Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 14, 1909, Image 4

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    Nearingf tie
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ARQUARDSEN'S Department Store
Announcement is made of this forced sale with the fullest assurance of its success while laying no claim to the mstntion of truth, we do claim to adhere
to truth in oar advertisements. Nor is there anything Pharisaical about this. We don't insinuate that others do .ct, merely affirm that we do. Another
factor that contributed not a little to the development of our salet is our liberal exchange policy. If a firm cannot afford to be liberal at this point is it not
a fair assumption that something must be radically wrong with its merchandise? If anything purchased in the store c uring sale or at any other period fails
to prove satisfactory, we want it to be returned. Indeed a favor is conferaed on us by so doing, for we are anxious to be told of our deficiencies, that we
may correct them, in other words, wc want our customers to be entirely satisfied with jpurchases, not only fortnelr sake, but also for our own.
Closing Day
Saturday, January 16, 1909
Closing Day
Ladies Fleeced Wear
one value" 23c
50c values 39o
75o values &9o
65c 4Sa
fl 25 u-.'ons, wool 9Sc
1 00 values 79j
LadiPH tw piece su'ts $ 1 25, 9Si;, 85e,63o
Ladies Flannelette Gowns
75 values 59c
81 00 values "9e
1 3-3 values $1 00
1 13
1 50 valu' e
One lot lazier nhnrt kiinonari. . .
$1 45 values for 93c
Ladies Gingham Aprons
75c values 58c
25c values 19c
35c values 25c
Ladies and Childrens Golf
85c values. 23c
50c values 39c
60c values 43c
Woo', silk lined 65o values 49c
Childrens Mutant 25c values 19c
Childrens Mittens 2('c values 15c
Ladies Wool Hose
Ladies Cash mart 35c hoe 25c
Lailies Cashmere boo hone 49c
Ladies Cotton fleece lined 25c hose 19c
Ladies Cotton tieece lined 15c hose 10c
Childrens Leggings
65: values M
50c values. 39c
Leatuei $1 50 vm ue .
Ladies ir1' t5 vl
Ladies legi;ii.K 90' vui
I'mk 4ti towels, 10V. vh Ufr
Hock tow U, 15o v ilue
Huck tow Iss, 10c va w- .
CUildrens wool Toques wh
7"; value
Snie, 25 va'ties
While, hiue, red, 35: value
Blue hii l iei ..... .
Ladies Silk and Linen
Shirt Waists
9 U 65 values 1 25
-. 50 values 3 65
A : 50 values 2 00
Vi :. 01 values 2 50
3 2" values 2 50
A') 3 75 valueg 2 75
IIXK: IVlI on all
ami present same to clerk who ser
purchases of $25 00 or more.
ves you.
We will pay railroad fare from Lexington, lone, and CVvil, Oivgon. Take receipt from'ticket agent
The Heppncr Gazette
Etublibbei March 30. 183.
Fred Warnock
Stockholders' Meeting.
Sutured at the Poaioilice at Heppner Oiegon. at
secoud-class matter.
Thursday Jai. U, 1909
War on Coyotes.
"Dm V. Sinythe. secretary of the Ore
gon Woo!jrowers' Association, ia tend
ing out le ters ur-in' v. r on tne coy
ote -.
The fo 'owii:g res.-lution pased at the
last meeting of the association he'd at
Ileppnc-r, h being featured:
"We, ' r.er-j men of O.euon, herel.y
A aside t . i tb of January, 1009.
for tbe juirpo& akiuy fpecial tffj is
to destroy coyttsi ether predatory
wild animals throuiit ut Ortgon ; that
eve.-y possible ( ffjrt be uiad! by all
fcheepmea to 'fes'.roy coyotes with poi
Bon, gun3, traps, dogs, and other ine'' -oda;
that we will induce our lieiuVo-Drs
and evervone possible to assist us in
this crusade against coyotes. That spe
cial precaution be takcn in pu ting out
poison, that poison be not placed near
dwellings or rublic highways, so that
doa ji",!rij would not he liable to
reach it; that poison be pot out only on
our oa premises and ranges."
Notice is hen by given that the regu
lar annual meeting of the stockholders
of the Heppner Mining Co. will be held
at the office of Sam E. Van Vactor, in
Heppner, Oregon, on the second Tues
day of February, 1909, being the 9th day
of February, 1909, at 2 o'clock p. m.
This meeting is for tbe purpose of
electing officers and for any other busi
uess that may appear.
I). B. ST ALTER, Pres.
T. W. AYEUS, Sec.
Dited at Heppner, Oregon, January
11, 1909.
T. A. Rhea, of Portland, J. P. Uhea,
of Walla Walla, end A. L. Ayers, of
Parker's Mill, were in the city this
week to attend the annual meeting of
the stockholders of the First National
When coaipetitors tell you there
ia no sugar in our city, try Mar
qiinrdseij'd. A Silver Lake wman had rhu
barb pies on Christmns, made out
of rhubarb just picked from her
i Coffee I
Grand Masquerade Ball.
There wilt be a grand masquerade at
Artisans hall, Lexington, Oregon, on
tbe evening of January 22, 1909.
Good music snl a good time assured,
fc upper at the hotel. William Shipley
biid Howard Lane, floor managers.
A Broken Hack.
That pain in your back caused by lum
tago, (-t.tr muscles or a strain is an easy
thini: to get lid of. Ballard's Snow
Liniment cures rheumatism, lumbago,
iore and stiu" musclep, itndns, ppraiue,
cuts, burcs, bruises, scald? and all aches
and pa ii3. You coed a bot:le in your
ii iij.e. Sold by Pa'tereoa & Son.
A Peculiar Wrench
o' the fo-'t or ankl may produce a very
serious sprain. A sprain is more pain
ful than a brenk. In all Fprains, cutp,
burns and scplli Btlliird's Snow Lini
ment is the best thing to use. Relieves
the pain instantly, reduces swelling, is
a perfect antiseptic and heals rapidly.
Price 25c, 50c and 1 00. Patterson &
The aroma-tight can protects
it against impurities and deteri
oration never sold ia bulk.
Your grocer will grind it
better if ground at home not
too fine.
Notice For Publication.
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at Ihe Dalles, Oregon.
December 28. 1908.
Notice is hereby given that Edward li. Mc
Danlel. of llardman. Oregoa, who, on Oct. 30th
1W8, made UomeeUwd Entry No. 13028, forSW
NWfc.Wtf SW)4,SE!4 SWfc. Section L Town
thlp 5 8 , Range 24. E. W. Meridian, has flied
notice of intention to mae flni Ave year proof,
to eetobliah claim to lbe land above described,
before J, H. Williame, V. H. CommieHioner, at
his office In Heppner, Oregon, on the 10th day
of February, lfl.
Claimant iiativw as witneseee:
Guy L. Kadity, Daniel iiiee, Ernest K. Wy
land and W illiam T. Reynolds, alt of Hardniati,
J7-Fi C. W. MOORE, RegisUr.
Tht.-e's Nothing 3ettcr.
"I crossed the Atlantic last month
ith that beautiful youu singer. Miss
Ger.ildine 1'arrar," said a banker of
"At dinner ore night the captain of
Notice is hereby g,v a that I have
filed my final account as executor of the
estate of Elisha G. Sloan, deceased, acd
that on the 1st day of February, A. D.
1909, at the hour of 10 o'clock in tl e
forenoon of said dav, the County Cturt
of said county will hear objections to
said Goal account and settle the same.
This r.o ica id published by order of
.Notice of SlOi Ui;lilti8,' .Hcctii-
Notice i? hereby given ll.a! there will
be a mee ii u f the etockhnldt rs of the
First National Hank of Heppner at tlieir
offic- on the second Tuusdiy of January,
1909, between t; i- ho'irs of ten o'clock
A. M. and four o'.-li-k P. M. cfsiddday,
for the purpose of ltctin directors and
for the transaction o' such ottier busi
ness as nny ppeal ,
T. J. MA HONEY, Cashier.
Ilepprer, Oregon, Nuv. 2"), 1908.
If you suffer from constipation and
liver t:ouble Foley's Orino Laxative will
cure you permanently by stiinulatirg
the digestive organs so tiiey will act
naturally. Foley'ri Oiino Laxativedoes
not Kripe, is jileasant to ta.e and you do
not Lave to take laxative) continually
af'er taking Oiino. Why continue to
be (he slave of pills and tablets. Slo.
cum Drutf Co.
NEEL. Proprietor
thing npat and clean at popular
(' ( i Chase ard May'StP.. Heppner
Department of tbe Interior,
United Ptateb Land Oilice, The HiUIi'S, Oregon.
Dealt), IW
Notice is hereby given that John W. TrkIi, of
Herpner, O'eKOD, wlio, on Juno 17th, 1905. mode
Homestead Entry No, 14553. for SK!4 Sec
tion S-5, lownship2.-j., Knnge25, S. W. Meridlnn
h;is fi el norioof intention to make fn ut Coin
mutn'ion -proof, to establish claim to tlio land
abov.) described, before.!. P. Williams, U. 8.
("ommiBfioner, at l.li o'liee in Heppner, Oregon,
o ihoOlh day of February, lSKt!).
(.'laimni.t nnnies ns W;ti psfiR;
Arthur Hunt, William Kmnborland, Spencer
A kern, and Sherman U-fflor, all of Heppner,
0eci4.Ja-i':8 C. W. MOORE, Register.
Graduate of:
Lenox C liege, 1S85.
Chicago Homeopothic Med. College
' Rusk Medical College, 1892.
H and stop shivering. Wher- J) L- A
in ever you have a room that's U f
15 hard to heat that the fur- I I
Just scratch a match light
the Perfection Oil Heater
and stop shivering. Wher
ever you have a room that's
hard to heat that the fur
nace doesn't reach there
you'll need a
(Eqcippcd with Smoke" ess Device) - J
J'jst tne thins for blizzard lime or between seasons. Its genial
clov, '!ns hcit r.iakeaar.y room cheerful and cozy. No smoke
no smell smokeless device prevents. Brass
font holds 4 quarts of oil burning 9 hours. Fin
ished in japan and nickel. Every heater warranted.
Tf .Lamp,'J,;g;'
which is so much appreciated by workers and
students. Made of brass, nickel plated with the
latest improved central draft burner. Every lamp
wan anted. Write our nearest agency for de
scriptive circular if your dealer cannot supply
the Perfection Oil Heater or Rayo Lamp.
Standard Oil Company
! I
; ii r
1 1
w. o. w.
Heppner Camp No. 60'. meets 2nd and 4th
Fridnjs of each month. YlRitlng members Cor
dially Invited.
L. W. BRIGG8, C. C
J. L. YKAQER, Clerk.
KulKlits of Pythian.
Doric Lodge No. 20. K. of P. Meets every
Tuesday evening, Vinitlng members invited.
GAEF1ELD CB IWFOKD, K. of 11.4 8.
AJwejii reliable Tbe Weekly Oregonia
the bhlv jr;.v a loud laugh, and, looking
i t the rows of pretty female faces In C. C, Patterson, County Judge of Mor-
l.e Kaloon, Le eaid: IQ If County, Oregon, made and entered
" 'Vi'by do men never kiss ono an-
other, v.hiJe women continually do eoV .on lie 29th day of December, A. D,
"Miss Fair.ir answered:
"'Men have something Letter to kiss,
but women tarr'f.' "
r-Z" O W f3 T O Xt I -A- .
Executor of the eetate of L'lieLa G.
S'oan, deceas d.
iMtcd t liia S8th day of December, A.
d., im
upot cwh. lo to 60 more monoy for yon to hlp Raw Fnniand Ilidc to n than to
at homB. Writ" f.r Prioe tint. Market Krport. Hhipping Taaa, and alioat oar
VA psi. leather b.intl. Bt Wlin on th iobject mr written, lllartrstint nil for AmnwU. Ail
I.Kit Tnippen' .wreu. Deooy". Trmpfc Oua U. Hon and where to trap, and tn kecnm mj iiie
re.ful trapper. It . a recular Encyclopedia. Frlna, 12. Toonrcurt-mer.. 1 IV Hidee Unned into
heutiful K..l. Our Mafnetie aitand DeejT atlrmc-t. animal. I" trap.11 00 pr h.lle. J-I"n""'
U,aeai.d tux lout ana (ettucbMtcnoM. AaiUrarh itroa.. 1'PU . 1, MInnepoU,lll"-
The Pastime
Finest Line of High Grade Cigars in City
Candies, Nuts, Soft Drinks
Billkrds and Pool
Twenty-one Years
We have passed our 21st milestone in our as
the First National Bank of Heppner.
During this time we have been identified with
the growth of Morrow county and have assisted
many of our customers in becoming well-to do
At the same time we have made reasonable profit
on the capital we have had invested.
We do not take up every proposition that is
presented to us, but we have always tried to meet
t he reasonable demands of our customers.
It is our purpose to merit a continuance of
the confidence of the community, which has been
extended to us for the past twenty-one years.
First National Bank
of Heppner