VOL. 24. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1909 NO. 1152 ANNIVERSARX CELEBRATION Two Years of Prosperity and Good Service in Heppner. , BIC REAL ESTATE DEAL On Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, March 30, F. C. Marqaard Ben will entertain the people of Morrow county at hia big depart ment store. This is not to Ie a sale day but strictly Jan afternoon of amusement and a chance for Mr. ' Marquardsen to express his thauks to the people of Heppner and the county for their apprecia tion oE his efforts for the past two years. The Marqnardaen Department Stnre has been open to the public just two years on this date, and in every branch of this big store rap id strides of advancement toward meeting the demands of the people have been made and today liepp. uer can boaet of one of the beat stores of this nature outside of the cities. The house will be elaborately decorated and ice cream and cake will be Berved to the visitors. Or. chestra music will be furnished by the Heppner orchestra and a good time is expected. Every person in Morrow county is cordially invited to attend. C, R. Reierson, who perhaps is the best decorator ever in Hepp ner, has the affair in charga and is doing everything within his power to make it a grand success. Eight Hundred Acres at $25 per Acre Spot Cash. SHEEP IN GOOD CONDITION Eight hundred acres of Morrow county wheat lands, involving $20. 000 spot cash means a whole lot for Morrow countj'. The H. E. Burchell wheat ranch near Lexington was purchased by James Da.visof Multnomah county this week, for 825 per acre. The fact that outside parties are coming to this county and making large renl estate investments is evi dence that people are learning of our cheap lands and splendid op portunities Jthat have been lying idle all these years. No Scab to be Found in the Flocks of Mor row County. Dr. H. Silverwood, federal stock inspector, whose official station is at Albany, who has been in Mor row county for the past two weeks, has about finished the work of in specting the sheep in this county. To a Gazette representative, the inspector stated that he has found the sheep of Eastern Oregon, and especially Morrow county in much better condition than in the Wil lamette valley. He says that he found the sheep Land and Sheep Sold. Mills & Co. this week sold to W. E. Straight 1000 acres of grazing land for $G 00 per acre. With the land Mills & Co.. sold their baud of 1700 ewes for 86.00 per jhead. Circuit Court. Pheips came over from Pendleton, Mori day. Circuit court was convened in ad iotirned session, Tuesday. The docket was cleaned up bv the disposal of sev eral default foreclosure cases. LOOKING FOR A LOCATION Professors Jardine and Scudder Visit Mor row County. Professor Jardine, of Washing ton, D. C, representing the gov ernment and ProfessorScudder, of the Oregon Agricultural College were here Friday to study condi tions and get the Bentiment of the people in relation to the estab lishment of a demonstration farm. A meeting was held Friday even ing with a small attendance, the predominating feature being alack of enthusiasm. On Saturday the professors ac companied by Bunker T. J. Ma honey at,d Fred Tash drove out to the Eight Mile country and looked Renders the food more wholesome and su perior in lightness and flavor. The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar, C-T -.jx&Jf J hsl I AlAyew was in from Parker's Will Organize Y. M. C. A Jim, lueway. operations a: the OFFICERS W. O. MINOR, President J. II. McHALEY, Vice-President W. S. WHARTON, Cashier VAWTEB CRAWFORD, Asst. Cashier C. E. W. S. Bank of Heppner Capital, Fully Paid, Undivided Profits - Four Per cent Interest paik on Time and Savings Deposits Your Banking Solicited in good condition and not a case of scab in this county. . "I was very much surprised to find such perfect conditions 'tin over that portion of the county. your countv." said Dr. Silverwood. Va bunday they visited the v i He found lambing progressing country between here and lone in a very satisfactory manner. In Several sites were examined in some cases 100 per cent of the the vicinity of Lexington. lambs are being saved. On Sunday afternoon they were In Bpeaking of conditions in driven to the lone country by R general in relation fe the sheep in- . Hickok and conditions in that duetry, Dr. Silverwood continued: part of the country were .looked "My advice to the sheep men over. Judee Bean and District Attorney when they bring their flocks from It is the desire ef the professors the summer range in the fall, is to to locate the farm as nearjthe rai - dip for the eradication of bheep Uoad as possible for the convenience ticks which are already a menace of visitors. to the sheep industry of no small The question of the location of dimensions. the farm will be decided in a short "In one particular case that I time. The question of location, as have in mind, I noticed a band of well as can be learned, seems to be sheep that was restless and the about aaeven break between Mor- animals were continually scratch- row and Gilliam counties, owing ins. resembline scab symptoms. ' to the natural conditions desired 'We caught one of the band and for the demonstrations the sheep was literally alive with Ihe object is to secure a "place ticks. that will Bhow up a good average "Where thev set to be this bad OI" soil and precipitation in the the injury is almost equal to scab semi-arid districts of Eastern for the tenacious parasite is con- OregOD. uuuaujr nuuujriugauu iBypiug ui Joe jj , JTgnnner. ill buvin Dlooa ana tile ot tne sneep. sheep in GraDt county. He recently DIRECTORS W. O. MINOR ' J. II. McHALEY W. G. SCOTT WOODSON WHARTON $50,000 00 2259 33 The Pastime Finest Line of High Grade Cigars in City Candies, Nuts, Soft Drinks Billiards and Pool F. E. WESTERBERG, Prop "If dipped when brought in in bought 600 bead of two year-olds from the fall and then followed np in 10 Charles Bochler of Monument Long the Rama din as fnr scab, and than aeaiu ui ir iu a iis unin vcaia. i 1 1 . .... D - - - ---- -- - - w cec into miRnlnef nfton it manna will guarantee that the ticks will burn or cut or ecald. Apply Ballard's be entirely eradicated. Snow Liniment just as soon as the acci "If the sheepmen will do this, I dent happens, and the pain will be re believe their Drofits will be in- I,eved w,,Ile lne wound will heal quickly and nioely. A sure cure for rheumatism and all pains. Price e5c, 50c and 81.00 a Sold bv Patterson & Son. syrains, bottle. Treasurer's Notice. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. V. 8. Land Office at The DalleR, Oregon. Febrnary 10, 1909. Serial No, 0.W3. Notice is hereby Riven that Frank GlnMCOck, of Hardman, Oregon, who, on February 24, 1000. made Homestead Entry No. 14979, for E'i 8W BW'H BE and lot 4. section 18, townnhip 5 8 rn"B 25 E W SI. has filed notice of intention to make final commu tation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J. P. Williams, 1. 8 Commissioner, at his oHice In Heppner, Ore gon, on the 27th day of March. 1903. Claimant names as witnesses: George E. Wrljjht, of hone Rock, Oregon, J anion H. MoDaniol end GeorRe A. 'McDonalrl both of Hnrdinan, OreKOn. and Charles H. Bul lis. of Hardman. OrrgonJ Feb. 18-Mch 25 C. W. MOOH1C, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Ollice at The Dalies, Oregon, March 6, 1909. Notice If hereby Riven thst Robert R. Carson, of bexinpton, Oregon, who, on Nov. 27th. 1!17, made Homestead Entry ISerial No. 021h7J No. 1M05, for SW'ti Section 15, township 2 south range 23 EWM, has filed notice of intention to make final commutation proof, to "establish claim to the land above described, before J. P. Williams, U. 8. Commissionr at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on the 20th day of April, 1900. Claimant names as witnesses: Nat Shaw, and 8. E. Notaon, both of Hepp ner, Oregon, and Cliff M. Flidley and Peter Christenson, both of Lexington. Oregon. Men 11 T' W C. W. MOOBE. Register. Red Front Llvero & FeedSatbles Willis Stewart, Prop FIRST-CLASS LIVERY RIGS Kept constantly on tan J and can be furnishes c" ehort notice t jiatties wishing to drive irto he interior. Flrtlasj : : Hacks and Buoyies CALf mCUM) AND 8 Li!" IN. WE C ATE It TC VII E : : : : oOM3IRClAL TRAVELERS uSD CAN FURNISH HIGS AND DRIVER ON SUOKT NOTICE : : : HGDpner, - Oregon Tb new of both nem:spneres m The Weekly Oregoniajt. creased SOper-cenh "If freed from ticks, the coarse wools will average from 15 to 25 pounds heavier and the finer sheep from 10 to 15 pounds', while there would be a big increase in the .v-v.v. i i .m ,A V, - U .. : iL.t -II I . . I j.ivuvo la uomuji unci! iiiai nil out" IIP Si I rAr trrrifi onvioAa r m r I v,.v.0 PHtancnne Morrow uounty wariants reit- boring eheepmen to work together isfered prior to and including January and build cement vata 18 inches 4i 1908, will be paid upon presentation at. tri fntv ointit 4n.Kaa in th office ol the treasurer ot said u width at the bottom with a depth of 54 inches, the length to be gov erned by the number of sheep to be dipped. The inspector says that the price of sheep is bound to go up, and nothing can stop it. The man who gives his sheep ihe best care will make the most money. mill are now acuve m makino o preparations for the season's run which will commence on April 5. Harry Duncan received a tele gram Monday evening bearing the sad Dews of the denth of a sister at Jersey Citj, New Jersey. IlEACHlXtt THE SPOT It Can Be Done, So Scores of liepp. ner Citizens Say. To cure an aching back, The pains of rheumatism. The tired-out feelings, You must re .ch the spot get at the canse. In most cases 'tis the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills are for the kid neys. Thos. Morgan. Heppner, Ore., eats: "I feel it my dutv to speak a good word in favor of Doan's Kidney Pills. I suf fered for several years from kidney com plaint and rheumatism. The attacks were so t-evere that I was laid up for a week or ten days at a time. I finally learned of Doan's Kidney Pills and pro cured a box at the Slocum Drug Co. This remedy went at once to the seat of the trouble and gave me great rHet." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents, Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's- and take no other. A meeting was held Sa urday evening at the Commercial c ub for the porpone of orgacizirg m association for athletics and other entertainment and amusements. The meeting was held under the auspices of the two Methodist and Christian churches. Kev. Conder of the Christian church and Rev. Airheart of the M. E. church delivered addresses. The membership roll started off with 75 names. There was a large attendance and much interest was shown. Banker W. S. Wharton went ta Walla Walla, this morning. Pneumonia Follows La Grippe. Pneumonia often follows la grippe but never follows the nee of Foley's Ho ey and Tar, tor la grippe couahs and de2p Beated colds. Refuse any but the cen nine in the yellow package. Sold by Slocum Drug Co. Foley's Orino Laxative cures consti pation and liver trouble and makes the bowels healthy and regular. Orino is superior to pills and tablets as it does not gripe or nauseate. Slocum Drug Co. Ths editorial pace of the Weekly Oro ronlan aires a broad treatment to a wide ranao of subjects. If examvthyleiietetranieiu The above is the name of a Germaa chemical, which is one of the many val uable ingredients of Foley's Kidney Remedy. Hexamethylenetetramine is recognized by medical text books and authorities as a uric acid solvent and antiseptic for the urine. Take Foley' Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice any irregularities, and axoid a serious malady. Slocum Drug Co. Alwerw reliable Th Weekly Oregon laa, For news and opinions ths Oregonlaa. county. Interest ceases after the date of this notice. This call is for $15,000. E. G. NOBLE, County Treasurer. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, March 25, 1909. Police of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing under the Arm name of Klein & Ashbaugh, has by mutual consent teen dissolved, H. C. Aslibauglt having purchased the in terest cf J. B. Klein, will collect all ac counts and pay all bilrs heretofore con-! W. I. Barratt of this city this tracted for the firm prior to Nov. 1. 1008 Good Price for Sheep. week sold to Sunderman & Smith, of Butter -creek, a band of aged r 1 11. . 1 ,T a BBS ewes wuu me wooi on, tor ?4.o per head. This is a good price and Mr. Barrett is well satisfied with the sale. While Leg-horn and Barred Rocks. tl. C. ASIWAUGH, J. B. KLEIN. Notice to t'rnitro wrrs. By personal investigation I have found that the orchards of Morrow countv are badly infected with San Jose scale. bIho black spot. In accordance with the lava T ilaatra t ntr. nntw.n tliaf oil in. White Leghorn eggs for sale by the w,Pll nri.h.. mncf u af.r,i ,,,; ! L. .1 .1 .a t w is I "UUUItu "l ,er W"'DS m lo- omle 20 davs from the dt- of th.s notice. : xy 1 f i a. I c...uK u.rieu xvuts epics l same Th Slllnh.lr 1,m ,.. (nrmnl. price. Jsee my ch.ckens and yon will of wmch nQ b obuin.d from me on want some like them. Leave orders at Cook's restaurant. A. J, Cook. application. A. Ives, Fruit Inspector. ! 1 Dated March 4, 1909. Irngon O.e. 1 Look Well Dressed All The Time aaaaaa3 WmSSmmmmmi BaaaSSSaaaSl Look at any well dressed man and you will see that its the Fit and the good shape of his clothes that gives them style and makes him stand out iu a group of men. All tailors realize that they must put enough style into their clothes to make them pass muster while thev are new. a. But where is the tailor who can make clothes that will keep that good shape and style? You know that most clothes soon wrinkle bag and sag. Damp weather makes the troubl canst1 most clothes shrink a trifle on your back; much, but just enough to ruin the style. My shrinking process takes overv particl shrink out of the cloth before I cut into cloth .-. Itoyal Tailoring can't shrink, but will hold its jzood style until worn threadbare. Mens Suits Tailored to your Measure $18.75 up Also a Fine Line of Samples from Chicago best Ladies Tailors on display at our store. Ladies Man Tailored Suits to Measure $22.50 up. and : The Cash Shoe Stoi Huelat & Molden Exclusive Royal Dealers 4