^
during the teething parkid.
Lawai Heanlf.
M 1strsea (Indisposedi—What is it you
wlab to soy to me, Bridget? 1 am too III
to eit up.
One day, juat Io try a new pian.
The office went hunt Ing tbs tuan;
But >t bunted too high,
F'or the man he was shy—
Aud It bagged the old boss >f a dan.
Domestic—Well, mum, ye can take no
lice wldout aittiu' up. 1 lave ye nixt
Hatb'rday, mum.
CITO ***- v *'•*' base« ano all Mawoos Dia-asse
[II U Permanenti/ rur«M b/ Dr. Klme'e GrwM
Head ftsr /REE
trini botti '
br. K H.KII . , Ixt. Mi Arcb BC..
NW vn
A r
A pprrciatlon.
"Ilare you aver seen Hamlet played
preclaely aa you tbought It sb-tuld bel**
"No,” anawered Mr. Sturinlngtoa
Bame«. “1 bave often wlwhed I mlgbt
be a Hpectator at one of m, own per-
formancea."—Washington Star.
NFANT MORTALITY is something frightful. We can hardly realize that of
all tho children born in civilized countries, twentytwo per cent^ or nearly
one-quarter, die before they reach one year; thirtyseven per cent., or more
than one-third, befose they are five, and one-half before they are fifteen I
Wo do not hesitate to say that a timely use of Castoria would save a ma­
jority of these precious lives. Neither do we hesitate to say that many of these
infantile deaths are occasioned by the use of narcotic preparations. Drops, tinctures
and soothing syrups sold for children’s complaints contain more or less opium, or
morphine. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity
they stupefy, retard circulation and lead to congestions, sickness, death. Castoria
operates exactly the reverse, but you must see that it bears the signature of
Chas. IL Fletcher. Castoria causes the blood to circulate properly, opens the
pores of tho skin and allays fever.
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.
() oo D rops !
AXcgctûuir Preparation for As
similating tbeFoodarciRequla
ting the SicmaLhs and Bowels oí
I nfants /! hildken
1-ondon, July 24.—Tbe first official
announcement regarding the battleship
Dreadnauglit is contained in a white
book on naval construction the past
year, which was issued tonight. Be­
sides ten 12-inch guns announced, the
Dreadnaught will have 27 12-pound
quick firing anti-torpedo boat guns and
five submerged torpedo tubes. In the
arrangement of tbe armament ail of
the big guns are mounted in pairs on
tbe center line of the ship, and the re­
maining four are mounted in pairs as
In view of the modern potentialities
of torpedo brats, and considering es­
pecially the chancee of a torpedo attack
toward the end of the battle, the anti­
torpedo boat guns are widely separated
so that the whole of them cannot be
disabled by one shell.
The speed is designed to be 27 knots.
T'te bunker capacity is 2,760 tone,
with which the Dreadnaught can steam
6,800 sea miles at economical epeed
and 3,600 miles at 18.14 knots.
The eeti mated cost of the Dread­
naught, including guns, h $8,987,486.
Promotes Digestion.Cheerful-
ness aid Rest Contains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
N ot N arcotic .
/ amm ^ ou a-SAMiuprrcau
Mx J m » •
.^perfect Remedy for Constipa­
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea.
Worms .Convulsions. Feverish­
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Dr. A. F. Peeler, of St Louis, Mo., says: “I have prescribed your Castor!«
In many cases and have always found it an efficient and speedy remedy."
Dr. E. Down, of Philadelphia, Pa., says: "I have prescribed your Caa-
torla In my practice for many years with great satisfaction to myself and
benefit to my patienta.”
Dr. Edward Parrish, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "I have usud your Caa-
torla In my own household with good results, and have advised several
patienta to use it for its mild laxative effect and freedom from harm."
Dr. J. B. Elliott, of New York City, says: "Having during the past six
years prescribed your Castoria for Infantile stomach disorders, I most
heartily commend its use.
The formula contains nothing deleterious
to the most delicate of children.”
Dr. C. O. Sprague, of Omaha, Neb., says: 'Tour Castoria Is an Ideal
medicine for children, and I frequently prescribe it While I do not advo­
cate the indiscriminate use of proprietary medicines, yet Castoria la an
exception for conditions which arise in the care of children."
Dr. J. A. Parker, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Your Castoria holds ths
esteem of the medical profession In a manner held by no other proprie­
tary preparation. It is a sure and reliable medicine for infants and chil­
dren. In fact, it is the universal household remedy for infantile ailments."
Dr. H. F. Merrill, of Augusta, Me., says: "Castoria is one of the very
finest and most remarkable remedies for infants and children. In my
opinion your Castoria has saved thousands from an early grave. I can
furnish hundreds of testimonials ftom this locality as to its efficiency
and merits.”
Dr. Norman M. Geer, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: “During the last twelve
years I have frequently recommended your Castoria as one of the best
preparations of the kind, being safe in the hands of parents and very ef­
fective in relieving children's disorders, while the ease with which such
a pleasant preparation can be administered is a great advantage.”
Bears the Signature of
Facsimile Signatur« of
NTCW YORK.______
I aual liH.h <>r Cold Water.
Borus—I've been nearly Jend for sleep Building in Massachusetts Town Col-
during the liiat week.
1 could scarcely
lapses on Workmen.
keep awake while I wii« writing that story
Maes., July 24.
that was printed yesterday.
Niiggus 1 can easily believe It. It af —At least eight and perltape twice that
fected ute the value way while I was read numlter of masons, plumlters and Ital­
ian laltorera were crushed to death to­
Ing It—from sympathy, I aup|a>M.
I.lfr-Savlng Service.
day in the sudden collapse of a build­
ing in process of erection on Concord
street, while ten others were dragged
or dug out of tiie wreck, some seriott’ly
At a late hour tonight ten
men were missing and a large force of
laltorera was at work on tbe ruins,
searching (or the dead.
Firemen and members of the Ninth
regiment of infantry of the stats mili­
tia, in camp here, succeeded in digging
out half a dozen it jnred, and later
found others.
For that
Quite Trne»
ifesto— Much Dieorder.
In perhaps no utlier country la the
lifesaving service as proficient as In
the United States.
Tlte sytem was first established In
1871, and there are at preseut 277
life-saving stations supported by the
government, 192 of which are on the
Atlantic coast, 68 un the Great Lakes.
16 on the Pacific coast, and one at the
falls of the Ohio River near Loulavllle.
There were only 365 disasters along
the coasts during the year ending June
Bay Schools Are Opened.
Carl Schnee.
80, 1906, and out of 4.08» persons In­
Han Francisco, July 24.—The public
No other matt of foreign birth ever
volved only twenty-seven were lost.
schools of Han Francirco opened Mon­
showed such firn* command of the Eng­
day tor the first time since the file,
lish Inngungit or used It so felicitously.
and were well attended. As nearly 30
A rmtu who objected strongly to hie
school buildings were destroyed, the
politics but admired his talents as a
schools in some ol the districts were
writer once aald: "1 wish Mr. Schurx
badly overcrowded, and will be con­
couldu't write so well; 1 could little
ducted on the half-day session plan. The
him better." In 1877 Curl Bebura Vis­
conditions, however, were more favor­
ited Boston to make a speech ngalnst
able than had been expected by the au­
Benjamin F. Butler, who was running
thorities. Hchool Direcctor Oliver esti­
for Governor of Massiichnaettx. While
mated that the registration is about
arguing on the question of the resump­
60 per cent of the children registered
tion of specie payments, an Issue that
before April 18.
was paramount at tlmt time, Mr.
There is one thing that will
Hehurz likened "Inflation" to 11 balloon
cure it—Ayer’s Hair Vigor.
Bloodshed by Railroads.
filled that had carried the American
Washington, July 24.—The accident
nation off Its feet. At that time he
bulletin, which has just been issued by
made use of the following expression,
It quickly destroys the germs the Interstate Commerce commission
which brought the Immense audleuee
which cause this disease.
for the three months ending March 31,
that greeted him to Its feet: "We hnve
1906, shows the total number of casual­
placed our feet on solid ground agalu
ties to passengers and employes to be
and we propose to keep them there.”
The number of passengers
MI ks Boston They aay she's extreme­
ly haughty.
Ml Ha Tours—I should any so! The
Inst time I anw her site wus sailing
down the street In- —
MI hh Boston Pardon me; why do
you nee tlmt aenaclesa expression? How
<*oul<l alto go "aitlllng" down the afreet?
MI hh Tonrn Enny enough.
I naw
tier Inst In Venlos. Ths Catholic Stand
«rd and Tima*
Mare Lika It.
Carved It ea Har, Aayway.
Girl with tbe Glhaon Girl Neck—Can't British Admiralty Makes Pulbic
Plan of Armament.
you »-e something familiar In the face
Ii and every rsae ut i itiiiH that rauuol ba
cured by tbe use nt lian a i atihhx <’i aa.
Sworn to lM-forw me and anbacriled In my
prewiua, thia 6lb day o( lw»n, Iwr. A I> . IM.
ISred CovltMet.
*"M. James llyde." aaya thè l’urla
of that nuo sitting on the opt (site side
F igaro, "thè exceetllngly rlcb American
of tbe ear?
«Ini up|H-rtnliis tu thè must hlglt society
Girl with tbe Julia Marlowe Dimple -
of New York, contee frutti cummnndlng Yea; It's hia eyes. I wiah he'd be a little
at l'aria a carrluge electrlc. It la tu leas familiar with them.
tbe F'renelt Imluatry flint M. James
llyde la addrcnaecl Itlmac-lf for tu hit ve H tatb or OHIO. ClTV or ToLXlxt, I
i "■
thè untai comfort alile. thè must termino
Fatwa J ( Hint utakea oath that ba la
dlouv nini tbe luoat eli-giint of thè velli- senior partner of the nrtti of F. J. t'Hawsv A
, doth« butlneta In tbe ( tty <>(T..leUo.< onn-
elea of thè city." Truiislated by Hur t ty o and
Htate alor«tai<t. and that aald Arm will
tH-r'a Weeklv
pay tbe»uiuoll>SK lil'NDK».t> IKILl AKH for
"It 1a perfectly natural that ws ah nidi
"Graphter Is In financial straits, I
bate the man who wants to do all the bear."
talking," reflected f'ndo Allen ilparke.
"Don’t believe It I’ll bet they’re
"He prav.uta us from doing It all."
pears, had to disappear. A
healthy scalp means a great deal
to you—healthy hair, no dan­
druff,no pimples,no eruptions.
Thn bast kind of a testimonial —
“Sold for over slaty years.**
Arar Co ., Mass,
nufkuturera of
PIU 8.
and employee killed in train accidents
was 274. The total number of collis­
ions and derailments was 3,490, of
which 289 collisions and 167 derail­
ments affected passenger trains.
British Express Sympathy.
London, July 24.—A British address
of sympathy with the Russian people
and parliament is being circulated.
Already the s‘gnaturee of many persona
haveAteen obtained.
How Good Food may
Turn to Poison
EC AY Is not digestion, you
know, even when It takes
place in the stomach.
Food decayed in the body
after being eaten is as dangerous to
health as food decayed before being eaten.
Food nourishes or poisons, just accord­
ing to how long it remains in the Bowels
Cascareis are the simplest and surest
safeguard against Delayed Digestion yet
Sold in a thin Enamel Box, half as
thick as your watch, which fits into the
vest pocket or lady's purse as if It grew
In this round-edged Enamel Box are
found six small Candy Tablets.
One of these toothsome tablets works
wonders for digestion.
Soon as placed in the mouth It starts
the Saliva flowing, which at once gets to
work dissolving It.
The Saliva becomes blended with the
Candy Cascaret tablet, and from the
moment they start going down your
throat together they start working to­
Now, what do they work at? Bowel­
work, of course—Digestion.
Most of the Digestion occurs In the
thirty feet of Intestines that connect with
the Stomach.
They are lined with a set of little
mouths, that squeeze Digestive Juices
Into the Food eaten.
The Digestive Juices thus mix with
the food, just as Saliva mixes with Cas­
caret tablets, dissolving and changing
that food into nourishment, as it passes
along the channel.
The Intestines are also lined with mil­
lions of little suction pumps, that draw
the Nutriment from Food, as it passes
them in going through.
MEN, Middle.Aged MEN
Send for free pamphlet in plain cover.
I'ells about ati appliance that insure«
happiness, health and success in life.
Free—send today.
P. O. Box 25
Portland, Ore.
This Nutriment is then carried Into the
Blood, and spread over the Body as
Brain, Bone and Brawn.
But, when the Bowel-Muscles are weak,
the Food moves too slowly to stimulate
the little Gastric Mouths and there is no
flow, or loo little flow of Digestive Juice,
to change the food into nourishment.
Then, the food decays In the Bowels,
and In the thirty feet of Intestines.
When this Decay begins the little suc­
tion pumps draw Poison from the decayed Will produce Whiter, Cleaner
Food, into the blood, instead of the Nutri- Clothes In Your Laundry Than
tion it should have drawn.
Any other Article with less Labor
Now, Cascareis contain the only com­ All deniers Free Rsmpll Borax and I'orax *>ap.
Booklet a d Souvenir Flo ur« hi colors, for 10 < enta
bination of drugs that Stimulates these and
I»ea »•r’a name.
Muscles of the Bowels and Intestines just <1*., O bklandp Cal-
as a Cold Bath, or open-air Exercise,
stimulates a Lazy Man.
Cascareis therefore act like Exercise.
Portland Trade Directory_______
They produce the same sort of Natural
Names and Addresses in Portland of Repre­
result that a Six Mile walk in the country sentative Business Hems.
would produce, without any injurious CHF AM SEPARATORS—We guarantee the U.Sh
beparator to be the best. Write tor free catalog
Chemical effect.
llHzelwood Vo.. Fifth and Oak.
The Vest Pocket Cascaret Box is sold MEN’S CLOTHING — Rulhim A Pendleton, ooia
agpuis Alfred Benjamin
Co.’a correct clothe«
by all Druggists, at Ten Cents.
Everything in men’s furnishings.
Morriaon and
Sixth streets. Opposite poalonice.______________
Be sure you get the genuine, made only
by the Sterling Remedy Company, and rol’LTRY FOOD—If you want your hens te
more eggs write ua for free particulars about PU­
never sold In bulk. Every tablet stamped PKINA P<‘l LTKY FKKDS-Acme Milla C ol .
Porn and. Oregon**_______________
PIA NOS «ft GROANS — Oiiiv-st piano house on Pa-
elite coast. Organs anti Plano« on ewy payments
mule T eam
Write for list. Let us quote you a price.
Gllbert-Ramaker Co.. Portland. Oregon.
We want te eend te ear Mend» a beautiful
French-destined. GOLD PLATED BONBON BOX.
hard-ensmeied In colon. It te a beaoty for .the
dressine tible. Ten cents In stamps is asked as a
measure of good faith snd to cover cost ot Caacarets.
with which tEls dainty trinket Is loaded. 1
Send to-day. mentioning this paper. Address
Sterling Remedy Company. Chlcaso or New York-
Allen JI
WANTED—Men and Women to learn Btirber trade
In eight weeks; graduates earn irmn |l* to
weekly, expert Ii s ructors; catalog fr» e; Moier
Syst« m of Colleges, » N. Fourth at.. Portland.__
P. N. U.
No. IO
HEN writing to advertisers pit
mention this paper.