Oregon TT';'vm.! F oif'ly Cili Mull VOL. 21. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC.3. 1908 NO. 1 m ran AVfcgefable Pr eparalionfor As similating IheFoodandRegula ting the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes Digcslion.Cheerful- ness and Kest.LOMcuns neittter Opium.Morpliine nor Mineral KoiNAncoTic. TiMx afOIdArSAMUELPlTCIlER Pumpkin Seed" yfx.Smui Setd f Jtviennwt - , Jli CwtxnaleSoad Sutgnr iintnynti flavor; A perfect Remedy forConslipd fion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature oF NEW YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Avi ft w 'n n w Use I F or Over Thirty Years School Notes. I NEW YORK. fj TH OCMTAUII aOMPANV. NEW TOM OITT. Entirely Under Local Control a n d JH a n a g cm e n t Bank of Heppner Capital $50,000 Fully Paid Officers W. O. MINOR. President J. II.McHALEY, Vice-President W. S. WHARTON, Cashier VAWTER CRAWFORD, Asst. Cashier Directors W. O. MINOR C. E. WOODSON W. (i. SCOTT J II. McH ALEY W. S. WHARTON Loans Made at Eight Per Cent. FOUR PER CENT INTEREST PAID OH TIE DEPOSITS WE ARE GROWING Gain in Deposits, month of January .810153.58 " " " February 8,503.01 " " " " March.... 10.30C 03 " " " April and May 51,646 48 Total gain for first five months, 1908 880,770 50 NOT BAD FOR THE DULL SEASON. The writer visited four schools this week. The first whh in Dis trict No. 30. Mies May Severance '8 the teacner. There is an enroll mentof20. The pupils ace mak ing good progress iu their work The school house is a good one the furniture is in good condition there is a fair blackboard and the blackboard space is ample. The school is provided with a globe, one m ip, and a set of physiologic charts. There is a dictionary, but it is old and dilapidated. There should be a new one. There are shades for most of the windows, but some of them are out of repair There are some appropriate decor ations on the walls. The floor was neat and clean, notwithstanding the fact that the snow and dust had bf-en mixed so as to form a mud in the yard. The register nhows very ew visitors. The patrons would fiud a visit greatly appreciated by the teacher and pupils. In District Xo. 21, we found Miss Ilena Horner very busy at woik with 21 pupils. Seven grades are represented. The pupils seem to bo energetic aud studious. This is a district of magnificent distances, and nearly all the pupils must eith er ride or drive to Bchool. The echotd house is new. The desks ere of the latest pattern. The black board is of the very best, one that must be a delight to teacher and pupils. There are a few small maps provided. There should be a dictionary for the school. The walls are decorated with a few ex cellent pictures and 6ome appropri ate mottoes. The school has a large, well made flag. If a porch were built in front of the Bchool house, the janitor would have an easipr task. JMiss Marvel Miller teaches the school iu District 2so. 29. This thy come to school. In District No. 11, we found Mies Julia Forbes teaching in the placa of the regular teacher, Mrs. Carrie Becket, who i-. sick. The school house is old aud does not present a very inviting appearance on the uuiniuu, uiu wunin everything is cheerful. The walls and ceiling are painted in mild tints which are not only pleasing to the taste but aleo reflect the light iu n manner which is restful to the eyes. The walls are tastily decorated with appropri ate pictures and small flags. The windows are provided with shades and neat sash curtains. The desks are up-to-date, some of them being adjustable. The pupils may have a desk the right height for writing and a sent which will permit the feet to rest upon the floor. There is a good blackboard, but there should be mora of it. A dictionary a set of physiological charts, and some excellent maps are provided. There aro towels and a wash-basin. The pupils aie quiet, orderly, at tentive to their work. The people of th-s district take much pride in their school. S. E. Notsox, Co. Supt High Prices For Bluestem. Bennett Pleases Audience. fa's k Mi Located on the Hoadwatera of Willow-Creek Thin new and thoroughly up to date saw mill is now in active operation and turn ing out a superior quality of ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER Lumber is now being hauled from the mill to 'Heppner where yards will be established. Orders promptly filled The mill has a running capacity of 20,001 feet per day. Herrln & Wilder, Pro ps. Spanish Delaine Yearling Bucks for Sale. After the 10th of October, 1 will have for sale at my phee near Monument, h fine lot of Spanish Delaine - bucks. Terms to suit purchaser. Tick oat what you want and I will dehver to any place in Morrow county if desired. EMMET COCHRAN, Monument, Oregon. school is small, only eight pupils being enrolled. The building is old, but is quite comfortable. The desks are homemade, and most of them are too high for the little folks. The school is provided with a fair blackboard, phj'siological charts, and a dictionary. There are no window Blades. This school is the o ner of a beautiful flag. The pu pils are induBtrious and seem to un derstand the purpose for which In a lecture, the style of which was unique and original, the far fnmed Bennett of Irrigon pleased a fair sized audience in the Method ist church last night. While the lecture was humorous througoat, theneaker frequently fell into serious mood and recited with ad mirable interpretation and touch ing emotion some of the finest gems of poetry. The fact stood oat prominently that Mr. Bennett Whs an all-round impartial man for he had a good "hit" in store for the representative of each profession represented in the audience. Pen dleton Tribune. Mr. Bennett will appear at the Commercial Club building in this city tomorrow even ing, in his celebrated humorous potpouri, "Live to Smile and Smile to Live." Bluestem wheat is selling; as high as a bushel at tidewa'er. This is the price received during the past few daj b for a lot in the north land while nothing huhr than flGc a bushel has been paid at Portland thus far it is not likely tint any more wheat of this grade can be secured here under the do'hr mark. This is the highest price reached for wheat iu this market for a num. ber of 3 ears although during sev eral seasons the price has advanced to within a cent or two of the mark for a small lot of slec'ed stock. A sale of a let of bluestem is re ported made to a Srokane mill on a basi3 of about 93!c a Lushel tide water and even at that r rie it is stated that not a sufficient amount could be secured to f-uit thi buyer. Tl L 1 . i . . uiuestem wnear is getting very scarce iu the IYeiUc northwest and before the season is over it is quite likely that Pacific coast milleis will be forced to substitute some other grade for their best fl .ur because there will not baa sufficient amount! of bluestem to qo brouud. For that reason the millers are now scrambling for the remaining sup plies and t !-.e price may b e.ik a fe v records btfo;e the end appears in sight. The high price of bluestem wheat which is used in the making of the best patent flour in the Pacific northwest, will very likely ca iso an upward inrv-rnerit iu p.it :nt liefore many days have elapd. The extent of the advance has not yet been figured up.m but miller all agree that they will b- creed to put the market up because they cannot grind the whjat for lesa The failure of the orient to get beck into the Pacific coast flour market for reasonable supplies, has added further strength to the price of lo cal grades. While millfeed.s am high and help somewhat iu holding the price of local flour down, there is not enough flour grinding j ist uow to make much difference or this account. It is generally fhj rule for local flour to bo low wheu there is plenty of export business and prices are good but at tha time there is neither good priefs nor demand for t.x port goods so the burden must ftl upon the local market. Orpnrnr, JoMl-nil. Elks' Memorial. Onlvxt Sunday afternoon, Dec. 0, at 2 p. m., in thelodie roc m. thn Elks' lodge of this city will hold its annual memorial eervirr s. Hon. G. C. Moser, of Portland, will deliver the address. Mn?ic will be fum'shed by iocrj talent. Everybody is kvi'ed t attend these services. Jndeper.atnt and reT!eb!-Tl OreeoT- Summary of Morrow County Assessment Roll. res Valuation Tillable land 2f!) 607 $2,IU5 9QO Non-tillab'e land ... 0(55,855 " 134 811 Improved, deeded, and patented oj oe- Town lots 241 n Improvements 415 r-T Impiovemenis on land not deeded . Milej Railread .'. (55 05 1 044 P0: KOIllOg StOCK Telegraph 65.(13 Telephone 108 05 ' Steamboats, etc What the Kidneys Do. Their unceasing work keeps us strong and healthy. All the biood in the body passes through the kidneva oore every three .ninutes. The kidneys filter the blood They work night and day. When healthy they remove about 500 grains of impure matter daily, when unhealthy soma part of this impu e matter is left in the blood. This brings on many dis eases and symptoms pain in the back, neauacne, nervousness, not, dry ekin, rheumatism, gout, gravel, disorders of the ejesight and hearing, e!c. Mrs Geo. Shipley living in the north einpartof Heppner, Ore., says : "My kidneys gave me a great deal of annoy ance for years. My back ached acutely and when I stooped or lifted anything, or hrouaht any strain on the muscles of the b ck. the pains would become more pronounced. At timps I could not rest well on account of the pains through my kidnevs and there were so mnv 0 her symptoms which denoted a dis ordered condition of these organs that 1 decided to try Doan's Kidney Tills, hiot uring a liox at the Slocnm Drug Co! I used the contents when 1 noticed n prut improvement in mv rnn,liiir.n continued taking them and they relieved all the troubles, loan's Kidney Tills have proven of great value tn m on.l T cheerfully recommend them." hor snle bv all dealers. Trim Krt.v Foster-Milburn Co iiiiT1 r..n nt-mr. lur 1MB I. nilPU OtateS. Kemembtr th0 name Doan's and tane no other. Raymond Bell Company. Raymond Bell and company ap peared at Roberts opera house in this city, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. The company was billed to ap pear Monday evening, but owing to the fact that the electric light plant was out of commission, it was im possible toehow. Tuesday evening, "The Girl From the Golden West," was ren dered in a manner that was pleas ing to a large audience, proving the claims of a good company. iVednesday evening, "Mr. Yank ee Poodle," was presented, showing high class comedy. 03, 87S 6,245 7,500 25 gao Merchandise '. 17" 4?5 r arming imple 1 ents , Mo ey NoteB find acco ints jf- q-q v aiue snares sioc-t 15 COO tlorsehold goods No. Head Hores 4,619 272,9'V uattie 4 731 Sheep 149.745 Ho.B 1,366 72,145 44 610 63,020 67, SOI 349.463 6,241 A FEW HOSIERY ITEMS From our stock of BLACK CAT Braced Hose, for men, women, boys and children which at this time should be Of Special Interest to You FOLElSKONETlAS Cure Coldai Prevents Pneumonia A Peculiar (Vrrnrli of the foot or ankle may produce a very serious sprain. A sprain is more pain ful than a break. In all sprains, cuts, burns and scalda Ballard's Snow Lini ment is the best thing to use. Relieves the pain irsiantly, redncea swelling, is a perfect ant septic end heals rapidly, rrice 25c, 5")c and $1.00. Tatterson & Son. Ilexamclliyleiirlrlrainlne Tha above is the name of a German chemical, which is one of the many val uable ingredients of Foley's Kidney Remedy. Hexamethylenetetramine is recognized by medical test books and a-itliorities as a uric acid solvent and antiseptic for ihe urine. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice any irregularities, and axoid a serious mala y. Slocum Drug Co. A llrokrn Hack. That pain in your back caused by lum bago, stiff muscles or a strain is an easy thine to get rid of. Ballard's 8now Liniment cures rheumatism, lumbago, sore and stiff muscles, 1 trains, sprait s, cuts, burns, bruises, scalds and all achs and pa'ns. You need a bottle in yonr bou-e. Sold by IV.tersoi & Son. All 30c, 35c Mens Fancy and lain Cotton Hose Special 25c Infants Fine Cachmere hoop in all colors, 2pairf jr Special 45c All 30c, 35c, Ladies fFoe in Phuk Tan and colors. Special 25c Mens Hose 35c Heavy Wool Special 25c Ladies Black Merino Hose Special 25c Boy Black Cat Hoavy jibbed 1 f ri er Stoi k;i'i's. 2 pr f ir Special 4.5c 75 Ladies Patent Colt Dress S-ws o; rT " ii relay nii.l Monday only 3 V or New Arrivals tin week Wales Goodyear Rubber Footwear omen and children. Mens and Womcrs l ine Jress sh.-es in Co'.t, Yici Kid Ri.d Calf s to k-. New Eddison Records For December Men, Patent NOTICEi We keep Shoes btuglit here in repair FRKF. OF CHAR' Shoemaker cf 20 years experienca always in afendance. Cash Shoe tore Pltielcit S? IVIolcicMx