Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 11, 1909, Image 1

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    City Hall
VOL. 24.
NO. 1150
Knights Went to Condon.
W. W. Smead, Deputy Grand
Chancellor for this district, held a
district convention at Condon,
Tuesday night.
Mr. Smead was accompanied by
Dr. Wiunard. Geo. Thomson and
Garfield Crawford and this party
was met at Arlington by Grand
Chancellor Gus Moser and G. E.
of JR. S. L. R. Stinson. Geo. Perry
came across the river from Yaki
ma just prior to the departure of
tne train for Condon and was
shanghied by the bunch, bat when
leaving time came for the crowd
to start from Condon, Perry's over
coat was being held by the hotel
man for storage on George'd frame
for one night, so Perry had to
camp another day.
The Ileppner boys report a
splendid time at the .hands of the
Condon KuightP. Tbey were met
at the train by the Condon bras&
band and Condon and Lone Rock
lodges and escorted to the Oregon
hotel. From that time on they
were wined" and dined-to their
hearts content.
New Bridge to be Built on
Rhea Creek Usual
Number of Bills.
White Leghorn and Barred Rocks.
White Leghorn eggs for sale by the
hundred at 65c per setting of 15. Single
setting Goc Barred Rock egs at same
price. See my chickens and yon will
want some like them. Leave orders at
Cjok's restaurant. A. J. Cook.
For news and opinions tho Oresjontaa
The regular session of county
court was convened by Judge C
C. Patterson at the court house,
Wednesday of last week, with
Commissioners Devin and Camp
bell present
The first business was the aud
iting of claims. One hundred and
twelve bills were allowed amount
ing in the aggregate to $4835 53
The application of Kerr, Gifford
& Co, for rebate of taxes was de
The application of the Hepp-
ner Building & Loan Association
for lebate of taxes was denied.
Iu the matter of the appeal of
Archer Rice on assessment of dam
ages caused by change of grade
on the lone hill. The surveyor
and viewers placed tha damage at
$50. Upon facts submitted by
Mr. Rice, the court allowed 8175
In the matter of the establish
ment of a county road as petitioned
bv C. D. Huston, et al. Allowed.
In the matter of the report o
tae surveyor and viewers ou
change in the grade in the Jack
Kabbit can von road, ine road
was ordered opened, the estimated
cost being 5350,
In the matter of the petition of
R. Hogeland and others for estab.
lishment of a county road. The
petition was accepted. Surveyor
Reid and viewers John W. Brown
and Jeff Jones were ordered to
meet on Saturday, March 27, to
survey and view the road.
In the matter of the report of
the survevor and viewers on the
survey of the change in the grade
on fhe lone bill. The road was
ordered established subject to the
approval of the proceedings by the
district attorney.
The appointment of R. B. Rice
as deputy assessor by Assessor
Hendricson, at a salary of 100
per day was approved dv tne
It wbs ordered that $500 be ap
propriated to be expended on the
improvement of the Wyland road
A new road grader was ordered
by the court.
The bridge across Rhea creek at
Lower Willow creek in
Prosperous condition.
Down Willow creek the sheep
men are well alone with their
lambing and in some instances they
are through. Grass is good and
the saving of lambs has been com
paratively easy. Stockmen and
farmers say that conditions never
have been more favorable in that
section of the county, than this
spring. The moisture that fell
during the winter months has all
gone into the ground and the cold
winay days that are common each Mr. and Mrs. Phill Hnbn Urv fn.
, I - - - WVIIU f V A l i-V
apung. nave not been m evidence a two week's vis t to relatives at
this season. Alfalfa "rowers are San Francioco and to h in rrn,l
noodiDK their, fields and at the nna i
Absolutely Puz
The only baking powder
made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar.
Christian Church.
present timg have an exceedingly
bright proppnet for a bumper first
crop of bay.
In this nart nf Mnrrnw rvnnnrtr I
tr o -i : I '
UCU.y ocue.mgei Wa luaprcieu the fftrmer8 faave cieaned 8prayed
and pruned their orchards, and i
the ranches along the branch lice
from Heppner to Heppner Junc
tion have a thrifty appearance.
Two ranches, and there are none
The struct-
and a new
W. O. MINOR, President
J. II. McHALEY, Vice-President
W. S. WHARTON, Cashier
Bank of Heppner
Capital, Fully Paid, - $50,000 00
Undivided Profits - - 2259 33
Four Per cent Interest paik on Time and Savings Deposits
Your Banking Solicited
The Pastime
Finest Line of High Grade Cigars in City
Candies, Nuts, Soft Drinks
Billiards and Pool
Department of the Interior.
U. 8. Land Office at The Dalle, Oregon,
February 10. 1909.
Serial Xo, OWU Notice i hereby (tlven that
Frank Glasscock, of Hardman, Oregon, who,
on February 24, 190f, made Homestead Entry
No. 14979. for E'4 SW 8W54 BE and lot 4.
section 18. township 5 S range 25 E W M, has
filed notice of intention to make final commu
tation proof, to establish claim to theiland
above described, before J. P. Williams, IT. S
romraissioiier, at his office in Heppner, Ore
gon, on the 27th day of March, 1909.
Claimant names as witnesses:
George E. WriRht, of lne Hock, Oregon,
James H. McDaniel and George A. ;McDonsld,
both of Hardman, Oregon, and Charles H. Bul
lis. of Hardman. OrrgonJ
Feb. 18-Mch 25 C. V. MOOKK, Register.
Department of the Interior,
U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
Msrch 6, 1909.
Notice Is hereby given that Robert R. Carson,
of Lexington, Oregon, who, on Nov. 2"th, 1907,
made Homestead Entry ISerial No. 021S7 No.
ir805, for NV4 Section 15, township 2 south
range 2S E W M, has filed notice of Intention
to make final commutation proof, to establish
claim to the land above describad, before J. P.
Williams, U. 8. Commissioner at his office at
Heppner, Oregon, on the 20th day of An-U,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Nat Bhaw, and 8. E. Notson, both of Hepp
ner, Oregon, and Cliff M. Fridley and Peter
Christenson, both of Lexington, Oregon.
Men 11 a pr 15 C. W. MOORE. Register.
Red Front Liveru &
Feed Satbles
Willis SUwirt, Prep
Kept constantly on land
and can be furnishes c
short notice t pat lies
wishing to drive irtc he
interior. Fir t!as, : :
Hacks and Buggies
TC VlIE : : : :
Heppner, Oregon
Tn newa of both Hemisphere a The
.Weekly Oregontan. .
by the commissioners.
are was condemned
bridge will be built
Court House Notes.
Tbe lawn on the beautiful court
house erronnda is resnondinc to the
warm weather and ' is looking better ia the conoty of their 8ize8
a go'den weddina- of an
uncle and aunt.
"Wm. Ayera and Mrs. Mary John
son were married in this city Sun
day, Judge C. C. Pattersoa, offi-
It Can Be Done, So Scores of Hepp
ner Citizens Say.
Janitor Wm. Ay era is the hap
piest mm in the court house.
When Bill got married the court
house bunch was so highly elated
that resolutions commending the
janitor were passed and a donation
for a present was quickly raised.
Taxes are coming iu at a lively
rate. Out of $100,000 to be col
lected about $40,000 have already
been paid in.
at Jordan Siding, have recently
tell into the hands of new blood
and will soon be put into the best
possible condition. '
fTl ait m
ine auen tarm nas been re
cently acquired by R. F. Hynd and
To cure an aching back,
The pains of rheumatism,
The tired-out feelings,
You mu8t rech the spot get at the
In most cases 'tis the kidneys.
Doan's Kidney Pills are for the kid-
Wm. Thomson. The place will be Dey8
under the manaoemflnt of ' Mr. Xhos. Morgan, Heppner, Ore., says:
" I "T t,.l : J..... i ,
Thomson and it is here that Mr . ' " r
Hynd promises an ideal diversified fered f r several years from kidiiev com-
tarm. llie Jordan farm was this plaint and rheumatism. The attack?
week bought by Dave McAtee and w,ere 80 severe that I was laid up for a
rr,.: ...... , , Georee Swaecart. of this citv. at a weeK or ,en daV8 -t a t,ms- 1 fl!
xuBcuuuiy jauiB now luntBume learned of Doan's Kidney Pills and tro
and deserted. Thi ia the fit OUUB1UOTBUOU or . w.wu.uu. it cured H hoT Al f. Bloplim , 'P(1
time that the jail has been empty is 80on to be the .BCee 0 f a ba8V This remedy went at once to the seat of
for a COUDle of veara. en 6eilin 1C ln proper the trouble and gave me great relief.
" I I A A . f y f 1 17-- 1-1 11 J I T mn.
a a uuu Buapero bow to auana. rurBB;ouynueaierB. rnceo'jceon
' I T171 i. TL Jl . . .
" b' ' J I j l ,, .. . .
.Tn0t,V Rtpa nf Hodman in th BUU a Dome on mem tnat IS
Sunday school 11 a. rr., Vawter
Crawford, euperintendent. Classes
for all. You will fiad a well ur.
ganized class conducted and Ungbt
in such a ay as to meet your de
mands ia this school.
Sermon and communion 11 a. m.
General chorus practice at 3 p.m.
Christian Endeavor prayer meet
ing 6 p. m.
Evening worship aod sermon at
7 p. m. Both the boy's and giri'a
chorus will assist in the singing at
the evening service.
Wednesday, March 17. Boy 'a
and girl's chorus practice 7 p. ro.
Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. Bible
drill 8 p. m., and general chorna
practice 8:30 p. m.
J. Perry Conder, Minister.
Pneumonia Follow La Urlppe.
Pneumonia often follows la grippe but
never follows the use of Foley'd Ho-ey
and Tar, tor Ia grippe couahs and deep
seated colds. Refuse any but the gen
uine in the yellow package. Sold by
Slocum Drug Co.
sum of $300. who has been in the worth whi,e 0n the farm is
county jail for some time, this wliere you spend the best part of.
wPtpnrpd hnnrtamen And wna oiyour jives ana tnere is tne
place to have some things ot com
fort and make life worth living.
It gives the country an air of pros.
perity and the farmer an appear.
a nee of contentment. G. C.
Foster-Milburr Co., Buffalo. New York,
sole agents for the United States.
Remember tbe name Doan's- and
take no other.
given his liberty.
Ed. Berry assisted by J. B. San.
bert, is engaged in re-varnishing
the interior of the court house.
When finished, the interior will be
greatly improved in appearadce.
Foley's Orino Laxative cares consti
pation and liver trouble and makes the
bowels healthy and regular. Orino is
superior to pills and tablets as it does
not gripe or nauseate. Slocum Drug Co.
Free Reading Room.
Services at the idettaosllst Churcb,
Sunday, March 14.
Ths editorial pace of U Weekly Ore-
roniaa glrss a broad treatxMnt to a will
ranee of subjeeta.
The above is the name of a German
chemical, which is one of the uany val
uable ingredients of Foley's Kidney
Remedy. Hexamethylenetetramine ia
recognized by medical text books and
authorities as a uric acid solvent and
antiseptic for the urine. Take Foley'a
Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice
any irregularities, and axoid a serious
mala' y. Slocum Drue Co.
Alweru reliable: Tht Weekly Orgonian
Sunday school 9:45 a.m., Junior
The Endeavor Society of the League 3 p.m. Epworth League
Christian church will hold a meet- Devotional meeting, 6 p.m. Topic,
ng at the church Friday evening "Our Pattern," Math, xi 29. Lead-
to consider the plan presented al er M 188 Opal Briggs.
heir meeting last Sunday to open ' The pastor, Rev. Walter L. Air-
a public reading room and keep it heart, will preach at 11 a. m. and
open to the publio each afternoon 7 P- m- Subjects, morning ser-
and evening. mon, "The Gospel According to
w l -
lou." 2 Cor. iii 2. Evening,
"The Fatal Isolation." Gen. iv 16.
Proposals Invite.
Baby Hands
will get into mischief often it means a
burn or cat or rcald. Apply l'.allard's
Cnrtu T 1 A. it..
and building a bridge across Rhea dent happens, and the nam will be re
lieved while the wound will heal quickly
and nicely. A sure cure for syrains,
The County Court of Morrow
County, Oregon, will receive sealed
proposals for furnishing materials
rheumatism and all pains.
Pries e5c, 50c and SI. 00 a bottle.
Sold bv Patterson & Son.
ollcc to f ruitgrower.
creek, about eight miles from
Heppner. feaid proposals to. be
filed with the County Clerk of
Morrow County, before one o'clock
March 23, 1909. Each bid to be
accompanied by a certified check
for five per cent, of the amount of
the proposal, as required by law.
The court reserves the right to Iy personal investigation I have found
reject any and all bids. orcuarus ot .Morrow county are
c. c. pattersox. :zi i-
I ' - rv 'Vt 111 ItLtvI VIHIItV Willi WIS
U)unty Judge. laws I desire to give notice that all in
fected orchards must be sprayed within
Hoarse coughs and stuffy colds that 20 day8 from tDe dte of tbis notice.
may develop into pneumonia over night Ihe soiphur and lime spray formula
are quickly cured bv Folev'a llonpv nrl ll wh,ch can be obtained from me on
Tal, and it soothes inflamed membranes, PP,ib'ion. A. Ives, Fruit Inspector
heals the lungs, and expels the cold Dated March 4, 1909. Irngon O.e
from the system.
Sold by Slocum Drug
Independent and
reliable The Pregoa
Do you Want a Phograph
Now is your Opportunity
For 10 days you may buy a Phonograph at a
sfh m OF FROM
We reserve the right to with
draw this offer at any time
11 to 10
$21 00 Talking Muchi
25 00 Talking Machine
30 00 Talking Machine
45 00 Talking Machine
20 03
22 50
35 00
4."i0 new double disc records music on both
sides just placed on sale. 400 now cylinder
record now readv to choose from.
The Cash Shoe Store
Huelat & Molden