Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 13, 1909, Image 1

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CHv Hull
VOL. 24.
NO. 1158
Committees Appointed
Work Already
Hf ppcer wili celebrate the g o
rious Fourth this year.
Owing to tbe fact that the
Fourth frtlls on Sunday, Friday
and Saturday will be celebrated.
Nothing will be spared to make
this the biggest and best celebra
tion ever held in Heppner.
Full particulars will be given
Big Land Deal.
Minor Buys More Cattle.
Last week one of the largest
land deala to occur in Morrow
county was consumated. The deil
involves something like 8,800 acres
and was carried on between Anson
Wright and Wm. Beymer.
Mr. Beymer traded his Hardman
ranch, of about 5,100 acres, known
ai tbe Farnsworth mountain sheep
range, to Mr. Wright for the Emil
Scharf farm, composed of 3,700
acres, at Monument. It is report
ed that Mr. Wright gave 820,000
difference. Mr. Beymer will move
over to Monument.
The Pacific Homestead in speak
ing of the rfcaut stock sale in
Portland cays:
Tbe cattle sale was not quite as
lively as tbe horse sale. V. O.
Minor opened the sale with a con
signment of good useful cattle and
some that were show cattle. His
three young bulla went for $160,
S150, S100, and his entire lot av
eraged 8115. His fine two-year-old
frhow heifer, Orange Pride,
topped the sale for ff males, bring
ing $303 and going to C. X. Lara-
The next under the hammer was
Frank Brown's consignment of
eight choice ones from the Craigie
lea farm at Carlton, Oregon. They
averaged 8155 each, his young
show bull, Elgitha's King, going
to Minor for 8420, being the top
for bulls at the (sale. Mr. Minor
knows a goo4 thing when he sees
it and not afraid to buy it. He
never tiiea to pick np "cheap"'
snaps in buying cattle. He
wouldn't pay 825 for a hundred
dollar animal, but if there is any
thing strictly high class he goes
after it.
Sent Here by Anti-Saloon
i League.
It seems to be growing unpopu-
Heavy Fines Imposed if or Iar to De a lan(J buyer in these
parts especially when the supposed
Local Option
Circuit court was convened at
buyer is not looking for land
Here right on top of a big land
swindle.come along two men, gra
cious and agreeable. Their very
appearence even was enough to
the court house last Monday in cau8e an outburst from people who
regular session by Judge Bean
District Attorney Phelps is in
are ordinarily notclose observerf.
One was short and his person
was adorned with a lone fWk
Up to the time of going to press coat that wa8 once black ad
garments faded
TT !
Absolutely Pare
The only bakincr nowJpr
made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar.
the following cases have been
posed of:
Sherman Shaw Indicted on four
Under the hpw law Dassfd hv
x:i i .
iau was we l tbe last legislature, th r,ffi. r
1 -i . . .... J Wfc
wnippea out irom striking wheie stock insoector will h hni.
uis men water Dants fai fid tn mppf tu i .
counts for tinUt.in lr,! nnfinn .1. . . iuc mw B0 enect on .Juoel
law. nlead ,Mtv. W.I .h . . I One of the principal changes in
n.M . .l - fV aeU-1J :P'Cked 10 law will be the consolidation
A flrV town inr It hAarfnrf nnt narlr
Walter Robison was indicted on I
and grew in the dark of the moon,
of the offices of state veterinarian
and state sheep inspector. Dr.
W. H. Lvtle hns hp
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Farnsworth
are np from Rhea Sining visiting
relatives and friends.
Court Stenographer Beckwith is
over from Pendleton taking depc
eition before the circuit court.
Hoarse coughs and stuffy colds that
may develop into pneumonia over night
are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and
Tal, and it Boothes inflamed membranes,
heals the lungs, and excels the cold
from the system. Sold by Slocom Drug
Department of the Interior.
United Statet Land Office, The Dalle. Oregon,
Hay 8, 1901.
Notice li hereby glyen that Henry A. Emry,
of Hardman, Oregon, who. on March 7. 1905,
made homestead entry (aerial No. 035001 No
14S6. lor lot 4 aection 19, lots 1, 2 and 8, aettion
39, township 4 aouth, range 26 E. W.M., hu filed
notice of Intention to make final commutation
proof, to establish claim to the land above de
scribed, before J. P. Williams, U. 8. Commie
iorer. at his office in Heppner, Oregon, on tbe
22d day of June, 1909.
Claimant names as witnemes: "
Edward Merrill Frank Creamer. Fred Knight,
on and W. P. Prophet, all of Hardman, Oregon.
ay 18-June 17 C. W.MOOKE. Registir.
Ilexnmeitiy Inif t ctrameln
Tha above is the name of a German
chemical, w hich is one of the many val
uable ingredients of Foley's Kidney
Remedy. HexamethyleDetetramine is
ecognized by medical text books and
authorities as a uric acid solvent and
antiseptic for die urine. Take Foley's
Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice
any irregularities, and axoid a serious
mala'y. Slocum Drug Co.
Horse bills with good cuts at
the Gazette office.
three counts for violating local op- Loi Drincinalv tn rim vhU
uou mw, pieaa guilty ana was reBted nnnn nir nfninminan( ...
fined 8500. which ws n nM. r r eerve ,n capacities,
, r . ears.
T-vl, n: -l J :n . ...
.u uiuuo piCttU gui.iy 10 one And all this tim in it;n
luuitiiueui iw viuiuuug iocai op- land
Hrr 1 itt Tin n 3 &ctnr 1 I '
department of the Interior.
U. 8. Land Office at The Dalle. Oregon.
April 29, 1909.
Notice is hereby given that George R. w.
Mead, of Lexington. Oregon, who on January
18th, 1904, made homestead entry (Serial, No,
01651i, No. 13193, for SE NW SWK NEM and
NWS Eii, SecUon 31, and for NWK mi4
Section 81s additional entry, Township 1 Bonth'
Range 26 East, Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make final fire
year proof, to establish claim to the laud
above described, before W. O. Hill, County
Clerk, at his office, at Heppner, Oregon, on the
16th day of Jane, 19119.
Claimant names as witnesses:
W. Q Scott, W. P. McMillan, Ernest W. Moy
ers and Frank M. Tarker, all of Lexington
May June 10 C. W. MOOBK, Register.
Northern Paciflo Railway Co. List No. 04579
U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Oreon,
April 1, 1909.
Notice is hereby given that the Northern Pa
cific fttallway Company, whose post office ad
dress is St. Paul. Minnesota, has this 2nd day of
March. 1909, tiled in this office Its application to
select nnder the provisions of the Act of Con
uresH, approved July 1 1898 (80 Stat 597, 62C) the
N X Bv yK section S3 tp, 4 S It 26 E W. M.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
lands doscrlbed. or desiring to object because
of the mineral character of the land, or for
any other renson, to the dlnposalto applicant,
should tllo their affidavits of protest In this
nflice on or before the 20th dny of May, 1909.
Apr8 May IS C. W. MOORE, Rcglnter.
Strayed or Stolen.
Ono brown two-year-old
horse branded T II , con
nected UB on left thifyli. He
was last seen in the Wilson
Prairie pasture in the south
western part of JMorrcw
couniy. Any one knowing
of the whereabouts of this
horse who will let me Qknow
will be rewarded for their
Joseph Putnam,
Monument, Oregon.
Red Front Livery &
Feed Satbles
Willis Stewart, Prop
Kept constantly on t an.l
and can he furnishes ci
ehort notice t att;e8
wishing to drive irto lie
interior. Firn uas . : :
HaGKs and Buoules
TO 'xlIE : : : :
HepDner, Oregon
whs also paid.
Shorty Shockley was indicted
on two counts for violating local
option law.
Eight indictments were retnrned
flgaiust Albert Rea for violating
the local option law and gambling.
Seven indictments were returned
against Jack Matlock for violating
the local option law and gambling
victor Groshen8 was indicted
for violating the local option law
John Simons "was indicted for
Not a true bill was returned
against Mat Hughes for cutting
wire fence.
Dexter Roberts aliae James
Davis, plead guilty to obtaining
money under false pretenses and
was sentenced to four yearB in the
Ira A. Leach vs Bank of Hepp
ner, continued for term.
J. A. Harbfce va M. V. Logan,
D. E. Oilman vs E. L. Freeland,
default, judgment, order of sale of
attached property.
Gilliam & Bisbee vs George
Stevenson, default and judgment.
H. A. Armever vs Nat Gray, set
tled and dismissed.
Geo. Campbell vs Lombard In
vestment Co., default and decree.
W. C. Brown vs Mary A. Brown
decree of divorce.
Minnie Maloy vs Robert Maloy
decree of divorce and custody of
minor child.
Bertha Clark vs Chas. Clark, de
cree of divorce and care of minor
Application of Hyud & Thomson
to register title, S. E. Notson ap
pointed examiner.
Minor & Co. vs J. H. McIIalev,
set for trial today.
Ella C. Fell vs Matt Hughes Pet
for Friday.
Loo Markham came down from
Milton, Monday, to look after in
terests in this county.
And he had a partner, a tall
Swede, whose ice cream suit was
far in advance of the season.
A i A- - ...
uazeue representative re
members an introduction to the
tall son of Sweden, He said:
"I yust coom from Chehalisy
Vashington, vere land bane purty
too higbv I tank des gude country.'
Ibe two were driven around
over the country by a local real
estate man.
To get through with this story.
1C Can Be Done, So Score of Ilepp.
uer Citizens Say.
To cure an aching back,
Tbe pains of rheumatism,
The tired-out feelings,
You must reach the spot get at the
In most cases 'tia the kidneys.
Doan'a Kidney Pills are for tbe kid
Thos. Morgan, Heppner, Ore., says
Third 'Annual Rose
Portland, Oregon, June 7 to 12,
inclusive. The 0. R. & N will
make a round trip rate for (ha
above occasion of $7.80. Tickets
ou eale June 7, 9 ana 11. Final'
lelurn limit June 14"
Pneumonia f ollows La Urifpe.
Pneumonia often follows la grippe bat
never follows the use of Foley's Ho ef
and Tar, tor la grippe coutihs and deep
sealed colds. Refuse any but the gen
uine in the yellow package. Sold by
Slocum Drug Co.
1 he two strangers have not as yet hn faror of Doan's Kidnev Pills. I snf-
made any land purchases, but they fered for several years from kidney corn-
have been the star witnesses in PlaiDt and rheumatism. The attacks
the local option cases. BO poverB ulBl 1 waB Iaia P 'r
...u.u.ui, mo uoMtVD lea marl nt Dnon'o T:il j
tnat the men who were sent here cured a box at the Slocum Drntr c,a
are from the anti-saloon league! This remedy went at once to the seat of
and came here at his request, and tbe tronble and gave me great reliet."
that he has been in conference "or Be by all dealers. Price 50 ceoti.
tu i i. j i Foeter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
with them almost daily for the fiole aaentfl for thtt lTni,BH s '
paBt two Weeks. Remember the n.m.-Tln.n'.. aJ
take no other.
C. R. Kluger, the jeweler, 1060 Vir
ginia Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., wntes:
"I was so weak fro. a kidney trouble that
I could hardly walk a hundred f?et.
Four bottles of Foley's Kidney Keiuedf
cleared my complexion, cured my hick
ache and the irregularities disappeared,
and I can now attend to business -vefy
day, and recommend Foley's Kidney
Remedy to U suflerers, as it cured m
aftr the doctors and other remedies
had failed." Slocum Dm Co.
Our old friend R. P. S. Notscn
came down Saturday feeling as JnaepMint and riibi-Tn oreros.
ioxy as a men several years young
er, lie felt so fine that he even
expressed a desire to clean out the
town but when some one pulled
their coat to give him a round he
suddenly remembered he was 80
years old that day and would prob
ably be short winded hence took it
all back. Hamburg (Iowa) Re
porter. Mr. Notson is the father
of CouDty School Superintendent
S. E. Notson of this city.
Stallion Sargent
Will make the season of 1903, at my
farm, '10 miles south of Heppner. I
will take mares to pasture at a :6arg
of f 1.25 per month, and will guarantee
good care.
To insure. $20, payable when mare it
known to be in fcal.
Imported Spanish Jack
To insure, 815. Payable when man
is known to be in foal,
Dates of Wool Sales.
a couh that has been hanging on for
over two months by taking Mallard's
i Horehound Syrup. If you haveacongh
don't w ait stog it it once with this won
derful remedy. Splendid lor coughs,
cold on chest, influenza, bronchitis and
pulmonary troubles. Trice 25c, 503 and
$1 00. Sold by Patterson & Son.
Tb new of Dotn Hemisphere la Tha
Weekly Oregonian.
Baby Hands
will get into mischief often it means a
burn or cut or ecald. Apply Itallard'a
Snow liniment just as soon as the acci
dent happens, and the pain will be re
lieved while the wound will heal quickly
and nioely. A sure core for syrains,
rheumatism and all pains.
Price 25c, 50c and 81.00 a bottle.
Sold bv Patterson & Son.
Pendleton, May 24.
Heppner, May 2G, June 10,
July 1.
Echo, May 20.
Shauiko, June 1, June 15, June
Pilot Rock, June 4.
Baker City, June 5.
Ontario, June 7, June22.
Vale, June 21.
Elgin, June 24.
Dollar Saving Sale
of Ladies, Mens, Boys and
Misses Oxfords
Commencing Friday morning and con
tinuing for five days we will place on
sale all Oxfords in Black andColors.
which through the early season's sell
ing are somewhat broken in sizes at
Foley's Honey and Tar clears the air
passages, stops the irritation in the
throat, soot Ins the inflamed membranes
and the moot obstinate cough disap
pears. Sore and inflamed lungs are
healed and strengthened, and the cold
is expelled from the svstem. Refuse
any but the genuine in the yellow pack
age. Sold by Slocum Prng Co.
Tha Heppner Oasett the news of Mor
row County; The Weekly Oregonlaii Ui
new and thought of the world. Both at
special prlc. Inquire or addrcas The
Gazette, Heppner, Or.
Interesting Price Reductions
It is needless To say these lines repre
sent the snappiest and most popular
selling lines in our stock, ami no mat
ter what you select it will mean a sub
stantial saving.
$2, J?2 L'. Ladies Oxfords $1 45-i) $2 .0 Ladies
Oxfords $1 95-$:t '2rK : .in La. lies Oxfords $o So
4 (H), H 2.1 Ladies Oxfords $3 65 1 ."0 L-idi.s
Canvas Oxfords 95c 2 2.1 Canvas Oxfords $1 S5
All 17.1 Misses Oxfords $1 50 "? "0 JJoy Ox
fords $2 95: s:j r0 Mens Oxfords $2 95 Chiidn us
$j. 7.1 School Shoes $1 45
The Cash Shoe Store
Huelat & Molden