$50,000 Cash Raising SALE Spscia! ' Bargain Pearl Buttons per card 3c Embroidery Luster Cotton 3c Large Cotton Huck Towels 8c Mens Dress Shirts the 75c and $1.00 AQ grades at -sv Boys' Waist Overalls The 40c and 50c values - 1VV Boys' Knitted Yarn Sweaters 50c values 1 Q go at SS- Silk Neckties 35c and 50c kinds for 25c Hundreds of Special Bargains in Groceries Crockery and W fii J pAv v p u hh n ii it ii hi I iii L IvJLJ w L-J LJ 0 0 1 1 a ffivv J uy 0 J l ' GE BUSY! Buy Your Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes and Groceries, NOW, while YOU CAN SAVE BIG MONEY 50,000 Cash aistng LooK for the Big' Red Signs on't Wait ! Attend the Sale f riday or SATURDAY. Look at these prices Get your share of the BEST and BIGGEST Bargains ever known in Morrow . County. We do not want profit, but we must raise cash quickly and are making big sacrifices to get it. Mday. and Saturday ? ON SALE FROM 10 TO 11 A.M. 1000 Yards Best Calico in assorted Colors and figured patterns (Only 10 yards to each customer) 10 yds for c cials for Friday & Saturday Best Apron Ginghams in assorted colored checked patterns- OT 10 vds. limit Der vard 2000 yards Laces and Em- broderies, values up to 10c, per yard . . . Specials for Friday & Saturday 500 yards Dress Goods in fancy weaves and plaids just the thing for school dresses, values -fl T up to 35c, per yd JL Mens Heavy Underwear Sanitary Fleece lined Shirts or Drawers, C 60c values at MINOR c Special ' Bargains Boys Knee Pants Suits Values up to $5.50 $2.75 Young Mens Suits $6.95 Values up to $15.00 for Ladies Handkerchiefs White hemstitched with fancy Xr rnrners. each Best Table Oil Cloth ner vd 19c MT Mens Shoes The $300. values at Ladies Shoes and Slippers Worth up to $3 50 at Clothes Pins 3 dozen for - - J Thousands of tfier big bargains Entire Stock on Sale Now is the Time to SAVE MONEY Ieadersi of ,IUow Prices HEPPN Terms Strictly Cash. During this OREGON sai LJ km 1.95 95c i 1 1 u P p