Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, July 27, 1906, Image 3

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Gresham Trading
& Packing Co
Incorporated 1905.
Successors Io SHATTUCK BROS, and T. R. HOWITT
There will lie union meetings on the
lawn of the Gresham Baptist Church
night at 7 JHl p, in. Rev. C. A.
I We make a speeialtv of private deter- Sumlay
I five work. sati.lai’lion giiarenle,»!. NUtley will preach the sermon,
I Address X ¡io, GreidMiii, Ore.
■lor. lirundiall, who owns extensive
I I.AI'NDRV— T. Towiikl, proprietor, logging interests near Woodlawn,
mid «le- W m I i ., made a call at The Herald
I will call every
collar», office Wednesday while enroute t
I I Cliffs.
liver. Gomi
Hardware of all kinds Low Prices
I MEN WANTEI»—For steady work at J,r* Carl
Wirtz is visiting friends at Forest
I ff>e Columbia Buck Work». • »fesham
PAINTS, OILS away down
• irovr.
I G. K. Howitt A Co will hav« a car-
Fine assortment of POCKET KNIVES very cheap. Fine SHEARS and
I load of Ris-k Spring coal come dirirt Mr. Joins*, of the Club Cafe, is erect-
Some very fine RAZORS STAI’S, BRI'SII ESand HONES at her*
ng a hitching |sr*t.
I (mm the Ininas to Hie Montavilla
gains. CI j OCKM, SILVERWARE and JEWELRY 25 per eent din­
I lion where we will sail it for $H ja-r Ion should lie followed by
count. Still wiling tboee fine SlDiEH below PORTLAND prices, now
I a» |ouk- ,i- 11 I i-1». AII w lio di-»11 ••
men in Gresham.
in your time to buy. STRAW HATS, OVERALL#, SHIRTS, UN-
I had b-tler send llicir order ill a once. II. II. Dickinson, a prominent nt-
DERWARE, and SOX very cheap.
I I’hone, East 4163.
, Csflw md Canned Geedt the bet) ia the Market. 21b Cotfee 35 cash rery fine
torney, of Portland, was a pleasant
I For Sunday dinner order your ice visitor at the Herald office niiis week.
I cream of Mrs. Wirtx.
He was on his way to his farm at
I Harlow, Blaser and Harlow, the wi d- Orient.
I known and enterprising men handling Mr. Wm. Durreli lias just returned
I firm of Troutdale, since putting out their from a trip to southern Oregon, and
I prenilillu offer advertised elsewhere ill will leave next week for an extended
I this issue have increased their trade trip to Calgary, North West Territory. • eeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee«
__---- _____------
------------ •
I satisfactory that they have now decid'il Women of Wiasleraft held an interest
I to offer •*» ¡s*r cent disciiunt for cas’* to mg meeting lust Tiles.lay evening, 14
I those w ho do not care to take a pbotiie members were added by transfer cards
I graph.—<live them a trial.
Everything You Need in the Drug Line.
Pleasant Home Dsige having desolv-
FOR SALE or trade
ed to unite with Gmsham Lslge.
I Mining pro|wrty is Eastern Oregon, Dr. Thompson and eon, Wilber, went
Prescriptions a Specialty,
I will »ell or trade tor Real Estate III or
I near Bortiand. inquire
• olumbia on a fishing excursion last week and
Purest :: Drugs :: Used.
met with success. The change from
I st. Portland.
fishing for men ia doubtless appreciated
T. I’avnter and fainilv left for tlieir
sometimes by those engagol in that
Open Sundays from 9 a. m. to 12 m., and from
I old home in Kansas last Monday.
proffession. One reason being that lie
4 to 5 p. m.
The Herald acknowledges a ph-usaut is assured of a gissi Slipper after the
I call from Mrs. R. A. Neilmiir last Salui• catch.
Mrs. W in. Dorrell who has been ill
Lloyd Ijtllepage returned home last for some weeks is report«1 not any
I Saturday from the hospital where in- better. She, together with the rest of
lias lieeu confined with the typhoid the family will spend the balance to the
summer at Welch's where they have a
fever for several weeks.
Mr. Fox, one of Troutdale's promin­
Mr. Honshu and family, of Forent
ent merchants passed through Gresh­
am last Saturday on his way to Ilwaco, Grove, have moved into the vacant
where lie s|*ent Sunday with Mrs. Fox h< »use next to Chalker’« on Second
' Make aid Repair all Kinds of Tin Work, Plumbing a Specialty. Country Trade Solicited
and daiigl ter Salina.
Is-tter. The folk»
Yes, Emery
Mrs. James |j<wr« nee and daughters,
Minnie and Grai'e, spent Sunday al are at Imine.
Mrs. Joseph Wood left yesterday to
Mi»» Nellie Forrester is visiting friends spend a few ■ lay« with re. ’ivee at
Battle Ground, Wash.
at Eagle Cri-ik.
The capillary substance will lie re­
Mrs. Emery and« .»tlilren, Mrs.iiordon
and Edith returned home Monday from moved within the confines ni the new
GreMi.m.., ore.
Gladstone where they have been camp­ Larls-r shop after the first of the month.
ing dining the Chautauqua session.
A Complete Stock of Coffins and Furnishings always on Hand.
D. M. Roberta says he was sick Wed­
Mrs. Hattie Wostell is visiting friends nesday, but the boys say be was looking
for a chance to go fishing.
near McMinnville.
Gorman & Stuart,
We have a few lines that we are dosing out, among them
Sewing Machines
we have them at $15.00 $17.00 $20.00 and the best hight-
“Standard” for $35.00
there is none better and price puts them in the reach of every
one. We will accept your terms, we want to close them out
and will sell at these prices and on these terms if you are
contt mplaleing buying a sewin gmachine lx- sure to call and
see us. We will put one in your home for trial from $15.00 up
We will also close out our entire stock of Ranges, We
have only a few left and that few will go and at any
legitimate offer. We have exceptional bargains in our
that will go at cost, an exceptionally good chance for everyone
wanting goods in this line; we will give a discount of 10
per cent on all.
Bought in the month of July this is an unusal oppor­
tunity to secure summer comfort at a discount, but we
want to close out and believe in giving you the prices
while the season is at its height, we have something nice
in this line and with the discount, makes them very
A discount of 10 percent on all summer shoes including
Black and Tans in Men’s, Women's and Childrens’ also
Made for us oy
Childrens’ white Canvas. The summer shoe season is here
and we are giving you an opportunity to buy at the right
prices. We have some very stylish and up-to-date summer
shoe ware. Call on us for your wants in this line, we are sure
to please you in both price and quality.
We can give you good value in men;s furnishing that will
be hard to duplicate, men’s underware regular $1 per suit
value at 60c per suit. Our 12 1-2 men,s hose are the regular
25c value, we have the regular 3 for 25 sox at 2 for 15c, the
regular 10c straight sox 3 for 25c men’s regular 75c and$l.
shirts at 50c, Considering the decided advance in cotton
goods of all kinds these values are not to be passe« up. If
you need goods in this line, we can and will save you money.
We call your attention to the fact that we are selling re­
gular $1.75 per gal. paint at $1.45, and everything in paint
in that line we have left at the same reduced price., Now is
a good time to paint your house or house floor out house,
or barn, and you can buy afew gallons of our paint cheap and
make old things look new and you will never know that you
have expended any money and have got the same results
you would have had, had you paid some one to do the work
and cost several times as much.
We have just received a car load of feed and Olympic Flour,
see us when you want anything in this line as we can save
you money and always remember that we want your PRO­
DUCE and can always pay you the highest price for HOGS
in i VE XLon any dty of ths wssk.
Gresham £ I )rti^ £ Store
C. L. Crenshaw,
Tinner anil Plumber
Undertakers and mbalmers
NOTICE—1 am now ready to saw
your wissl on short notice. Ix-ave
i orders st D. M. Roberta's office, Chas.
la-w is, l ireshaiu.
Miss Kittie Ling visited her mother,
Mrs. Ralph Neibauer lust week.
Another letter (mm Benjamin Metz­
ger tells of another |wreon a young
i lady, Iw-ing dmw lied w bile luithing. It
also states that tbe4ainiiy are well ami
■■njoving the »i-a hreeses. Most of our
palioiis verify the saying "out of sight
out of mind," but not so with B* niiu-
iiiul wi- apprii uit** Lis h-tteri very much.
We al»«* ucknowbilge a dainty souvenir.
A. B. Con rail and wile, of Troutdale,
were busiliese visitors in Gresham this
A. II. < iould.w ho sold his farm on the
Base Line Road last month, will leave
tomorrow for a trip through Oklahoma
and the East, where he ar.d his family
expect to locate.
Mrs. F. Stuart leaves in a few days
for Seattle where she will visit her
daughter. Miss Clytie, who ha» maile
quite a success ill the musical line at
luit place.
Wm. Bridge of Orient was a pleasant
visitor this week.
Miss Lula Swwt visitisi with Mr.
and Mrs. S. C. King at Vancouver last
Miss Anna Metxger, of Montavilla, is
visiting Miss Pearl Lindsey this week.
Maik Emery won the bronze medal
in the physical culture competition at
the Chautauqua last week, and hie head
isn't swelled either.
Geo. Sunday feels a little symjiathy
for us once in a while, it struck liiiu a
little harder than usual Thursday so lie
brought us a great big rutabago to til
up on.
Geo. Kenney returned from the coast
the first part of the week.
A. C. Wihlon A Co. have been com-
|ielled to »hut dow n tiieir mill Is-cause
of the scarcity of labor.
The Huff mill is rejiorted running
full blast on ties, having put on extra
teams hauling to Corbett.
The : only : Notion : Store : in : Town
• Ask To See Our New Line Of Neckwear, Hair and Wash
• Ribbons, etc.
Mrs. I. McCOLL,
i >
< >
Ore. •
No more flies—screen doors oil
office, and Robert’s confectionery store.
Tom Howitt ker|s* the road hot be- |; When, with our modem epuipment we can set your tire
tween Gresham and Welch »these days. < !
without burning or splitting the rim.
Gus Iatrson went over into Clackamas
County this week where he bargained
for lumber with which to build a mod­
ern resilience on Roberta Avenue
Dr. J.M. Short and Dr. J. o. C.
W iley, of Portland, are visiting hr. A.
E. King, at Antelope, who will accoin­
pHiiv them oil «ill excursion te the
Ed Osborn was a viator at the Emery
Gordon Camp at the Chatauqua last
Rev and Mrs Sandstedt left Friday
morning for their home at Seandia,
Kansas Mrs Sandstect's sister Miss Eva ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦»
Anderson accoinpained them as far as
Alexander Lindsey of Terry sold his
F. B. Stuart was at Woodlawn, Wash.,
farm last Saturday to George AV. Henkle last Monday to attend the funeral of his
I of Corvallis.
Consideration, $7000. sister’s son, Clarence Bryant, who was
have bought a drowned in a pond while in swimming.
Death of J. D. Keeth.
farm in Benton county and will move Grandma Stuart, who has lieen with
Mr. J. 1>. Keeth <lie<l at his fainilv on it early in the fall where they will her daughter for some weeks, returned
resilience near Sandy last Wednesday make their future home.
■ with him.
Mr. Keeth and family move«! to Oregon
about aix years ago from Michigan
where he has one son living. Mr.
Keeth was alsiltt fift.v-one years of age. [
< >
He leaves a wife and seven children to
mourn their lose. Deceased will lie <>
Right here is where we excell. We do all our own work
interred in the Sandy Cemetery Friday *>
afternoon at 3 o’clock.
We have no rent to pay. We sell for cash, and these are
I >
some of the reasons why our business is growing so fast.
Buggie Poles and Shafts, fitted
painted and trimmed at bar­
gain prices.
Shoeing is Our Specialty. . . . . All Work Guaranteed
AL HART, Gresham, Ore
Mr. Frank Woetell, of Discovery,
Alaska, surprised the home folks last
Tuesday morn by a visit in person. He
was, however, doomed to a disappoint­
ment himself for his wife, not thinking
of Ills airival so soon, had a few ■ lay»
la-fore, gone to McMinnville to I nail
II. It. Mathison, one of Cleone’s
chants, comes and goes through Gresh­
am quite often but we never s|>eak as
lie passes by. He goes too fast. He
was here Thursday.
Dan Metzger and J. 11. Chalker were
among tlie visitors to the inetro|»dis
this week.
lien Raney is taking things easier this
Have yon seen those China pheasants
Mr. and Mrs. John Fleming. <4 '< f
of Mrs. Wirtz's? They are pretty little Centralia, Washington, are visiting^]
fellows, and almost jierieet |»eta.
friends and relatives here.
Will convince you of the truth of these statements. Our line
Hot days. Call for ice erettili and
Mr. D. H. Louderbttck, of Missouri, JJ’ of groceries is full and complete. We handle nothing but the
soda, served at Mrs. M irtz's parlors has I kihi traveling over Eastern Oregon . >
and has returned here for a short visit ] < > J grade of goods, which we sell at prices below that asked by
Saturdays and Sundays.
J [ inferior grades. The same statement will also apply to our
Miss I aisv Jones is suffering (rou! a and after a time will locate.
tumor of the left eye.
line of
ing friends here.
< J
John Metzger is visiting the
Shelf and Builders Hardware, Building Material, Feed Flour, Confectionary etc.
Miss Sarah Stone is spending her <>
vacation at her home near Anderson.
Prompt and Courteous treatment. Satisfaction to the Customer, or
Miss Berdine Merrill left last Monday
money refunded , Is our motto.
for Collins Springs where she will sjiend
her vacation.
Friends of the Sunday School will ] [
IL E. Davis has installed a modern
pumping plant In Johnson creek, run by please me*>t at the churcli at 10 o’clock ’>
a mounted gasolineengin, and is used to sliarp There will I* preaehing at 11 <> POWELL ST.
irrigate his truck patch on the Cotton o’clock by Rev. A. Byers. All are J [
cordially invited.
< I
< I
< I