Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 02, 1911, Image 7

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    rwnrer May B. UeeftM.
No doubt many use. can be found
for a tattler's xlttmoe and yet when
rou have your gun with you and you
Und one Within range, you kill It on
principle, not that you are afraid of
It biting you but that thr la a
shanoe of if biting the next thing, hu
man or otherwise, that comes alone.
Ptrttit'a fye Salve.
No matter how badly the eyes may
ub uiBtsuseu or injured, restore normal
:onditions. All druggists or Howard
Bros., cunaio, in. I.
Ancient Cannon Ball.
Two iron cannon balls, which hove
been dug up in High street, Walton,
Suffolk, are believed to have Seen
Bred In 1687, when the Dutch landed
at Rae Pond Bottom.
ic in
The experience of Motherhood Is a
.tying one to most women and marks
iistinetly an epoch in their lives. Not
v one woman In a hun
Jdred Is prepared or
Understands how to
Wouerlvcare forh6r.
- . . -
I sell. Of course near
ly every woman now
adays lias medical
treatment at the
'time of child-birth
)but many approach
the experience with
in organism unfitted for the trial of
itrength, and when the strain is over
ler system has received a shock iron
vhich it is hard to recover. Pollow-
ng right upon this conies the nervous
itrain of caring for the child, and a
unuiiii, cuunge in uiu muuier results.
There is nothing more charmingthan
l happy and healthy mother of chil
Iren, and indeed child-birth under right
;uiuuuons neea oe no nazara toneaitn
r beauty. The unexplainable thing is
ihat, with all the evidence of shattered
lerves and broken health resulting
.i ;iu tin uiiicjiirt'U cuiiuiuoil, women
Km persist ingoing blindly to the tnaL
It isn't as though the experience
:ame upon them unawares. They have
imple tiine in which to prepare, but
,ney, ror trie most part, trut to chance
ma pay the penalty.
In many homes once childless there
ire now children because of the fact
;hat Lydia E. rinkham's Vegetable
Compound makes women normal,
lealthy, and strong.
Any woman rlio would like
ipecial advice In regard to this
natter is cordially invited to
prrite to Mrs. lMiikbam at Lynn,
llass. Her letter will be held In
itrict confidence.
Tonseth Floral Company
' Special attention given to out-of-town orders.
325 Morrmon St. Portland.
Dark Woodwork 8hould Not Be Tol.
crated and Gloomy Paper Should
Be Avoided.
In nearly every city house there Is
always sure to be one 'dark and
gloomy room. It casts Its depression
upon all who enter It, and yet one
Is often at a loss as to what should
be done dissipate the lugubrious ef
fect It should be dealt with ruthlessly.
White paint and enamel should be
used with a generous hand. Dark
woodwork should not be tolerated,
and dull or gloomy paper should be
avoided. Hang the room In a paper
of suny yellow hues, put up only cur
tains of thin net, and decorate your
walls with pictures framed In white
and gold and silver gray frames.
Many mirrors, If possible, should be
used, for they aid wonderfully in
brightening a dark room, but they
must not be hung too high, as they
will only reflect the ceiling, while they
should catch' the cherful flame of an
open fire and repeat its gleam.
No one thing is more successful In
destroying the depressing atmos
phere of a room than an Inside win
don box. This box can be made at
tractive by a thin covering of brass
or copper that will add to the bright
ness of the room, and the plants
should be chosen with' an eye to their
When the furniture In your dark
and depressing room has been covered
with a gay cretonne and magazines.
books and papers have been strewn
atfout, this room, which filled every
one with a feeling of aversion and
discomfort, will become the favorite
resort of the family.
8 he Keep a Secret.
Coroner's Detective Frank PsuJhat.
an amusing experionoe recently and
he has not as yet decided whether It
waa a JoVW or the truth. The cir
cumstances are those:
Paul waa sitting In his office,
meditating on the ways of the world
In general. The telephone bell rang.
"Hello," said the detective. In hla
best manner.
"Come down bcre, quick, said an
agitated feminine voice, "there's a
murder being done."
"What is the address?" asked the
vigilant sleuth, "and I'll be down
right away."
"It'a none of your- business," was
the snappy rerly. and the receiver
waa hung up with a bang.
Your druinr'.Kt will refund money if PAZO OIN1
MKNT fuila tocure any core of Itching, blind,
Hleedinff or Protruding l'ile in 6 to 14 days. 60c,
Ready to Esa Surprised.
"So fur," said Brother Dickey,
"though 1 bad my ear ter de groun.',
ter ketch de amalles' soun', I ain't
heerdno footsteps er Mister Chris'
maa oomln' my way, an' I reckon he's
gwlne ter take me by surprise by giv
a me a whole h.o" .
Concrete Floor for Ship.
Concrete floors were tried In a num
ber of wooden vessels carrying oro
and coal on the Great Lakes as a sub
stitute for wooden floors, which suffer
severely from the clamshell . buckets.
The concrete Boers are said to 6tand
the wear well. '
Diphtheria, Quinsy und Ton:lits begin
with sore thrna'. llow much better to
cure a 8or thro it in a dnv or t o thiirt to
be in lied for we. ks w ith 1 phthera. Jusi
keep Huuiiins Wizard OUin the house.
Pardonable Pride.
"My grandfather" the young mat
Treasure Discovered at Langford Hill
a Jacobean House Near Buds,
Cornwall, England.
Two pieces of ancient tapestry which
were recently discovered at Langford
ui, a Jacobean house near Bude
Cornwall, have been sold for $33,000
ai Messrs. Puttlck and Simpson's
rooms. The purchaser was Capt. H
kind nay.
The principal piece, measuring 13
feet 4 Inches by 13 feet 9 inchea, was
one or a set of panels of fifteenth cen
tury arras tapestry, originally belone
mg 10 Cardinal Wo'sey and represent
ing tne seven deadly sins. Three of
the panels are now hanging at Hamp
ton court pa?ace. The second Diece
of tapestry was part of a frieze, 14 feet
by 2 feet 4 inches, originally made for
riampton court palace. Small nieces
or me frieze still hang there In the
Great hall.
The tapestry was fojnd packed away
m a dox at Langford Hill. The house
belongs to two maiden ladies, who
were unaware that their roof was har
boring such treasures. It was stated
in the saleroom that some years ago
the panel, packed in a box and de
scribed as a carpet, was sold at auo
tlon for $7.50. London Chronicle.
ALL MEN ARE CREATED EGOS egrtdfaJDtrUHvaedttUoCha grelrtd
Endowed by Creator With Certain In.
alienable Somethings of Which
Nothing Can Deprive Them.
age. Three times after his seventieth
birthday he was taken in by the con
fidence trick."
An ego Is a Latinized I. All men are
-rested egos and endowed by their
creator with certain inalienable some
things of which neither statute, ukase,
edict, lnjuncllon, beggar, magnate,
book agent nor promoter can deprive
them. He who steals my purse steals
trash, but he who filches from me my
ego takes that of which he already has
enough and makes me not at all.
Women without votes have egos, and.
strangely enough, would still have
them if they secured the votes. Hence
egos are not a political Issue.
An ego Is what a man Is when he
has nothing and is nothing else; that
Is to say, be Is then first person
singular and no particular gender.
An ego Is neither soul, body, spirit.
family, country nor race. It Is neither
moial nor pathological. A criminal has
just as much ego as a parson and no
more. Some egos are better man
others chiefly our own. Life.
T"- in ami 1 1 i innrafirT'j'
the keystone
to health
CDCC Boy and rirlxl Do you want a -rood
Not a toy. Takes good pictures. Send ad-drees-
we will forward 24 pairs, of Postal
Cards. Sell them to your friends and neigh
bors at l(Ni per pkg. Ketum the money to ua.
We will then Bend you this camera ABSO
LUTELY FREE. Write today.
THE HELPIRS. Ellsworth. Clarke Co.. Wash.
The Dttalla,
"D'you recollec old wot's-ls-neme?"
Tm with the oollarr "Al Wot
baht '1m?" '"E 'ad to go down (Jerk
of the head) you know they glv 'lm
wot you call It didn't arf git it I
don't think!" "Reely!" "'Adn'tyou
'eard, then V "I did 'ear aomeflng, but
no details, not fr- ww." Punch.
"Fire Fan."
Traveler (In a railway car, to fellow
passenger) : "Sir, what do you mean?
This Is the third time you have put
out ray match." Fellow traveler:
"Force of habit, Tm a member of a
volunteer fire brigade."
' a
In the Face of Pain.
Instances of bravery In the face of
the most Intense pain are of dally oc
currence, but even in cases oi aii
flcult and tedious operations the at
tention paid to them Is slight unless
they are undergone as a result of self
sacrifice. A case where a friend sac
rifices a few pieces of skin to be
grafted on a victim of burns or scalds
will be told of at length, while the man
who suffers just as much pain from a
brokon leg Is not considered worthy of
mention. The man who lies gasping
for breath with an attack of Inter
costal neuralgia is sometimes consld-.
ered a laughable spectacle, but a
sprained and swollen wrist would gain
him prompt sympathy and help. The
amount of pain that Is endured gen
erally is not taken into consideration;
the circumstances of the case form the
asls for the opinions of the outsider
We cannot emphasize too
strongly the importance of
keeping the stomach and
bowels in an active condi
tion in order to avoid sick
ness. The Bitters will do
this, also prevent Stomach
Ills, Colds and Grippe. Try it.
Victory for Hellenists When Congrega
tion and Not Convocation Declines
to Make Language Optional.
Humanity Is rot dead after all. Ox
ford sticks to Greek. It is a great vic
tory for the Hellenists, for It waa con
gregation and not convocation which
declined to make Greek optioral for
all. Xo one can say that the country
parsons did it, or that expert opinion,
all those who are actively concerned
In running the university, were In fa
vor of the change and overborne by
outside reaction brought up for the
purpose. Greek must have equal
rights with Latin. The ordinary un
dergraduate should be made to know
something of both and If he is to be
aliowed to do with on'y one, Greek
must have as good a chance of being
taken as Latin. This, as Prof. Gilbert
Murray says, will save Greek at the
public schools. For the specialist, the
mathematical or science man, we have
always been willing to let him off
Greek; though In our Judgment It will
generally be better for him If ho Is
not let off. Saturday Review.
When You Think
Of the pain which many women experience with every
month it makes the gentleness and kindness alvravs oci
w.ith womanliood seem to be s!uiot a miracle.
While in general no woman rebels against what she re
gards as a natural necessity there is no woman who would
Wt gladly be free from this recurring period of pin.
Dr. Plcrco'a Favorite Prescription mithea
weak women strong and sick women
well, and Hires them freedom from pain.
ti etiianusnea regularity, subdues lr.t;a:n iiX'
tnatlqn, heals ulceration and cures fj. """" J rv
malo weakness.
wumcn are mvitca to consult Dr. Tierce by li-ter, 1; I
free. All correspondence strinrlv nrlvn. h t..
com.dent.al. U nte w.thout fear and without fee to World', Dispensary MsdV.
leal Assoctat.on, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y.
If you want a book that tell, all about woman', disease., en'd how to cur
them at home, .end 21 one-cent .tamp, to Dr. Pierce to pay cost of mafhnl
cnl,, .nd he w.ll .end you i free copy of hi. great thousind-pe 1 ustra ed
Common Sense Medical Adviser-revised, up-to-date edition, in paper cove,
lu handsome cloth-binding, 31 .tamp.. v&- -ovcr.
I U & - J h'i 7-, A fWtfvI
Not only do we ruaranfee our work, but wai
pmmife to t!o it quickly, pa.nlmxly and carefully.
The below priced spej-.k U.r themselves.
5 '
'ik (ft M".
A 1
No new theonea but actual handlinsr
and flying standard machines. Easy
to learn. Thouxandn of dollars to be
made crivinir exhibitkai flitrhta at
fairs, etc Write for full details.
1924 Third Street
The heat Ftomach and Lire r Pill, kno
and a positive and snwly cure fi-r Con
itipation. Indigestion. Jaundice, Uilious
nfs, klottoi)iach, llnaila. he, and ail ail
aients ariKintt from a dtMirdcml stomach
sralmiish lirer. I unheitatinftly recom
wnd UieK pills a. Iinr the bent laxative
nd csthart.c ever comp unded. Jet a
&cen bottle and if you are not perfectly
lufled I will refund your ui"nev.
L, U mm,J LJ oTHmJ
f.j Couchs I Colds
Wanted a Family.
Pat, who has Just come over fron.
the old country, was very much afraid
of women, and, If the truth were.
known, was very unattractive to the
fair sex. Consequently he had never
When he applied for employment
the man rejected him because he
wasn't married and didn't have a fam
ily. Thereupon Pat -decided to marry.
He had seen a sign over a restau
rant which read:
"Families served here," so Pat
braced himself and Went In. "Do you
serve families here?" he asked.
"Yes, Blr," said the clerk at the
Pat reached for his wallet in hia
hip pocket, and carefully removing a
greasy bill said:
"Well, give me a wife and two children."
No Danger of Any Mistake.
1 say, a man of the same name as
mine has just been run in for fraud
know." "Don't alarm yourself, my
dear fellow. Everybody knows you
can't get money on credit at all."
Mothers wnl find Mrs. Wlnrtow. Soothing
Syrup tue brat remedy to usefoi their caiiiiibd
luring to. teething period.
All Had Done Time.
Ton know lira. Van Gilder's fart
fly portrait gallery that she started
last yearr "Yes." "Well, that great
criminal detective offlor who guarded
tb wedding presents when Frostie
Van Glider married the oldest De
Graft boy, told me that he recognizes
seven of the portraits, and they had
all flnna Mm A vhnt.ira. that rrtaana
Tender Hearted,,
Mr. Silas Pikweed steps into 4he
long corridor of the Upthere building.
He gazes at the row of elevator gates,
squinting with some amazement at
their iron bars. He g'ances apprehen
sively at the e'evator starter, who,
with star on breast and brass buttons
onhls uniform, is an Imposing sight,
"Is is there a feller of the name of
James Raddon In In here?" Sllaa
Yes 1435, answers the starter
'How, long's he been In been
"Since last May. Want to see him?"
"No, no.al guess not."
And Silas aftnost tiptoes back to the
street, where he stops and sighs and
murmurs to himself:
"Poor Jim! His pa told me the
number of the street where I could
End him, but I bet his pa doesn't
know about it I ain't got the heart
to let Jim see me while he Is In dis
grace this way. I'll jest go back home
an' tell his folks I couMn't find the
place." Judge.
The Apothecary's Affidavit.
A highwayman, named Bolland, con
fined in Newgate, sent for a solicitor to
know how he could defer his trial, and
waa answered, "by getting an apothe
cary to make affidavit of his Illness."
This waa accordingly done In the fol
lowing manner: "The deponent verily
believes, that if the said James Bol
land la obliged to take hla trial at the
ensuing session, he will be In Im
minent danger of hla life;" to which
the learned judge on -the bench an
swered that he verily believed so, too.
The trial waa ordered to proceed im
When You
Take Cold
I One way is to pay no attention
tp it; at least not until it de
velops into pneumonia, or
bronchitis, or pleurisy. An
other way is to ask your doc
tor about Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral. If he says, " The best
thing for colds," then take it.
Do as he says, anyway.
We pablUh our (onlw
W bsntth alftohol
lYem rmlioiaa
W nrr yon to
oontu t you
d actor
No Chancft for Another.
If I should die what kind of a wife
would you pick for your second?"
clash of habiU. nSS.fh..--. ."kK'
"Don-t ever fear If I ever get rid bloodinstead of bein.d.ilv removed from
of you there'll never be another wife the bodv as nature intended. Knowini
In my family," answered the brute, this danger, doctors alwavs inquire about
Toledo R' the condition of the bowels. Ayer's Pills.
'" k tfcs J. C. Aj.r Co.. LaU. Mm. .
All Others - Imitations.
"The English word 'flirt,' both as
verb and noun, has been adopted by
the German speaking people of this
city," says a Vienna letter, "but it
is usually pronounced 'fleert.' A young
woman, Kaiuilla Palffy, delivered a
lecture a few days ago In the hall of
the Merchants' association on 'Flirt
and Love.' The lecture was Illustrat
ed with Btereopticon views. The evo
lution of the flirt was shown from the
antique, rural, 'old-fashioned' to the
perfect American.' There was some
discussion among the Americans who
heard the talk as to whether giving
our country first place was a compli
ment or a 'knock,' and no one seemed
to know just which side to take. Onj
demure American girl said: 'The art,
like the word, is American all others
are imitations,' and no one contradicted.'
Their Great Commercial Value.
"There Is as much difference be
tween thoroughbred and ordinary
plants as between thoroughbred and
ordinary animals." This siatem.;i:t
is made by D. M. Ferry & Co., of De
troit, the greatest flower and vege-
taoie breeders in the country, anl
appears in their 1911 Annual Caia
logue just issued. They argue for the
great value and economy of iuorou.?ii
bred seeds. "Any fundamental na
tural law which applies to animals ap
plies equally to plants." A good cow
(i. e. a thoroughbred) eats no more
than a poor one, but may give twice
as much butter-fat. "Good blood"
makes as much difference with corn
as with cows. " But thoroughbred
plants, like thoroughbred animals,
are not produced in one or two gener
ations, for no matter how superior an
individual of common origin may be,
its nroKency are as a rule like the
general run of its antecedents. Hence
the re'jd for seedsmen like D. M.
Ferry & Co. They have experience,
the best- plant breeding equipment In
the United States, and the business
acumen to sell only such seeds as
have r.een bred from the choicest
stocks for many generations.
D. M. Ferry & Co.'s Seed Annual
for 1911 may be had free of charge
by writing to them at Detroit, Michi
gan. , It contains much of interest
for those who think.
Full Set of Teeth J5.0O
br.dKc Work or Teeth Without
Plates J3.50 toJE.O
Gold Crowns . $3.50 to JS.Ui
Porcelain Crown $4.SO to $5.00
Gold or Porcela.n Fillings (1 Ls
Silver FillirifH SOC to St
Hours. 8 A. M. to 3 P. M.. Sundays. 9 to 12.
Union Dental Co.
F ntwd Mon-BuSU.. PORTLAND OR1.
lo Kerrcva rvriaew.
If kid gloves have become spcttecL
with mildew they should be i laced in.
a bottle with a lump of ammonia about,
the size of a walnut; cork the bottl
tighly and -leive them for a short,
time, when t!:e mildew spots wilL
quite disappear. If left too lor.g. how
ever, the ammonia will rot 'tta
stitches; so they must be watched
An air-tight box will to equally wcUi
as a bottle.
wcured. Book oi accurata
mormat on frr1 on ret;uraU.
J. L MOO. ?B Surd r Ireit E!d PortUmL Ik.
(Late o- U. a. in. eat Otic. HMhinat oo. iK. C)
WP WFI fl broken machinery n castnm
Cm If tLU oi ait kinds by a new proc&t
mak njr them as pcod an re. Machine worik rsf
all kinds. We tix any oid thin?. FiiUod
tteUint CatHBT. 30S Uui St Fbw Mia 67ti futLa uc
Write for catalogues and literature. Develops
and printing. Mail orders given prompt attention
f ortiand -noto Supply Co
149 Third Street POkTLAND. DRR.
in V iiginia.
A few Sundays Bince, in a small
schr-ol at Independence, Va., the sub
ject was "The Wise and Foolish Vir
gins." One of the teachers asked the
class the following question: "Which
of the Invited guests did not have
their lamps trimmed and burning?"
The one to respond was a pretty little
girl. "Can you answer the question,
Molly?" asked the teacher. "Oh, yes,
sir," said the little girl, "It was the
foolWh Vire'-'-- llonthly.
Real Tough Luck.
Our Cedar Point correspondent Is
recovering from a stroke of paralysis,
the editor's office was burned, and the
Bulletin's head reporter is about to
write up her own wedding. It Is what
you might call tough luck all around
Klorenro -p-'V"-
Kend ?c fftnrrp rnr f e tr rIe or o r vrv l ect fcrjl
Kn l oel Hirhdny V loner end (-tol I'm h J os.a
CitrdH- beautiful color a d Joielipw dti rn& Art
Foei -llard Clan, -k Jackson St.. Joi-eka. Kitn.
I 1 Leadv.We.
E. UUHTOX A waver nrl Chemii.
CoJorauo. Six-oui.fn hnc. i-ohl
Hilvt r. Lead. JI. Goid, BUter. 16c; GoitL 50c: Z.no
or Oofper. tt. Meilims rnvelopw a d full price li?fc
R-nioaanpiicmion. lon'roi a-a tmp-rp worK
uciltvo. AtiXurenoe: Ciaxbcimte acnuui '
Advice fiven on rll rtrnTtfrs rrrninintr i r Vn-r
ffetids e9f.Tt Lund. 1 irrber ( liiinm. Minina. Irr"
(10 . e'e, Apn.-hln rtrenired: Bti our vri'a.
ivr iii!oriTJi;ion. Gro.er ljin-. ir.nde. iitty. Wiipliiu
. Ik i rornerlv Law kzuu.iiitir. L& d i.fii.A.
Centistry on the Pruific Coast la eifH-uti1'. neiret
have built up oar reputaiiou on it. You'iai
depend on quality and cannot get bottar pwini't sa
'"orJt an v whore, no iratter bow luutb you uff.
i hn Jce work for co
, )f-towa ffoxrotxt ii
rfr it 4i rtwi.
' PuLnla s ojrtrK'tkka
,j. fr- when d ( ?
1 bridge work i ordar
3 i. Cormiluiien (rsrfc
iMalarCrvwnt S5.C?
22fc Bridge Tecti.4.Cfl
Gold mnw V G 3
I have been usinsr Cascarets for In-
jomnia, with which I have been afflicted j Wf 3f flAKfn I tfrt Tr-r.
for twenty year., and I can say that Cas- W iC JL?CUia CCJ.,InC
! GoJ Ribbar
4 W.n O.UlX
3nt Red Rubber-
J pw.t 7.5TI
fill. W. L nil, Pnm ib Miuui rVnletl E.tr'tlon .Oit
11 run uiinain a timu BIST Hcthocs
AJU work fullr ruarauteed for nfteea Tears.
W... &a
Hard to Lasso.
"So Twiggs has had enough of ranch
"He told us when he left that It
would not take long to get a line on
the west."
"So he did, but Twigps made a bij
mlfta"ke when he first got out there by
trying to get a line on a rampant
carets have iriven me more relief than n.
other remedy I have ever tried, I shall
certainly recommend them to my friend.
a being all that they are represented."
Thos. Gillard, Elnn, ia
Pl-ananC Palatable, folrnu late (loort.
Do Goor1 Never Mck -n. WiV)n or tlrtpa
10c. ibc 60c. Nov.t Hold m bulk. Te rav.
sine tablet stamped CCC. UuaranMed to
etir. or rour munev hack.
Painless Dentists
fa!Hf!li.. Third and WasMncton PODTtaNO, Oflt
ClUoKcu: . a. II. to s . U. ImluklUl
No. S-1!!
XTTHKlf wrtt'nt; to artrertiser. please
l lueiiMoa thig jisper.
"Tes, sir," said the trust mtignate,
proudly, "I'm the architect of my own
"Well." rejoined the friendly critic
"all I've got to say Is that It's a lucky
thing for you there were no building
Inspectors around when you waa con
structing it"
Doea Nothing Else.
Hoja (at the show) "That pretty
chorus g!rl 01 the left threatened to
Irave the company unless she was
given a speaking part.
Tondlx "Did she get it?"
Hr.Ja "You bet she did. The man-
rear married her."
TEArrr V
I., MT.,,
Trre arelamnPtr at cot mor. hat tNpp is no hvtTr limp TnxJp at any
V"uw n"t-i-i in wna onirss: nusf I niHTwf rat it knri i i.n in
ornrirrent to anv rtom n anr hor. 1 he r 1 5 p.i hiru kn n t. th nrt
""-"' a,.iin - j ran loinf Tirf 01 in K A 1 (. t nn'D n 1 .rrt
r'rma iv,e. p-Tfry d'-n -r ptittw hf rr. If nil at Tour, writ turn
desert pure ctrrtilar to the narst fsa-ncT of the
J A I . . . . .
lira's, 3.oo a 4 shoes WoKis
FACTOKIKS Al BUtXKI'ON HIAsS, aixl ae li,.w
Carefully W. L. IKimlas ,l s ro I?, you wmutl thrn un.ler
Btan l Why dollar for loi;r t,iy are u.raiiteel to hold tiieir
.nape. 10 K ami nt tw Iter ami iur l.-i-r tuaa any otiwr $..(!,
$ t.5)nr sli.x ji jou ra;i Imy. yu.ility rounta. It baa uia.c
lnt'ls vSoe a hmiaehol. wr-l erprrwhere.
Xt. L. O iiiclu name unit h re-ftl price am mampea
on the bolt. .in. which Is a nfrrnaH ag-aln.t iuh!liiite,
the Irrte Tluf of whl h are nnknown. Kelu all thM
ill-tilnle. Ynit are entitled to h beat. Il.it apoa
hUTin? the rrnnlnr VT. I I?1 shoe.
r ...... j. . - , . .1 .... , . vi .. , iu'
Ordei Cik,i- l UvUi.u, ii aylrfc au, ttmkiM. Um. 1.00 t2.504Sa.Oa