Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 22, 1909, Image 8

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    The Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has been
in wse for over 30 yenrs, has borne the signature of
- and has been made under his per-
fT j47?2ir sonal supervision since its Infancy
Lafyf, low no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-grood"are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fererishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. '
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The Specie That Play Around the
Shores of Brittany.
Dolphin hunting as a sport Is old to
the Maloulns. the Inhabitants of St
Malo. Several species of dolphins are
to be met with near the shores of Brit
tany. The largest Is known to science
as Delphinus delphls and differs from
other varieties by its long jaws, very
like the beak of a big bird, and armed
with abotit sixty teeth as hard and
sharp as steel. Its length may reach
nine feet, and It weighs from 300 to
400 pounds. A swift swimmer, it
preys on the schools of herrings, fol
lowing them right up to the Scottish
waters. In spite of its greed it Is
noted for its mild temper andfre
quently amuses itself by playing
around ships in the open sea. Then
there is the Delphinus tursio, or souf
fleur. This is smaller, and its beak is
shorter, though armed with strong,
powerful teeth that enable it to attack
a big fish, pinning it down to the rocks
with such force that its nose is often
deeply marked with numerous cuts.
This dolphin hates the very sight of a
ship and never comes close to one.
Finally there is the porpoise, or mar
couin, the smallest species of the
genus. Much sport may be obtained
tiy hunting these various dolphins.
"Wide World Magazine.
1 The Difference.
Marriage is a good thing for single
tnen," said the bridegroom elect
"Hum! Yes," remarked Mr. Hen
peck, "for single men only." New
5ork Times.
The disappointment of manhood suc
ceeds the delusion of youth. Disraeli.
A pjrt fcotuee'ef GENUINE gpCASf
' CYRUS NOBLE direct to yon t VJ
Hi all charte paid to the near V T
t railroad expre -efflca.
You must have the beit guaranteed to be absolutely pure aged in wood and
We b"eCVRUS NOBLE direct from the distiller have bought it for 44 year.
Don't let them sell you something else " just as good." ..,,..'
Buy the best it's the cheapest in the long run. Bottled by the distiller.
Guaranteed 10 the United States Government and to you to contain nothing except
pure straight aged whiskey. .
For the 6rst lime since 1864 (44 years) in such sections as the public it unable to t
purchase CYRUS NOBLE we will sell you direct 4 quart bottle, for $4.90;
No danger ol re6lled bottles but the GENUINE CY RUS NOBLE the best ,
....Ho ihi- Ket cellinl brand in the whole world.
W. J. VAN SCHUYVER & CO.. 1 05-1 07 Second Street, Portland, Ore. ,
W. J. Van Schuyrer & Co, rwtM Or,.
Endow) plox find $4.90 lor wiack ploM tcad
p. a Ada
Signature of
It Was the Cauee of Airing Family
Secrets In Public
A young man was riding in an omni
bus. He took the corner seat and held
in his hand an umbrella which had
been given him as a birthday present.
On the seat facing him was a lady
with a precocious boy, evidently about
five years old.
The youngster regarded the young
man with attention for a few moments,
and then his eyes wandered to the
umbrella. He gazed at It In silence for
a, second; then he wriggled in his seat
clapped his hands and shouted:
"Oh, mamma, don't that look like pa
pa's umbrella?"
"Hush, hush, my child!" said the
mother, patting the prodigy on the
"Papa was looking for his umbrella
this morning, mamma," continued the
child wonder.
"Yes, yes, but he found it," said the
toother hurriedly, as the conversation
was becoming of interest to the occu
pants of the seats.
"Why, mamma," continued the
youngster, "you know he didn't You
told him that he didn't know enough
to keep an umbrella. Why, mamma"
At this stage the small boy was car
ried howling from the bus. Pearson's
" He Mingled.'
"Did you meet any of the members
of the nobility when you were in
Europe 7' asked Miss Gushleigh.
"Sure. I sat between an earl and
viscount at a prize fight one evening."
Chicago Record-Herald.
aw at one by expraat pKpaid. four quart.
The Feelings of a Commander De
acribed by Himself.
How the commander of a modern
big American battleship can feel is dis
closed in the following, taken from a
letter written by such nn officer:
"There are more than 000 men on
this ship, uud on the theory that au
official of the government is a servant
of the people I am the servant of these
000 men and am bound to see that
they are kept in food and clothing and
baseball bats and abundantly supplied
with occupation. Perhaps 1 should
feel more Independent if I didn't have
to listen respectfully to the orderly
every time he comes in and makes one
of his infinitely numerous reports aud
put men In jail when I don't want to.
"Some of these 000 men look more
dignified and independent than I feel.
1 wonder whether I look dignified and
independent.' I suppose I ought to do
so, for to swing a steel mass 504 feet
longsuecessfully around like monsters
and to make 15,000 tons writhe around
the corners of narrow channels Is
something of an art, after all, and one
not possessed by many of the inhabit
ants of the globe.
"With all that swinging of steel
monsters around there go the responsi
bility and the knowledge that if the
ship runs aground the whole civilized
world will be acquainted with it in
side of twenty-four hours."
The Ones That Buzzed About the
Young Soldier's Ears.
A great general was taking his regi
ment into action. He sent forward a
detail of men to make gaps in a rail
fence to avoid the heavy loss sure to
result if the whole body of men paused
to tear it down.
The coolest and finest man in the de
tail was a young soldier who had never
been under fire before. When he began
pulling down the fence he fancied he
had disturbed a nest of hornets, as he
thought he heard them singing fiercely
about his ears. But the lad was not
going to run from hornets when there
was more serious business ahead.
Ignoring the angry insects, he open
ed the fence and rejoined the regiment
without being stung.
In a day or .two he vas surprised to
hear that he was to be promoted.
"But," he said modestly, "I don't
think I deserve promotion over the oth
ers." "My boy," replied t the general', "I
saw you pall down that fence. You
were the coolest man .under fire I ever
The man gasped, stared and turned
"What!" he exclaimed, regardless of
grammar. "Was them wasps bullets?"
Miners on the Corner.
"Those men," said Sherlock-Holmes,
"are colliers. You can tell It by their
The men, very clean in white shirts
and black overcoats, squatted on their
heels on a sunny corner.
"Any other men," continued Holmes,
"would stand. They would lean against
the lamppost or the wooden Indian of
the tobacconist. But these men, in the
low galleries or tunnels of coal mines,
for lack of space must work seated
on their heels squatting, as we say.
And this position, which would be
come a .torture to you or me in five
minutes, is to them, from long usage,
comfortable and customary. It is their
favorite position at all times.
"Hence when you see men idling on
their heels on the street corners you
can always set them down as miners.
If they are bowlegged the case against
them is doubly strong." Buffalo Ex
press. The Lady Was Not the Ghost.
An Irish family once had a ghost so
troublesome that they sent for detec
tives. One of these men late at night
fell asleep in his chair. The lady of
the house chanced to come Into the
room and could not resist the tempta
tion to groan and rattle her keys. She
had never played ghost before. It was
momentary indiscretion. But the po
liceman did not and could hardly be
expected to believe this. He Bald It
was hardly worth while to bring him
from Dublin, and he withdrew in dudg
eon. Yet the lady was not really'the
ghost. He was sulking in retirement;
hence doubt has been cast on the
ghosts of haunted houses even among
reflecting minds. London News.
Civil Service In England and America.
The difference between the civil
service examination in England and
In America Is important and to the
advantage of the English. In the
United States the object is almost ea
tlrely to discover the immediate fit
ness of the candidates for the work
they are expected to do. In England
the object in most cases Is to measure
what their ability to do the work will
be after thoy have learned It. From
"The. Gov.erument of England," by A.
Public Land Sale.
Serial No. CIR
TJnitad SUtea Land Oflice. The Dalle, OrrgOn
Apnl 9, 1P09.
Notlre in hereby given that, directed by the
Commisftiorif r of the General Land Office, under
proTinion of Act of CongrpM approved Jine 27,
lJ0fi. Public No. 303, we will offer at public
wile to the nlRhent bidder, at 9-30 o'clock a. m.
on the l!Hh day of May, 1809 next, at this office,
the following ;tract of land to wit:
NK4 c. 25. tp.2 8. R.24 E. and lot i. BEJ4
NWl NWt SEH wm. SO tp. 1 8 R 25 E. W. M.
Any perftoDi claiming adversely the above
described lnd are aWised to fil thir claim,
or objection, on or before tie day above desig
nated for Mia.
Apr 15 May 2U C. W. HOOBK. Register.
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right
An Old Fashioned Man Frees His Mind
About Its Absurdities.
"Whether to eat fish with a fish
knife and fork or a fork and a bit of
bread, whether to serve champagne in
a tumbler or a goblet It is quite ab
surd to regard one of those courses as
right uud the oilier as wrong and to
admire or despise a person according
ly. The average rule of etiquette has
nothing to do with courtesy, with
good breeding, and It Is no criterion
of courtesy cr of good breeding. "
The speaker, an old fashioned gen
tleman from the country, knotted the
ends of his napkin more firmly about
his neck.
"Smile at me. nephews and .nieces,"
he resumed, "bo-aue I tuck my nap
kin under my elthi. Yet why should
I spoil my black broadcloth coat with
turkey stains or smears of cranberry
sauce? It is a rule of etiquette, you
say, tliat the napkin may only be
placed across the knee au absurd,
ephemeral rule!
"It was a rule of etiquette in France
during the reign of 'Le Koi Soldi,' the
great Louis XIV., that when the king
visited a sld; subject the king, too,
must lie down in a bed, on the ground
that it would never do for a subject
to maintain a more Informal attitude
than his naster during the audience.
Louis XIV., visiting the Marshal de
Villars after Malplaquet, lay in a bed
beside the suffering soldier in that
"Behold the absurdities of etiquette
and let me do with my napkin what I
please." New Orleans Times-Democrat.
A Peculiar EscJy of Fighters In the
French Army.
The French foreign legion Is a het
erogeneous organization. It is com
posed of disappointed men of every
country political refugees, military
fugitives. In fact, all varieties of the
world's restless citizens go to make
up this wonderful mongrel fighting
machine. "Xo questions asked" might
well be the regimental motto. Each
man signing his bond of service sells
his soul for five years at the wage of
1 sou (about 1 cent) per day.
The officers are French, but the men
hail from everywhere and nowhere.
Under various names the French le
gion has existed since the eighteenth
century and was finally constituted as
at present in 1830. It consists of twelve
battalions divided Into two regiments,
mustering a total strength of 12000
men. Eight thousand are kept In the
far east, the remainder serving in
northern Africa. In the early days
the regiments were divided into "na
tional sections," men from the same
country being kept together.
This resulted, however, in continual
racial disputes, and each company con
sequently was given a cosmopolitan
composition. Since its formation the
officials have guarded closely against
desertions, and as the legion only
serves in French colonial territory
where the centers are remote and
transportation is difficult a successful
desertion is a rare feat. Chicago
A Dickens Manuscript.
H. F. Dickens, K. C, tells an inter
esting story concerning the original
manuscript of his father's famous
"Carol." The novelist presented the
MS. to Thomas Milton, an old school
fellow. In 1875 Mr. Milton sold it to
Francis Harvey, a bookseller, for 50.
Then it passed into the hands of
George Churchill, an enthusiastic au
tograph collector. Mr. Churchill treas
ured it until 1882, when circumstances
compelled him to part with it. After
photographing every page of it, it was
sold to Mr. Bennett, a Birmingham
bookseller and curio dealer, who
eventually found a purchaser, who
readily signed a check for 200 for it
Finally it was bought by Stuart M.
Samuel of Kensington Palace Gardens
for 300, who is said to still retain the
precious document. London Tit-Bits.
A Slight Misunderstanding.
Little Helen Bentley of Los Angeles,
aged five, dearly loves her grandma,
who has been living with her and her
parents. Becently grandma went to
Seattle for a visit and caught cold on
the way. When she arrived there, she
wrote back to Helen's parents that she
had reached, Seattle, but had had a
hard fight wit the grip. Helen want
ed to hear what grandma had to say,
and the letter was read to her. Soon
afterward she saw one of her neigh
bors and exclaimed: "Oh, Mrs. Smith,
we've had a letter from grandma. She
got to Seattle all right, but she had a
terrible fight with her valise!" Los
Angeles Times.
What Counts In a Story.
As I heard a fatuous raconteur tell
ing a story I had heard In one form or
another for many years I could not
but recall the statement of some one
to the offect that there are but five
stories extant and that all wo have
are merely variations from the original
five. As General Taylor, who is some
thing cf a story telcr himself, puts it:
"The Ktory doesn't amount to any
thing. It's the edition that counts."
Boston nerald.
Cures Biliousness, Sick
Headache, Sour Stom
ach, Torpid Liver and
Plan for
Summer Comfort
Don't add the hentofa kitchen
fire to the sufficient discomfort of
hot weather.
Use a New Perfection Wick Blue
Flame Oil Cook-Stove und cook in
corn fort.
With a "New Perfection"
Oil Stove the preparation of
daily meals, or the big weekly
"baking," is done without rais
ing the temperature perceptibly
above that of anv other room
in the house. Another great advantage of the
is its handsome CABINET TOP, which gives it every
convenience of the modern steel range. Has an ample
top shelf for warming plates and keeping cooked food hot,
drop shelves for holding small cooking utensils, and is
even fitted with racks for towels. Made in three sizes,
and can be had
at your dealer
Eating the Pie. ,
"I remember one man from my home
town," a western senator said recent
ly, "in the good old days before civil
service examinations, whose dream of
earthly attainment was a government
place. When his party was finally
successful he immediately set out for
Washington and was 'on the Job' long
before the 4th of March, but there
seemed to be a hitch somewhere. All
through the spring be was about town.
By June he was seedy, but still ap
peared to be 'gam-' Finally I found
him in the gallery of the senate cham
ber apparently endeavoring to kill
"'Well, have you given It up? I
asked, trying to be sympathetic.
" 'Oh, I got the Job, all j right.' be re
plied, with a satisfied smile. 'I'm
working now.' "Success Magazine.
The secretary of one of the college
classes at Princeton, in sending out
each year a list of questions to be an
swered by members of the class, in
order that the results may be duly tab
ulated and set forth in the university
annual, Is said always to Include in
his list this question: "Are you en
gaged?" It would seem that one of the mem
bers was cursed with doubt In this re
spect, for In the blank space given over
to ttm query mentioned he made his
return as follows:
"Do not know. Am awaiting letter."
Harper's Magazine.
' Mr. Fred Stone, the singing come
dian, and Mr. Eugene Wood.' the writ
er, met on, Broadway recently. They
stopped for a moment to exchange a
few cheerful views, when a woman in
a particularly noticeable gown passed.
Simultaneously Wood turned to Stone,
Stone turned to Wood, then both turn
ed to rubber. Everybody's.
- Patchwork Education.
What the modern child lacks most is
the power of observation. He is satu
rated with smatterings of every kind
of knowledge, lives a strenuous life
and cannot find time for observation
and assimilation. Madrid Mundo.
The Last Word.
She And do you believe that a wo
man always turns to the last page-first
when she picks up a book? He Well,
I have no reason to doubt it I know
It Is the nature of the fair sex to want
the last word. Pick-Me-Up.
Sunday's Journey.
"Father," said little Rollo, "what is
meant by 'a Sabbath day's Journey?" "
"I am afraid, my son, that In too
many cases it means twice around the
golf "links." Washington Star.
A HTnt. '
"You seem to be very fond of your
dolly," remarked the visitor,
"Yes." replied small Margie. "She's
so different from most people. She
never interrupts me when I'm talk
ing." Chicago News.
Dwell not too long upon sports, for
as thoy refresh a man that is weary
so they weary a nan that is refreshed.
Sean the ItiB Kind You Have Always Bought
Laxative Fruit Syrup $2r
Por Sole y Hloou'ii Drue Componyi
Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove
with or without cabinet J. op. ii not
s address our nearest agency.
r high
or low is therefore free from disigreeable odor and can
not smoke, tare, convenient, ornamental me iaeai iignu (
If not at your dealer's address our nearest agency.
a recugnisea authority The Weekly
Sam E. VanVactor.
Offlce on west end of May Street
Heppner Oregon.
Office In Palace Hotel Heppner, Oregon
Out of town sales promptly attended to.
Charges very reasonable.;
Ione, - Oregow.
Only complete set of abstrsoi books
in Morrow county.
Office Morrow Building
Residence Church street
Calls received at Patterson's Drug Store-
Frank B. Kistner
Office in Patterson A Son's drugstore
Residence in Morrow building over
Patterson A Son's Drugstore.
Grainbroker .
Heppner, - Oregon
S. E. Notson
Offlce in Odd Fellows Bld Heppner, Oregon.
Located in Odd Fellows building.
Rooms 5 and 6.
Permanently located iD Heppner. Office
in the new Fair building. Gas ad
ministered. N. E. WINNARD, Al. D.
FMY8ICIAN A: M ft;l:o
Graduate of:
Lenox C( liege, 188.
Chicago Homeopathic MedCollege
Rusk Medical College, 1892.
Cleanses the system
thoroughly and clears
sallow complexions of