r- Oreon Tllfllorlcal Society h Cltv Hall IlEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY. DEC 31. 1908 NO. UT3 VOL. 24. r The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has Srf sonal supervision since its imancy &6cA44ij Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. i What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Tare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic fiiibstnnec. Us ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcvcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS J Bears the m in in ii i m i ii The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THI CCNTAUH COMMNV, TT HUMHY TtrT. tO CITY. Entire I y I' ndcr Local Control and Manage merit Bank of Heppner Capital $50,000 Fully Paid Officers W. O. MINOR, resident J. H. McHALKY, Vice-President W. S. WHARTON, Cashier VAWTER CRAWFORD, Asst. Cashier Loans Made at Eight Per Cent. FDPB PES BEST INTEREST PAID OS TIME DEPOSITS WE ARE GROWING Gain In Deposits, month of January February 8,593.01 i. .. h March 10.39fl.63 " April and May 51,646.48 Total gain for first five months, 1908 8S9.779.50 NOT BAD FOR THE DULL SEASON. Herrea's k Mill Located on the Hoadwatera of Willow Creek This new find thoronghly up to date saw mill iH now in active operation and turn ing out a superior quality of ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER Lumber is now being hauled from the mill to Deppner where yards will be established. Orders promptly filled The mill has a r Jnt ing cf pacify ol 20,003 feet per day. Herrin & Wilier, Props. been made unucr ins per- Signature of Directors W. O. MINOR C. E. WOODSON W. i. SCOTT J II. Mr HALEY W. S. WHARTON Pacific Lodging House C. N.SHIINN. Prop. Good clean rooms, none better in town. Come and Stop With Us MAIN STREET HEPPNER, ORE. J. IVrST FOO Chinese Root and Herb Doctor. He is an experienced compounder of Chinese Medicine. He treats success fully all private, nervous and chronic diseases, also blood, stomach, heart, lung, liver, kidney, female weakness, catarrh and all diseases of the body by tbe nse of roots and herbs, especially prepared for each case. If you cant call at hia office, write .for home treat ment. Consultation free. J. Man Foo, tuccessor to Hong Wo Tong Chinese Medicine C, 117 W. Second St.. Al bany, Oregon, KILLED BY A HORSE Roy Harris Thrown and Skull Fractured. Roy TTarrin, a young man who recently came to Morrow county from Towa, died at the Heppner Sanitarium last Thursday evening, his death resulting from a fracture of the Bknll caused bv being thrown from a horse. Young Ilcrris was employed on the Wattenburger place near lone. Upturning from Its he was thrown from his horse, being found in an unconscious condition, Thursday morning. He was brought to the Heppner Sanitarium on Thursday evening's train. He died Thursday evening without regaining consciousness. Horse Fell on Him. Lafe Penland was quite seriouf lv injured Monday lat. While out at the P. L. k L. Co's ranch, on horseback, his horse fell nn l Mr. Penland was thrown un der the animal. His right leg was badly bruised, some of the ligaments being torn loofe. Ilichest cash crice paid for bides pelta and furB. Phil Conn. Dr. Winnard will fit vou with glasses at acoet of 12.50 to $7.50. If you have poultry to sell, see Ash bangh Bros, opposite planing mill. Everybody goes to tbeOrpheum. The g eatest show on top of earth for 10c. Whnl tbe KUiipj Do. Their unceasing work keeps us strong and healthy. All i he biood in the body passes through the kidnevs once every three minutes. The kidnevs filler the blood. j They woik night and day. When ' healthy they remove about 500 grains i of impure matter daily, when unhealthy I som part of this iinpu e matter is left j in the blood. This brings on many dis eases and symptoms pain in i he nark, headache, nervousness, hot, dry skin, rheumatism, gout, gravel, disorders of the ejesight nd hearing, etc. Mrs. Geo. Shipley living in the north ern part of Heppner, Ore., Bays: "My kidneys gave me a great ileal of annoy ance for years. My back ached acntelv and when 1 Hooped or lifted anything, or brought Hoy strain on tbe muscles of toe b 'i k, the pains would become more pronounced. At times I could not rest well on account of the pains through my kidnevs and there were so many o her symptoms which i pd a riin orderetl condition of these organs that I decided to try Doan's Kidney Pills, brocuring a box at the Slocum Droit Co. I used the content when 1 noticed a greBt improvement in mv condition, continued taking them and they relieved all the troubles. Doan's Kidney Pills have proven of great value to me and I cheerfully recommend them." For sale bv all dealers. Price 50c. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, New York, scl- agents for the United States. Remembbr the name Doan's and take uo other. At Paio Itoblea Hot Spring's. Amcng the many charming stopping places in California is Paso Robles Hot Springs. Here are conditions ideal for restful recreation ; quiet, congenial surround ings and modern, almost luxurious ac-' commodations. Paso RiLles Hot Springs is a winter ' ( resort hotel with the hospitality of a home ; a healing Spring without the at- mosphere of a sanitorium ; an enchant-; in country place with the convenience? ol a great resort. Ask any O. R. i N. Agent for illustra ted booklet, "P aso Robles Hot Sp. ingf." If Vou arc Over 50 Kra4TliU M'-st people past miedle-age enflVr from kidney and bladder disorders hiih Foley's Kid ney Remedy would cure. Stop the drain on the vitality and re store needed strength and vigor. Com mence taking Foley's Kidney Remedy today, fclotum Drug Co, Local Notes. Glasses Eorg'a. properly ntted at P. Dr. Winnard gu irantees his glasses to give satisfaction. Highest prices paid for all kinds o' poultry. Ashbaugh Bros., opposite Siocum's planing mill. Mr. and Airs. A. L. Aye-a are in the city from Parker's Mill. Dr. and Mrs. M. 15. Metzler are visiting iu Pendleton this week. Ti 1 a rid Asnoau n was an incoming paseenger Wednesday, from Port land. Major. Farnnworth was an out going passenger Wednesday morn ing. Archie Cnx and wifa were in from their Rhea crek home yes terdnv. Mrs. II. F. iYigglesworth is im proving at the liepp jer Stnitar iuni. Keep your eye open for true and genuine brains in Marqnardsen's ad next week. Ed McDaid who recently received a fracture f the leg is getting along satisfactorily. Mra J. A. Woolpry and daugh ters, Misses Edna and Joey, were in Heppner Tuesday. tic V"1 T-l 1 1 1 Airs. ij. jeanem came up from Portland yesterday to visit with the Cameron family. Read Marcu rdpen's nd next week. Tis something that will interest you in value and bargain g vings. Monday, Jan. 4th, the Marquard een Dept. Store will close for an indefinite period promptly at G:30, except Saturdays. W. P. Mahonej', vice-president of the First Stnte Bank, of Bonner's Ferry, Idaho, was the guest ol his brother, T. J. Mahoney, this week. Forrest Mediums, a student of the Agricultural College at Cor vallic, is spending the holidays in Heppner, the guest of Otheo Crawford. Mrs. E. H. Harris gave a dinier party last evening. The guests were delighted with the coffee. MrB. Harris always uses Folger's Golden Gate whole roast, snd grinds it herself, not too fine, pul verized coffee is bitter. Consumption Statistic prove that a neglected cold or couch puts the lnngs in so bad a condition that consumption germs find a fertile field for fastening on one. Stop the couirh just as soon as it appears with Ballard's Horehound syrup. Soothes the torn anp inflamed tissue and makes you well again. Sold by Patterson & Son. Services at the Metliodlat Church livery Day. Pleaching, Sunday, Jan. 3d, 11 a. n. and 7 p. m., and each evening then g after at 7 :30 by tie p?stor, Walter I, irheart. Subjects f jr Sunday, mo.-i ing sermon, ' Tne Call to Arn s." Xii-n. mii. 30; ivei inj of the Abund: nt Life." "The Promise John x. 10. Mr. Robert Brymer has been engaged to lead the singing during the speci; 1 meetings, and he will b present at the services on Sunday and every evening during the week. llexnmcth) lenctrtrnmliie The above is the name of a German chemical, which is one of the tcany val uable ingredients of Foley's Kidney Reme ly. Hexamethylenetetramine is recognized by medical text books and . authorities as a unc acid solvent and antiseptic for he urine. TaVe Foley's , Kidney Remedy as soon a y. u notice j any irregularities, and axoid a serious j malady. Slocum Drug Co. SCOURING MILL FOR ECHO Will Establish Largest Plant West of Boston. Mondav, at Pendleton, the Hops Scour ing Mills Company of Echo was organ ized with a capital stock of $50,000. Thomas Ross of I'oi tland will be the manager and one of the directors. The other directors elected were Newton Burpress. nf Pilot Rock, R. X. Stanfield, of Echo, Joseph Cunha of Echo, and John Kilkenny, of Heppner. These five men will have full charge of the Ross scouring Mill. In addit on to this corop.my the Echo Wool Scouring aqsociuthn was orjr.it. i.e 1 This association will h-, a capital Block of $-'5,000 and this entire sn:;i will be subscribed. During the fession of the men interested in tbe oriraniz ticn ot the companies So.TH) was subscribed completing the subscriptions to the cap ital s'ock. The Echo Wool rcourinj; association trustees elected were A. A. Cole cf Pilot Rock, W. N. S inner of Nohu and A. B. Thomson of Echo This c mpany wil aid in financing the Ross Scouring coin pany to the extei t of their capital f-tock, 825,000. Thi9 fund will be in the hands of the three miBtees to baiid'e for the association. The bulk of the stock in the Ross Scouring Mill will be owned almost exclusively by Mr. Robs' but the four directors in his company will be from the Echo Scouting Mi U associa tion. The committee appointed to assist in preparing the articles of incorporation consists of Thomas Rose, J. . Burgess, R N. Stan6elJ and W. N Slusher. It was decided to b.?gin the woik of constructing the buildings at once on the Ifi building lots donated "by the town of Echo. The buildings when completed will comprise the largest wool scouring plant west of Boston. The machinery will be shipped from Portland for in stallation soon enough to handle the clip of 1900. The scouring mill will be a three story corrugated iron building 32x100. The first floor will be for the scouring plant, the eecond for baliug and sorting and the third floor for samples and Fales rooms. One warehouse will be 50s200 with an "L" 50x100. The engine and boiler room will be 16x16 "L" The office building will be 24x36. Work on ONLY 2 MORE DAYS In which to take advantage of the many Special bargains offered during the Special Shoe Sale at The Oish Shoo Store Warm Footwear for Cold Davs 75c values California Mens Wool Sox Goc floe values Mens Heavy Wool Sox 25j Acquipella, Waterproof Leggings ?l '2" Boys German Sox Mens Heavy Wool German Sox 81 00 to jl 50 Full line of Wales Goodoear Rubber Footwear (all new this fall). Cash Shoe Huelat &: Moldcn All kinds of Shoe Repairing clone at Rcasonabh Prices. I liHse buildings wi'l bejenm rence 1 e'ly nxf wex. Tlir; in'! I wil1 e i plo" a'jO'it 63 men anl will haml'e 5 000, W 0 pounds of wool annnallv. A Stabling, of The Dalleg, t&3 in the citj- Monday. Dr. Winnard ha-i takn a sp'.:! eourpe in the treatment of tlie Ke. K.r, Nose and Throat. Fuleys Honey and Tar elears the ir psseaKPf, stops the irritation in throat, soothes thf inflamed mpmbra.r,, and the most obstinate couh disappoat a. Sore and infimied lungs are healed f.rA strenttnened, and the roll? is erpellcf from the system. Refuse any b'lt t Pennine in the ytllovi- package. Slocmm D.u- Co. The announcement may b2mK.U and accepted in nil confidence thet the projected irrigation scheme fr thi valley will a snre pitya the Li Granrle Star. Whatever i tny be lp.cking in ;e required lie takea s'ock subscriptions wil up by local people. Maralifield Xwk: Coos rirt-r egs were telling at 60 cents r d'.zen in town at week; Ca!if.r:ri eggs were bold at 50c. and Portland eggs were 40 j. The market itr weak on the Portland product, bat tne eggs were strong enough (a make up for it. Married. Mr. Bert Jenninsg and Vena Huftord were married by Rev. Orr, Sunday last. Bvtb tbe young people arc residents of But ter creek. Died. Karl Vierigg died at the Hejp ner Sanitarium, in this city, Mon day. Young Virrigg had bepu a Ictg sufferer from bowel trouble. lie came to Morrow com ty lst spring and took up a homestead. The remains were slipped to Central City, Nebraska, fur LeriaL Itaw L ii ii )f When the l;jngs are sore and infianyf, the germs of pneumonia and consump tion find lodgement and multiply. Fo ley's Honey and Tar killa the ronh germs, cures the most obstinate rarfcHtf ough, heals the lune.", and prere;:t serious resu'ts. Tne genuine is in Uio yellow package. Slocum Drug Co. lore