The Heppner Gazette Entbli8bcv Mnreh SO. 188S. ISSUED THURSDAY MORNING. Yawtfr CiiAWFoni). E.i tired At the l'oFtol'.lce t Heppner Oregon, at. lecnnd -class matter. TaUBSPAY Feb. 191 THE CilSUri'll'S OriMIIITIXlTV Jn a short tlni the vulley will bo filled with onstorn homo Bookers brought here by the railroads as the good old summer time draws near, This is a good time for some of our grouchy citizens to reform and ac quire the habit of keeping still when inclined to say something uncompli mentary about the city or county. or about those people whom they may dislike. Lots of fairly good p jople are given to expressing doubt of this, that and the other situation, and by dropping a word at the wrong time can do irreparable harm Thought should be given to this and c are taken that no stranger within the gate shall meet w ith an express ion that is not enthusiastic. It this is a good enough city and county, to live in, it's sufficiently good to speak well of at any and all times. The citizen who cannot speak glowingly of his home town, and is unwilling to keep his grouch to himself, should hike out for some other place. Cor vallis will be glad to pay their trav elling expenses of any and all of these. Fortunately they are few, but there are a goodly number who coijld well afford to let a little more enthusiasm soak into their systems. This is a good time to practice up; put on the eheery smile for awile, and let It get well set, and then it wout wear off. Such a smile is a cash asset. Corval lis Daily Gazette-Times. What is true in Corvallls and Ben ton County is likewise true of Hepp ner and Morrow County. According to latest despatches th Executive Committees of the Union Pacific and Southern Pacific lines have voted to continue double-track Ing their lines from the Missouri river to San Francisco, and also to double-track the Oregon Short Line from its junction with the Union I'acilic main line at Granger, AVyo., to Huntinjrton. Ore. and the line along the Columbia river to Port land. These improvements contem plate an outlay of 875,000,000, and "Will be distributed over a period of five years. Another report, which appears to carry with it some weight of plausibility, is that the O-W.R.& K. Co. is about to move in the mat ter of extending the Heppner branch through to Vale thereby shortening the distance between Portland and Grainger at least 100 miles and sav ing five or six hours time. The company, as we understand already has the right of way and preliminary surveys have been made. If this change is made all fast through trains will pass this way, and it will prove a decided benefit to Morrow county. To our way of . thinking this change must come pome time and the sooner the better. Meantime let Morrow County grow! Don't kick but Boost. The very wide extent of the work of th! Oregon Aaricultural College is shown in the report just submitted by President Kerr touching the ac tivity of the college during the two year period of 190S-1910. He shows thut during the past biennium, more than 88,000 persons have actually p irtkipated in the work carried on by the college or under its direction Many thousands more have been supplied with bulletins issued by the college, circulars and jersonal cor resoondence. This shows what a great factor this institution is in ad vancing the agricultural, horticultu ral and livestock interests of the Htate. Died. v Postmaster Wallaca w. Sinead received the sad intelligence of th death of bis mother, Mrs. A. M, Lucas, at her home in Corning Cal on Friday last. Mrs. Lucas was ib years of fige ht t he time of her death. She was a pioneer resident of Orogon, com incr to tins state bv ox team m 1S64, and settied near Eola, Pidk county. About fifteen years Hgo she moved to California where she bus since resided. . Mr. Smead was unable to attend his mother in her last hours as he relieved word of her fatal illness too late. Card of Thanks Mrs. D. A. Herren and family desire to thank the neighbors friends, and members of the Odd Fellowd Lodge for the kind serv ices rendered durmg their recent berevement Herman Goetscb, better known as Jce Bush, died at the Kellv ranch laBt Friday evening, He was herding for 8. P. Devin and bis death occurred suddenly. The remains were buried at the Mas onic cemetery on Sunday. So far us known the man had no relatives in this country. Enhance the value of your own property by building up home in stitutions. Give your life insur ance and accident and health in surance to a home company and a home man. Bee L. W. Briggs and investigate bis propositions before insuring. j26tf. See the bargain table of crockery at Gilliam & Bisbee's. All work guaranteed Heppner Steam Laundry. 10. OO Reward; I will py $1000 reward for informa tion lead ma to the recovery of a brown horpe, weight about 1000 lbs., white hind feet, strip in face, broke to work and ride, branded horizontal B oo left shoulder. Last seen near the Jim Hayes place on Rhea creek. K. J. CARSNER, Spray, Oregon. . Crockery at your own price at Gilliam & Bisbee's. Why worry about your 'Sunday dinner? Go to the Patiioe Hotel a good meal, well served, prepared by all white help. " That new man at the laundry is doing the work. No need of sending auytbiug away. Heppner Steam Laundry. Grain of any description taken in exchange for Waitgburg and Idaho flour. Call on Phill Cohn. Notice of Stockholders' Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the regu lar annual meeting of the etoukboldera of the' Heppner Mining Co., will . be held at the office of Sam E. Van Vactor, in Heppner, Oresron, on the necond ft 1 T.-I I , luesuay oi r eurusry, Dei rig the 14th day of February, 191 1, at 2 o'clock p m. Thid meeting is for the purpose of electing officers and for any other business that mar appear. D. B. STALTER, Prea EDGAR B. AYERS, Sec. Dated at Ileppner, Oregon, January 10, 1911. . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at I aGrande, Oregon, Dec. 29th, 1910. Notice is hereby given that HENRY S. CRUMP, of Heppner, Oregon, who, on February 9th, 1904, made Homestead Entry No. 13330, Serial No. 04001, for 8E, Section 24, Towi ship 2 South, Range 27 East Willtinette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final five-year Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before 0 Kj, Patterson, U. 8. Commissioner, at liis office at Heppner, Oregon, on the 2lst day of February, 1911. Claimant names aa witnesses: Alex. Cornett, Thomas Matlock, Fred Crump, and John II. Williams, all of Heppner, Oregon. F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. Jn5-Feb9 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF MOR ROW COUNTY, OREGON. In the Matter of the Estate of STAN FORD HOWELL, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed admin stratrix of the estate of Stanford Howell deceased, by the Countv Court of Alor row County, Oregon, and has duly qual tied aa such administratrix. All per sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me at the office of my attorney, 8am E. Van Vactor, in Heppner, Oregon, on or before six months from the date the first publication of this notice. Dated and b ret published this 5th day of January, A. D. 1911. ADALINE HOWELL, Administratrix Sam E. Van Vactor, Attorney for Ad mimstratrix. Jan5Feb2 of l or Sale I A full-blooded, draft stallion. This animal can be seen at the Telephone Stables in Heppner after Feby. 1st. Can be seen now at ranch 6f Jas. Carty, Wells Springs. Age four years proven good toal getter. UAM II f OR SALE. I am offering for sale mv ranch at the head of Big Bnttercreek. This includes lands, sheep, all stock, implement?, etc, Terms, one-half cash, balance to sui tinrchacer. Inquire of G, 8., or F. F Huffoid, Heppner. Or. ' tf, For Sale, One Missouri Mammoth Jack. Very nee animal, thoioughly , warranted Apply at this office. d29-tf. OFFICERS W. O. MINOR, President ; J. II. McIIALEY, Vice-President W. S. WHARTON, Cashier DIRECTORS W. O. MINOR J. H. McHALEY W.G.SCOTT C. E. WOODSON W. S. WHARTON Bank of Heppner Capital, Fully Paid. -Undivided Profits - - $50 000 00 10.000.00 Four Per cent Interest paik on Time and Savings Deposits Your Banking Solicited The First National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON Established in 1887 Will, we are in for it good and tron;r and no mistake. Thin is rrouiiil liij,' day and he fixed us a jilenty. After nil this mild winter weather which came to micIi a ylori jous t'-rnii intion in a pood, soaking rain lai-t iiiht and left mother aarth wrapiK'd in aleautiful blanket ol tsnow this morning, the only ground Log iu town crawled out of his holet cast hi eyes around him, saw his ehadow, and lo, the great transact on was done. We are doomed to x weeks of winter yef to come and there U u help for It. ' As the pioneer bank of Morrow County, we have been identified with the business interests of this section for a long period. New business invited. Careful attention given transactions bv mail The Palace Hotel employs none bat white labor. Best meala iu town. Trv them for your Sunday dinner. Bran and Millfjsed, $24.00 per ton, Shorts $25.00 per ton at our store on Main street. This ia less than it costs to ship in the same grade of feed. Compare oar prices and you will patronize home in dustry. M. W..M. Co. hi -&&Mt V, Ah EVERY ESgfc& . I Hardman Notes. H. Scherzinger was here Saturday hunting a good ahepard. The snow has disappeared and feed- inn ceased. Hay if not worthy of men Reiha, the six year eld daughter of J. O. Owen, i wieatlinx with an attack of pneumonia. Harry Gieee reports Ilermieton in a flourishing condition. He ia one of those loyal boosters. Joe Howell is nursing a very Bore thumb. He met with an accident and lost a part of that member. Deputy Sheriff Wright hied away to the southwest portion of the county last Monday, ou legal business.. Mrs. Albert Bawker is improving aa rapidly as can be expected. The dangeer line ia now thought to be passed. Ed Gieoe came from Spray last week to be with his sister, Mrs. Bawker. Ed's face has a.l mrned to smiles, lie is now papa in the first degree. Dr. Geo. G. Ggunt Iihs opened a drug store in the corner building of 'lie Zol linger block. He will carry a full line of drugs. The doetor has come'to stayj and the successful manner in which lit has handled the cases coming under bis care proves that be will make good. While the bnosiers are making things hum, they don't want to forget I hat we of thi Hardman country sre'nn the map. Our (turners have taken several ribbons on outs, wheat and other grains, as well as fruit. Besides we can raise potatoes enough to supply the inhabitants of. the Emerald Isle. While the cities are all cleaning up and striving for tilings beantifnl, would t not be a good time for the whole county to catch the spirit and clean up the rosds, pnt a stop to rubbish of every description being d urn raped into that ixty feet of county thoroughfare. A source of danger as well as an eye sore would thus be removed. Minion. f Hi AREA JOY dHJEVERY. IIOUSEHOttt Be it twins fondled by mother or the "TWIN" PEDESTAL EXTENSION TABLES These tables derive their name from the fact that they have two oval or oblong pedestals, each complete in itself, thereby gaining a decided improvement over the ordinary One pedestal cut in halves, so as to divide. - When entertaining friends ot luncheon and you have spared neither pains nor expense preparing, will you serve the "spread" on a "divided" one pedestal table showing locks, bolts, nuts, eta, unfinished surfaces exposed,or will you ; a "Twin that is perfect whether closed or extended ( It's ud to you, and surely, as a table lasts a lifetime, you will procure a "Twin," the table you will be proud of. We carry several patterns in slock but I wins are made in numerous deaigna and finishes, any of which wa can obtain on abort Mtiw, CALL AND SEE THEM. 13, have Case & QDix Modern House Outfitters 0-p No better selection could be made by Goveroor Bowerman than the ppointment of Sam Van Vactor of Jepprjer to succeed Bert Phelps as trlct attorney. This appoint ment meets with the approval of Imost every man in Eastern Ore- gon. air. vau v actor is a demo crat, a good lawyer arid one fully uited to the important position. Condon Times. OFFICERS ' M. S. Corkioall, President J. B. Natter, Vice-President T. J. Mahon'ey, Cashier Clyde Brock, Assistant Cashier Directors M. S. Cornwall, J. B. Natter, A. L. Avers, T. J. Mahoney, Frank Gilliam. State Depository Cure sYoiif Maflsni And Other Ills of the Body AT THE HOT LAKE Sanatorium (The House of Efficiencj-) Hot Lake, Oregon TH5 Oregon- Wash mgton Railroad & Navi gation Company Sells round-trip tickets, good for three months, allowing $6 worth of ac commodation at the Sanator ium, at Portland, and all O.-W. R. & N. stations For farther information and (Uun'tated boakiat. addreea Or. W. T Par. Modlral Pnpi. and Hftr , Hoc te. Oregon' any O,- . K, n. a re tit. ot vriM wo W M. McMUR RAY General Pa-fonuxr Annt., 1 PORTL4S0. OBEOON off for cash On all SUITS and OVER COATS We have just finished taking stock and have odds and ends in - all de partments. These odds and ends MUST GO AT ONCE as we need the room for our new spring stock. Some Good BARGAINS. Bargain Prices on All Remnants THOMSON BROS. HEPPNER - - - OREGON PflLflCE HOTEL HEPPNER, OREGON Leading Eastern Oregon Hotci MODERN CONVENIENCES ELECTRIC LIGHTED, . . Onder New Management. Thoroughly Benovated and Reflated. Beit Menla in Ibe City. HADDOCK & CO. Props. I ! Sam Hughes First National Bank Corner Groceries, Provisions, Gents Furnishing Goods j No better stock carried in j: I; Heppner. i;