Local and Personal Notes. This ia beautiful spring weather. Glasses properly fitted at P. 0. Dorp's. tf. Highest cash price paid for bides pelts and fare. Pbil Cobn. Dr. Winnard guarantees bis glasses 4o give satisfaction. Horse bills with good cuts at the Gazette office. Dr. Winnard will fit you with glassed t acost of $2.50 to $7.50. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Clark went to Portland Saturday. Mrs. R. W. Hickok is visiting relatives in Sacramento, A. Keller, The Dalles brewery nan was in the city Friday. W. T. McRoberts was a passen-H $er for Portland, yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Ward visited relatives at Lone Bock this week. W. B. McAlister came up from Xexington, Monday and transacted business. . Dr. Winnard has taken a special course in tbe treatment of tbe Eye. Ear, Dose and Throat. A. A. Roberts has resigned as receiver of the United States Jland office at Lagrande. E. E. Be am an baa again engaged in tbe wood and coal business, bar ing bought out Roy Gray. Stallion record books made to -suit this territory. lietter thau the Eistern kind at the Gazette office. Joe Devine came up from Lex ington, Monday, and acted as a witness in the final proof of fRob ert'R. White, which was JJmade be fore the local commissioner. Sam Devine, who is an exten sive farmer of tbe north country, was noticed ou our streets the fiist -of tbe week. Mr. Devine enys that the wheat looks good in the 'Lexington ciuntry. Jaa. ITamilton, who baa made a success of tbe homestead settlr nient, was in from bis ranch which lies north of Lexington, Monday. Mr. Hamilton says that all it taken for a man to make a -success of one of these ranches ia work, lie ha9 a large number of bets and finds that tbey are a splendid in vestmeut. Miss Etta Morrison, formerly of Heppner, has won in the grand prize voting given by the Euyene "Daily Guard, entitliog her to a trip to the A-Y-P exposition, also the honor of selecting the chaper one to accompany the crowd of successful J ontestants that make the trip. Miss Morrison will rep resent Eugene on "Eugene Day" at tbe exposition. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tbe Signature Worn Out. That's the way yon feel about the lungs when von have a b eking cough. Its foolishness to let it go on and trust to luck to get over it, wnen Ballard's Hore bound Syrup will stop the cough and tieal the lung. Price 25c, 33c, and $1,00 per bottle. Sold by Patterson & Son. Bean the Signature cf OASTOniA. llie Kind You Have aiwavs Bougnt Jas. Wyland came, down from Hardman. the first of the week and attended to some legal matters. Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Roberts, of Hardman, were Heppner visitors, last Saturday, Mrs. Sam White is tired of buy ing ground coffee. She buys Fol ger's Golden Gate whole roast and grinds it. Geo. R. White, of Lexington, made final proof upon his home stead in range 25, JJtownsbip 1 north, before Government Joe Williams, Monday. Mr. White had a splendid proof and is mak ing a success of his farming Ven tura. Evangelist Oonder, pastor of the Christian church, gave his lecture on "Phases, Mazes and Crazes of Love," at Irrigon last Tuesday night Prof. Kicker had charge of the lecture and reported tbe whole town out to bear tbe lecture and said all were well pleased. An orphan lamb weighing 170 pounds, dressed an even 100 pounds. This is, what plenty of feed and water will do for a year. ling sheep.' The Wight man broth ers, who own acd operate the Al falfa Lawn Dairy, last week killed this Irmb whici brought them $15. This Iamb never had any milk, but always had all it could eat as it ran an 1 pastured any place on the farm that it saw fit. A hint to many more of our creek ranchers. A few lembs each spring lika tbij h?pj to bwell the bank tcjeunt atd it corner from a source wbtre the outlay is small. Rev. Chas. A. Phipps, State Field Secretary of the Oregon Sun day School Association, addressed tbe people of Heppner, Saturday evening, bunuiv afternoon ana Sunday evening. lie also occu pied the pulpit at the M. E. church South. Sunday mornine. He stirred up the Sunday 6chool workers and reorganized the county association. The following were elected officers for the ensuing year: President, Vawter Craw ford; vice president K. L. Beach; secretary-treasurer, S. J 2. Notson; teacher training supt., Itev. i. P. Condet; supt. elementary depart ment, Mrs. M. B. Scrivener; supt. home department, Paul Balsipjer; supt, temperance and good citi zenship department, Prof. L. B Kicker; organized adult clasp dent., J. J. Adkius. Being in constant touch cn one hat d with the clien ele which includes tlioBe who demand the boat that can pur chased, and on the other with the best sources and rtsources of stvle o iuin, explains the a' mosphere ot style which inevitably pervades in the Sp-ing and Summer Pattern Hats bought by Mrs. F. Luper of our citv while in Poitland She ill be in readinestj on March 20, to show an array of trimmed and un uimm d hats, bavinir laid in such a va ne y that she is almost rqndy to defy yon to dream of a shape that is Dot tbe e In addition to the frame work of the hats to be, you can p-oCure all the necessary fixings for them trimmed to your fancy by Miss Viole Young, for inerly with the Crown Hai Co., of Port' land, Oregon. . S. ,W. Spencer went to Portland, yesterday. Wanted Bronze turkey gobbler, also oen of Rhode Island Beds. Address giving price, Addison Bennett, Irrivon Mrs. H. J. Reese, of Albany, Oregon, is the gust of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Walton. Mrs. Beese is tbe mother of Clair and Cleve Walton. She was accompanied by her granddaughter, Miss Olena Walton, of Weiser. Idaho. Cleve entertained his guests and sister, Mrs. Clair Walton, for several days at his homestead ranch on Butter creek. O. B. Kluger, the jeweler, 1060 Vir ginia Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., writes: "1 was so weak froai kidney trouble that I could bardly walk a hundred feet. Four bottlea of Foley's Kidney Kemedy cleared my completion, cured my back ache and the irregularities disappeared. and I oan now attend to business every day, and recommend Foley's Kidney Remedy to all sufferers, as it cured me after tbe doctors and other remedies bad failed." Slocum Drag Co, Foley's Honey and Tar clears tbe air passages, stops ins irritation ia me throat, soothes tbe inflamed membranes and the most obstinate couich disap pears. Sore and inflamed lungs are bealed and strengthened, and the cold is expelled from tbe system. Refuse any but the genuine in tbe yellow pack age. Sold by Slocum Drug Co. Milk on a Stick. In winter time milk goes to tbe buy er la a chunk Instead of a quart, says a Glasgow paper. The people In Sibe ria buy their milk frozen, nnd for con venience it Is allowed to freeze about a stick, which comes as a handle to carry It by. The "milkman leaves one chunk or two chunks, as the case may be. nt the houses of hiss customers. The children In Irkutsk. Instead of cry liiS for a drink of milk, cry for n bite of milk. The people In winter time do not say, '"Be careful not to .epl.ll the milk," but "Be careful not to break the milk." Broken milk Is better than spilled milk, though, because there Is an opportunity to save the pieces. A quart of frozen milk on a stick Is a very formidable weapon in the hand of an anjrry man or boy, ns It Is possible to knock n person down with It. Ir kutsk people han their milk on hooks Instead of putting it In pans, though, of course, when warm spring weather comes on tbey have to use the pans or palls as the milk begins to melt and drop down the hooks. .3" o 3" B8 J f S'l1 i I CD o Bean ths Signature of ASTORIA. Kind Vou Have Alwars Bougtit Strayed or Stolen. One brown two-year-old liorsc br-ml-l T Y H, con nectcil UK on I'ft tliili. Ho was last smmi in the Wilson Prairie pasture in the south western part of Morrow eouniy. Any one knowing m ii. ...i .1. .a' i;. 'at oi l lie iH'ir,iiii .i i. eg it against imparities and dctori liorse who will l't me (jkliow j fcl oration-never sold iu bulk. ii i 1...1 f.v,. Will le i t'H iiiuni an im ii t rouble. JOSKIMI I'l TXAM, Monununt, Oregon. 1 Coffee I ! fl a. 1 The Illusion of Night. I sometimes fancy that every great city must jrave been built by night. At least it Is only at night that every part of a great city Is great. All archi tecture is great architecture after sun set. Terhaps architecture is really a nocturnal art, like the art of fireworks. At least I think many people of those ::obler trades that work by night (jour nalists, policemen, burglars, coffee stall keepers and such mistaken enthusiasts ns refuse to go home till morning) must often have stood admiring some black bulk of building with a crown of battlements or a crest of spires and then burst luto tears at daybreak to discover that it was only a haberdash er's shop with huge gold letters across the face of it. G. A. Chesterton in Loudou News. Tax on Hats. Not only have bats at various times been subject to taxation, but have even been made the subject of special laws, Thus In Henry VII.'s reign none was allowed to sell hats at a larger price thau 20 pence or caps for more than 2s. Sd. Some compensation, however, for tbis interference with free trade could be found in the fact that in 1571 on Sundays and holidays every one above seven years of age was required to wear a cap of wool of English make under penalty of 3 farthings fine for every day neglect London Chronicle, Look Look For each dollar you pay up to one eigntn the purchase price of a piano you will receive credit for 2.00. This sale will last 8 days only. If you stop to con- cider this bargain you will call and see us and .buy a piano and Individuality is the keynote of all "Sincerity styles. They are not mere imitations of fadish models, but the original prod- duct ot high class ilmencan designers and tailors, who adopt l the latest suggestions ot style and incorporate them into their clothing. Their clothing is all cut and finished by custom tailors, hence their perfection ot fit and finish. Every detail of their & making is supervised by skilled experts. The utmost care and good judgment is exercised in the selection of findings and & trimmings, resulting in their unrivaled style, hit and shape re taining qualities. We are justly proud of our showing of "Sinceiity" Clothes for spring and invite inspection of our. new line which has just been received. , Come in and look them over . whether you . in- S tend purchasing just now or not. You will be welcome. 8 8 1 TAKE THE GAZETTE AND PORTLAND ' SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Minor Ik Go, PfJLfJCE HOTEl HEPPNER, OREGON Leading Eastern Oregon Hotvi MODERN CONVENIENCES ELECTRIC LIGHTED . . . Coder'. New Management. Thoroughly Renovated and Befhtted. Best Weals in tbe City. 1UDD0CK i CO. International Correspond Schools ence Scranton, Pa. Can give yru thorough training ia any ot the following profes sions. Mark X before course you desire information about. Ad Writer, Bookkeeper, Commercial Law, Illustrator, Sign Painter, Marine Engineer, Mechanical Draftsman, English Brnchs, Sheet Metal Worker, Electrician, Architect, Plumber, Mechanical Engineer, Civil Engineer, Surveyor, in your The aroma-tlcht can protects Your procer will prind it better if y round at home not too f;no. have music home: Any piano ycu buy from us will last you a life time. Don't wait. Eilers' Piano House Heppner, Oregon. Summons. in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County. Everett Sink. Plairtiff, VS. Wm. N. Froebe, H. F. French, B. T. Chamberlain, F. H. Meacior, and Matthew Ball, Delondanra. To B. T. Chamberlain, one of the above named defendants: In The Name of The State of Oregon, you arc hereby commanded and required -to be and ap pear In the atove entitled court on or before tix weeks from the tirst publication of ths summon!", to-wit on or before the eighteenth day of March, l!Ki'.'. then and thereto answer the Complaint of plaintiff filed herein against yon. and, if you fail to fO appear and answer said complaint, the above named plaintiff will apply to the court for thp relief prayed for iu his com plaint, to-wit: For decree of the above en titled court foreclosing that certain mortgage made and executed by Wm. N. Kroebeto Everett Sink on the l-'th dy of November. l'.Ktfi, to se cure the payment of the sum of $() together j with interest on said sum at the rate of S per cent per annum from inl ijth day of November j Assaver, 180H. which said morigace was iven upor. the , Cllemifft . Minine Engineer, North half of faction It, all of Section 1 nwl , the North half emotion 21. a'.l In jownhi. - : o.unuuor aim uuiuier, South oi l'.Mnge 2' East .f the Willamette Mer-: French, German and S anish with Idian in Morrow County. Oregon, and which' Euison lieneating I'honograph aid niortgHRe was duly recorded iu Volume t, .,l,lra pawe 318 of the llceonls of Mortgages of Morrow ; County, Oregon; that the premises above dt s-i ctibed be sold in the manner provided by law' and that the proceeds .if s:iid sale be applied in j payment rif the amount ecurfd by s-tid mort gage, to-w.t the said sum of j-'A o with mtertst at the rn e of S per cent per Milium fmm Nc- j vember 2. lux': the turther u of In tutor- , ney fees and plaintitl' eos-s aud (Iishurscmetits i made and exnsinied in t e k1,,vo entitled suit, j including ncfruii.g cot and exi't"-' nf ' sale and for w-h other and Iv.rih.-r reiiet as to. the court may s.em cinitnlue an, I 'ust. This siiniini!i : si ived upon ou by order of the l!ou. C. C i'attersnr. County ,'u.ii;e id Morrow Couii'v, Oregon, duty madenud eiitere.i on the Ith dT 'ot February. l'.-v. by pr.hiici;iou thereof in the Hkimnki; i i : :n r v. a week I y newnpuper of general circulation ; ul'iislioi at Heppner in Morr.iw .'oiinty. -eon, for coiiMK-uiive we k, ti e date of the lire! piiKtea lion . f this Mimiii otis bring Ft 1-rui.r.v I. l '"t' and th-. date .f the last pnblie.tt.t n of this sum mons beirg March H. l! ''- MF.NKFEK A Wit. SOS. Attorneys lor 1 laiutiiT. LOW Rates to; Oregon DAILY During March and April From all parts of the East via Union Pacific Oregon Short Line The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Southern Pacific $33 from Chicago $30.50 from St. Louis $25 from Omaha $25 from Kansas City Correspondingly low from all point. ether H. V. Reed I'ot t'anil, Oregon To the Public Write letters tn everybody yru know in the East and tell them about the-.' ltv colonist rate-. Sen 1 ther.s titet;. ture about Oitjion, or s n l lin'tr ad dresses to us an 1 w? will tlo if. In tin-. ay yon can b? h reur ht-'n in -i.e i;iowtii and pror. s' i your state. NOT1CK FOIt rCBfd A I ION. I uitt it sti-.tos Uin.i Ul'ilee, The Dalles, Oregon, jna. -: l'.v. Niitice is hereby given that State of Oregon j has ir.ed r.t this oSice its nutlicKt:tn. Scrii.l So. '. for any one from any place Oily, to s;-lcrt wider the provision of t!it A'-'t ! to. IVposit the i.ei"e-s.i ' v a:t ... .....ft........ ,1 tt .1 .V... t.,, i i,hi.:,.ii-w,.,1.l i.. ire, a..', n.e 0l,r local utfeiit au.i l.tf wn siippioint'iit.iry thereto, the Nr.'i l ot e ii. T. 1 S . it. '.''i. 1". Wiilnmt't'.o Meri-iian. Any t.i'd i".' n.-tson cluiming a.'.v.-rfvlv the! . . ... . ' i land describe 1, or dOH'ini to object bec-'ise of the in noriil cdara.'tort.f the land, or for any other rea'on. to the disposal to applicant, should ti their affidavits of protest in this jjfiiee, oa cr before the H'th day ,,f Marvh. li'i'.l. IV'oi-Mehlt C. W. MOOKE, Kch'istcr. You Can Prepay Fares ii you i nut w n eitri., ! ticket promptly. Inquire of airnts it wr'te to WM. M i-Ml' K KAY (tent ral aeIlJl-r Ajetit Tlse Orvcon Kadrosd it Navigation (' .r,;!a-iti I'-icd't C il.iti in 1'0K1L.NP, C ivl t.i.'.".