The Weed's News local and personal Happenings in and About the City. Glusnes Burn's. properly ntted at P. Johu Hughes went to Portland, Friday. Bain wagons of all kinds at Gil liam & Biabee'a. Highest task price paid for hides pelts and furs. FhilCoha. Mr and Mrs John McEntire were in the city Tuesday. James ISanoamaker came op from Hood River, yesterday. A car load of Deering mowers gust received at Gilliam & Uiibees. W A Sweek, of Hamilton, was registered at the Palace, Sunday. John Kilkenny left Monday morniog for Ireland, for a visit to 4iis native land. Glen Welch, of Mt Vernon -was a guest at the Palace, the fore part of the week. Harvest bands are scarce. There is plenty of work in Morrow conn ty at good wages. Dr F E Boyden is now located in the oity. He will take up Dr Kistnpr's practice. Dr Kistner has gone East where lie will attend some ot the best medical schools of the country. Brand your sheep with that harmless marking ink, guaranteed to be the beat on the market. Get it at Gilliam & Bisbee's. Eoley Kidney Pitta are antiseptic, ton' ic and restorative and a prompt cor ractive of all urinary irre gularities. Be' fusesubstitutes. Sold by all druggists, The first real hot weather of the season arrived 8unday. The Thermometer registered 97. Little if any damage will result to crops. - Louis Pearson left yesterday morning for Edmonton, Alberta where ho goes to" visit a sister. He will return daring the latter part of August. McLain & Olson 'shipped out 1G0 bead of horses to Omaha and "Sioux City, yesterday. The ani mals were gathered up principally in Morrow county. The lteceiver of the U 8 Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon, de nirps to communicate with Arthur V Risley, or some one who knows his present location. Widow woman with three obe dient children wishe's poition as working house keeper for widower or bachelor. Good cook. Must have good wages. Address Mrs L G Turner, Long Creek, Oregon. Box 1. The sppo'sl train to Condon last Sunday taking the Heppner base ball team, was not we'll patronized in the way of passenger, only a small crowd going. The game was an easy victory for Heppner, resulting in the modest scora of 11 to 15. ChlldrnTCry" FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA' A first class salmon cannery will lie erected at Wheeler on the Ne halem. A 1300 acre tract Dear Joseph will oon be pat on the market in small tracts. ' A head of lettuce laised in Dal las measures 18 inches and weighs three pounds. Ilogue River's fruit output this year is expected to reach 1000 car load, besides pesches. Heppner's Crack Ball Team. Heppner has a ball team th season, the first time for several years, and much credit is due tb management. Vaughn and Smea said they would develop a good team aud they have made good. At Fossil the boys played three games, losing the first game with score of 5 to C. Heppuer taok the next two games of the series the score being 7 to 5 iu both games. When we take into considers tion the fact that Fossil : had the very beat men to be fouud iu Gil liam and rV heeler counties, and a Portland catcher, it shows up wel for our boys. Our team has twice defeated Condon this season, once at Hepp ner and last Sunday at Coudon. onai game for toe season will be played on the Heppner grounds next Sunday when Con don will again try to wrest a vie tory from the HeppDer, team. On tuis occasion Condon will run a special train and a big crowd will come from there aud way points. Condon will in all probability materially strengthen their team, while the Heppner line up will be about as usual. We have no hesitation in' saying to the people of Heppner and vi cinity that if you want to see a good game of baseball, be on hand next Sunday. Forest Fire Destroys Timber. A big forest fire out at Reid's saw mill, 18 miles south of Hepp. ner, destroyed about a section of valuable timber during the past week. The fire started near the mill from burning brush, aud ran south ward for about a mile. At last reports the fire was about under control. The flltfli ;( of f.lvliia Increases the price ot many necesul' tie without improving the quality. Fo ley'a Honey and Tar maintains its high standard of excellence and its great curative qualities without any increase in cost. It is the best remedy for oouirha, colds croup, whooping cough and all ailments of the throat, chest and lungs. The genuine is in yell package. Ketone substitutes Druggists Point Six acres near Central was sold for $10,000. Saloon licenses in The Dalles have been raised from $000 to $700. 1 Orchard land Bales in Hoed River valley show steady growth. The first of the Hood River 1910 crop of apples are already in the market. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. Tin Kid You Have Always Bought Signature li (2a&$fMZ&s SSWXSS3JS332S& HANK STATEMENT. Report of the condition of th R.nt of Iorm. at Iooe. in the State of Ore gon, at the close of business June 30. 1910. No. 144. icESOCRCES loans and dioouot8 i s:t.24fi 07 Overdratts, secured and unse cured 13B qa Bonds, securities, etc 11,000 00 Banking house, furniture and 6,223 90 Due from approved reserve banks 4.471 23 I'aali on hand 2 721 41 expenses. 990 92 tiVyff fa j ww fx 1 JFyt H wlMSMm i X yy zp but Sincerity CloUu J w Ex-President Roosevelt said in Portland Don't Only TALK, AG T Xotal .- 79.096 37 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in i 15.000 no tolMfiind... 5,000 00 uuuinuou uruiifn. less ex penses and tax3s paid 200 Rfi individual depoaits subject to check 42 051 S7 T I . . . ' LeniHiiu ceruncaies 01 de posit K20 52 Time certificiitesof dppoBit.. 2.115 80 Savings deposits 20132 Bills payable, inclndiiiy; ;er- tincates of deposit for money borrowed 14,000 00 M. E. Church, South. Services for July 17." Sunday school at 10 a m at the parsonage, Christian Endeavor and E "worth eague 7 pm, and preaching J ,t 11 am and opm at the Christian church. E P Warren, pastor. Baptist Church. Siiipomrii Wnntrrf. We dtire the gemots of a man or lativ A excellent rpalitie, well con neclel t-otiHily nnd in iipneral Kood vtandiiiif to take the (oral financial agency for a corporation which invites the closest investigation. A hustler can earn fro-n SYt.O:) to $100.00 ppr week. I We will render asKistance from our olliciand the services of an able repre eentative until familiar with the work. State iial.ficition. aee, pt or pres ent emp'oyme-it and details. Applica tions will be trented in confidence. Address: Riom 427 Hoard of Trade ridjj., I'o'llanu, Oiegon. Next Sunday, services in the Baptist church. Bible school bt 10 a m. Preaching at 11 am and 8 pm. All are welcomed. Methodist Episcopal Church. Services for Sunday, July 17th. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Ep worth League devotional meeting in the basement of the church at 7 pm. Preaching at 11 am and 8 p m by the pastor, Walter L. Airheart. Subject morning ser mon: "The Eternal Society." Evening: ''Life in Christ." Hard mt 'bat nki. We take this means of thanking all the kind frieuda who assisted us during the time of the illness and death of our husband and father Louis Yoruz, and who by their kind 6vmpatby help us bear our sorrow. Mrs Louis Voiuz and Children, Mrs Pavid aud Mrs Free-laud. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A tor .Ylore Tlmu 'I' line Ikrtudra Foley's Honey an 1 Tar hae been a household favoiile for all ailinencs ( f the tbroat, chest and lunjis. For in fants and children it is best and safeet as it contains no opiates and no harm ful drugs. None genuine but Foley.s Hooey and Tar la the yellow package. Hefuee substitutes. Ail druggists. Total $ 79,000 37 State of Oregon-, ) County of Morrow. j I, J. E. Crooan, Preeidjr.t of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the beBt of my knowledge and belief. J. E. CRONAN, resident. Subscribed and sworn to betore me this 8th day of July. 1910 J. A. WATERS. Notary Pub.ic CORRECT Attest: T. J. MAHONEY E. L. PADBEKti Directors. I Ska 1. y And this is exactly Minor & Cos Senti ment. This establishment don't simply advertise FOR BETTER QUALITY LESS MONEY e But we Give it Our Clothing Department is filled with all the new things-' in Men's Suits, Gray, Blue Serge and a nice line of other colors that will please you for 15.00, 18.00, 20, 22.50. 25.00. m03r-3E3SI01srAX. OA.BSS NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Isolated Tract.) Public Land Sale. Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land Office at I.aGrande, Oregon, June 21st, 1910. Notice is hereby Riven that, as di reoted bv the Commissioner of the Geo- ral Land Office, under ihe provisions of Act of Congress, approved Jane 27, 1906,(34 Stats, 517). we will offer at puonc sie, to tne uhest bidder, at 10. o'clock a. m on the 11th day ol August! iiu, at mis onice, me following de scribed lant : TheNEJ NEJ and NJi NWXmc 28.T3S, R27E W. M. Sal rill No. 07456. Any persons claiming adversely the above described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. F. C. BBAMWELL, Register COLON R. EBERIIARD, Receiver. July 7-Aug 4 ADMINISTRATHIX'S SAI.K Ot KKAL PKOPEHTY. Sam E. VanVactor. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on weit end of May Street Happner Oregon. C. E. WOODSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Ofltce In Palace Hotel Heppaer, Oragoa W. L. SMITH, ABSTRACTER. Only eomplsie set of abstraol books in Morrow county. Hbppiibb, Obboon Frank B. Kistner PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Patterson A Son's drugstore Residence in Morrow building over Patterson A Son'a Drugstore. N. E. WINNARD, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SI RUEON Graduate of r - Lenox College, 1885. Chicago Homeopathic Med College 1890. Rusk Medical College, 1S92. S. E. Notson ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlcetn Odd Fellow Rid Heppner, Oregon. Court of Morrow estate of Mary DR. M. A. LEACH I3KXT1MT Permanently located io Heppner. Office in tbe new Fair bmldiDg. Gas administered. rOLEYSKlDHEYPlIlS Fo Bacmcnc KiDNtniND Butcoxa Heppner Gazette Weekly OrtgonlaSk In the County County, Oregon. In the matter of the E. Brock, Deceased. Notics is hereby given tbat in pur suance of an order of the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, made and entered in the above entitled matter on the 0th day of June, A. D.p 1910, I the undersigned, administratrix of the es tate of Marv E. l'.rock, deceased, will on the 5th clay ol August, A.I). HMO. ! at 10 o'clock a. in . of said day, at the i , ollioecf Sam K. Van Varfr in He,,,,. C O Y I I AYATiVK lier, .ii "I run vuiimy, urcgon, rner lor sale and sell to the highest bidder for rash at private s;ile the following de scribed real property, to wit: l.otsmie, two and three in IS lot k one, of Jones' Second Addition to tjie City rf Hepp iif r, Morrow Countv, Oregon, belonging to said estate, or eo murli thereof as may ba necessary to pay tbe debts against sunt estate, and the expenses cf the a lrr.inixiration of said estate. Dated this :!0th day of June, A. 1)., 1910. ELIZABETH SMITH. ! Administratis of the estate of Mary E. I'.rctk. deceased. Imperial Hotel Portland, Oregon Modern six story, fireproof building. European Plan Rates $1,00 and ii J3. Phil Metschax, Mana&er. Phil Mktscha.v, Jk. Aast.Manafter. Red Front Llveru & Feed Stales Willis SU wart, Prop FIRST-CLASS :LIVERY RIGS Kept constantly on r.anJ nd can ba furniebeecn short notice ti pa i ties wishing to drive into he interior. Frrsclaao : : Hacks and BhqijIgs Call at the Gazette office end learn of our elubblnc offer with the Weekly Ore-aonlxn Ton Stomach Trouble and Constipation jntKpmatDi and reliable Ttie Oregui- fOIEY5KD)2?EYPlILS Fon Backache kiomn ahb Blaodcs Notice of Final Jtcreanilai. Notice is hereby civen that the nn- dersiifried s exeentrix of the last ill and testament ot Edward A. Brundae, deceasetl has tiled with Ihe County Court of Morrow County, State of Ore gon, her linal account as soch executrix and that said court has fixed Monday, the S;h day of Auaust, 1910, at th i hour of 10 o'clock ia the forenoon of said day as the time and the County Court room in the Court house in the City of Heppner as the place for heanni; said acr mm ami uie BeiueniMU 01 said es tnie. A l persons having objections to ! i filler tf- :ii.l r.iln'trt i. r. ruimiru.1 ' ' awfit Gima nil ftr hi.furu tin. .lata ..I.... aid. NANCY 15 K I'NDAtiE,'ix of the laht will ami tests nient of lMa'dA. lSrumLie, deceased. July 7-Aiij: 4 CALf GROUND AND 8Kt? US. WE CATER TO VlIE : : : : OOMMKRCIAL TRAVELERS SD CAN FURNISH RIGS AND DRIVER ON SHORT NOTICE : : : Heppner, Oreoon Pacific Lodging House C.N.SHI1NN. Prop. Good clean rooms, none better in town. Come and Stop With Us HEPPNER, ORC. MAIN STREET DR. A1ETZLER. DENTIST Fellows building. Located in Odd Rooms 5 and 6. IIHEI mis for backache, rheumatiem, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities. Foley's Kidney Pills purify the blood, restore lost vitality and vigor. Refuse substitutes. I V