Ik JW ItUl. WOMEN'S SUITS STYLES ARE LEGION Every style that's safe and worth while is shown in our extensive stock. Coats ot any style to ankle length, trimmed as plain as you please. Even the less expensive suits come in the fashionable Brown, Green, as well as Blues and Blacks, solid colors and shadow stripe effects. BRAINS AND A SCIENTIFIC NEEDLE We spend every working day in the year and many nights, thinking, studying, buying and selling good dependable Ladies Suits and Skirts. We may not know the most but precious few know more than we do pertaining to fit. Tis a strong statement to make we are aware, but by the great amount of suits sold and the appreciation the public has given us we are placed foremost in line. They seem told of it. A stock and store of which we are justly proud of. We Can Fit YOU Easily, even if your waist measure makes shoe lacing a bur den, or your chest measure makes padding a necessity. We are always pleased to sat isfy our customers. Come in and look around, no trouble for us to show goods. MARQUARDSEN'S DEPARTMENT STORE HEPNER, OREGON. THE STORE THAT STRIVES TO PLEASE The Heppner Gazette Established March SO, 18SS, 4SSUED THURSDAY MORNING. Fred Warnock B&&red at the Postoflice r.t Heppner Oregon, as ecoml-class matter. Thtbsday Nov. 12, 1908 Magazine Section. TIip magazine section which ap pears with this week's Gazette will ! a regular feature, once a month, 'bereaiter. The magazine section ataiD3 good, clean stories which -v2i be fouu.l interesting reading a giJi to our readers. County Court. Tie couuty court met iu regular i&eseioa Wednesday of last veek at tbs c&ort hous?, Jude C. O. Pat "tfreoa presiding, with a full board of cE'XEniissionere present. Thfc first business of the court r3. he auditing of the usual num. hcs iA bills. Tbe matter of appropriating muistj for the school library fund Scr borrow couuty, received favor able attention. It was ordered tiS a warrant f;r S16M40 be 'drawn on 'he genrral fund of Mor TOff county in fV.vor of S. E. Not-j to buy library books, the school tabulation of Morrow county being ICC4 Tb&rpportof D. C. Gurdane, rejsresentative ot Morrow county at tbe Third D..-trict Fair at Pendle two, was accepted. Mr. GurdaDe turwd ovr 57.70, this being the l&lasc not expended out of the aniroal appropriation of 250. Copies uf the truancy law were Kwrpd printed for the benefit of ht public n the instance of County Superintendent Notson. The bond of Julius Saubert, as ctxstable of Lexington precinct, vras pproved. life resignation of O. E. Shanr ss supervisor of road district No was accepted. LOST Between tbe I. O. O. F. ha'! aal I)-. Winuar d's res-iJence, a boy eweoat. It ia i tan cot w;th a brow i ,-et co! ar. Ki t-lor v.il! please let rut tr.Xwi d '.Vir.:. i.d ai.-tl receive rewa It. Wiunard has taken a ctpecla' ovr.rse in the tiea'ii.r.t of the Kje, Eai. -c. zri'l Throat. Mr. and Mrs. Curt Rhea camt iu u iih'jfi creek this week. Ir. Wicr.arJ will f"t vou with glaeee i eoet of 2.50 to tT.oO. IV. Winnard guarantees his glasses lgite utistaation. Iluuie Ur Male. A nice little Lome in Heppner fo nty f750. Call at Gazette office fc .uvticulAU. SJf Turn kmmmthe Wwk 1 'WR&r 01 I J You can carry it about and as high as you can there's no danger as low as you please there's no smell. That's because the smokeless device prevents smoke or smell There ia none better than the Orph eum. The show houses of Portland et the same price are none beUer. "Al ways the beet" is our motto. A good show ia educative. Get the habit, there by get educated. Notice of final Account. m that means a steady flow of glowing heat for every ounce of fuel burned in a PERFECT! Beater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) for it iust as easily as a lama. Brass cil font holds 4 quarts burning 9 hours. Handsomely fin ished ia japan and nickel Every heater warranted. fe rn The ess Lamto adds ,chee,rinei y to tne long winter evenings. Steady, brilliant light to read, sew or knit by. Made of brass, nickel plated, latest improved central draft burner. Every lamp warranted. If your dealer can not supply Perfection Oil Heater or Rayo Lamp write our nearest agency for descriptive circular. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) In the matr of the Estate of Henry Heppner. ueceasea. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as executors of the estate of Henry Heppner deceased, nave hied their final account in the County Court of Morrow County, 8tto of Ore (ton, and that Monday, the 7th day of December A. D. 1908. at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore noon ol said day, and the County Court room in the County Court house at Heppner, Jlorrow County, Oregon, has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the hearing oi objections thereto and the settlement thereof. HENRY BLACKMAN. PH ILL COUN. Co-executors of the Itut Will aud Testament of Henry Heppner, deceased. Sam E. Van actor. Attorney for the Estate Dated aud lirst published October 2'Jth, A. I., 1U0S. Oct2't-Nov.!H Notice For Publication. department of the interior, Lund Office ut Hie Kulles, OreRou. Oct. lit, MW, Notice is hereby given that Jane lioterw. of Ilardinan, Oregon, who, on June Iflih, 1W7, ra de Homestead Entry (8e:il iNo. tillll) No. 16538. for SWfc 8VVJ Sec, 29, tEi 8E!4 Sac. 80. E!s NEJ Section 31, Township 5 South, Hange 'lb East Willamette Merician, has tiled notiio of intention to Tiake Final commutation proi f, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore J. P. Williams. United St.itL's Commission. er, at his ofllce at Heppner, Oregon, on the 5th day of December, IfltW. Claimant names as witnesses: Ueoige McDonald, John J. McDonald, Joseph Walker, ail of Hardman, Oregon, and John Olden, of Heppner, Oregon. Oct2!l-De.3 C. W. MOOltE, IJegister. Oresron "Buil d III !l m We hereby offer $1000 to anyone" proving by chemi-r cal imalysis or otherwise that GYRUS NOBLE con- tains anything excepting pure straight aged whiskies. It is distilled in an old-fashioned still and contains all those secondary products of distillation which the U. S. Agricultural Department and the U. S. Internal Revenue Department rule must be present toentitle -the distillation to be called whiskey.' Alcohol does not contain these constituents. Neither does cheap so called straight whiskey made in a continuous or many chambered still. Money talks. GYRUS I NOBLE a' pure-old-honest-whiskey aged in wood.' quart bottle, of GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE direct to you, all charges paid to the nearest railroad express office. I 4 $4.22 W. J.VANiSCHUYVER,& CO. EiUbliihed. 1 864 1 105:!07 Second Street.. Portland. Oregon CUT AT THI LINC AND Mftlk TO-OAT NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, United States Laud Office, The Dalles, Oregon Oct. 22 ia Notice Is hereby given that Arthur P. Parker, of Lexington, Oregon, who, on May 19th, V.m made Homestead Entry No. PJ626, for Lot W'A HW, and Wtf 8WJ4, Section 2. Township 1 8 Range 28, . W. Meridian, has filed notice of in tention to make final five year proof, to estab lish claim to the land above described, before the Register & Receiver, at The Dalles Land Office, on the 4th day of December, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: William Copenhaver, Joseph K, Marshall, both of Lexlnvton, Oregon; Kobert W. Turner, of Heppner, Oregon, aud Olin 8. Hodsdon, of Lexington, Oregon. Oct29 Dec; C. W. MOORE. Register. Are you doing what you can to populate your state? OREGON NKKDS PEOPLE Setilers, boiiest farmers, mechanics merchants, clerks, people with brains, strong hands and a will ing heart capitalW no capital. The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. is Pending tons ot Orr pron literature to the East for distribution through every available agency. Will you not help the good work of building Oregon bv sending us the names and adresses of vour friends who are likelv to be interested in this state ? We will be glad to bear the expense of sending them complete in forma ion about OREGON aid its opportunities. COLONIST TICKETS will be' on sale during SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER from the East to all poiata in Oregon. The fares from a few principal cities are From Denver ..$:j0.00 From Louisville ,$41 .70 Omaha... .:J0.00 Kansas City .'50.00 St. Louis ;.". o0 Chi cairo ;j(s.oo Cincinnati Cleveland New York 42.20 44 7. TnJ.OO Tickets Can Be Prepaid If you want to bring a friend or relative to Oregon, de osit the proper amount with any of our agents. The ticket will then be furnished by telegraph, J. B. II UDDLESTON, Local Agent, WM. McMURRY, Gen. Agent, Heppner, Oregon. Portland, Oregon.' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION W. J. Van Schuyrer & Co, EbcIomJ pleuc find $4-90 for winch pleue tend me at oocc by eipreu, prepaid, four quarts CtMiirf Cyrus Noble. ' P.O.KUmm-. Department of the Interior, TJ. 8. Land Clfice at The Dalles, Oregon, Oct. ii, 1WU8. Notice is hereby given that William L. Copen- haver, of Lexington, Oregon, who, on Aug. 21st. 1U02, made Homentead Entry No. ll:iHl, for Lot 1, BK!4 NE it SKK, Section 3, Township 1 8, Kunge 2ii, K. W, Meridian, hH tiled notice of intention to make final five-year proof, to estab lish claim to the land above described, belore the'Tiegister it Receiver, at The Dalles Land QfTice, on the 4th day of December, lm. Claimant namts as witneHsea: Olin S Hodndon, Jrseph H. Marshall, Arthur P. Parker, nil of Lexinton, Oregon, and Jtob trt W. Turner, of Heppner, Oregon. UcU9-Uec3 C W. MOOKK, Hi-ffistcr. NOTICE FOR l'L'BLICATIOX. Department of the Inferior, United States Land Office, The Dalles. Oregon. Oct. i'Z, I'.'OS. Notice is hereby K.ven that Joseph E. Mar. shall, of Lexington, Oregon, who, on Sept. 2tith 1902, made Homestead Entry, No, 114', for NW4. NWJ4 S WK, and Lot S, Section 3, Town ship 1 8, ltaiige 'M, E. V. Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make final five-year proof to establish claim to the land above described, before the Kejrister and Receiver, at Tbe Dalits Land Office, on. the 4th day of December, 1'j08. Claimant name witnesses: William L. Copenhaver, Olio 8. Hodidon, Arthur P. Parker, all of Lexington, Oregon, and Robert W. Turner, of Heppner, Oreg on. Oct29-Dec C. W. MOOBE. Eegister. m The buyer who seeks experi ence may seek it anywhere; But the buyer who heeds ex perience buys the Remington. Remington Typewriter Company TAKE THE GAZETTE AND PORT LAND JOURNAL. I