u h City Nail VOL. 24. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY. JAN 7 . 90 NO. 143 HEAVIEST FOR YEARS The Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, and which has bcea In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- 7s? 2? as sona supervision since its infancy All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments tliat triilo with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR! A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic nubstanee. Its ao is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and liowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature SNOW SIX INCHES AND STILL FALLING Joke on Husband. MILLER AND Involved. Great Protection to Crops Plenty of Feed For Stock. j? Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CtTU COMPANV, TT MURRAY TWCCT, NCW fOKK OIT. KOTICE 1 OR PUBLICATION I-olnted Trsot I'ublic Land Sale. Serial No. 01'70 Unite 1 States Land Office, The Dalles Oreirnn 1 ercmlmr 5, 18. Notice Ib hori'by i v.mi Hint, us dirrtej by th e CommlHSioner of tho (it'nonil Lnnd Ortloo, under lirovlsioiiB o( Act of CiiDi.'fi" njroved June -.7 l!Kli, I'u'ilio No. 'M, we will oiler Bt public Kilo to the liiKliet hidilur, (it :;) I o cluck n. m on the 'JOth day of January next, at this oliice, the following tract of land, to-wit: M-:4 W tree tnm a.ri and NVV H NW'M Section 11 Tp. 8 S. K. i E. W. M. Any persons claiming adversely the above- doeorlbed lands are advlned to tile their claims, or objections, on or before the day above desitf. Hated for Bale. DIilJH c. W. MOORE, Register. Red Front LivGry & Feed SatDles Willis Stewart, Prop FIRST-CLASS K JTICK FOR ITISLICATION. (isolated Tract Public Land 8 ile. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Li (irande, Oregon, December lrt, ISMS. Notice is hereby Riven that, as directed by tho Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provisions of Act of Centres? approved June 'JT, U06 I'M Stats., 5177. we will offjr at public sale, to the hinheFt bid ler, at 10 o'clock a. m ., on the 2:'th day of January, 1908, at this office, the followinK-desiribed land: NE"i, 8ec. 80. 8 W H8 WH Sec. 17, T. 3 8. K. 27 E. W. M., Serial No. ()&'!. Hny persons olalmlnst adversely the above described land are advisvi to hie their claims, or objections, on o- before the time designated for sale. P24-J28 F. V. BRM WELL. Reffister. A, A. Hoherts, ltecelver. LIVERY RIGS Kept constantly on t an.l and can be, furnishes c - short notice t - paces wifhinir to drive irtr, he interior. Fir c'.as : : Hacks and Buouies C.-l ; HOUND AND Sh UJ. WE CATER 1C VII E : : : : U O MM K UC I A L TRAVELERS ..ND CAN FURNISH KIGS AND DRIVER ON SHOUT NOTICE : : : HeDDner, Oregon The biggest enow storm for years is now raging. Monday evening tbe balmy at mosphere influenced by a chinook commenced to turn colder and bv 10 o'clock in the evening, a heavy gale swept over the country with icy coldness. ?mow cegau to lail and nas con tinued most of the time since the storm started. i ueeuay morning tbe mercury whs lingering around zero aod the inconvenience of frozen w ater pipes was experienced in almost every household. The heavy snow fall is looked upon as a boon to the country by everybody. Being extremely hea vy in the mountains and over the count', mnch needed moisture will be conserved. While there was plenty of mois ture for present needs, the ground was dryer than usual owing to tbe dry season. All of the'wheat district in Mor r w county is covered with a deep coat, which will be a great protec tion against frost. Stockmen are not in the least nneflsy. While the price of hay will go a little higher, stockmen generally all well supplied. The feeding season is here and the snow is what is wanted when sheep are being fed. We have been longing for snow and now there is plenty of it. LUX SELL Notwithstanding the fact that a casket and flhrnild worn nnrnViusn for Mrs. Matthew Thobam, ofWa- Enormous Values in Live panita, and that all preparations Stock and Lands were made for a vake over her body, tbe womao is now enjoying tbe beet of health. Mm. Thoburn was seriously ill It is rumored that a dpal of the at her home in Wapanita shortly magnitude of $20,000,000 will be before Christmas. She was Dot made between Henry Miller and expected to survive, and the day the heirs of the jate Chas. W. Lux, before Christmas her death was whereby the firm of Lisrcett & Mv considered only a matter of boure. er8 a firm of St. Lonin capitalists, Her husband was compelled to will take over 30,000 aorea of oi! make a trip to The Dalles, by team lnda and thousands of acres of Collided With Team. I I, il . 4 . I I . ..1 ... ' 1 n r... A I t 1 1 I " I I r- , iuik uay. iun luaus were in mis- 1LU1 lul inu.ie in me chu Joa. erable condition. Expecting that Qui" valley, together with valuable his wife would not live long and not water and power rights, all to be wishing to make another trip over developed foe colonization purpose, tbe bad roads, Mr. Thoburn decided ad tbe Cudaby's at Omaha and five to purchase the casket and get the wealthy German-Americans of St material for a shroud for her body. Louis and other eastern cities will He carried out this plan and also ta&e the 1SO.O0O head of cattle, to- purchased a number of candles in gather with the slaughtering, cold preparation for the wake. storage and other plants, and tbe It la humorously suggested that gzinf? lands in Oregon, Nevudn Mrs. Thoburn rallied and gradually aD( Haho l in r-A-,-il r Unn . ,. ,1 ' I i . I Millnw . . . 1 T . 1 I , uifyiu iu uavo v yuuu joKe on "j"1" nun ijux win retain con her husband. At any rate, Mrs. siderable property in California Thoburn is a well woman now and though the bulk of the firms hold- was able to visit relatives in this irjg9 will be disposed of in this ei city on New Year's day. She says gantic deal. It is said negotiations she expects to remain in the land will be brought to a termination in of the living for several more years -January. in spite of tbe fact tbat a casket Meanwhile the wbo!e estate is which was intended for her dead tied up in the courts through litiga body.is now stored in the barn in tion iu which is involved the claim Charley Ayers and George Gro sbens while consting on the eehool bouse hill, collided with arunawny team yesterday, while going across tbe county road near tbe echool house. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kenny were driving to lown just as tbe boya strudk the road. Youoc A vera was badly bruised and received con siderable injury. Young Groeheua escaped without being much hurt. After being struck tbe team ram away. Hard Winter Predicted, Weather Foreca-ter Harriott, of St. Fan!, says tbnt tbe cold wf a her will continue in the Ea! until rob ins arrive, probably until tbe latter end of March. Local Notes. Glasses Boil's. properly nrted at P. O. If. Wapanitia. What the Kidneys Do. Their unceasing work keeps us strong and healthy. All Die biond in the bodv- nasseF thrQuch the kidneys onoe every three of Jesse. Sheldon, Lux Potter, prin cipal beneficiary under the Lux trust. Ex-Cashier Scriber of the La Grande Farmers & Traders bank mi'infc -Tho kidiws fiitr u-. blood, deslroved They work nmht and dv. VVIien LD r , A ,r . ,' f ' , healthy they remove about 500 trrain 88 ,ored notes, which leads Kecei- of impure mutier daily, when unliealthv ver Neidner tosay: "If anT rnau Dr. Winnanl uau'eea his alassss to K'e satisfaction. FlighPEt prices paid f ir all kinds of poultry. Ashbauh Bros., opposite Siocum's plnicg mill. Dr. Winnard has taken a Fjiec-il course in the treatment of the Eje, Eir, Nose and Throat. ' Foleys Honey and Tar clears tie ir psseaacr, stop3 tl,n iniuiioa Iu lLhj throat, soothes the inflamed membra nes, and the most obstinate emich disappear?. Sore find ii flamtd luucs tite healed fcitd strengthened, and the cold is expelVi from the systooi. Refuse any bat taa Genuine in the yellow pa-kae. Jsocuta Dru? Co. some part of this impu e nmtter is left n l l i . . . in the blood. This brines on manv di- dUCUJt"8 l" aavantsge of the J. If. Koon z. a r ioneer of U ma- eases and symptome pain in iheback. muddled condition of tho 1(1i-d.j tilla county, and the fin-t man to l J .. ..... . . , . . - i. uuu i inBUMC B, nervoupness, not, dry eKin, nrftfif hv JlQno t, Eerren s m Located on the Headwaters of Willow Creek This new and thoronj;hly up to date saw mill is now in active operation and turn ing out a superior pia!ity of ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER Lumber is now being hauled from the mill ti Heppner where yards will be established. Orders promptly filled The mill lias a running capacity of 2P.00J feet pr day. iierrin & Wilder, Preps. Pacific Lodging House C. N.SHINN. Prop. Good clean rooms, none better in town. . Come and Stop With Us MAIN STREET HEPPNER, ORE. The growth of Wallowa and its surrounding country has been mat velous within the past two years, says tbe Sun. The city doubled in wealth and population in 18 months before the ndvent of the railrcad and although the road reachec this point late in the fall the growth since that time has been all that could be expected. During this year the Salem Statesman will become 51 years old and it will have been under the same management 25 years. It now owns, besides the Daily and Twice a-week Oregon Statesman, the Pacific Homestead, Northwest Poultry Journal, Oregon Teachers' Monthly, and a job office. At Iao ICobles Hot Springs. J. MAX FOO Chinese Root and Herb Doctor. He is an experienced compounder of Chinese Medicine. He treats success fully all private, nervous and chronic diseases, also blood, stomach, heart, lunu. liver, kidney, female weakness, catarrh and all diseases of the body bv the use of roots and herb, especially prepared for each case. If you cant j call at his office, write for home treat-I Amc nc tbe many charming slopping places in California i Taso Robles Hot Springs. Here are conditions ideal for restful recreation ; quiet, congenial surround ings and modern, almost luxurious ac commodations. Paso Robles Hot Springs is a winter resort hotel with the hospitality of a home ; a healing Spring without the at mosphere of a sanitorium ; an enchant ing country place with the conveniences ol a great resort. Ask any O. R. & N. Agent for illustra ted booklet, "Paso Robles Hot Sp. ings rheumatism, gout, jrravel. disorders if the eeeight and hearing, etc. bave been irurroperlv keot and in Mm linn In.. ....... !. .1. ' - erTarroT'Hpnerro'saV's: 80me icfitaDCPS destroyed, I consid- L'ii'nUt'O ITllVii ,l .1 II i.rLn I . ,1 t AT 11 1 fit Q T . . - ( ,. . . 1 ! . 1 1 1 " ' . - -. - v. ..ic c, uri ui uuuv-v, unit a -ioci.iupiiiiuantiieiate ur.,1 n i.on r i;....i .u: . tdbmer. ..ir a c ivjyr:y.i ui Iiiicu UMIIHIlg, ur i-ruuk-iii Muy sirain on id muscles ol Q,.,lrl,i . i , t.ieb ck, the pains woui.l become more ''UDfl aPl)les -UaDgmg on tbe 1 . . . T .11 . . 4 nnni-l . . jiiiniuuiii-uu. av iiiiiH i coiiiu mi rest en m vunstmas time is gome. en'ii account, or ine pains tliroufh fhinrr lint n, r;j 4, my kidneys and there were so nilinv ln? tnat our friends in tbe east o her symptoms winch denoted a dis- cannot have, but we have them .Murrcu uuuuiuun oi uiese organs mat hpr in fnnfYi.,tl, r-i I decided to try Doan'n Kidnev Pills. nere ln Monmouth, says the Her brocuring a Dox at the Siocum Drue C.a. aid. I Used the contents When 1 nntirfil a great improvement in mv condition. Everybody goes to the Ornheum. The continuea taking them and rhev re hev-sd ereatest show nn inn nf 0..i ,rt all the tr-,uhlea n.n'a i'i,i P;ii J reate8t B,10w on t0P of earth for 10c. have proven of great value to me and I cheerfully recommend them." For sale bv all dealers. Price 50c. Foster-Milburn Co.. Huffnlo. New York. sol- agents for the L nited States. Remetnbbr the name Doan's and taKe no other. go iuto business in Echo, rfortitt the site for the scouring mill to Iw erected tbere. County Court is now in ses-noa at the court house. Raw I.migs When tKe b'.ngs are sore and inflamed, the germs of pneumonia and consuc:j tiou find lodgement and mu'tiplv. Fo ley's Honey and Tar kills the cough germs, cures the mos-t obstinate rack.iiijjr oiiL-h, heals the limes, and prevents serious resTi'ts. T'ie cennine is in the yellow package. Sloeum Drug Co. Cbarles Meserve savs in the Med ford Tribune that sales returns have proven year after year, ssnce fruit began to be shipped from here that Rogue River valley can grow more kinds of fruit that lead in making record prices in the world's best markets than any other dis-1 trict in the United States, and tbat J tbe profits on some orchards and I vineyards are so big as to sound ! ike fairy tales to eastern lruit i growers. i Consumption Malivtirs prove tbat a neglected col l cr cough puts the lnngs in so bad ac n 1 ti. nthat consumption germs tin i a fertile field for fastening on o. e. Stop the coueh just as soon as it apnea-s wi'h Fa!lard's Horehonnd pyrup. Soo l es the torn anp inflamed tissues and makes you well again. So d by Patterson & Sou. SEASONABLE FOOTWEAR AT A SUBSTANTIAL SAVING s BLACK CAT and other well known bT-anda of hrse for Men, Women acd Cliilfren. in Lisle. Cotton, .Merino, and Chshmere a!l at Reduced Prices, for the nest 10 da vs. 15 Children's Heavy Ribbed Cotton Hose 10c '25c Men's Fancy Cotton Host-. j r ;i0.c ;;rc Ladif-s Merino and Cot un IIuho- 25c 7 c Men's All Wool Western Made Sox 65c .urn s iierman aox, Special at he ii:r 50c If Von are Over SO Rpad Thl Most people past miedle-age sutTer from kidney and bladder disorders w hich Foley's Kidney Remedy would cure. Stop the drain on the vitality and re- Com ment. Consultation frea T M.n successor to Hon,r W Tn ' i p,ore lieeded 'ength and vigor, Medicine C, 117 W. Second St., Al-' mence akiog Foley's Kidney Remedy banv, Oregon, ' today, fclocum Drug Co. Ilexamrlliy lrnrlrtramiiie j Tho above is t!ie name of a German chemical, wh'ch is one of tbe rrany val- j liable ingredients of Foley's Kidney j Remedy. Hexamethylenetetramine is j recognized by medical test books and I authorities as a uric acid solvent and J antiseptic for ilie urine. Take Foley's! Kidney Remedy as soon as yu notice any irregularities, and ax -id a serious mala y. Slocum Lrug Co. 3k- .Men's Heavy Wool Sox, Special. BARGAIN TABLES Make it a poinf to come in n- 1 ! supply the entire family '.: I 1 s at a saving; f from '. Snoes o'tc np. Roys i'-U -m . 81 '.'5 np. I.adii-s allocs $1 4" r.; - Vvj can 1 ; '- i:M Ta t '' : : i ti 's Mens s:,ies HIGH TOP LACE BOOTS-- MUST GO SVO0, 50 A iftiOO Hull top shoes in Plack ;ind Tan $3 95 S7 51 Me.-.s t'irn-iv tae, Pear), High t S-hoeS :th L b.uklsfs $5 85 il:gh an ) (I;r' lop 8(tiOol $1 45 I?ring your shoes to us for Repairing. All THB OVJSIT SHOE Huelat & Molden Work (;aaraiit.j!.