Wear This Stylish Suit! not km Bike II. Hull1 tew v inrj IK I W U II L-sr 11 The man who In admlrM li the w.'lf uiwwt u niHD wncMtt t-.(tnt aro fuh .luia.and lire 1U1 1 I.k. You will Unit man In your nelirliborlioufll 1911 HlvlfwiirHJuHt In. titt hiu.,it the nwel lent, elmislfMt, siMtpD.cwt le weevHroreiitMd tind beiiei yoiirupnuHruiH'! THIS IS OUfl i us. mi n want one man bhoui reprtwentiuive in your uHrtu borhood. You've got a lot ol Viands. Thtv wewtr -fliusi It la the mint thins In fh world to net thuin to nrdir thii loLh'te from you, Prices, 17 6C and np. IIiohb orders mean ablKlmsl- uem tliul more thiiii dmihlfs your Nulurr, and the work in the eiiMinat, ckfiutnt, nlcwt AfcujmtUm in the world Nitw rHiinwHniiihui.1 make 15 to 110 a dnv. Vnu nimlv take the ordur and metiKurenifnti tid tn ail thorn W us W nmkelhot-ioUiof. tup thom on appror. to your friend and hand too ths profit monty. A Rcgulai Oiocbl Thni IhobMiitf uf bcim tn Imn for yoarulf. Kit rittht down now; write us fMihUlora letter for tbafrt unt il! to roprosoiiUtlvn, And you let tin swellot suttof fftnhionhl. tador-mxlo, all wol. ittii clotheiaverworoinyom neighborhood. If vfiur parioual appear aac end a big bastoeit ic mirth postal or2ent etainp to von, then act now write as today Address AMERICAN WOOLEN MILLS CO, Dept. 512. ChtaJ. Art Criticism. "I rather like the motif of that pic ture," said Mrs. Oldcastle, after she had carefully Inspected the new wor of art. "Yes, so do I," replied her hostess, as they were passing from the gallery, "only both me and Joslah thought the artist meant It for a cow." Chlcaeo Record-HrsM. SHE COT WHAT SHE WANTED CAF5 30TH GOOD CAT IMITATOR IV' I - This Woman Had to Insist Strongly, but it Paid Chicago, 111. "I suffered from a fe male weakness and Btomach trouble, and 1 went to the store to get a bottle of J,yclia K. l'inic ham's Vegetable Compound, but the clerk did not want to let me have it- he said it was no good and wanted mo to try something else, but knowing all about it 1 in sisted and finally got it, and I am so glad I did, for it has cured me. "I know of so many (fa Res where wo men have been cured by Lydia E. I'ink liani's Vegetable Compound that I can say to every suffering woman if that medicine does not help her, there is nothing that will." Mrs. Jajjetzki, 2003 Arch St., Chicago, 111. This is the age of substitution, ano women who want a cure should insist upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound just as this woman did, and not accept something else on which the druggist can make a little more profit. Women who are passing through this critical period or who are Bufferinrj from any of those distressing ills pe culiar to their sex should not lose sight of the fact that for thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which is made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for fe male ills. In almost every community you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pint Law's Vegetable Compound, Sardine Industry. The sardine industry gives employ ment, lh the Spanish port of Vigo, to 23,008 people, of whom 8,000 are wom en. The wages of the men range from 80 cents to il a day and of the women from 25 to 35 cents. The value of the preserved sardines exported last year was $2.203.sno. RHEOWISi Lawyers Sleeping In Court Room Meow Like Feline, and Finally Como Together in Mix-Up. "A bunch of lawyers were sleeping !n a stuffy court room in a countr town because of the overcrowded con lltion of the single hotel during a ses Uon of court." said a lawyer, "when ne of them, a practical joker, possess ing a remarkable faculty of lmltalln a cat, concluded to have some fun out of It. After all of them had quletei down to eleep he started a plaintive moan like a cat. Another fellow on the opposite side of the room had a similar faculty of imitation, and was awakened by the noise of the sup posed cat, and remarked to his next fellow: " 'Some darned cat has got Into the room. Just wait. I'll Imitate a tabby and we'll catch the Tom.' "So the two began meowing at each other. The first supposed it was real cat, and the room being extreme ly dark, they kept approaching each other, each with a boot In hand to de molish the supposed cat. They got together finally, and then there was an act not down on the program. Each had aimed his boot well, and when a light was Anally struck the two men were mixing It up badly in the center of the room, and It took the rest of the lawyers and the town doctor to get them In presentable shape for court the following day." WALKED BACK. Friend How long were you out on the road?" Ham Sir months. One going out and five getting back." Adorning the Menu Card. "How is It," demanded the patient man, in the Soho garbage den, at last, "how is it that quail Is always off the menu?" The hireling readjusted hla greasy napkin and yawned wearily. "That," said he, "Is just a fancy touch. We never had a quail." Sport ing Times. ... Mnnyon's Rheumatism Remedy relieve! hiilns la the lues, iinus, back, miff ol swollen joints. Contains no morphine cn.imn, cocaine or lnia to demli'ii til i.aln. It neutralizes the acli! ainLalrtTos 5nt nil rheumatic noisona from the bv tern. Write 1'rnf. Mmiyun, 6Jil anil Jeff erson Sta.. Tlilla.. 1'a., for medical ad vice, absolutely free. Good Reasoning. "I wish Cousin Jim and Mtta Jones would get married," pondered eight-year-old Nadlne. " 'Cause, why, mam ma?" "Oh, I don't like either of them, an if they'd get married to each other an' go off on a long, long wed ding journey, I wouldn't have to see any more of them, an' they'd1 ought to be happy. So It would be killing' two birds with one stone!" DYSPEPSIA "Having taken your wonderful Casoa rets for three months ai.d being entirely cured of stomach catarrh and dyspepsia, I think a word of praiae is due to Casearets' for their wonderful composi tion. I have taken numerous other so called remedies but without avail, and I 6nct that Cascareta relieve more in a day than all the others I have taken would in t year." James McGuce, Plnuant Palatable. Potent. ImU Good. Po Good. Ntct Sicken. Wmkm or Grip 10c 26c 60c N itit told In bulk. Th rw in tablet tmpd C C C UuuinWd ta core or rour monvr back. TAKE A DOSE OF piiso9s L -THE BEST MEDICINE ior COUCHS COLDS , Highly Improper. "What is the proper thing for a man to do when his wife asks him' for money and he hasn't any?" inquired Newed. "Oh, there isn't any proper thing to do under those circumstances," re plied Oldwed. "Anything he does will be wrong." A Question. "We must have no sinecures," Bald the reformers "Well," replied Senator Sorghum, thoughtfully, "sometimes I'm in doubt as to which make the most trouble, the fellows with sinecures or those who work overtime getting In the way." Attractive Attention. "Johnson says he's getting along splendidly In his new position." "Is that so?" "Yes, he's been there three months now and already one member of the board of directors knows that he's working there." Crowding the Market "What are these old master held at?" "Sixteen thousand each." 'Til give you two dollars apleoe for two of them. "Make it five dollars for three, and they're yours." One Point of View. Mrs. Exe You don't hear my hus band going around complaining about my treatment of him, as yours doee. ... K.. Di.l MrS. JIT nw, um. iiim uucrnu I mean that your husband is satisfied merely that he ia subdued. A Mistake. Don't yon think that candidate In dulges a great deal too much In ver bosity?" "Oh, no, Indeed; he's strictly tem perance. LITTLE THINGS IN NATURE Little Girl Who Did Not Know Number of Seed Compartments In Apple, Asks a Puzzler. "How many seed compartments arf here In an apple?" he asked. No on ns wtred. "And yet." continued the school in pectcr, "all of you eat many an appl' n the course of a year, and see th rult every Jay p:obab'y. You muf arn to notica the little things In m ire." The ta'k of tha Inspector Impress ie children, and at p!avtims the teac! r overheard them d:icussl'ig. A 11' e girl, getting her companions roun sr, gravely eafd: "Now, children, surrope I am Mr aylcr, you've got to know mere abor immon things. If you don't you wi 1 grow up to be foo's. Now, tell m Innle," she ccntlnued, looking pterr ' at a playmate, "how may feather re there cn a hen?" P3ESTO! CHANCE1 Mrs. Tellit Yes, she is a decided blonde. Mrs. Knockit Indeed! When diO she decide? The Rich Uncle. Young Doctor Hello, old chap! Don't believe J have met you since we were boys at school. You're look ing prosperous. Young Lawyer Yes; a rich uncle died two years ago and I came Into possession of nearly fl00,000. - Young Doctor Why, I wasn't aware you' had a rich uncle. Young Lawyer Oh, he wasn't my uncle. He was the uncle of one of ny clients. Future of Cheesemaklng. Cheesemakers of the next century, maybe sooner, will hav a seed germ laboratory attached to their factory, In which pure cultures of the cheese bacteria, germs responsible for the flavor of each kind of cheese, will be grown and nursed, and instead of fromage de Prie, Stilton or Gorgon cola, coming from different parts of the world, they will all be turned out from one factory, and no telling how cheap. TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mall. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. To Polian Furniture. For furniture there is nothing to equal olive ol or raw linseed oil, rub bed fnta the wood, according to the grain. The woodwork may require restalnlng as well. Ordinary old oak is always improved by rubbing it with warm beer. It should be remembered that Unseed oil has the effect of dark ening mahogany. The Preacher's Trade. If the minister knows nothing about politics let him keep clear. But if he knows, and knows what he knows, and how to say it, let him do that thing. His utterances then will trouble some brother of course. But what of it? To trouble human con science is the preacher's trade. The Continent. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets first put up 40 years ago. They regulate and invigorate stomacn, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules. "biacx Ligntning." In photographs of lightning, streaks of "black lightning" are often seen branching out from the main white flaBh, and people have long wondered what these were. IJ is now found, says the Scientific American, that they are due to the over-exposure of the photographic plate and the ."re versal" of the negative into a posi tive, j What Ails You Do you feel weak, tired, despondent, have frequent head ache), coated tongue, bitter or bad taste in morning, "heart-burn," belching ol ga, acid risings in throat after eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spells, poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and kindred symptoms P If you have any considerable number of the above symptoms yon are suffering from bilious ness, torpid liver with indigestion, or dyspepsia. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is made up of the most valuable medicinal principles known to medical science for the permanent cure of such abnormal conditions. It is a most efficient liver invigorator, stomarh tonic, bowel regulator and nerve strengthener. The "Golden Medical Discovery" is not a potent medicine or secret nostrum? a full list of its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested' under oath. A glance at these will show that it contains no alcohol, or harm ful habit-forming drugs. It is a fluid extract made with pure, triple-refined1 glycerine, of proper strength, from the roots of native American medical, forest plants. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Props., Buffalo, N. Y. ir MEN Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discourages and lesnene AMPl ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear WPiMFN when the kidneys are out of H VU1L,M order or dineaned. For good kidney remedy. At druggists. Sample bottle by Address. Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Hard to Satisfy. "I always kiss him when I am In aeed the money." ''And do you always get it?" "Always." "Then why that faraway, doubtfu' 'ook In your eyes?" "I am just trylnsr to decide whether he lets me have the money because lie likes to have me kiss him, or be ause he wants me to stop." . Merely Suggested. "I see where stripes and the lock step are to be abolished In the Minn? sota state penitentiary because the; depress convicts." "Very thoughtful on the part of th reformers. Perhaps they will nex r.bolish steel cages and barred win dows because they give sensitive so icurners that pent-up feeling." Striking Personality. "Do you observe his calm. Judlcia' eye?" Vt. "His breadth of shoulder? Hif firm-set mouth? His powerful Jaw?" "I do." "Well, there stands a man who wrote '1911' the first time he tried i- and has been writing the year cor rectly ever since." Punishment Fit the Crime. "I think that when an able-bodler" man comes around to a kitchen door and has the nerve to ask for some thing to eat he should be punlshec" in some manner." 'So do I; why don't you make ar example of the next one?" "How can I?" "Give him some of .your cooking.' Still Running. "What did that cowar!'y gossir Gabbie, say when you maie your an nouncenunt that you Intended t'- horsewhip him for his remarks about your family?" "I didn't catch what you said." "How was that?" . "Oh, It was some kind of a running comment" TO AVOID SICKNESS You must keep the stom ach and liver in an active condition, the bowels free from constipation and the blood pure. For this work HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS has been used success fully for 58 years. Try a bottle today for Poor Appetite. Indigestion Malaria Dyspepsia Colds & Grippe Fever & Ague All Druggists & Dealers His Established Record. A detachment of United States sig nal corps stationed at Fort Meyer, Va., 3as established a record for agility shlch will be difficult to beat. It has leveral times recently unpacked its Tireless outfit, erected the antenna, hlch is 40 feet high, and put every hlng in readiness for service In the ihort space of 68 seconds. This plant .s capable of exchanging messages at i distance of 25 miles. Mothers wfl find Mrs. WInsloWs Soothing Byrup tue brst reraedv to Use foi tneir cuiiuiea luriug the teething period. Child Safe in Sunday School. An unusual experience was that of the three-year-old daughter of Ser geant Daviesof the Shrewsbury (Eng. police, who disappeared the other Sunday and was vainly sought for throughout the night. It was not until noon the next day that the child was found peacefully sleeping in Holy Trin ity school. Sbe had been inadvertent 'y locked in the building after attend ing Sunday school. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINT MENT fails to cure any case of Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 60c. Beautiful Labrador Coast. Doctor Grenfell says that the Lab rador coast, which he knows so well, Is every whit as beautiful as that of Norway, and he is working on a chart which will be accurate enough to guide pleasure craft through the bays and channels of that shore. There is really nothing to go to Europe for but the ruins. Youth's Companion. One Way. A Scotch student, supposed to be de ficient In judgment, was asked by a professor, in the course of his exam nation, how he would discover a fool. 'By the questions he would ask," was the prompt and highly suggestive reply Tit-Bits. Unappreciated Favor. 'Did you kiss papa before you came out for the walk, dearie?" 'No. man: ma. But I nsked Julie to do it for me." The walk is called off. Journal Amusant. All Off. "Can I see Miss Chick?" asked A. Rooster of Old Chanticleer?" 'No," was the reply; "she la get ting dressed for dinner." More Immediate. "Here's an affecting poem entitled 1st Youth.'" "Don't talk to me. dollar." Has Been at Work Long. In Sherbrooke, Canada, a power company began work on a dam, and Id the bottom of the river discovered a perfect well, round and smooth bored. The engineers followed it down-and found the well was SO feet deep and still boring. A round stone, whirled by the rush of the river, had been bor lng for how many million years? It was still whirling, turbinelike, and still borings New York Press. rtlat.mn.r . i : - 1 1 . e in an us lorms, among an apes oi Dorses and dogs, cured and others in the same sta- I'll? If 1 C . C J, l M I1UU1 AA.t.lllg (Ub 1 . ,,.,11 Spohn's Distemper Cure. Every bottl (.norantiwul C t ."Vifl fil i HnHlnd firtlil Inet year. $.50 and $1.00.' Good druggists, or iid to nianuiacuirers. aitciiis wanicu. Write for free book. Rpohn Med. Co., Spec. Contagious Diseat.es, Goshen, Ind. V.'orld's Jewish Population. The numbers of Jews in the world Is 11,625,658. Of theee 1.903,926 are in America. The only country In the world having a larger Jewish popula tion is Russia, with 5,082.242. In the list of cities showing the percentage of Jews to the population Jerusalem comes first with 65 per cent., and then Lodz, 49.59; Odessa, 33.75, and Warsaw, 33.36. The Jewish popula tion of London is 2.28 per cent. But tne l runxmakers prosper. ' ."Here!" shouted the railway official, what do you mean by throwing those Irunks around like that?" The porter asped In astonishment, and several :ravelers pinched themselves to make lure that It was real. Then the offl :lal spoke again. "Don't you see that rou'ra making big dents in the con :rete platform?" Short Stories. Only One "BROMO QUININE" rhat Is LAXATIVE BKcMO QUININE. Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Uoad the A' arid over to Cure s Cold in One Day. 26c The Difference. Minister "Now, Tommy, suppose you did something naughty and were asked if you did it, what would you say?" Tommy "I dunno." "You don't know? Why, why? What would happen if you told a lie?" "The devil'd get me." "That's right. And what if you told the truth?" "I'd get th' dev il " Cleveland I.rsder. One Point Lacking. The story is told In Barry O'Brien's book on John Bright how, on one oc casion, Sydney Smith, while looking critically at the unfinished portrait of a celebrated Nonconformist divine, said to the artist: "Do you not think you could throw into the face a strong er expression of hostility to the estab lished church?" His Salary. "Ts your young man gittin' a sal'ry. "Melia?" "Sure he is. An' what's mo', de boss tol William he's gwlne to double It." "Dat's fine! How much Is he gittin' now?" "I dunno what he's gettin" now. but I speck It's some fin' like hMf vnt h"' ewlneter git." Mmwwt GREGQti AND WASHINGTON FARM I ANDS Lought and Sold HARRY M. COURTRIGHT Yeon BIdg., Portland. Ore. Quite ao, "Why is the public always bullish la the market?" "That's natural enough. ' It is hard for the public to grasp ;the idea that anything Is pvp- em' fin-n In orice." II . . i 1 V . V rj4 . t.-Jy iilf'l'iafitiiiiirra MliaT'! is not a "food" it is a medidne, and the only medicine in the world for cows only. Made for the cow and, as its name Indicates, a cow cure. Barrenness, retained afterbirth, abortion, scours, cak ?d udder, and all similar affections positively and quickly cured. No o-.e who keeps cows, whether many or fewj tic afford to be without "Kow-Kar. It it made especially to keep'cows liealthjr Our book "What to Do When 'Your Cows Are Sick" .sent free Ask your local dealer for 'Kow-Kut; "orsend to the manufacturers. Dairy Association Co, J.yndonv'Ua, Vt. f Send for our select list of FIFTY CALIFORNIA PAPERS You can insert display ads in the entire list for FIVE DOLLARS AN INCH THE DAKE ADVERTISING AGENCY, Inc. Vi 427 So. Main St. LOS ANGELES. 12 Geary St. SAN FRANCISCO lllk;A.V!M ! &Sk2E 111 ALCOHOL 0PIUKS TOBACCO VFmbits Positively Cored. Unly ai:Utorizel ieeley in stitute in Oregon. Writ for illustrated circular. sEttfT IXSTITU"- 71 E.1 1 TH . Painless Dentistry is our pride otir hobby our Btndy for jrrnri mnl now our success, and ours ia the tx st j ainlPr-a work to oe found any hero, no matter bow much 70a pay. Compare our Prlcea, &T?"K'-W& T,KS3f- WjfaSvsf- j e nniTi pinto and ' ; .. ' ? 4 britlno work for out- of -town patron in one day if dMtire-1. fainli'U sxtriK-ticn j. live wnen p mlt or . i nridtfe work ia ortler- ..- xt'Jed. Coiuultition Ires. M HolstCrs-iiS $5.00 , 1 22V Bridge Teeth4. CO I Gold rulings 1.03 ' . j Enimol Fillings 1.00 ' . ? . , , 4 - V i Silver Fillings .50 -I I fl,lM 5.00 aL-J fuiS 7.50 Painless EiVtion ,0U BEST METHODS Als work fully guaranteed for fifteen years. Wise Dental Co.,inc Painless Dentists Filling Building, Third end Wsshlnrton PORTLAND. ORE Olnee Basra: H.H.UII.W. luuUys, IU1 A SMALL FARM With water when the crop needs it pro duces more than a large ranch without. BUY 5 OR 10 ACRES OF ML w. A. WISE, NntMvr urn Mtiuii ts run otamom rtmiH In Marion Co. Sj S. E. of Salem. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Bankers. Osssber ef Cosnstrot Buittss.. Perdui, Or, Maaaten. Brucs 06a ea sW Crssnis si Weil Sbrtea. P N U No. 12-'ll w HEX writing to advertisers plea mention this paper. W. L. DOUGLAS IHI 2233?&'4SH0Esr.'.!iIll W. L. Douglas shoes cost more to make than ordinary shoes, because higher grade leathers are used and selected with greater care. These are the reasons why W. L. Doualas shoes are guar anteed to hold their shape, look and fit better and wear longer than anv other shoes you can buv tvBFWARf or suBsrmTFs.m me genuine nave w. I, uougia name ana tne retail price stamped on the bottom, which guarantees full value f inrl nrAtsirla ikssursaarap Airainst liiari ntvir-a anrl snfsipinpasirssitL " . V REFUSE SUBSTITUTES CLAIMED TO BE' JUST AS GOOD' t for Mnii UrOer Omlni;. Sh.xn -nl rtirf.t fr tn fm-tory t" wpinvr, ail crvf tSOTS oHOFi preputl. V, JU. Doyxlst, 143 ftrk St., ltrocklOM. aftuaa $2.OO,f2.604$OO PUTNAM FADELESS DYES I'Te Just lost Color more roods brtehter and faster colors than any other dye. One lOcpackage colorssilk, wool and cotton equally well ,and 13 guaranteed to rive penect result. Asa oeaier, or we will send postpaid at iuc a pactaee. write lor nee Doonues I saw to dye, blch aud aux colors MONKO- DRUG COluPANY, Culncy, IUinola.