Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, July 27, 1906, Image 2

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    » BEAV ER i iTATE HERA l O|
-- W W
this aw ful calamity until such time as
they are again able to earn for them­
Again thanking you ami with Itest
wishes tor the continued success of your
Tent. I am. Fraternally yours,
S. W. Hall. Great Commander
Dr. and Mrs. Thompson tend­
ered Reception by Friends.
unltss care Is taken in the selection and purchase ot foods
An vxnminati«m oldm ni **, k '«iD. ptn\«* t«» %«»n tlmt u«* hi «* « Hrryihg h
\ very pleasant reception was tender­ I
line <»( gi«M . ri«‘M «* h I«’ ii I h L<*«I t«» mititi) Ihv in«»it (*<ti«li*»•!•*.
ed Dr. A. Thompson and wife l>> tin
ski : i s foic
Make this a day. There is no gain.
church, Gresham, on Wednesday even­
In brooding over days to come;
Dry (it)t>ds. Hardware, Notions, Stationery
ing, it l>eing tlia occasion of Mr. and
The message of today is plain,
Boots and Shoesand etc.
Mrs. T'lioni|wons' tiveiit«-tifili wilding
The future's lips are ever dumb.
¡anniversary. The affair was phmned,
The work of yesterday is gone—
I*ul>lishe<l Every
Friday at Gresham. Oregon, by BEAVER STATE l»l BUSHING
For good or ill. let come what may; as a surprise fo r the pastor and wif«*
COMPAXV, Montavilla Office JIS Villa Ave.
The name that «lands fur
but as he was determined to In' «»IlM*-
Rut now we face another dawn.
'FINIOT'llY BRttWXHII.I., - Editor mid Nlntuiuer
<;«»<»!> GOODS. F\IR DEAL­
where that particular night it was II«*«’■
Make this a day.
Per Year >l do in advance tn foreign «sHintriv*. SI «»Three
I'ssarv to let »1rs Thompson into th«*
Month«' trial anbacrtMion* are att-enteti from new 'Uh«, rliver- for I 2'
Though yesterday we failed to see
H F M ITT A XUK8 should be wnl 1») KxpreM or PtA«tarticv Money 4»nler. Regtatered letter or
The urging hand and earnest face.
4’he« k Staiuoa a«*ce|*te«l hi » it» 25cent>
IHsuuXTlXI k X ii ’FS in th i\ rentv to th«' wiah of th«* majority of our »ubaeribere th«' |»aper
Seats were arranged on the |>arson-1
That men call Op|s>rtunity.
u *ent until all arrearage i> i»ai<l ami an order to di-continue i* receive«!
If \ouwiah \our
J age lawn and the organ was taken fr mi
pa|«er atop|asl at the end of the year, utatv that fact when y«*u»rnd in your »ubwrip(i«ui ami
We fail to know the time or place
your requv»t will be beedi'll.
For some great deed, what need li.iret? >he church. A short program of songs
< H KN4.E OF ADDRFX** In ordering change <»f addrew give old aa well an new addre»*
« oRRFspoXDKX rs are wante«! m every eonnnunit\
If no corn-¡»<>n«lvnee appvara ir.»ui
was remlerisl by the young - -pie in­
The dawn conn's up a silvery gray,
ynur neiehborhtvod. you are reaprctftlllv requeat«*»! to avnA u» a* many local item* an you can.
ADVERTlSIXi» KATES art' rvamniable and will be pnnnptly *« nt *up«»n application.
The golden moments must l>e met. cluding a violin solo by Miss Durrell. I
JOB PRINTIXtt ia *»ur aprvialty. We are well equ»pi*ed to Jo the beat work at current price l‘U.
A short siMMi'h was made h\ II. L. st
Make this a day
Send 25c in Stamps for Three Months* Trial Subscription.
! Clair ami a present of nine silver tea-
This day is vours ; your work ia yours ; spams was made to the lioiionsl couple
llavìnu Unight flit* h«»t«*l prfwlerty •»( Il I B«*l-
Entered a> second-«• I*.*.* matter at the |>s*totHce at tireaham. Oregon
The odds are not w ho pays your hire, on this iH'casio'i f ih. ir silver wedding.
Inrls, I itili linU l«*<*idnl>lli»li«'«l III lliv «t|«l i|imvt»*ia
in tlu» ll«»t«*l Stiiulv, « a h«*i«» I a iII I h * )>l«*aa«NÌ !•»
The thing accomplished—that endures Mrs. Preston presentisi them with a
iii«*«*( nll inv ol.l patron» nini iim niMiiy n«*n mici
If is lie what the days require.
In'autifill, din'orated wedding cake. Mr
»» fili*! it «*<» ii \ «*iiit*iil t • coni«* lliK wu\
He who takes up his daily round.
ami Mrs. Thompson each res|simle<l
As one new armored for tlie fray,
with words of appreciation.
Tomorrow «tepaon solid ground.
Ice cream and cake were servisi to
peared an article on the keeping
Make this a day
present. A pleasant social limit
O do not pray for easy lives. of the Sabbath, and a reply to it
was thus spent, closing with a song
Pray to be stronger men. Do in our last issue. In this week’s G. Austin Arrested on ('barge of Rape bv Pearl Hamlin, and the guests depot t
issue will be found an article in
not pray for tasks equal to your reply to the one of last week t>n of the »<>rw riuir« of youthful «I with many good wishes for the pop- I u»tu
Cdl I,rt I HIN United Artisans 'y-h..m \...mbiy v,
ular pistor ami his wife.
———_ I . i, Inerts tu llegue! s
powers. Pray for powers equal These articles are all good, writ­ infamy ever brought liefore the author­ Mrs. Thonifison is a descendant of
Hall 1st and .'hi Finlay euch month.
ities here oecureii last evening when the family of laird Nelson, her maiden
to your tasks. Then the doing ten by bright men, of various George Austin was tried liefore Justice
I I ■ • » I >. .II! hl! . M t . C \ N title, ,
name living Eli/als-tli Ann Clark. She
All Artisans Welcome,
of your work shall be no miracle. opinions, and ought to prove H. L. St. Clair, for the crime of raja' was marri si to Mr. Thompson nt Skel­
But you shall be a miracle. entertaining and helpful. Each upon the jierson of 12 year oi l Jennie ton by the sea in the northern part of:
0. W. " <»v«*r Uninp N«» .’UH, I•r«,«h*
■ ■.■■■- ‘......... till, III«*« I m III K«ncil«*r*n II.ill «ill
longer than Taylor. From the evidence submitted Yorkshire, England, soon after coming
<*a Tim*
Every day you shall wonder at
2«l tth«l 4tli M"ii«li»\•« lit N p m.
I* \
we can consistently use for the by the state, it ap|>ears that George to America wher«'they have since lived
I ».nl\ . < < . I
I II I Jt. ( It r k
\ I-
yourself, at the richness of life columns of this paper. We must, Austin, the defendent, a young man and laltor«sl.
Itlllg W. mm I i IH'II \\ «'li'lllllt'
22 years old, come to this |»art of I
1'M> Gli AM> A V I .
porti A N I '
which has come to you by the therefore, ask our friends, writ­ about
the country some thr.*«' months ago,
grace of God.—Phillips Brooks. ing for the Herald, to “boi- and was employe,I by W. S. Taylor, a
down.” It is only in this way prominent farmer on the Section Line
Two Small Tracts
Road to work on his place as a (arm
Try our best and mistakes will that we can expect to publish all band. Xothing unusijal apt>eared in
for Sale.
happen. Two columns of import­ the corresspondence and articles the defendants conduct until last Wed­
«5 1-2 avrei» improved, running
Gresham Lodge No. 125, I. 0. 0. F.
ant news was overlooked last sent us for publication. Here­ nesday when a little girl picking fruit I « liter.
M«*t*»l«*<l t«» timothy und
Meet «•\« r\ Siitnrt|i«\ flight in Oi|«l F’«*l-
week. This matter, already set after our friends will please on the place saw defendant kissing
cli»vrr, «ni Samlv road, 1-4 mil«*
lows' Hall. C R Mill. t, SO. Emil
up. by an accidental oversight, count the words uses and stay Jennie, and immediatley told the
Pallmpiist, V G. ; Knlpli K. .(<»liiiiMtn,
«•mt «»f Cleone.
mother. The mother indignant at the
Olir of th«* ol«l«*nt Hlltl I hm »! ill-
S.s rctarv ; G W . ...
......... Tr«***»»tir«*r.
was. at the last minute, crowded within the limit of 500. We thought
♦» 1-2 »cren, all improve!, •*«•«•« I-
of her girl becoming so intimate
miran«*«* coin pa nies in tin* aorld.
All visiting brothers cordialh invitisi to
«^1. 4-rouiii botine, uell,
out for lack of space. It will, must also request that such with the hired man, gave her a whip-
«»rvhard. pl«*ntv o( all
however, be found in this week’s articles be in our Gresham office, ing, ]»art of which was seen by the said
NOTH'F ►•»!< 1*1 III h yTH»\
vh rieti«n of fruit, I mile vaut of
l*r|Mrtm«*nl «»( Ihr ltil«*rl«»r. Ijttwl
issue, some what late, it is true, not later than Monday night, Aust in,who commenced to curse and
Cleone «»ti Saiuiy roa I. ««ne mile
l*«trilatfl. <>f« g<iti, Jitii«* ai 1
ScHIrr le h«-r*
\««"»t of Troutdale. Write or *»*v
but good and interesting news preceding date of publication. threaten the mother. The fathers was
t»> giitHi Ihat Iha followlng natn«*«| •«•lllrr ha«
Otherwise they may have to be
Hlrd iHitlr«* «>f hi» Hilt-ti!l*>ii !«« iiiaek«* Oliai
just the same.
seceure a warrant for the arrest of
• ••••••••••••a •••
In *ii|i|Mirl tif hi» « latm ami lltal •al»l pr«M»t
held over till the next week.
While he was gone Jennie
wlll I h * in««lr iM-furr ihv H«*gi«lrr ami Rivrhrr
al l'tirlland, <>r« goti, un Augnai 15. |a»>. «u
tohi her mother of Austin's act u|«>n her
New Zealand is but a small
In regard to the proposition
F'Iwartl Trlrkry, Il > Xu UH I. |«ir Ihr HK I 1
W. C. BELT. M. D.
spot upon the map, but it has that he is the greatest man liv­ about three weeks prior to the affair
1«, T I N> , H «• ►.
Il«* nann e llir luti«»*
mentioned. I'jion the return of the
hysician ano Suttee in
Wltllraere l<» pr«i«e hla itili11nibHia Fral-
bought, tried out, and won some ing, the President has heard father, he was apprised by the new
tieni « u|w«n ami «*ulllvalloti «>f aaltl lami, vi»
wonderful battles, in behalf of from almost everybody but the state of affaris, ami immediatley return­ PHYSICIAN
Jmiiiee A M« I»« iiim I<I . nf Palmer. <>reg«»n, A<lnl|ih
K runa«'. <>( Palmer Orrgmi, Th«*«M|orr K« « «i,
Call« Promptly attended to.
the common people. Graft, mon­ Japanese who still think that ed to Gresham ami swore out a com­
C all » promptly ANiwtutD
«•( Palmer, Oregmi Frani» limear«l, <»f Palmer.
• ittive at Sandy Hotel.
opoly, and vice, have been forced some of their war heroes answer plaint against defendant on a more
« »ri'g-tii
serious charge of rape. Defendant in
AM»FH\O\ « BRKHHKM. Hr«|a|er
into the back ground, while the to the specifications.
: : : : OHKCON
(Pub Jiilj 7. II. 21. >
the mean time hail become suspicious
majority, the people, have been
and packed his things and stole awav in
safeguarded. The United States
The ice trust professes that the night. A description was telephon­
big as it is can learn a great it can’t see what business it is of ed to the police of Portland, w Im picked
him up Thursday ami was brought back
lesson from our little neighbor of
anybody else if it does squeeze a by special constable, B. W. Emery, and Homœopathic I’tnsici.iii .mJ Surge«»!)
the southern seas.
cool million out of the consum­ placed in jail here. His hearing was
Calla Attended to Day or \inhi
had before Judjce
St. Clair ami
the als>ve facts snl>stantiated. I*efeml-
Will our correspondents kindly
I'lmn-. Mu I h '»2
Ohio is charging John D. Rocke­ ant offered no defense. Deputy pros­
Res Phone. Main -t
send in correspondence as early
attorney represent«! the state
as possible in the week. We feller with conspiracy, but you ecuting
and J. A. Jeffrey the defendant. De­
should have it by Tuesday night.
fendant was Isnind over in the sum of
Get it to us as early as possible, with charges.
|10<k) to ap|iear liefore the coming • iraml
Jury. Not giving bail, lie is in jail.
H ouhn , 9-12 a. m., 1-5 p. tn.
but not later if it can be avoided.
will have to be The little girl liears the liest of names
Important news may be telephon­
shown a picture of those Tole­ and is well liked in the communitv.
kAJT=-;-------- ---
S. W. Scoville
• ••••••••••••••••• •• «•••••••••••••••••
Hotel Sandy ....
Insure Your Property NOW
• ••••••••••••••••
J. G. McElroy.
ed to us at any time Wednesday.
Forms close Thursday morning do ice men in jail before believ­
ing it.
at 10 o’clock.
i > r . fi . il (> rT,
Letter From Washington. D. G.
I > K N T I H T
( > retaiinni.
The f oilowing postscript of a letter
People who are talking about
received by Mr. and Mrs. Bridge from
( Iregi >• >
their daughter throws some light on OVER I’OSTOFER'E
restricting wealth and keeping
senatorial matters: “ A friend of Mrs.
those who have an unlimited
Papson's, the assistant secretary of the I. M.
M. I>.
F. A. NHORT, M. I»
amount of it out of the United
Senate, invited us to come down to the
States Senate, should remember
Senate. They always have night ses-
that under our benign and
sioiis at the close of the term, We
went. He put us in the Executive < i ial-
thoughtful constitution we can­
lery and, even though it was a hot
not enact class regulation against
night, we were very comfortable for it
Phi aician^Surgeona.
the downtroden millionaire or
was not crowded.
an}’ one else.
“Mr. Rosa finally came up and t<s>k us
out on the Senate Balcony, He was
Portion of Letter Recieved by busy but found time to send out id-
Gov. Folk says that the best
cold lemonade now ami then. It was a
Cleone Hive from Oakland.
democrats are such men as
Is-antiful moonlight night and I had a
Bryan, Roosevelt, and LaFoIlette Walter Quesinberry, R. K. Cleone Ore. very pleasant time. Nearly all the
But as Roosevelt declares that he My bear Sir Knight:—Replying to Senators were in their seats and Fair-
is out of it, the democrats will your letter of the 21st innt. in which you banks in ths chair. They are such
have to choose between Bryan enclosed |iost-oflii-e money order for «21 dignified lot compared to the House.
will nay that I wish to thank you, ami
“We were in the House again Satur­
and LaFoIlette.
through you, each and every meinlier of day night and they were improving
your Tent for your kindness and gener­ their recess by singing songs, telling
osity in behalf of our stricken members stories and having a rousing goml time,
Russian and Japanese envoys
in this section.
Rest assured that •lust like a lot of college Is,vs. They
mingled in a most frendly spirit the money sent will l,e placedin the sang to each member who had I h - cii
in the recent Red Cross conven­ proper channel w here it w ill do the most pushing some bill which had failed to
pass. They sang to Paine,of New York,
tion in Geneva. Why not? Why good for our Brothers in distress.
should there be any war but for So far we have receivedin the Mac* something like this, ‘Oh go tell Seleno
the folly of rulars and the pig- caltee Relief Fund «7IM2.W of this his Custom House Bill is dead, the one
amount «271)2.60 han been contributed lie's l»een pushing with all his heart
headness of politicians?
from various Tents in this jurisdiction, and head.’ They sang it to the time of
1200 from the <ireat ('amp of California ‘Go Tell Aunt Rleslv.’ To Cannon
Even if Pennsylvania employes and |ó<)00 from the Supreme Tent Gen­ they sang ‘You may hunt high and low
Relief Fund. Many of the Tents for stars here below but you'll find
cannot keep their stock, they re­ eral
throughout the' v iriou« Staten have none like I'ncle .!<«•.’ Then they sang
tain it long enough so that it w ill written ns that they have sent their to tin- Pressmen in the gallery ‘Go tell
keep them.
contribution to the home office, but so the pressmen that all the news is dead.’
far none of those have la-en forwarded .o They in turn sang ‘Go toll the members
us bv Sir Knight Sisler. They will, that the Mileage or Free Pass Graft is
It is rather unfortunate that however, no doubt Is* received here in dead' which called forth a burst of ap­
just as they were both climbing due course of business.
plause. They also sang ‘America,'
into the Bryan band wagon, Cp to date we have paid out «1751».45 ‘Star S|Hinghsl Banner’ and a lot of
Messrs Baily and Hearst found in releiving the immediate needs of our gos|sd hymns, and the gallery jollied
it necessary to notify the country distressed members ami find that there them in singing.
still a great deal to Ire done in the , ‘Itaring recess people were allowed on
that each preferred the other’s is way
of caring for our homeless and pen- the House fbsir.
Jessie F. Bridge,
room to his company.
nileaa members in tiding them over I Washington, l>. C.”
Castro has Venezuela so will
trained that it lets him be presi­ .
dent whenever he can think of r
nothing more amusing to do.
O' - ' -
About the newest thing in
monopolies is the effort of Harry
Thaw’s counsel to comer all the
insanity witnesses in the market.
t &
See Nature's Wondrous Handiwork
Through Utah
and Colorado,
The above la thè iiaiial verdi» I t»f thè
travcler iia I iik thè
I lli «.I! \NI>. BLACK CAN
YON. MARHH II I. \ \ l>
TENN I'll I' \"i - ami
royal g o r ge .
rI|»tIv«« mid lIliiMmllv«* I'ain
writ«* to
W. C. McBRIDE, Gen'l Agent,
124 Third St..
A Pleasant Way
To Travel
Chas. Coi, Manager, Gresham, Ore
Missouri Pacific Railwty b«h>«in thè
Pecific Coiti ind (he Eitl,
and wv I n *II«* vi ' th«* ■ervlct- ami a« « «»m
imwlathuia tflv«*ii m«*rll thi» atal«'m«*nt
Fn»m lh*nv«*r. 4 i«|«»radG Sprinta and
Pltchlo. thvrv art- Iwn throiitfh traili*
dall) tu KrtiiMH* ȓty ami si D. h |. r H f
ryliiK Pullman * latrai ■taiidard « Ir«
Irle ll(hl«*«| »Irrnhitf « ar» « halr « ara,
ami u|»*t«» dato illiilng <*ar*
Tliia »Mine rxi-rllt-nl *rr\lrr I* o | ht
Htr«l from Kan-a* « IO and - hi D hi I* t«»
Memphis, Dilli«- lt«M*k ami lini Sprinti»
Il yoii art-tfidmc haat or Monili, w ritr
fot ratea ami Full 1 liftirnm! hm
W. c. MC BRIIH., (ien. Agt,
124 Third St.,
l’ortlHiul, Ori*.
< ►
< I
Will have Headquarters at
Wm. Durrell’s, Gresham,
Will be in Sandy, Ore.,
Thursday of
each week
Will he in Troutdale,
Ore., on Tuesday
of each week.
I >
< »
Terms : To insure safe In