CHOICE MISCELLANY The 9rh Cor Speed. Betwccu the sulky with which Flora Temple astonished the world and that of tho present year there is as much difference as between the bone shaking velocipede of forty years ago and the modem bicycle evolved from it. Various experiments have been tried. The horse waa formerly in front of the axle. Then came the plan of arching the frame, so that bis bocks in action would be under the driver's sent. The bike wheels were a distinct advance, I lint the high sent still remained until ; experiments -with wind shields showed j to what extent atmospheric- pressure j was a factor In making or man-ins records, and since the new century set in there has been a steady gain In con struction. Not more than fifteen years j sulky seats were as much as fifty j Inches from the ground, while the lat est models are less than thirty and range In weight from twenty-eight to thirty-five pounds. Shafts have been lengthened and j seats lowered until the driver can no longer look over the back of his horse, but to either side, to watch the course. While this Increases the danger, it re duces the pull against the wind and Is expected to be a point in favor of tho new records to be striven- for this year. Boston Transcript A Story of tho Se. Anchored amid the soft breezes of Ceylon lay the East India fleet. The weather was faint and sultry, and scarcely any oue stirred on board. Suddenly a forecastle boy sang out in clear treble his childhood's hymn, "I think when I read that sweet story of old!" Iiefore the second verse was reached all the ship's company was joining In In pleasant harmony. Above the bulwarks of the other ships the men were seen congregating lu tho at titude of Intense listeners. After the Inst line of the hymn had been sung there was silence for a brief space, and then the hills caught up and sounded back the echo, "And crowd to his arms and be blest." Ship after ship followed with old familiar hymns, one after the other; all but the admiral's ship ttmt was silent. Would the flagship follow suit be fore the sun sank Into the waters, and what would be its choice? every one wondered. Then suddenly there was a mighty burst of many Toices, as If trained In a cathedral choir, and the warm air vibrated with the grand old "Te Beum." "We praise thee, O God; we acknowledge thee to be the Lord." London Tit-Bits. New York's Horse Cars. There are still fourteen horse car lines in operation namely, the west Fide belt line, east side belt line, Cham bers street crosstown, Chambers and Grand streets crosstown, Bleecker Ftreet, Chambers street and Avenue C, Desbrospes street and Sixth avenue. Grand and Desbrosses streets, Seven teenth and Eighteenth streets cross town, Twenty-eighth and Twenty ninth streets crosstown, Avenue B Hue, Canal and Grand streets ferry line, Cne nundred and Tenth street end St. Nicholas avenue and the West Eighty-sixth street line. The last named Is the shortest, extending from Amsterdam avenue to Riverside drive. Although the line's one ar runs only six blocks when it makes a round trip, schedule time is maintained. The Buttercup Defended. Editorials and news Items warning flower pickers against the buttercups on account of risk of disease from its perfume have appeared in the newspa pers of different parts of the country. An inquiry among Boston physiciaus gives reason to believe little ground ex ists for this alarm. It would not be marvelous, however, If a few persons had been affected by such a thing, so often is one man's meat the next man'8 poison. Cheese and strawberries, for example, and even potatoes, affect un favorably an occasional individual. The human animal is so curiously con structed that an instance is recorded where the mention of an angle of forty-five degrees was sufficient to make the subject faint Boston Transcr'pt. Corpcraiion of Blind Men. A business corporation has been suc cessfully established In Vienna by men who are totally blind. The company manufactures brashes and baskets, and all its employees are blind. In the eight months of Its existence It has filed orders aggregating 23,000 kro nen, making a fair profit, and has enough ordera on band to justify the enlargement of its workshops. Six teen of the employees are skilled work men, and the company wishes it known that their wares are sold on their "actual merit," that they are put upon tho market "in fair competition with the product of other concerns" jmd that the blind people want "busi ness, not charity." Minn: ton pi iii.ication. I cpartment of the Interior. United States Latd Cflice. LaGrande, Oregon Dec. 28. WJX. Notice is hereby given that Frank li. Hamilton of Heppner, Oregon, who, on July 8th, 1M, made Homestead Entry No. K,.VW, enal No; l"J. for NW4, Section 25, Towns! ip 4 S. Kange 27, E. W. Meridian, has fi'ed notice if intention to make final Commutation proof, to i tab;ih rluirn to the land above described, Itc-forpJ. V. Williams. U. 8. Com mission r, at his office In Heppner, Oregon, on the 10th day cf February, '.VijJ Claimant names as witnesses : Robert D Watkins. Lather Hamillon, James Allen, and Edward Hunt all of Hejpner. Ore gon. D31- F4 T. C. BEAM WELL, Register. Notice. AH accounts with tho Light & Water must be settled by .lan inrv 1, 1909. If not paid by that d t service will bo discontinued. Light & Water Co. r.oliec of Mii-rlir Kale. No'ice is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of sale, duly issued by the cler k of the Circuit Court of the County ot Morrow, State of Ore gon, dated Deoe.nber 3rd, A V. 1908, in a certain suit in the Circuit Court of said county and state, wherein the First Na- j tional Bank of Heppner, Oregon, plain ! 'iff, received judgment against Mollie E. Mitchell and J. T. Mi'chell, defend nts, for the sum of $341 80, 40 attor ney's fees, and iosts and disbursements tuxed at $15 00, on tl.e 11th day of No vember. A. D 1908. Notic- is here v given that I will on Saturday, the 2nd (lav of January, A D 1909, at ten o'clock A. M. f caul day, at the front door of the Courthouse of Marrow County, Oeuon. sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, the following described rea' property, to-wit : Lot numbered 13 in Block numbered 12 rf Mt. Vernon's Addition to the City of Heppner. Taken and levied upon as tire pro -erty of said defendants, or as much thereof, as may be recessaiy to satisfy said judgment in favor of said plaintiff anainsl said defendant', together with all costs and di.-btifs-ments that have or may accrue. E M. SIIUTT fhe-ifTof Morrow County, Oregon. Dated in Heppner, Oregon, December 3:d, A. 1) 1908. CONTEST NOTICE. Lepartment of the Interior. United States Land Office, The Dulles, Oregon Nov. 30, 1W8. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed 1. 1 this office by George H. McDonald, contest ant, apainst homestead (Serial No, 014331 entry No, 15559, made June Itt, 1907, for EH sWJ, S'-i NW Section 30. Township, 5, S., Kange 25, E ft . M.. by Edward Anderson, Contestee, in which it is aPeced that said Edward Anderson has never established a residence upon ssid tract of land and has never resided thereon that said tract is not settled upon and cultivated by said party as required by law; that said alt leged absence was not due to his employment in the army, navy, or marine corpsof the United States in time of war, said parties are hereby appear, respond, and oU'er evidence touchlrs sa'd allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on January 8. UHfl, before J. P. Williams, a D S. Commissioner at his office in Heppner, Oregon (and that final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on January 15, 1'.K'9, before) the Kegis'er and Receiver at the United States Land Otlice in Tha Dalles, Oregon. The said contee.'aLt having, in a proper affida vit. filed November 20. 1908, s-'t forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice ran not be made, it is herebv ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. Nov28-Jan7 C. W. MOORE, Segister, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, t'. S. Land Office, LaGrande, Oregon. November 2. 1608. Notice is hereby given that Morris Hosenbaam of La Grande, Oregon, who, on 21st day of Nov 1908. made Timber and Stone application, No 02395, for the NJ of hi and the EH of 8WU, Section 10, Township 4 South, Range 29 East Willamette Meridian, has hied notice of inten tion to make Final Timber and Stone Proof, to establish claim to the land above doscrlbed, before the Register and Receiver of the V. S-L-.nd Office at La Grande, Oregon, on the 9th day of February, Una Claimant names as witnesses: Maud Schofield, N. W. Schofield, C. 8, Van Duyn and II. J. Hitter, all of LaGrande, Oregon. Nov26 Jan28 F. 0. IMAMW ELL, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. 3. Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon, Nov. 23, 1908. Notice is hereby given that Bertha (iiger for merly Bertha Cox, of Heppner, Oregon, who, on 8ept. 13th, I!i7, made Homestead Entry No. 15575, Serial No. 02S13, for SH 8E4 and 8H 8W Section 1, Township 4 S., Range 28, E. W. Meridian, haB filed notice ol intention to make final Commutation proof, to estbll"h claim to the land above described, before J. P. Williams U. 8. Commissioner, at his ottice in Heppner, Oregon, on the 11th day of January, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses; Faul Hisler, George Moore, Millard French, all of Heppner, Oregon; Edgar Palmer, of Lex. ington, Oregon. Nov26-Dce31 F. C. BRA M WELL Register. .'Notice of 1 1 ii n 1 Account. In the Matter of the Estate of II. Krick, De ceased. Notice is hereby given that the nnderslgi ed, as executor of the ettate of R. Krick, deceased, has file! his fir al account in the County Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, and that ! Monday, the 1st day of February, A. D. 1909, at i the hour " 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, and the County Court room in the County I ('juit house at, olorrow County, Ore I gon. Iihk bem si taid Court c.s the ! time and place for the hearing of objections thereto at:d the settlement thereof. J. P. WILLIAMS, Executor of the lest V ill and Testament of R, Krick. dct-t-ar-i-d. Sam E. Vim Nhc or, Attorney for the Est to. Date! and gm published December 17, 1H08. NOTICE FOR PCRUCATION Isolated Tract. Public Lb i d Sale. Ferial No. 01558. United Etatcs I and ( flit e. The Dalles, Oregon, Dec. II, I8. Notice Is hereby given that, as ("irrctcd by the Commissioner of the General Land Oriice, under j provisions of Act of C ngrer-s approved June 27. iaufi. I'ubl c No. 3, we will offer at pnbllo sale, to the highest brdder. at 9:45 o'clock a. m. on the 2 ith day of January next, at this offi-e. the following tract of land, to-wit: W4 NEK Sec. 32 Tp. S, 8, K, 28 E. v. M. Any persons claiming adversely the above described lands are advl ed to file their claims, or objections, on or before the day above dealg tated for sale. D17-JS1 c. W. MOO BE, Register. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of R. W. HICKOK Grainbroker IIkvi'Nkr, Oreoon Cook's Restaurant Meals Served at all Hours. We make a specialty of Short Orders. Everything cooked in plain sight. Highest Market Price paid in cash for fresh eggs. Groshens Building, corner Main and May Streets- A. J. Cook. Prop. Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, Unit.-d States Li ml Office, The Dalles, Oregon November 20, 1C A stiff cent contest affidavit having been tiled in thir office by Thomas C. Beymer, contestant against homestead Serial No. OHi'Kl entry No. 13125, made December 17, 103, for Eyt SW'4'. S SKH. Section 17, Tow nship 5, y Range 26 K. VV M., by Gustayus Miller, contestee, in which it is alleged that said OuKavus Miller has never es tablished a residence upon said land and has never resided thereon and has wholly aband oned the same; that said tract is not settIe-1 up cn ai.d cultivated by eaid paity as required by law ; that said alleged absence was not duo to his employment in the army, navy, or marine corps of the United States in time of war. Said parties are hereby notified tojnppear, re spoiui. and offer evidence touching upon said, a li gation at 10 o'clock a. m. on January 8, 14)09 before J. P. Williams, a U. S. Commissioner at his cihee in Heppner, Oregon, land that final heanng will be held at 10 o'cloc k a. m. on Jan uary 15, 19C9, before the Register and Receiver at the United States Laud Cilice in The Dalles, Oregin. The said contestant having, in a proper affida vit, filed November 20, HHja. set forth facts which show that after due diligence pern-nfll service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby or dered and directed that tack notice be given by due and proper publication. Nou2rj-Jan7 C. W. MOORE, Register. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior. United States land Office, The Dulles, Oregon, November IS, 1808, A sufficient contest iffldavit having been tiled in this office by J. E. McMillian. contestant. against homestead Serial No. 014 14 entry No, 1(1861, made Airilll, 1902, forE!J NK'.i, Sec. 27, VV!', NWJi, Section 20, Township 2 S.. Range 25, E. VV, M-, by Eliza M. Willis, deceased, contes tee, in which it is alleged that the said entry woman died on or about the 11th day oi June 1903; that during her lifetime she failed and neglected to establish her residence u; on said land or reside upon said land at all; that she failed and neglected to cultivate or improve said land according to law; also, that her heirs have wholly abandoned said tract of land and have failed to cultivate or improve the name or in any manner to use the said latd for more than six months last past; that said abandon ment is not due to service In the army, navy or marine corps of the United States; that there are only four heirs of Baid entrywoman; that the names of said heirs and their last known post office addresses are as follows: Kamtiel E. Wil lis, Heppner, Orogon ; A. A. Willis. Newberg Oregon; B. F. Willis, Spokane Washington, and Harlan Willis, Volnier, Idaho- that if thera are any other heirs of said entrywoman, they are unknown to contestant. Haid parties are hereby notified to appear, .re spond, and offer evidence touch'ng said allega tion at loo'clock a. m. on Jntioary 5, l'Xf.t, before J. R Williams, a U. S. Commissions-rat his office in Heppner, Oregon, and that final hearing will be held at li; o'clock a. m. on January 12. 1903, before i the. register and Receiver at he United States Land Olticc In The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper affida vit, filed Navember'n, 1MW, set forth facts which show that after dile diligence personal service of this notice enn not be made, it is hereby or dered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper pjbli ation. N'j20-Jau7 C. W. MOORE, Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at The Dalle?, Oregon. Nov. 10 K08. Notice is hereby given that Clyde ;. Wright, of Hardman, Oregon, who, on Oct. 2ith, 1008, made Timber Application No. 01 ii 0, for S',4 SE aridtCi HVii-i, Stctlon 5 Township 6 P. Kange 2t" E. W. Meridian, has filed notice of in-, tantion to make final Timber proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J. P. Williams, U. S. Commissioner, at his cilice in Heppner, Oregon, oa the 2nd day of January, 1?03. Claimant names as witnesses: Anson E. Wright, Fred Knighten, and Oeorga Bleak man, all of Uardman, O.eon; S a A. Wright, of Heppner, Oregon. NovI9-Jan21 C. W. MOORE, Register Call at th Oasett offlc and learn of our clubbing offer with the Weekly Ore-goiOaa. Boyer'& Wherry Fresh and Salted Meats Fish on Fridays Hihet market price paid fov tat stock HEPPNER-, OREGON Robert Hart, Prop. Ice Cream Ice Cream Soda High Grade Cigars Fresh Candies Nuts and Fruits Lunch Goods Ice Cold Coca Cola Orangeade Hoot Beer Imperial Hotel Portland, Oregon Modern six story, fire proof building. j European Plan Rates $1.00 and 1113, Phil Mhtschas, Marker. Phil Metschak, Jr. Amnt. Manage r. ; The Palm j 3 At Gilliam & Bisbee's Crock- ery Department. We will make as much as a 10 percent cut on all staples, including Cut Glass, Silverware. Graniteware. Tinware, anrl W h anything found in Christmas goods from 10 per cent to your own price. Sale Continues Until j New Years. 9 I I Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat The Genuine is in the &h and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption YELLOW package Notice for Publication. Depart merit of tho Interior I and Office ut ha Grande, Oregon. December 1, 1WS Notice Is lior by gi on t' at llarrt t 1. Jelli soii, of iV2H I iiurel St. , I', Oregon, who, on August 2H, "lium, made Timber and Htoce Sworn Statement, No 012(11, for S'j NW'A, NEU H'!.i, ar il i.ots S ni'd t sect! n 4, and Lot 1, Sec tion -r, Township 1 South. Kange 211 East Wil lamette Mcrldbur, has tiled not ice ot Intention to mnko KIdiiI I imb'r and Stouo Proof, to ts tabllsh c aim to tho land abovo described, be fore 'he Register anil Receiver, U. S. Land O'tteo at La Oraiido, O.'egoii, oil the lita day of Kub ruary, l!n Claimant names hk witnesses: C. S. Van Duyn and I). C. Brlchoux, of La Ornndo Oregon; (lei nrn W, Lilloy and William D. Jelll-on, of Portland, Oregon. DIO Ell F. C. RUAMWKI-K, Fcgiator. CONTEST NOTICE Dei artment of tho Interior, United States Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon. November 20, l'.Ml.S A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed iu-this oflioe by Ertd li. Heymer, contestant, against homtMcad (Serial No. UI4K7) entry No IU87, made June 21, 1901 fnrNfc'K SE?, Hoc. .f, iswr,4', i,NW'4, t-'ectlon 1), TowiiBhlp S, S. , Hangn 26, E. W M.. by William W. Llpsett. deceased, contestee, in which it is alleged that said William W, Lipsoft never established a residence upon said tract and nev-r resided thereon prior to his death, Jane 14. l'.HW: thst since his death his heirs have wholly failed to improve taid tract of land or to place any im provements thereon whatever; that said tract is wholly unimproved; that said abandonment was not due to employment in tho army, navy, or marine corps of the I'nited States in time of war; that Annie Llpsett, who resides at San Jose, California, is the mother of said William W. Lipsctt, deceased, an..1 is the only living heir of said William W, Llpsett, deceased. Said parties nro hereby notified to appear, respond, and oiler evidence torn hl&g mid alle gation at 10 o'chick a. nr. on January 0, lWrU, before J. p. W illiiinis. a U. S. Commissioner at his (fl-ce in Ileppi or, Oregon, (and that final hearing will be held at lOo'c'ock a. m on Jan uary IB, 1800. before) the Register and Receiver at the Cuitcd States Land Otlice in The DalleB, Oregon. The said contestant having. In a properaflida vit, filed November 20, 1'8 set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, it is hereby or dered und directed that such notice bo given by due and pro; er publication. Nov2 Jan7 C. W. MOOR E, lk'fcister. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION lolat,-d Tra.t Public I and Salo United States Land Office The Dalles, Oregon, Nov. 'Jl, 108 Notice is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner i.f tho General Land Office, un der provisions of Act of Congress approved June 27. l'JOG, Public No. 303, we will oiler tit public sale, to the highest bidder, at I0:4" o'clock a. m.. on the 4th day of January next, at this otlice the following tract of land, to wit: SE) SWij Sec, 25, Township 4 South Range '.'ti East Willamette Meridan- Any persons claiming adversely tho above described lands are advised to tile their claims, or objections, on or before the day above designated for sale. Nov26-Jan7 C. W. MOORE. Register J'olk'h (jazktteek A LubiLet-B L)i rectory of each city, tawn and vi lag in Orf gon and Washington, giving a le Rciiptive sketch of each trlii'ie, tojj'thf with the location and shipping facili ties and a clasmfied directory of each business and profession. K. L, Polk A Co., Inc., Seattle. V this department. J 9 PfH-flCE hotei HEPPNER, OREGON Leading Eastern Oregon Hotv. MODERN CONVENIENCES ELECTRIC LIGHTED ... Coder New MaDBgement. Thoroughly Renovated aDd Rpfiitted. Best Merds in the City. HADDOCK & CO. Pttpj. Sam E. VanVactor, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office on west end of May Btreol Heppner Oregon, C. E. WOODSON. TTORNE Y A T-LA W Office In Palace Hotel Heppner, Oregon E, J. KELLER Auctioneer Out of town sa en promptly attended to, I'liaryeH very lOHH' tiairle. Ionic, ... Okkgon VV. L. SMITH, ABSTRACT EH Onl, (linn ,iet, Hni f , but,. ,n iu Morrw count k H h'PPNKh, Okkgon DR. A1ETZLER. I ICNTIM I Located in Odd Fellows building, dooms 5 and 6. DR. M. A. LEACH lCIVTri!-4T Permanently located in Heppner. OtSc in the new Fair building. Ghh ufl. ministered. Clarence M. White LAWYER Heppner, - - Oregon S. E. Notson ATTORNEY AT LAW. 'ttlcein Odd Fellows Bldg Heppner, Oregon. Frank B. Kistner PHYSICIAN AND SURG HON. Otlice in Patterson A Son's drnHloro Keniil.'in-e in .Morrow building over I'a'terson A Son's I) uustnie. NOTICE FOK PPBLICATION Isolated Tract J l'nbllc Lund Sule. Serial No. OICS" 1 I'nlted tit .tes Land Office, Tim 1) illes, Oieijon. December 1:1,8 Notice is hereby (riven thnt, hh di ected by tlia Commisr-ioner of the (ieneral LsndOlU e, 1111'er provisions of Act of Cohhivm approved J nnc 27. 1!W rublic-No. 3U3, we will offer Ht j ubllu sl, U the hlKbust bidder at 9:1 o'clock 11. in. on the 15th dny of Jutmary neM. at Ih's otliea, the follow. 113 tract of ind, to-wit: E)i Xci. Section S3 and S't NW'14 8ootiou 34 Township 3 south, Raiige26K. W. M. Any persons claimin adversely the 1 bovo d scribed lands nre advised t j file their claims or obj -ctioiis, on or b3fors the day above dtl nt.fed for snlo. M0-JH C. VV. JJOOKK, Refrisier. NO: ICE FOU I'l'BLlCATION - Isolated Tract.' Piihli.; Land Sale. Departineiit of the Interior. V. Lhiiu Oilico at La ttirinde, OreROir, December Hlh. li 8 Notice is hereby Riven that, as directed by tho Commissioner of tho (Joneral Laud Ollice, un der provisions of Act of Conreps approved June 27, IMl'i, M State., 517, vtewllloOeratpuh 11c sale, to the hiKhest bidder, at 10 o'clock a m. on thh 2ith day of January, at this office, the following describrd land: 8W NV4, NW 8Wi, NK HW'si, NW4 8Ef4 Section 22. T. 1 8. II. 27 E. W. M Serial No. (K2. Any persons claiming adversely the above described land are aivised to file their claim?, or objections, on or before the lirno designated for sale. D10-S14 F. C. KRAM WELL, Register. A. A. ROBERTA, Keceiver, CONTEST NOTICE. Departmei t of the Int iior, Unittd States Land OtKcc, The Dalles. Oregon, December -4, 1SMK. A SnfKcient contest affidavit having been filed In this office by W. L. Loweu, contestant, aHinst homestead (Serial No. 014-UJ entry No. 915'. made March 25, I'M, for W;-j SE!, SW!, Section 6. Township 5, b uth. Hnnge 2-, E. W. M , by Fred Fisher, contestee, in which It is al leged that said Fred I i.-dier has wholly aban doned said tract; that be has chnnged his resi dence therefrom for more than k' month since making said entry; that said tract is not settled upon and cultivated by said party as re. q ired by law; (hut Baid alleged absence wa not due to his employment in the army, navy, or tnarino corps ol the United States in lime of war. Said parties are hereby notified to appear, re Sf.ond, nnd oiler evidence tonchtng said allega tion at 10 o'clock a. m, on January 20, l'JO;', be fore J. P. William, a V. H. Commissioner at his ollice m Heppner, Oregon, and thst final hear ing will be held nt in o'clock a m on January 27, 1!M, before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office in '1 he Dalles, Ore gon. The iaid contestant having in a proper affida vit, filed December 2. I'.KW, set forth facta which show that after due diligence pers mal servi -e of this notice can not be made, it is hereby or dered and directed flint such notice be given by due and proper publication. D10 J14 C. W. MOOKE, Register. F0LEYSH0NIMM top the cougtm and Hala lungs CONTAINS NO HARMFUL DRUGS For Bole y Sloouui Drug Companyi