gJHH. $laec rtty Ctotk J Ex-President Roosevelt said in Portland Don't Only TALK, but ACT FOR And this is exactly Minor & Cos Senti ment. This establishment don't simply ad vertise BETTER QUALITY LESS MONEY But we -Give Our Clothing Department is-filled with all -the new things in Men's Suits, Gray, Blue Serge and a nice line of other colors that will please you for $15.00, 818.00, 20, 22,50. 25.00. J lie High Coal of Living, Iocreases the price ol many necessi ties without improving the quality. Fo ley' Booey and Tar maintains its high standard of excellence and its great curative qualities without any increase in cost. It is the beet remedy for oouphs, colds croup, whooping cough and all ailments of the throat, chest snd lungs. The genuine is in a yellow package. Itefnae substitutes Druggists l or more Tbuu Three Decades Foley's Floney an Tar has been uuuHeiioiu mvorire lor a. I aiimencs c the throat, chest and lungs. For in fa tits and children it is best and safeat as it contains no opiates and no barm ful drugs. None genuine but Foley. Money and Tar In the yellow package Refuee substitutes. Ail druggists. Heppner Oasatt Weekly Oref otilAa. Closing Out Sale of Full Blood Merino Flocks Having decided to close These are strong type of the f Out our entire holdings of 0,a98 Tory heavy iheaiera and fine sheep we have the fol- denae coyerias- These are excep lowing to nffpr for snlo u ifl,. tional,y ,a'Ke for their out reservation: vTheM five flock8 are a11 yUD' Registered Merino ewes rAAA One and two year-olr with lambs, of the A and B tJUUU ewes, not bred, of th. above classes. 8elect fall blood Bam- 57AA High class Merino ewes bouillet ewes with lambs. JlUU with lambs. 400 classes. 1563 strictly true to type and of beau. turn covering. One and two year-olr high class Merino ewea It 270O 1 IT flA ' Full blood Eambouillet not bred. stud flock. .rw Begi8tered rama 0f ft, 1 SeIect fal1 b,ood De,aine 4v V above plasses. IdW ewes with lambs, heavy All ewes with, lambs have beet shearers, heayy bone and very bred to registered rama in their re large size. spective classes. The .male in- 1CAA Full blood Delaine ewes crease will be raised as ram lambs, ItSUv with Iambs, good 'enough except those from the 3700 head ol to go into any stud flock. high class Merino ewes. Full blood Spanish Me- For prices and particulars, ad rino ewes, with lambs, dress 1209 THE BALDWIN SHEEP & LAND CO., Hay Creek, Crook County, Oregon. wmc The Weed's News Local and Personal Happenings in and About the City. Glasses Corg's. properly fitted at P. Bain wagons of all binds at Gil Jiani & Bisbee's. Highest cash price paid for hide felts and fare. Phil Conn. J S Buseick was over from Ham ilton Sunday. Wm Goodman spent the Fourth in Hood River. Beach Haynes came op from lone, Tuesday evening. W B Ewin?, of Cecil was in tbe city the first of the week. W B McAlieter., of L lington was in the city the latter part if the week. Mr and Mm F C Marquardsei nd Miss Cora Piatt left by aut ior Spokane, Sunday. Harvest is now in progress it the Lexington wheat district Heading will eoon commence n the Eight Mile country. A car load of Deering mowen just received at Gilliam & Bisbeee. Theo Auderson who was in from Eight Mile, the first oE the week i ays that wheat in his district will yield well and is now ready for l.arvest. Tbe Rloriouj Fourth was a-quie' 1iy in Heppner. The returns-, from the Li fight at Reno fur nished nlnut the only excitement Down at Lexington there wes c basket picnic where a pleasant dnj was spnt with ninny Heppner people attending. Out at Halm cirjyou oa RUn creek a celebra tion Whs held with an interesting program which a!.J drear a num ber of Ueppnei people. The people of Liht Mile el.so held a celebration which drew a hm1 i"d crowd. W J Blake was up from lone, Friday. Gilbert Coats was a business visitor yesterday. R F Wigelsworth was in from Butter creek, Friday. J L Howard wes shaking 'hands with old friends in Heppner yes terday. M S Maxwell, Geo Bleakman and J A Gibbons were in from Hardman, Friday. Heppner Boys Won. The Heppner baseball team re turned from Fossil jesterday even mg coverdd with glory and dust, ind incidentally carrying with them that $159 parse which was arrested from the Fossil team. Tbe way Heppner put it over the Fossil team was not slow, tak ng two gtmes out of the three. The firt game resulted in a vic ory for Fossil, the ecoie standing to G. Heppner took the next ;wo games, the score being the -ame in both games 5 to 7. t Edlmoii Ambrrol (4 Minnie) rds A bii ol ii tol I ret. Keo By special arrangement we will for a limited tinia furnish Edison Phonograph owners from G to 24 Amberol records fn e. For par ticulars write to or call on the Cish Shoe Stoiv, Heppner, Ore- When the world's fair was held at Chioaao in 1903. no motor car exhibit was there. At the same distance from now what shall we 6ay of the aeroplane' The leading engineer of the United States navy pnt himself on record 15 years ago as saying, donmaticallv that a heavier-than-air fly in a machine as an impossibility. It could not be. It as a mechanical non est. Yet the aeroplane ex' its today; it has flown from Albany to New. York; it has crossed the English channel ; it has it in mind to traverse the distance from New Ycrk to Phila delphia and retnrn. and from St Louis or Chicago to the Atlantic coast It seems that, so far as locomotion is concerned, it isn't safe to predict the possibilities of human ingenuity. Ours is a marvelous, a divine nature, oapable of surprising discoveries. We have given birth to Christopher Go Iambus and to Marconi, and it need not amaze us if we produce greater than either one of these. .351 CALIBER Self-Loading Rifle. As its name indicates, this rifle reloads itself, the recoil of the exploded cartridge doing the work. This places the complete control of the rifle under the trigger finger, which permits rapid shooting with great ease and accuracy. The .351 Caliber High-Power cartridge, has tremendous killing power, making it heavy enough for the largest game Catalogn fully describing this rifle, "Th Can that shoots Through Steel," sent upon request. Win oh ester Repeating Arms Co. - New Haven, Conn. JR. 1 t!& v i 1 mi 2 FS07ESSIOITA.ZI C.X4X3 Long Creek in Ashes. The World Moves. When Napoleon came rushing down through Knsria something like a century ago his sjieed seemed then to be terrific. Later on the locomotive engine. driveD bv steam, apueared to be of ghastly celerity; women fainted at sight of it. Then came the bicyole, then th automobile; then the aeroplane. Noth in surprises us naw. Wo have grown so a ccustomed to rapid (light that a The business section of the town of Long Creek. Grant county, was burned last Sunday night during the time the town was crowded with visitors who had gone there to cele brate the Fourth. It appears from meagre reports that the fire originated in one of the hotels in the early part of the night and be fore it was under control two hotels, the largest general merchandise store, the drug store, butcher shop, town hall and a blacksmith shop were devoured by the flames, entaling a loss of several thousand dollars in buildings and merchandise. The fire was a heavy loss to the ilttle town as nearlv every business house was destroyed Sam E. VanVactor. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on weit end ol My Stroet Heppner Oregon. C. E. WOODSON. ATTORN E Y- A T-LA W Oftlc. la Palace Hotel Heppner, Oregon VV. L. SMITH. c ABSTRACTER. Only complete set of abstraot bookt in Morrow eounly. Hbfpxcb, Obboon Frank B. Kistner PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Patterson A Son's drugstore Residence in Morrow building over Patterson A Son's Drugstore. N. E. WINNARD, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SIRUEON Graduate of: Lenox College, 1385. Chicago Homeopathic Med College 1890. Rusk Medical College, 1892. Comparisons. S. E. !S olson ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office I a Odd Fellowi Bide Heppner, Oregon. DR. M. A. LEACH DENTIST Permanently located in Heppner. Office in the new Fair building. Gas administered. P0LEYS EIDNEYPIILS Fob Backachc Kidncy ano Blaooio Imperial Hotel Portland. Oregon Modern six story, fireproof building. European Plan Rates $1.00 and vi 13. Phil Mktschan, Manager. Phil Mctsciian, Jr. Asst. Manager. Call lit the Garette office end learn o our dubbin offer -with the Weekly Ore ronlan Titvts-'o AtihtaT lyriTixr? Fen Stomach Trouble and Constipation independent ud reUeble The Oregon nr.le a misute is annihilate simce. t a nothirg. We In New York ihtsohs were found slooj iiijr in 0110 house. Milwaukee ten ements lire not so bad. after all. Mil waukee Sentinel. New York's world's fair of 1013 will tie :t uii e little orchestral opening for (lie exposition at S.iu 1'ranisco. S:.u i Fraix iseo Cluviiirle. Over ."("0,('00 persons enn be accom modated at ono time In the hotels of ' New Yolk T-itv. This must almost oina! the nMlity of I.os Anceles along the sum..- Un?3. Los Angelas Times. FOLEYSICIDIJEYFUXS Foe Backachc Kioncts am. Buicocn Notice for Publication. Isolated Tract Public Land Sale. Department of the Interior, J. S. Land Office at I.atiranue, Oregon, April L'6, l!10. Notice is tiereby given that, as d -reeled bv the Commissioner of the Gen- leral Land Office, under provisions of (Act of Cor.tjreeia approved June 27, Jl'JOtJ, (.'Jt Stats., .")17,) we will offer at I public sale, to the highest bidder, at I li) o'l hM-k a. m., on the tith dav of ' July 1010, at this rlli -e. Hie following i deiu-ribe.l land : Tlie N NV'4. XIV, ard S!., SV'4 serlion hi, T. :i i So-iUi, ilaiie 1.' List, liriiutnta Me j ridihti. s.'iial No. li;-0;. , Any persons r'a'.ming adrerfely tlie i aliove-deserilied lamU ae advised to ) lile their claims, or ot jections, on or be fore tiie dav above designated for sale I V I'. UK AM Will,, Keuister. I COLON K KniUHAKIi, Receiver. May lJ-Jnne 1 i Read About the Mi Vernon Hoi Springs Titer are located in the beauti fulJohn Dar Valley, 2J miUa north of Mt. Vernon, and 12 miles west of Canyon Citr in Grant County, Oregon. The e'e vation ia 2700 feet and the cli mate Is mild throughout the year. The springs which furnish water for the bath and swimming pool flow 25,000 gallons per day of highly mineralized hot water of a temperature in the different Brings of 100 to 122 degrees F. These springs are without riyal or competition for the reason that you can get the water just the proper temperature for bathing without artificial heating or di luting with cold water and there by destroying the medicinal prop erties. These springs have but recently come to public notice. Thev have just been fitted up for tbe comfort and benefit of the invalid and those Seeking recrea tion. Nature was the chemist who compounded the water which cures, and in her laboratory deep in the mysteries of the earth ehe prepared these curative waters; and those suffering from rlieuma tisn., gout, skin disease, kidney or bladder trouble or any ca tarrhal condition of the stomach find almost instant relief and in most cases permanent cures in from four to eight weeks. Our 1 barges are reasonable. Come when you will, winter or summer : we are alwavs open and ready to welcome you. For further information address H.A.MURPHY.Prop. Mt. Vernon Oregon Red Front Livery & FeedStaDles Willis Stewart, Prep FIRST-CLASS U.IVERY RIGS Kept constantly on t anJ and can be furnisbescn short notice t ' patties wishing to drive intc he interior. Fiis'tlaa- : : Hacks and Suguies CALI ROUND AND SKb" U. WE CATER TC iIIE : : : : OOMMERCIAL TRAVELERS 1.ND CAN FURNISH RIGS AND DRIVER ON SHORT NOTICE : : : HeDpner, - Oregon Pacific Lodging House C.N.SHINN. Prop. Good clean rooms, none better in town. Come and Stop With Us MAIN STREET HEPPNER, ORE. DR. A1ETZLER. Located in Odd Rooms 5 and 6. liursfTissT Fellows bui'JiiiL'. for backache, rheumaticm, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities. Foley's Kidney Pills purify the blood, restore lost vitality and vigor. Refuse substitutes. (Sold 1 ;v- ill UruugUtH M MIS PI AX