Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, November 05, 1908, Image 7

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    W, Tj. Uouirla mnkeii nml roIIh
men's W.t. 00 iinil frXfjO Mimes t han uny
titlier liiitniifiirturer In the worlil.be-
u ii ne they liulil their Khupe, Jit better,
and wear longer than any other make.
Shoes at All Prices, for Every Member of th
Family, Men, Boys, Women, Misses & Children
W.L.Donglu $4.00 and $3.00 Ollt Edge BWi cannot
b tqutlled at any price. W. L. Dougln (2.00 and
(2.00 ihoei ars the belt In th, world
Fanl Color r.lr1it Vmril Kxcl utifrlu.
'l ake . . Sulliti)l, W. 1.. DuiikIm
iuiiih and prli'fl Is gUnipeil on bottom. Sold
everywhere. Shoe, nmilfj from fai:lury to any
part ot Oik world. Ciii:vlouu lrci.
W. L. DOUGLAS, 1SS Spark St., Brockton, Mass.
Ili-eollect I una,
Adam Zawfox Jevver work on a
farm? .
Job Sturky Wunst, when I was about
half grower! up. I lasted three days. The
farmer said I had a hired man's appetite,
nil riffht, but he didn't think I'd ever learn
to work up to it.
Elixir ?f Senna
acts entl
lyon m
e system ei
iv o nmmn
ir ; r
lie bou els, cleanses
? factually,
assists one m overcoming
habitual constipation
permanently. To get its
uencicial ejects bu
tKe genuine.
f lanufacturcd by the
Jig Syrup Co.
Is a constitutional disease originating In
impure blood and requiring constitutional
treatment acting through and purifying the
blood for Its radical and permanent cure.
The greatest constitutional remedy Is
Hood's Sarsaparill
In usual liquid form or in chocolated
tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1
Nasal and other local forms of catarrh
are relieved by Catarrlcts, which allay in
animation and deodorize discharge. 60c,
The c!eanest.!inhte
and most comfortable
At the same time
cheapest In the
end because It
vears longest
;s350 Every vhcrei
Every garment,
waterproof Catalog free
A J TOwrn CO nn.'.TriN it a
i r i t t
Force of Storm Wave.
The average storm wave Is thirty
feet In height. The highest storm
waves ever measured were between
forty-four and forty-eight feet high.
The gigantic force of storm waves Is
shown by the fact that at SUerryvore
lighthouse, off the west coast of Scot
land, a mass of rock weighing five and
a half tons was once hurled to a height
of seventy-two feet above the seu level,
while a mass weighing thirteen and a
half tons was torn from a cliff seventy-
four feet high. I'all Mall Gazette.
The Variable Feminine.
Dora (at the party) Ceoarey, you
mustn't monopolize me, you know.
fJeoffrev Why, dear, I haven't been
monopolizing you.
Dora Well, why baven t you, you
stupid thing V
"You say you don't object to me on ac
count of my age, Miss (JinevraV"
"No, I don't mind your age a bit, Mr
"Then what is the objection, may J
ask V"
V'You look it."
A New Name.
"What do you call a man who drives
an automobile?"
"Well, judging by the way In which
he takes possession of the road I should
say an auto-crat" Baltimore American.
In your n outh "imllnr In nny way to the ahnve? If
po. no n 1 io wenr h wnM'l. iinunhl imrtiitl plftte
or III mi iii. ordinary liride work. The Dr. Wiae
alt-m ot
1 hi' ri'Hul' of '.'1 yi-ura' i nn r i'iiro. tlic iipw wy of
rridin'ini; tcvth io t lit- ivout h - tii-th in flirt, toi-th in
HH'tMiniiK-e, truth to c'iii'W your food neon, hh you
did ui on your t ot iral oiii'i. Our form i no ormm
i.crl wi run do your enliro crown. Iiridti' or I'liite
work in it iliiy if nrri"inry. I'luitni'Iy iminli-si n-liiu-tiim.
Only liih-i-liisH. t'illtitH work.
r v. .A. Wiw. MnnnuM-r . 'Jl yi'itn in 1'orllnnd.
hoi-ond I loor. riliiiK Hiiihlint.'. Third Mnl WiiHh-
lnuton Stri'i'tn. llli.'e honrn. s A. M. to h 1'. .M. Min-
da. to I I'. M 1'nlnli-n I vtriutiiirf. iaic:
to 'nil. 1'hom? A mid .Main iV-St.
No. 45-08
Insisting on Accuracy.
"Did you arrest this man?" asked tbe
police justice.
"I did not, your honor," answered the
officer, formerly a resident of Boston.
"Obvioufsly I could not arrest him, for he
was not in motion at the time. I merely
effected bis capture, your honor."
Mlifaken Idea.
Physician My dear fellow, you should
practice deep breathing.
Caller Great snakes, doctor, I do! I
work in a coal mine.
Oat ol the Dim Past.
Nebuchadnezzar was eating grass.
"But I'm not yelling 'Ke-.vab !' and pre
tending to like it," he said.
Kecardless of what the fans in th
grand stand and on the bleachers might
think of him, he continued to tear up
bnmlfuls and chew it because he hadn't
anything else to eat."
Iteaulta of the Kecenf Excavations
by Dr. Kvana In Crete.
May I beg a little Bpace to Inform
those Interested In Cretan exploration
of a series of discoveries lately made
at Knossos? says a writer in the Lon
don Times. The news from Dr. Evuns
la exceedingly good. He has been
working all the season In the largo
house which lies to the west of the pal
ace, but unfortunately is deeply burled
under the talus of a hill. With great
labor Dr. Evans lias now reached the
further limit of this building, and on
his way has found much. A magnificent
steatite vase in the shape of a bull's
head, with inlay of cut shell about the
nostrils and with crystal eyeballs, the
iris being painted on the back of the
crystal, reveals to lis a new technic.
In another quarter, on the north, a
great hoard of bronze implements and
utensils, Including a large tripod caul
dron in perfect preservation, will much
increase our knowledge of the finer do
mestic apparatus of Minoan civilization.-
As Dr. Evans speaks of having
unearthed a great number of early
vases with these tools there should be
no difficulty in dating the latter and
thereby getting standard forms.
On the south of the palace a range
of buildings has been found at a lower
level, largely burled under debris of the
palace itself. The latter included a
mass of ivory fragments, the remains
of carved caskets and of fresco paint
ings. Inside the south building itself,
under a staircase, a small hoard of sil
ver vessels bas come to light some
bowls and a Jug. These will be wel
comed as first fruits of that work in
precious metals which so greatly Influ
enced the ceramic artists of the middle
Minoan periods, but has generally dis
appeared. We hear, too, of fine vases
of various kinds, one with papyrus
plant ornament in relief and others In
the best "palace style." Work Is also
proceeding actively on the restoration
of the royal apartments on the east
of the palace, and every effort Is being
made to get into the great dome tomb
found last year and to find other tombs.
I think I'd like something to read on
the train," said the austere spinster.
"Well, here's a copy of the latest issue
of Pick-Me-Up," suggested the news
dealer. There being nothiog else on the counter
she bought it.
But she tore off the conspicuous title
of it before she carried it into the car.
She was no giddy young thing. Chi
cago Tribune.-
Too Late.
Mlfklns (to Piffer) She's a stunning
woman, old man, and you're bound to
be stuck on her. But don't mention
laundry or anything like that! Her
grandmother was a washwoman.
Piffer (later, to the lady In question,
as he relates a story) Yes, Indeed! I
can tell you, It took the starch beg
pardon! the nerve right out of me.
CITC Bt. Vitas Danoe and " orvona uiseanen perma
1113 nantly cored by Dr. t ine'a Great Nerve Ue
itorer. Send for FREE $2.00 trial bottle and trmitino.
Dr. It. U. Kline, Ld., 8il Arch Bt., Philadelphia, tn.
Acetylene the Coming Light.
Acetylene lighting Is quietly gain
ing favor, and the German Acetylene
Association finds the gas is supplied
the public by 75 places in Germany,
'202 in the United States, 1G in the
United Kingdom, and 19 In the British
colonies, while Germany alone has
75,000 private installations.
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing
3yrup the bust remedy to ubo fo? their ch'ldra
luring the teething period.
: 'M V 7T. m
H every cousth you catch settles on your lungs, you have weak lungs.
Don't let the cough hang on. A " hang-cn " cough if dangerous to
strong lungs doubly so to weak ones. Get rid of it in the beginning
with Piso's Cure. It acts promptly and effectively ; allays the irritation,
reduces the congestion, frees the throat of plilngm, clears the clogged air
passages and stops the cough. Fcr nearly half a century the unsurpaued
remedy for the worst forms of courjhs, colds and chest complaints ha been
1 tbw ti
9 ess n
Mulching Itoaea.
Tour roses will come through the
winter In much better condition if you
will give them a heavy mulching of
manure. Put on enough so that when
It has settled there will be a C-luch
mulch. Do not apply the mulch until
the cold weather has come the middle
or last of October. Garden Magazine.
HOWARD E. JICUTON. AMayer ari Chamlat.
Leuiiville, Colorado, hpwiiiifn priics: Guld,
Kllvrr, J.-ad. (1 ; ld, Silver, 7 i-; Onld, 6jc: Zinc of
(eppi-r.U. Cvaniilo twa. Mailing envelopes and
lull prxe list Bnt on ar;llention. Control and Ura
irK aoucllc-u. i.tluruuce! luuuu ur
Gains Dlatiuctlon in Queer Way.
Newitt He's anxious to be considered
a man of some social distinction.
Bunker He's taking a queer way about
Newitt Why?
Bunker He says golf is "merely tommy-rot."
The Catholic Standard and
Struck for a Good Deal.
Lady Interviewer Your wife's devo
tion to you is regarded as a model of mar
ried happiness. Now, how as a public
man does a wife's devotion strike yon?
Aspiring Candidate (truthfully)
Well, mine struck this morning for twen
ty-five for a new hat. Baltimore American.
nire wi
ilouaJ iiunk.
"20-Mule-Team" Borax was a g-ood thing- to rid
poultry of lice. I had used so much inflammable
Lice killers that my Poultry Houses were regular
fire traps. I grave my S. C. W. Leghorn house a
good apraying just two months a(jo. Since I have
cauprht several hens and I found no lice. I am rid
of lice and shall continue to use "20-Mule-Team"
Borax aa a spray, also as a wash.
MRS. B. K. BTJFFHAM, Ronwell, New Mexico.
All dealers. Vi, 1, 5 tti packages. Free samp'e
to prove above, Eooklet and Lace Desijrn. 10 cents.
Pacific Coast Borax Co., Oakland, Cal.
Recalled Them Diatlnctly.
"What were your sensations when the
automobile struck the tree and threw you
out? I presume, though, you didn't have
tie to think."
"O, yes, I did. I distinctly remember
thinking, as I flew through the air, 'Gee!
What a repair bill I'll have to foot!"'
1VIIKN writing toadver
iiiinliin this iiiifr.
advertisers please
Poor Gueaaer.
The eminent statesman summoned
private secretary.
"This is the third letter I have had
from Matinbyerup,' he said, "at the end
of which he bas marked 'Confidential. IV
T. L.' What does he mean by 15. T. L.?"
"Don't you know?" naid the private sec
retary, lowering his
'Burn This Letter.' "-
voice. lie means
-Chicago Tribune,
pM;dk f
Vm, Tv
ai (41 vug 1Jv v
for pot cn?h. 1 0 to fiOT more moio-r for you to ship Rnw F'.i and nidrn to na than to
aril tit homo, V rilt f.T Tru'ii Lint, MrtrUrt lu-tM-trt. Shipitinj 1" ir-. and about our
tw& 4'fl i.t',. leather rn'ittid. Hrst thinr on tlio nlijTt cvt written. lllnit-.ilins ail Fur Animals. All
ini'iFii n, .h-i-'h-, i rap, irimi! i.;w. now arm iif re n- in p. and fo hcn'Die a due-
r.'.fnl tmppr. It's ft rptul.ir f:nrrtl'pt'i-a. I'-irn.!. T our risl.-tiif r $-. Hi1. tannni it.to
tottitiful (i -hfS. Our Mat' n.'t ir Hit and lM-c'v Mtrnel Anini.ils trap ' 0 ir )h'M1o. Slrn v.nr
Pules acd Furs lo us and Lilickt t rices. Aiidenu h Hrosa Dv.uU 131 Mlnueupollsi.Mluiu
A Flavoring. It makes a
eyrup tetter than Maple.
5 Sold ty grocers.
Touch stock, heavy soles, solid coun
ters, double leather toes, double scams
rnd hijjIi-Kradc workmanship are what make Mayer Work Shoes
last longer than any other kind.
Farmers, minors, lumbermen, mechanics and all classes of
workmen can get double the wear out of
They are honestly ntade solid throueh
and through. They are "built on honor." Their
strength and wearing qualities cannot be equalled.
To be sure you are petting the penuine, look
for the Mayer Trade Mark on the sole.
Your dealer will supply you; if not, write to us.
FRFElf you will send us the name of a deafer who does
tint handle Mnyer Work JHoes, we will aenii you tree, post
paid, a hcautilul picture ot oeorire wasnintrton. size l.ixu.
He niso mime nonortiiii 3hik, a,i-auui iauy anwa,
Mnrtha W flshintMon Comfort Shoos, i emu Cushion
Shoes and Special Merit School Shoes.
An old gentleman in one of the large
Eastern cities was asked to buy a ticket
to a fireman's ball, and good naturediy
complied. The next question was what
to do with it. He had two servants,
either of whom would be glad to use it.
but he did not wish to show favoritism,
It therefore occurred to him to buy
another ticket, so that both could at
tend. A writer in the SL Louis Re
public tells what happened.
Not knowing where the tickets were
sold, he Inquired of a policeman, and
the officer suggested that he go to the
engine house. So tbe old gentleman
went to the engine house that evening,
but there was no one In sight. He bad
never been In such a place before, and
6tood for a moment uncertain how .0
make his presence known.
Presentry he saw an electric button
on the side of the room, and put his
thumb on It.
The effect was "electrical" In every
sense of the word. Through the cell-
, down the stairs, and from every
other direction firemen came running
nd sliding. The horses rushed out of
their stalls, and. In short, all the ma-
hinerv of a modern engine bouse wps
istantlv in motion.
Amid nil this uproar stood the inno
cent old gentleman, who did no; su -pect
that ho had touched the fire ..larm
until the men clamored round him for
information as to the locality of the
Then he said, mildly, "I should like
to buy another ticket for the ball, If
you please."
The situation was so ludicrous that
there was a general shout of laughter;
and the old gentleman bought his ticket
and the engine house resumed its for
mer state of quiet.
The Rich Turkish Begrtrar.
Beggars are never suppressed in Tur
key. The story is told (and they sry
It is true) about an American lady wl'o
by mistake gave a beggar of Constanti
nople a goldpiece. The man had left
his post when she returned, but one
3f his colleagues told her where he
"resided." It was a fine house, and
at the door was a servant, who polite
ly informed the lady that "my master
Is dressing. He will be down soon."
And then the well groomed beggar,
dressed for dinner, appeared and glad
ly returned the gold piece, exclaiming
in the meanwhile that such mistakes
were highly embarrassing. "Charities
and Commons."
'0 $WQ 23o JULiUUU liuriunjj
The skin is not simply an outer covering of the body, but through it3
thousands of pores and glands it performs the great and necessary work of
regulating our temperatures, and also assists in disposing of the refuse and
waste matters of the system by the constant evaporation that goes on
through these little tubes. To perform these duties the tissues and fibre3
which connect and surround the pores and glands must be continually nour
ished by pure blood. When from any cause the circulation becomes infected
with impurities and humors, it loses its strengthening powers and begins to
disease and irritate the delicate tissues, and products Eczema, Acne, Tetter,
or some other itching, disfiguring skin trouble. S. S. S. cures skin diseases
of every kind by going down into the circulation and neutralizing and remov
ing the impurities and humors. It changes the quality of the blood from aa
acrid, fier' fluid to a cooling, health-producing stream, which, instead of
irritating and inflaming the skin, cures and nourishes it by its soothing,
healthful qualities. Salves, washes, lotions, etc., may be used for any tem
porary comfort or cleanliness they afford, but skin diseases cannot be cured
until S. S. S. has purified the blood. Book on Skin Diseases and any med
ical advice sent free. " THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA,
ESCENT Ess-Phosphate
Get it from
your Grocer
Rain Poor Substitute for Irrigation
And irrigation is better than rain,
infinitely better. That also sounds
like a paradox, but instead it is almost
a truism. What is better to give a
plant just as much and no more water
than It needs and just when it needs
it; or to parch it or drown it accord
ing to the whim of the-clouds? The
rain falls upon the Just and upon the
unjust alike; upon your strawberries
that cry for It and upon your sugar
beets that want uninterrupted sun
shine. Itain is nil right in its place,
but it Is a very poor substitute for ir
rigation. Otherwise why would the
lawns of our cities be sprinkled or irri
gated, instead of leaving them to the
tender mercy of the clouds? No. Arid
tnds are more fertile than ordinary
lands, nnd Irrigation is better than
rain. Success Magazine.
Never Itciiche the Limit.
"It's too bad the average man can
be satisfied with a good living and nM
be hungering for more money"
"The average an Is satisfied with a
good living. 'Hie only trouble is that
bis Idea of a good living prows with his
income." Philadelphia ledger.
Trying to I'rove an Alibi.
"Now, Tommy, either you or Johnny
have been stealing grapes again. Here
are the skins."
" 'Twasn't me, ma honest it wasn't
I et all my skins." Cleveland Leader.
Loafer at the I'onl Table.
The lnst pool players in any town are
generally the young fellows who never
hang onto one job very long at a time.
Kuusas City Journal-
Physicians Recommend Castoria
ASTOE-IA has met with pronounced favor on the part of physicians, pnarma-
ceutical societies and medical authorities. It i3 used by physicians "with
results most gratifying. The extended use of Castoria is unquestionably tho
result of three facts: r;.st The indisputable evidence that it i3 harmless:
Second That it not only allays stomach pains and quiets the nerves, but assimi
lates the food: Third It is an agreeable and perfect substitute fcr Castor Oil.
It is absolutely safe. It does not contain any Opium, Morphine, or other narcctio
and does not stupefy. It is unlike Soothing Syraps, Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's
Cordial, etc. This is a good deal for a Medical Journal to say. Our duty, how
ever, is to expose danger and record the means cf advancing health. The day
for poisoning innocent children through greed cr ignorance ought to end. To
our knowledge, Castoria is a remedy which produces composure and health, by
regulating the system not by stupefying it and our readers era entitled to
the information, Hall's Journal of Health.
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. II. Fletcher.
Dr. B. Halstead Scott, of Chicago, Ills., says: "I have prescribed your
Castoria often for infants during my practice, end find it very satisfactory."
Dr. William Belmont, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "Your Castoria stands
first in its class. In my thirty years of practice I can say I never have
found anything that so filled the place."
Dr. J. II. Taft, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "I have used your Castoria and
found it an excellent remedy in ray household and private practice for
many years. The formula is excellent."
Dr. R. J. Haralen, cf Detroit, Jlicli., eayr: "I prescribe your Castoria
extensively, as I hr.ve never found anythin-j to equal it for children's
troubles. I am aware that there ere imitations in the field, but I always
Bee that my ratients get Fletcher's."
Dr.Wm. J McCrann, of Omaha, Neb., says: "As the father of thirteen
children I certainly know something about your great medicine, and aside
from my own family experience I have in my years of practice found Cas
toria a ropular and efficient remedy in almost every home."
Dr. J. R. Clausen, of Philadelphia, Ta., says: "The name that your Cas
toria has ruaJe for itself in the tens of thousands cf homes blessed by the
presence of children, scarcely needs to be supplemented by the endorse
ment of the medical profession, but I, for cne, most heartily endorse it and
believe it an excellent remedy."
Dr. R. M. "Ward, of Kansas City, Mo., says: 'Thysicians generally do not
prescribe proprietary preparations, but in tho case of Castoria my experi
ence, like that of many other physicians, has taught me to make an ex
ception. I prescribe your Castoria in my practice because I have found it
to be a thoroughly reliable remedy for children's complaints. Any physi
cian who has raised a family, as I have, will joia me in heartiest recom
mendation of Castoria."
'an in
1W n
sirailaiiihcFoodaru'Rcia ling (Jic Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes DigcslionJChcf rlid
ncss and Rcst.CoiUaiiis neither
Opiuni.Morpiunc nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
flmiia Seed'
r-TYTOra -
CHJki Snirr
Aptrft'cl Remedy forCYiTpa
lion , Sour Stonudi.l)i;irtv.jC3
Vor ms ,roi ATiisioiis .re x nsu
nessandLGSS cfSleep.
FatSir.-.ilc Signature cf
ipSo . GUaranteed undcrlfieTowTM
Bears the Signature of
. i uctj i ii ii n""?
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.