VOL. 24. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY. APRIL 29, 1909 NO. 11 WHEAT HIGH IN HEPPNER Morrow Warehouse Mill ing Co. Pays $1.10 per Bushel. Made Good Time. The present residents aod grain buyers of Morrow county never knew of wheat being bought in the local markets for a price rang ing any where near that which wan paid by R. F. Hynd, of the local mill, to Win. Kumberland, a farmer living six miles east of this city, last Saturday. Mr. Kumberland received $1.10 per bushel for his entire last year's crop aDd now weais a smile equal to that of President Taft. Not only has the price of wheat gone up. but tho price of flour and wheat products have correspond ingly risen to that elevation where the poor man has to look twice and dig three times before he has the nerve or money to invest in the necessary staff of life to keep his family going. White Swan, the fancy grade turned ont by the local mill is now being retailed at $6 00 per barrel; Fairy Queen, second grade at $5 60; gruham and who e wheat also at $5.60, and Cream Middlings, in 100 pound bales at $2.75. while mill feed, bran and shorts are quoted at $26.50, $25.50 and $27.60 per ton respectively. The last barley bought by the mill company, there being no bar ley for sale in the county, cost nearly $39 laid down here and the retail price for rolled barley is $40 per ton. There is not a person in the West who does not like to see wheat sell at a good figure, bat we wonld all be better pleased if it attained sucb skyhigh prices in September and October, instead of April, when there is but little, if any wheat left in the hands of the farmer. George Perry and W. T. Mat lock, came in from Sunnyeide, Wash., Tuesday evening. Garfield Crawford went over to Pendleton in an automobile Satur day evening. Los. Lonndigon, representing the McCormick auto- mobile house, of Pendleton.bronght over a couple of traveling men earlier in thedav and Garfield ac companied Mr, Londigan back to Pendleton. They made the trip in exactly three hours and a half, go ing by way of the Franklin grade and Vinson. This grade is per haps the steepest wagon road in this country, but tho car took it at the rate of ten miles an hour and held the paca the entire grade. The car used was a Franklin, '07 model., Mr. Crawford returned Monday and reports that condi tions are not the most flattering for stockmen and farmers in the Pendloton locality, but if rains came within the next ten dajs the farmers will harvest an immense crop. Grass is short between Heppner and Pondleton and sheep men living near Echo are com plaining of the ecarcity of feed however a good rain wonld add materially in the grass localities. THE OUTLOOK IS GOOD Methodist Church. Services Sunday. May 2. Sun. day school 9:45 a. m. Epworth League devotional meeting, 6:30 Topic, "Beginning of a Revival." John 4, 5-42. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., by toe pastor, waiter u. Airbeart. Subjects, morning ser mon, '.'Remembering Christ." Luke 19, 20; evening, "The " Secret of Heat." Math. 11, 28. 30. The communion of the LoreVsJsnpper will be administered at the close of the morning sermon. Hoarse coughs and stuffy colds that may develop into pneumonia over night are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tal, and it soothes inflamed membranes, heals the lungs, and expels the cold from the system. Sold by Slocum Drag Co Percy Dennison who has been sick at the Heppner Sanitarium, is out again and much improved. Ilexametby leiitetrameln The above is the name of a German chemical, which is one of the many val uable ingredients of Foley's Kidney Remedy. Hexamethylenetetramine is recognized by medical text books and authorities as a. uric acid solvent and antiseptic for the urine. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice any irregularities, and axoid a serious malaiy. Slocum Drug Co. Horse bills with the Gazette office. good cuts at Experimental Farm Will Probably I be Located in Morrow Co. 8. E. Notson went to Corvallis last Saturday to be present at the meeting of the board of regents of the Agricultural College, at which meeting it was expected that the location of the Eastern Oregon experimental farm would be de. termined. He returned yesterday and reported that tbe matter was not acted upon as the report of the experts was not complete, but the outlook for . tbe location of the farm in Morrow county is very tood. Tbe matter depends almost wholly upon the recommendation of the experts. The matter will be settled at the May meeting of tbe board. Shearing in Full Blast. WOOL MOVES RAPIDLY One Buyer Picks up Near ly 550,000 Pounds. For several weeks past Frank Lee, the veteran wool buyer has been buying an occasional clip, but up until Monday there had been no particular stir in the local market, when all of a sudden W. W. Smead cut loose like wild fire and by Tuesday noon he had cor raled 300,000 pounds of the best wools to be marketed here this season. The recent buys have practically done away with the wool sales in this locality, bat the growers are receiving their price and the ad vance payment on the contracts give them a little . money to work on until after shearing. To get the price paid for these wools is almost as bard a job as to find hen teeth in a duck's mouth I he buyers refuse to state the price and the grower is almost as IS The most highly refined and healthful of baking powders. Its constant use in almost every American household, its sales all over the world, attest its wonderful popularity and usefulness. 1 Will Close at 6:30. F. 6. Bowman has moved bis cautious, but it is pretty thorough shearing plant to this vicinity. I ly understood that the prices are Since establishing his plant at tbe near the twenty cent mark and Kilkenny place about two weeks some better. Sand wool has sold ago he has sheared 26,000 head of for 15 cents, where last year the sheep. same wools brought five, six and Jake Wattenburger. has about seven cents, so it is to be seen that 10 days more shearing' at the the prices in this upper country W hitehonse, near Echo, He has fate as good as twenty or better. about 50 persons employed, in. Many of the interior sheepmen eluding cooks, etc. His plant con. will drive to Heppner and shear sists of 25 machines and averages their sheep, thus marketing their 2500 sheep sheared per day. wool and sheep practically at the F. G, Bowman and crew came in same, time, making a saving of the from John Kilkenny's tbe first of price of hauling to market, which the week and moved their plant I is no email item to the sheepman out to Geo. Currin's Wednesday, who lives back in Grant or Wheel- and will commence ODerations er county. I m there today. The following clips were bought The shearing plant of N. S. by Mr. Smead Whetstone will be started up next Nunamaker & SVilcox, ' 5,000 Saturday. Most of the shearers AeeceB: T. J. Merrill, 2,000; J. B. are here and ready for operations. Huddelston, 1,000; John Marcus, Jos. Cunha of Echo sold Oxman 1'500'' Jame(? Wyland, 2,300; Jeff 2.500 vearline sheen. The noiisid- h0068 M; e. if. jJevin, HJUU; eration was $3 50 per head. The sheep which were previously sheared averaged 10 3 4 pounds of wool. Dates of Wool Sales. Northern Pacific Railway Co. Llat No. 04519 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. C. S. Land Office at The Dallea, Oreaon, April 1, 1909. Notice is hereby Riven that the Northern Pa cific I Railway Company, whose pot office ad- drew la St. Paul, Minnesota, ha this 2nd day of March, 1909, tiled in thia office lta application to elect under the provision! of the Act of Con gross, approved July 1 1808 (30 Stat 597, 620) the NWJ4 S lA section S3 tp, 4 S It 26 E W, M. Any and all persona claiming adversely the lands described, or desiring to ebject because of the minora! character of the land, or for any other reBsoii, to the disposal to applicant, thould file their attidnvitB of protest in this office on or before the 20th day of May, 1909. Apr8Mayl3 C. W. MOORE, Register. Strayed or Stolen. One brown two-yoar-old horse branded T U B, con nected UB on left thigh. He was last seen in the Wilson Prairie pasture in the south western part of JMorrow couniy. An' one knowing of the whereabouts of this horse who will let me fjknow will be rewarded for their trouble. Joseph Putnam, Monument, Oregon. Red Front Livero & feed SatDles Willis Stawart, Prop FIRST-CLASS :LIVERY RIGS Pendleton, May 24. Heppner, May 26, June July i. Nunamaker & Cox, 4,500; L Swick, 2,500; Mrs. Paine, - 2,000; Newt. Eobison. 3.500: John Si- mas, 3,000; W.J. Beymer, 7,000; Higgins & McCabe, 2,300; Wm Chapman, 1,500; Paul Hisler, 4,400; Geo. Hufford, 1,400; R. S 8nyder, 1,200; McCuilough Bros., 2,100; John Geinger, J1.150; Silas 19, Wright, 2,060; Henry Scherzinger, 1,500;. Geo. Perry, 2,800; J. 8. Buesick, 3,000; Newt Whetstone, Echo, May 29. . Shauiko, June 1, June 15, June 3,600; G. V. McHaley, 1,400; Jack 29. Pilot Rock, June 4. Baker City, June 5. Ontario, June 7, Junek22. Vale, June 21. Elgin, June 24. Alwrrj reliable The Weekly Oregon! & Weekly Orptrontan Heppner Qaaetta. Hynd, 2,050; John Woodward, 1,400; Geo. Stevenson, 1,100. The above purchases including 61,500 fleeces aggregating about 550,000 pounds, through Mr. Smead j were for Wm. Ellery. Kept constantly on lanJ and can be furnishes c- short notice t' patties wishing to drive into he interior. Finc!as. : : Hacks and BuqijIgs CALf ,:rcuni and SKj: U-'. WE CATEI4 10 'i'IIE : : : : U)tfMERCIAL TRAVELERS .ND CAN FURNISH KIGS AND DRIVER ON SHORT NOTICE : : : Heppner, - Oregon 5IEVBMS "GenerationaTof j live, wide awake ' American Boys have obtained tho right kind of FIREARM EDUCATION by being equipped with the unerring, time-honored STEVENS All progressive Hardware and Sporting' lioorig Merchants handle STEVENS. If you cannot obtain, we will ship direct , expreos prepaid TIi new of botb Hemupbere m Tb JVeckljr Oregonian. . . . .--j m- ir i til Poml'S cents In stamps for "TL la)l'a;re Illustrated (ataioir. 1 n Keplcte with Jk u STEVENS i Jh "! Roneral fjff fy"y firearm in- C J- Jry U formation. U StrikinircoTcr Ar 1 ri in colors. 5 Itti J?STEVENSr VLrvV ARMS k TOOL CO.' Arretted a cough that has been hanging on for over two months by taking Bollard's Horehound Syrup. If you have a cough don t wait etoc it it once with this won derful remedy.. Splendid tor coughs, cold on chest, influenza, bronchitis and pulmonary troubles. Price '2oc, 503 and 81.00. Sold by Patterson & Son. The merchants of Heppner will fol low the action of nearly all merchant throughout Oregon by closing their places of business every night at 6:30, except Saturday. Minor & Co., Ma'quqrdsen'a Depart ment Store, Thomson Bros., Cash Sh e Store, Hughes & Co., Gonty Bros.. Viijfbn & Son, Gilliani & Bisbee. Case & Dir. Pneumonia Follow La Urlppe. Pneumonia often follows la grippe but never follows the ose of Foley's Ho ey and Tar, tor la grippe conuha and deep seated colds. Refuse any but the gen uine in the yellow package. Sold by Siocum Drug Co. V "Bill" Evans Coming. REACHING THE SPOT It Can Be Done, So Scores of Hevp ner Citizens Say. To enre an aching back. The pains of rheumatism, t The tired-out feelings, You must rech the spot get at tbe cause. In most cases 'tis tbe kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills are for the kid neys. Thos. Morgan, Heppner, Ore., says: "I feel it my dutv to speak a good word o favor of Doan's Kidney Pills. I suf fered for several years from kidney com plaint and rheumatism. The attacks were so severe that I was laid up for a week or ten days at a time. I finally learned of Doan's Kidney Pills and pro cured a box at the Rlocura Drug Co. This remedy went at once to the seat of tbe trouble and gave me great relief." For Bale by all dealers. Price 50 cent. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember tbe name Doan's- and take no other. The evfiDgplist. W. H. Evamt will arrive next Saturday and will preach at the Sooth Methodist church that evening. He desires to addre68 as many of the business men as possible on the subject; "Prosperity. Preaching at 7:30. Come and hear him. Give him a square deal. Singers are invited to assist in tbe singing. He's your friend if you'll allow it. All are welcome. W. A. Okr. Pastor South Methodist Church. Odd Fellows Celebrate. The Odd Fellows celebrated tho 90th anniversary of the order at Lexington, last Monday. A number of Heppner Odd Fel lows were in attendance and report a very pleasant time. Plain sewing and gentleman's wash ing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sewing Sheets, 10c and up; pillow cases 10c and up; Aprons same; Skirts $1.50 and up. Mrs. Joe Klkw. C. R. Klueer, the jeweler, 1060 Vir ginia Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., writes: "I was so weak fro.n kidney troubletbat I could hardly walk a hundred feet. Four bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy cleared my complexion, cured my back ache and the irregularities disappeared, and I can now attend to business every day, and recommend Foley's Kidney Remedy to all sufferers, as it cured se aftT the doctors and other remedies had failed." Slocum Druj Co. Independent and reUablo Tn Oregon lid by Ilunds will get into mischief often it means a burn or cat or scald. Apply Ballard's Snow liniment just as soon as the acci- dent happens, and the pain will be re lieved while the wound will heal quickly and nicelv. A sure cure for syrains, rheumatism and all pains. Price 25c, 50c snd $1.00 a bottle. Sold bv Patterson & Son. Latest Novelties In Ladies Shoes, Pumps and Oxfords Just Received from Factory Latest Eastern Novelties in the new Tans, Ox bloods and Fancy Uppers in Patent Colt, Oxfords and Dress Shoes. $3.00 to $5.00 LADIESOXFORDS $1.45 UP LADIES SHOES 1.45 UP Foley's Honey and Tar clears.tha air passages, stops the irritation in the throat, eoothps the inflamed membranes and the motit obstinate cough disap pears. Sore and inflamed lungs are healed and strengthened, and the cold is experied from the svstera. Refuse any bnt the genuine in the yellow pack age. Sold by Slocum Drug Co. LADIES SUITS TO MEASURE 816.00' UP. 300 Samples to choose from. Forty dif ferent and distinct stvles. The Cash Shoe Store Huelat & Molden f i