h city H"i VOL. 24. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY. MAY 6, 1900 NO. 1157 Dick Neville Suicides. Word Iibh been received in this dty that Dick Neville, formerly of this place, committed suicide by shooting himself. Mr. Neville left Portland ind went to Astoiia where he committed tlje rash aet.fc Play Ball. Hoarse coughs and stuffy colds that may develop into pneumonia over night are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tal, and it soothes inflamed membraneH, heals the lungs, and excels the cold from the system. Sold by Slociim Drug Co REFORT OF THE CONDITION Of tbe First National Bank, at Hepp ner in the SUte of Oregon, fit tbe , close of business, April 28,1909. No. 3774 RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $308,017 04 Overdraft, secured and uuse onred 8,927.74 U. 8. Bjoda to secare circula tion 12, BOO 00 Bonds, securities, eto 11,750 (M Banking bouse, furniture, and fixtures 13,900 00 Other real estate owned I,ti8t.6(i Due from National Jiauka inot reserve Bgenrsj ina.io Dae from State Banks and Bankers. 1,952 77 Due from approved reserve Bgente .. 48,119 75 Checks and other cash items. 240 71 Fnnds in Transit 7.50 Notes of other National banks 2,115.00 Fractional paper currency,.. nickels and cent 216 93 Lawfi'l Money Reserve in Bank, viz: 8peoie 34,619.60 Legal-tender notes 80 00 The stores n Heppner are this week being drained of every basket they have in stock. The cause of 'his is only a natural occurrence and is the outgrowth of a ball game to be played by the bachelors, (or hog element) and the benedicts. That the game will be a "h umdinger'' there is no doubt at all, and some fast and furious plays will be in evidence. The lineup of the teams are yet a mutter of speculation, but Jeff Neel will hold down the sack at first, for tbose whe have crossed over the p'ind into eternal bliss, and for thU occasion has reserved a sack of his father's wool for a breast protector. Bob Wiley and Ed Patterson are busily engaged mak ing up pads from old ' shaves and hair cuts and are expected to do some clever stunts nn the diamond, along with tbe other artists who havejsigned op. Great Interest. The revival meeting going on at the South Methodist church grows in at tendance and interest. "Wild Bill" preaches with sympathy, pathos, show ing earnestness, and at timps with in tense fury. His style is unique. Hi language at times rough, 'and by some open to citicism, but ever and always his roughness is applied to a subjec which may be said to deserve a rough hand'ing. He is uncompromising with sin, de ceit and hypocrisy. We predict for him and the meeting, that if the church people will do their part as Christians, the results will be something to sur prise or a'tonish the public. He is the nan whom the common neople will hear gladly. Fiis fearless manner is Morrow County Schools. what we need. church.- Success to him and the Kedemotioo fund with D. H. Treasurer (5 per oent of oir- oulation) 34,099.50 625 00 Total 430,542.96 LIABILITIES. Capital etock paid in $ 50,000.00 Hnrplus Food 12.000.00 Undivided profits, lets expen ses tad taxes paid 1,387.13 National Bank notes outstand ing 12,500.00 Dae to other National Banks 2,430.69 Dae to St ate Banks and Bank ers 2.918 80 IodivldQat deposits subject to check.... 225.497.02 Demaod certificates of deposit 5,4(16 58 Time certificates of deposit. . 22 90S 34 Cashier's checks outstanding 1,109 40 Notes and bills rediscounted 9,980.00 Bills payab e, including cer tificates ot deposit for money borrowed 90,000 00 Letters of credit 345.00 Mrs. Jack Mills and little son Geerge yisited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Swag- girt, at Jordan Siding Saturday and Sunday. Jack and his family will move to the Jordan farm, where they have interests, immediately after the close of school. Clans Johnson was in town yesternoy from Democrat Gulbh. H.P. Hyland was an incoming pas senger yesterday evening. Ilexamelliy lenetetranietn The above is the name of a German chemical, which is one of the many val uable ingredients of Foley's Kidney Remedy. Hexametbylenetetramine is recognized by medical text books and anthorities as a nric acid solvent and antiseptic for the urine. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice any irregularities, and axoid a serious mala'iy. Slocum Drug Co. Horse bills with good cats at the Gazette office. Total 436,542.96 State of orkqon, ) county op mohrow, j I, T. J. Mahoney , Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that tbe above statement is trne to tbe best of my knowledge and belief. T. J. MAHONEY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of April, 1909. SAM E. VAN VACTOR, Notary Pablio. Correct Attest: NOTICE FOR ri'HLICATION. J. B. Nstte C. A. Rhea SEAL Directors. Pejiartraent of the Interior. V, S. Land Office at The Dallen, Oregon, April 2f, lflufl. Notice i hpreby (riven that George R. W. Mead, of Lexington. Oregon, who on January 18th, 1904, made hoinegtead entry (Serial , No, 01651 1, No. 13103, for SE4 NW BWX NK and NW 8 E!, Section 81, and for NW4 NEM Section 31, additional entry, Township 1 South' Range 26 East, Willamette Meridian, hai filed notice of intention to make tinal five year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before W. O. Hill, County Clerk, at his office, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 16th day of Jane, 1909. Claimant namAs as witnesses: W. O Scott, W. P. McMillan, Ernest W. Moy frt and Frank M. Farker, all of Lexington Oi egon. May 6 June 10 C. W. MOORE, Register. Geo. Thomson, Harry Duncan, Louis Pearson aha Garfield Crawford went down Willow creek Sunday, to the Swaggarrand McAfee and Hynd-Thom son ranches. The boyj say that there is a great change in these ranches and that within three vears they will be tbe finest ranches between this city and the Junction. Messrs. SwaggaU anu Mc Atee have leveled off nearly 160 acres of fine bottom land for ajtalfa, while Mr. Thomson has a field of 100 acres now in perfect aondition and will have from 50 to 70 more ready by next spring. New houses and barns are going to be built and homes equaled by none in the county will be found on these fertile farms at Jordan Siding. Arrst4 a cough that has been hanging on for over two months by taking Ballard's Horehonnd Syrnp. If you haveacongh don't wait stog it it once with this won derful remedy. Splendid tor coughs, cold on chest, influenza, bronchitis and pulmonary troubles. Price 25c. 50o aDd $1.00. Sold by Patterson & Son. Baby Hands will get into mischief often it means a burn or cut or Rcald. Apply liallard's Snow liniment just as soon as the acci dent happens, and the pain will be re lieved while the wound will healquickly and nicely. A sure cure for eyrains, rheumatism and all pains. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 a bottle. Sold bv Patterson & Son. Dates of Wool Sales. 19, Northern Pacific Railway Co. List No. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Oreaon, April 1, 1909. Notice is hereby given that, the Northern Pa rifle f Hallway Company, whose post office ad dress Is St. Panl, Minnesota, has this 2nd day of March, 19119, filed in this office Its application to iwlect under the provisions of the Act of Con (tresa, approved July 1 1898 (.10 Stat R97, 620) the NWJ4 8 i section 3 t tp. 4 S U 2ft K W. M. Any anil all persona claiming adversely the IhmiIs described, or desiring to object because of the mineral character of the land, or for any other reason, to the disposal to applicant, should file their atlidsvits of protest in this office on or before the 2Mh day of May, HW9. Apr8 May 13 C. W. MOORE, Register. Strayed or Stolen. Ono brown two-voar-old liorso branded T 1 B, con nected UB on left tlii'h. He was last seen in the Wilson Prairie pasture in the south western part of Morrow conniy. Any one knowing of the whereabouts of this horse who will ltt me fjknow will be rewarded for their trouble. Joseph IYtxam, Monument, Oregon. Red Front Livery & Feed Satbles Willis Stewart, Prop FIRST-CLASS :LIVERY RIGS Pendleton, May 24. Heppner, May 26, June July 1. Echo, May 29. Shaiiiko, June 1, Jime 15, June 29. Pilot Rock, June 4. Baker City, June 5. Ontario, June 7, Junet22. Vale, June 21. E'giu, June 24. Alwy-j reliable The Weekly Oregonta Weekly Orerontan Heproier Gaiette. Kept constantly on I an.l and can be furnishes .- short notice t pail.es wishing to drive irtc he interior. Fim c'.as , : : flacks and Bnoules CALf ,'KOITXI) AND Sh IN. WE CATER TO i'IIE : : : : U)iVIMKRCIAL TRAVELERS SD CAN FURNISH KIGS AND DRIVER ON SHORT NOTICE : : : Heppner, Oregon STEVENS .GeneratidnaTof live, -wide- awakfl 'AmeriVmi Rnva ri:ivi obtained tho right kind of FIREARM EDUCATION by being equipped, with the unerring, time-honored STEVENS All progressive Hardware anil gPrtiri(r Coods Merchants Imntile 81 KVENS. If you cannot obtain, we will shipdireot.exprvso prepaid upon retipt of Cutalojr Price. The news or both hemisphere la Tbe Weekly Oreroniaa. ml Sctvl S cents Jn stamns for la) Pa re lllust rated Catalog. l(ejlfto n-ith 8 T E V K N S and (roucral ti rearm in formation. Striking cover I ii colors. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO. P. 0. Boi 409 , CVirpp Faik, Mam. Editor Gazette: On April 21, I vis ited the ediool in district No. 30. Minn Minnie Rnker is the teacber. The build ing is good, but needs painting. This is one of the few school buildings in the county which ia properly lighted. The light is admit ed from the rear and leftside. The furniture is very good. The blackboard is fair, but there should be more of it. The windows are rro- vided with good shades. A map of the United States and a physiological chart are furnished. There should be a dic tionary provided. However, this dis trict ia small and the property valua tion is not very large, but the people always vote a good school levy, and they do the best they can toward pro viding a good equipment for the school. There were 14 pupils present, and all seemed to be ordeily and diligent in heir work. In the afternoon, I visited the high school at Ioue a short time. Most of the pupils were engaged in examination work. I'rof. Garland reported the work moving along satisfactorily. The following day I yisited tbe school In district No. 9. Miss Julia Agee is the twwher. This is a small school, only seren beiog enrolled. The build ing is fair, but the furniture is poor. The blackboard is good, but too small. The, windows are in need of shades. Tbe school U provided with a map of Ore gon and Washington, tbe National En cyclopedic d ctionary, a splendid plane tarium, and several library books. The walls are decorated with a number of appropriate pictures. The outbuild inga new i some repairing. Tne"pupiU are all small, but tbey are interested in their work and are making very good progress. On the 26th inst., I visited the Agri cultural college at Corvallis. I had the pleasure of seeing the cadet regiment drilling upon the campus. The boys acquitted themselves with much credit. They will be well prepared to sustain tbe reputation of tbe school when they make the trip to the A-Y-P exposition. I also bad tbe pleasure ot attending the assembly of the students. It would be hard to find a finer body of young men and young women. The students weie addressed by State Superintendent J. H. Ackerman, ex-Senator Waiter Pierce and others. I also visited some Jof the classes andgtbe shops. Everything be tokened splendid work. In company with Ai Bennett, of Irrigon, and Dr. Withycomb, of the Experiment Station, I visited the dairy department and the college farm. The station is doing ex cellent work, and if we succeed in get ting the dry farm experiment station in this county, we will see good results flowing from it. I met nearly all of the Morrow county bovs who are attending the college. So far as I could see, they are all making good use ot their time. When I inquired of the members of the faculty about the boys, they report ed that they were making go;d. As on Oregonian, I am proud oi the inslitu tion, and as a :itizen of Morrow county, I am proud of the students fiom this county. The eighth grade examination quet- tions have been sent out, and the exam- inatim will occur on the loth and 14th of Mav. There will be a goodly num ber of applicants for eigth g-ade di plomas. S. K. NOTSON, County Superintendent. I II I Thousands of millions of cans of Royal Baking Powder have been used in making bread, biscuit and cake in this country, ana every housekeeper using it has rested m perfect confi dence that her food would be light. sweet, and perfectly wholesome. Royal is a safe guard against the cheap alum powders which are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. ROYAL IS THE ONLY BAKING POWDER MADE FROM ROYAL GRAPE CREAM OF TARTAR Pneumonia Follows La (irippe. Pneumonia often follows la grippe but never follows the use of Foley's Ho ey and Tar, tor la grippe couiths and deep seated colds. Refuse any but the gen uine in the yellow package. Sold by Slocum Drug Co. REACH ISU THE SPOT It Can Be Done, So Scores of Hepp ner Citizens Say. To cure an aching back, The pains of rheumatism, The tired-out feelings, You must resell the spot get at the cause. In most cases 'tis tbe kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills are f r the kid-nevs. Plain sewing and gentleman's wash ing. Satisfaction guaranteed, dewing Sheets, 10c and up; pillow cases 10c and up; Aprons same; Skirts $1 50 and up. Mks. Joe Klein. Tbe lone high school team met the local school bry s here last Sunday in a game of bise ball. Trie lone lads won with a score of 11 to 8. Some clever plays were made on both sides and in all was an interesting game. C. R. Kluger, the jeweler, 1060 Vir ginia Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., writes: "I was aa weak froai kiduej trouble that I could hardly walk a hundred feet. Four bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy cleared my complexion, cured my back ache and the irregularities disappeared, and I can now attend to business every day, and recommend Foley's Kidney Remedy to all sufferers, as it cured me Thos. Morgan, Heppner, Ore., Bays "I feel it my duty to speak a good word a'1" the doctors and other remedies in favor of Doan's Kidney Pills. I suf- tiad failed.' Slocum Dru; Co. fered for several years from kidney com-1 plaint and rheumatism. The attacks Stallion Slffpnt o " were so severe that I was laid up for a week or ten days at a time. I finally learned of Doan's Kidney Pills and pro cured a box at the Slocum Drug Co. This remedy went at once to the seat of tbe trouble and gave me great rliei." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cent Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the Uoi'.ed States. Remember tbe name Doan's- and take no other. Independent and rellabls Ths Oreron- Will make the season of 1910, at my farm, 10 miles south of Heppner. I will take mares to pasture at a :harge of $1.25 per month, and will guarantee good care. Terms. To insure. $20, payable when mare is known to be in fc al. Imported Spanish Jack 'JORDAN To insure, 8J5. Payable when mare is known to be in foal, II. W. FELL. Foley's Honey and Tar clears the air passages, stops tin irritation in the throat, soothes the inflamed membranes and the most obstinate cough disap pears. Sore and inflamed lungs are healed and strengthened, and the cold is expelled from the svstem. Refuse any but the genuine in the yellow pack age. Sold by Slocum Drug Co. The Wtppnep Gaiett the news of Mor-' row County; Tho Weekly Oregoman-tns news and thought of the world. Both at special Dlic. Inaulra or r1i1r. T-h. Latest Novelties In Ladies Shoes, Pumps and Oxfords Just Received from Factory Latest Eastern Novelties in the new Tans, Ox bloods and Fancy Uppers in Patent Colt, Oxfords and Dress Shoes. $3.00 to $5.00 LADIESJOXFORDS s !. !.") UP LADIES SHOES $1.45 IT LADIES SUITS TO MEASURE $10.00 UP. 300 Samples to choose from. Forty dif ferent and distinct styles. The Cash Shoe Store Huelat & Molden Oasetts, Heppner, Or. l i