Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 15, 1911, Image 1

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    VOL. 28. NO. 12.
ust Arrived.
Ladies Silk
In different shades, also
Kortinent of Ladies' Waists, lop
Skirts, and the latest things in
Round Collars, Jabots, Belts, and
Neckwear. We carry a full line of
Hair Nets in all shades, Laces, Em
broideries, Insertions, Allover Laces
and Trimmings. We have en
larged Our Shoe Department
and carry a big assortment in
all the latest shapes.
Our Grocery Department
is complete in every detail.
Thomson Bros.
The spirit of "boosting" Oregon is now
in the air. You can't boost Oregon by
patronizing fibur mills in other states.
They pay no wages or taxes in this com
one from your grocer. If not satisfactory,
it will cost you nothing.
Tail op in
We invite you to in
spect the 400 beautiful
fabrics we nave on
display. Here are
men's suitings that
have been picked
from the most entic
ing offerings of both
Foreign and Domestic
Workmanship guaranteed high-class in every detail. A
trial will convince you that ours is the place for you to buy
your next suit of clothes. At least, come and see what we
have to show you. Our prices will please, too.
Louis Pearson "XWw
a biff as-
Why Pay
1 1 OsSrii f fj
k Different Profits
BY There '
y Is Where
You Can 1
I Buy j
f . Cheaper 1 1 I
By Mail III
I Than till
Why don't you buy direct
and save money on the ab
solute necessities of life ev
ery day in the year. You
can't save if you pay two
and three times the amount
that you would if you would
Your town merchant can't meet our
low prices his expenses have to be
11 At
paid then there
man who sells to him
paving for all these
f f TTattio
vou think that it is about time for you to stop
it and lav that extra
dea the amount you can
giving away a big Buyer's
and il tclli you about tboutanda of
barraim you will tee at
tbat no matter bow until
r curcbaie. you will
be hle to we and
that one ttisl will be
u(h (o ibow yon tbat
r We not only undersell bat
We fire a Better Quality
f Send for tbii book rijbt away
we give it ;o you juti write year
name and addresi on a portal tag
you want catalog
No. 77
SAVE sho
f J
Mason Jars, pints, 60c
Can salmon doz. 91 75
Tomato soup doz. 88c
Baked pork and
deans, per doz. 88c
Canned Shad, doz. 65c
Spotlight Matfches,
quarts, 65c
V gallons, 80c
Jelly Glasses, doz. 28c
Dry gran. Sugar,
per 100 lbe. - 94 88
Department of the Interior, TJ. 8. Land Office
ri The Dalles. Oreson. Ann! 14th. 1911.
NOTICE is hereby Riven that Hilton A. Mil), of
Heppner, ureon. wno, on April btn. nK, maaa
Hnineatfiu). No. 150f.9. Serial No. 0374. forN Wfc
Section 83, Township 2 north, Range 2t) Kut
Willamette Meridian, dm filed notice of inten
tion to make final five-year Proof, to establish
Claim to (he lana score aeecnrjea, Deiore j. v.
Katteraon, U. B.UommlMiorier, at Ins omce at
Heppner, Oregon, on the 17th day of June, 1911
( Claimant namee aa witnesses:
R. K. Wliae and Joseph Sibley, of Ijexinrton,
Oregon; K. A. Thompson and B. M. Thomas, of
Heppner. Oregon.
m-5t C. W. MOORE, Register.
Isolated Tract.
Department of the Interior, V. B. Land
Office at The Dalle,. Oreron. May 12th. 1(111
NOTICE ie hereby giyen that, a directed by
the Coinmisoioner of the General Land Office
under provisions of Aot of (kingrem approved
June 27, 1W0B (34 State., 517). we will offer atpnb-
lic aaie, to the uignesi Didder, at :30o clock a.
m.. on tue 7th day of July, 1911, at this office,
the following-described land: BE NE!, t
11. T. 6 8.. K. 24 East W. M.. (No. OSBSOi.
Any persona ciaimin sdrersely the above'
described land are advised to rile their claims.
or objections, on or before the time designated
lor sale. mlH-jrt
C. W. MOORE, Register,
lactates) Tract.
Department of the Interior, U. B. Land
Office at The Dale?,. Oregon. Hay 6th. 1911
NOTICE is hereby aiTsn that, aa directed by
the Commissioner of the General Land Office,
nnder provisions of Act of Congress approved
June , 1906, (84 Btats.. 5171. we will offer at
publloaale. to the hlKOe.t bidder, at lU:l5o'clck
a. m on the iWihdayof Jose, 1911, at this omce.
me rouowing-aeecriDea laua: ttnru, Beo. B, 1
I a R. 114 East W. M.
Any nersona claiming adversely tha abova-
descrlbed land are advised to tile their claims.
or objections, on or before the time designated
mr saie, ' - m ie jai
V. w. MUOKE, Hecisler.
latest Tract.
Department of the Interior, V. 6. Land
Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Hay , 1811.
NOTICE is hereby given that, aa directed bv
the CommiMioner of the General Land Office,
under provisions of Act of Congress approved
June 27, 19CK) (34 Btate., 517). we will offer at pub.
lie sale, to the hiahent bidder, at 10:30 o'clock a.
m.. on the 6th day of Jnlv. l'Jll. at this office.
the fot'owinK-deacribed land: EH NW(, SW
NK,'4 See. S3, T. 4 8.. R. 24 E and NW
Sec. 2. T. S ., H. 24 K. W.M. Serial No. 07164.
Any persons claiming adversely the above-
deeoribed land are advised to file their claims,
or objections, on or before the time designated
tor sale. ml8
C. W. MOORE, Register
For Clothing, Paperhang
ing and Painting.
Rate Reasonable and all Work
Absolutely Guaranteed.
Pacific Lodging
C.N.SHINN. Prop.
Nice Clean Beds
none better in town.
Come and Stop With Us
yjrml Larger
Less Cost
to You
a Half Dozen
is full of sen
sational price
I cuttings your
come mer
chant can't
, with send
for it
is the traveling sales
and you have been
extras for years don't
monev aside you have no
save in a year. We are
T7-- A.n
Jones Cash Store
Larrot Mail Order Houm Weft of Chkafo
We Don't Beloac
to tM Trait
the watchword
per doz boxes 44c
Block Matches, per
doz. pkgs. 88c
Tar Soap per cake, 4c
Table Peaches.dozl 80
Bartlett Pears " 185
Teachers' Examinations
tha County School Superintendent of
Morrow County will hold the regular
lamination lor applicants lor Mate pa
pars at the Conrt House at Heppner,
commencing Wednesday, June 21, at
9:00 o'clock A. M., and continuing until
Saturday, J une 24 at 5:00 1 . M., as fol
(one-year, five-year, life)
Wed. a. m. - - Arithmetic, Civil Gov
ernment, hnelmh Literature.
Wed p. m. - - Geography, Gramnur
Thurs. a. m. - - Orthography, Theory
and rracuce, Bookkeepinir.
Thurs. p. m. - Writing, Fhysiolouy,
Fri. a. m. - U. S. History, Physical
beography, Botany.
Fri. p. m. - - School Law, Psychology,
Sat. a. m. - Reading, Algebra, General
Sat. p. m. - - Composition, American
Lirerature, History of Education.
Wed. a. m. - - Methods in Reading,
Methods in Arithmetic.
Wed. p. m. Methods in Language,
Methods in Ueosrapbv.
Tbur. a. m. - Otboeraphy. Theory
ana practice.
Thurs. p. m. --.Writing and Physiol
Fri. a. a. - - Thesis Subjects for Thesis,
Lessons by Stories, Language Work
in Primary Orade, Number Work in
Primary Grade", Busy Work in Pri
tnary Grades, Possibilities of Nature
Study in Primary Grades, Phonies in
Primary Grades. Child Study. Appli
eant chooee one subject.
Fri. p. m. Psychology.
8. E. Notson,
Notice Take Warning.
parties that hunting is absolutely for
bidden upon the lands of the following
persons, between Rhea and Willow
creeks, and extending to the summit of
the Blue mountains, to-wit: All the
lands of Minor Bros., McCullougb Bros.
Robert Dexter, Lafe PenUnd. George
tperrv, and Minor & Thompson. These
ands nave been stocked with Chinese
Pheasants and quail and ws propose to
protect this game. Any one found
hunting on these lands will be prose
cuted to the lull extent of the law. Take
warning and be governed accordingly,
as no excuses will be accepted. t.
Notice of Dissolution
Notice is hereby given that the partner
ship heretofore existing under the firm
of Case & Dix, furniture dealers, has this
day been dissolved by mutual consent.
M. L. Case will continue the business,
collect all accounts due the firm and pay
all bills. All those indebted fo the firm
ars requested to call and settle their ac
counts at once.
M. L. Case.
W. O. Dix.
Pated at Hepnner. Ore., this 1st day of
I ill I I I JuLU
Beginning on last Tuesday morning,
Jude Phelps held a four days' session
of circuit court for Morrow county, and
cleaned op business that had been pend
ing for some time. In going over the
docket we make note of the following :
Ernest Piper vs First National Baok
of Heppner; motion for non-suit for
failure of plaintiff to appear or prosecute
action : taken on advisement; plaintiff
required to pay on or before July 7, to
clerk of this court $50 to cover costs and
disburiments aod S64 to cover fees of
jurors and stenographer for one dav.
Eliza J. McAliHter vs Joe Meier and
James A. Brown; default against de
fendant Meier allowed and entered.
Mabel Avers Hughes vs Oregon-
Washington Railroad and Navigation
Co ; demurrer to defendants further and
seperate answers sustained; 20 days to
further plead if so desired.
Paul Reitraan, guardian vs F. P, Wil
son ; 30 days to tile answer.
Bruce B. Kelley vs J. M. Hager and
S. P. Devin, co-executors ; referred to
J. S. Beckwitb to take and report testi
monev by consent of all parties.
A. C. Ruby vs P. M. Christenson, et
a! ; order for publication of summons.
W. H. Herren, et al., vs B. F. Swag-
gart; jury trial and verdict for plaintiffs;
judgment npon verdict.
M. B. Thompson vs Patrick Doberty;
settled and dismissed.
Bank of Heppner ys Wm. A. Gist, et
al. ; default against all defendants and
decree for plaintiff.
T. J. Mahonev, trustee vs C. A. Rhea,
etal. ; default and decree for plaintiff;
$5,000 attorney fee allowed.
In the matter of application of Cecil
Humphreys to register land title; report
of examiner filed and decree in accor
dance therewith.
Phebe Wills vs T. L. Dorman, et al. ;
confirmation of sale.
In cases of State vs A. H. Rhea for
violation of local option liquor law and
permitting gambling ; withdraws plea of
not guilty and enters plea of guilty.
State vs M. A. Milis, larcensyof mare;
trial and disagreement of jury.
Three Heppner Boys Get
O. A. C. Degrees.
Three Heppner boys received the de
gree of Bachelor of Science at the Ore'
gon Agricultural College this year, at
the commencement exercises June 13
All baye completed the commerce
In the college annual, with Ahra Wal
ter Jones' picture, is printed theTfollow
ing quotation: "The studious lad. No
one has ever seen bis affinity. A mem
bar of the Allen, Jones, Smead combi
nation." He was Second Lieutenant of
the Senior company of cadets, and
member of the Philadelphian Literary
Society, the Commercial Club, the
sophomore and junior baseball nines
and the junior and senior basketball
Glenn Uurtis Jones, of wnom the an
nual faVB: "Can he talk? Well,
guess. Would be a good instructor in
How to outwit the trots. Always
whistling, and known as Grinny." Was
vice president of the Philadelphian So
ciety this year, as well as a member of
the G. O. C.
Maurice Edgar Smead is termed by
the Orange (the annual) as : "The mill
tarv kid. He would drive the most ex
Derienced Professor to drink. We would
all be angels if it wasn't for him." The
Pbiladelpbian Society cl.OBe hin for
secretary in bis sophomore year, when
be was also in the class baseball, basket
ball and wrestling teams. In his junior
year he played both football and base
ball for bis class, and continued bis loot-
ball work in his senior year, beside bis
membership in the Commercial Club.
He was also First Lieutenant in Com
pany F of the cadet corps.
Hit by Lightning
Mr. aad Mrs. Mike Kenny were in town
Monday, and late in the evening, just
about the time it was clouding up, tbey
tarted for their country home. Aa tbev
proceeded on their way the storm became
mors severe and when tney bad reacbeu
a point near the Tom Matlock place on
Hinton creek tney were struck by a nasn
of lightning, the bolt killing one horse
n the team and knocking tha otber one
down. A portion of it also struck Mike,
ripping his breeches leg from the hip
down aod ripped open one shoe. Mis
only apparent injury was the burning of
bis foot and Mrs.Kenny escaped entirely
unhurt. It was a very close call, in fact
so close as to be very uncomfortable.
Levi Morgan suffered the fracture of a
ouple of ribs on Wednesday of last
week, Hewasridiig the gang plow
nd moving along at a good rate when
the plow struck a rock and was over
turned, catching Levi underneath. The
team proceeded to get loose from the
o and made a lively run and Mr.
Morgan bad to be carried to the house.
Wm. Clark, of Petrolia. Calif., an ex
tensive raiser of Shorthorn cattle, called
on W. O. Minor of the Mountain alley
Stock Farm one day the past week and
made a purchase of several head of his
ohoica Hborthorn calves. He is a good
judge of stocx and knew where to come
to get the best there is to be bad.
Wt sell Kodaks and Kodak supplies
for lees than you can buy them from
otber source. Bny these of ns and
Makes Home Baking Easf
Absolutely Pure
Tho only baking powder
made from Royal Grajm '.
Cream of Tartar
Walton-French Nuptials-
On Monday morning, June 12tS
1911, at the hour of 5:30, occurred iiu-r
rnarriiiRe of Mr. Cleveland WaMra
and .Miss Agnes French, at the parwiN
house of the Catholic church in Hept
ner, lather Kelley, parish pntlr
The groom is one of our promfejaig!.-
young men, at the present .time fat
gaged in the service of Uncle Sara asi
a forest ranger, and the bride is
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. I
French, old-time residents of Jx
Butter creek; she is an accomijlirrbwili
young lady, having completed
literary and commercial course tit
training in good schools.
Immediately following the tew-
mony, a delightful wedding breakfaarx
was served at the home of Granawii
Goff, and the young people took tbeiar
departure for Willow Springs, 8vbOj.
of Hardman, where the groom 5.
located for the summer headquarter.-
To them we extend our hearty con
gratulations and wish them a boa
dan t success along life's journey.
Those present at tlie ceremony
the feast that followed were Mr. amS
Mrs. J. D. French and family, Mjb
Irene Gates, the Misses W'ailifciS.
Messrs. Ernest French, Allan McCrs c
J. O. Rasmus and the family of Itfrss.
Bogus Check Artist.
A fellow giving the name of WaKfj-,
Conlin, was arrested and briHigfai
before Justice Williams on Weii
day morning, charged with ti
crime of uttering a forged check. By
passed a couple of checks in Heyi-
ner on Tuesday that proved to tip-
forgeries. One of these was caxbriSTi
by Frank Fuchs, the baker, and t br
other was taken up by Harry Dniv
can at the store of Thomson Ircw
When presented for payment, tb.'!-
checks were turned down by tbs
First National Bank, upon whom
they were drawn. Fuchs got boU
of the check artist and his mceasr
was returned, but Duncau did dm
stand fpr the game, and swore oa
complaint and Conlin was arrestmB
and presented lief ore Justice Wil
liams. He waived examination nn
was bound over to await the actions
of the grand Jury in November undrt
a bond of five hundred dollars, wlurtei
he was unable to furnish, and rE
consequently have to be boarded xl
the county s expense until his case-
disposed of In the fall, unless 8-r
taken up by the Circuit court. Twe
checks were for small amounts.
Game Disappointing.
The game of base ball betww
Heppner and lone at lone grouad
Sunday afternoon proved to le
rather a tame affair so far as gg12
ball goes. The score stood 13 to 3?
in favor of lone at the end. and thte
wlm expected to see a good game- tT
ball were disappointed. Tlie t2jr
was very hot, and the Heppner tsoys.--were
hiking in team drill and ti?i!f
not make it interesting for ti-ir
opponents. This is too bad, for mr
fellows can play ball when they 2niV
and 1 hey should get in shape to al
least hold the lone hovs down to ia
decent score. Should ourteam (kt-ik
to play at lone on the 4th. it-y
should get together and do smiw
team work. The material is henv.
put it in shape and get some of tlma
good money that Is being hung 1m
the winners.
Alex Lindsey was iu town Sat-af-
day from his alfalfa farm at 1
month of Rhea creek. He thinks 1
has the best place he ever ownt-i
since living in this county, but it k
taking a lot of work to get it t
proper shape.
We desire to take this means of ttaR-
iog all of our neighbors and friends
tbeir kind help and sympathy in IW-
sicknpes and burial of our beloved tab,,
and for the many beautiful floral citfr
June 1911.
save time and meoey, Paterson A Son.
Mb. and Mas, ueo. miyenso.