Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 15, 1908, Image 1

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City HuU
VOL. 24.
NO. M2'J
-Y-nrTiiiifiiiMawB hi I ill
Tlio Kind Ton Havo Always
in use for over 30 years,
and has
"fflyjts sona
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trille with ami endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo
substance, its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fcverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Oyer 30 Years.
Entirely Under Local Control and Mana gement
Bank of Heppner
Capital $50,000
Fully Paid
W. O. MINOR. President
J. H.MoHALEY, Vice-President
W. S. WHARTON, Cashier
AbsL Cashier
Loans Made at Eight Per Cent.
Gam in Deposits, month of January $10153.53
" " " ' February 8 593.01
" March 10,31X5 G3
" " " " April and May 51,C4t 48
Total gain for first five months, 190S 889,779. 50
's I
Located on the Hoadwaters
of Willow Creek
This new nnd thoronhly up to date saw
mill is now in active operation and turn
int! out a euperior ipialily of
Lumber is now beinz hauled from the
mill to Heppner where yards
will be established.
Orders promptly filled
The mill has a running capacity
of 20,000 feet per day.
Herrin & Wilder. Props.
Bought, and which has been,
has borne the sfgnatnre of
been made under his per-
supervision since Its Infancy.
Signature of
W. (t. SCOTT
Spanish Delaine Yearling
Bucks for Sale.
After the 10th of October, 1 will have
for pale at my place near Monument, a
fine lot of Spanish Delaine bucks.
Terms to suit purchaser. Pick out what
yon want and I will deliver to any place
in Morrow county if desired.
Monument, Oregon.
Cures Celdsi Prevents Pneumonia
Will Start the Grass and
Help Crops.
The. long looked for rain started
Sunday, raining most of the dav
and night.
The dust has disappeared, the
atmosphere has been cleared op
and the moisture will be of great
benefit to the country in general
The weather being warm, grass
will stait immediately on th6
ranges, which will be of great val
ue to stockmen.
Not only will the stockmen be
benefitted, but the farmers will
come in for their share. Fall seed-
ing will bcrusbed with all haste
Several Good Lots Brought
in This Week.
Active movements in cattle con
Purchases for the past week have
been principally for feeders. The
cattle brought in duriog the week
have been in good condition and
can be turned off in piime shape
without a great amount of feeding.
Emrxett Cochran brought in 290
head of fine feeders, Sunday. This
lot was composed principally of
steers and belonged to a number
of stockmen from Grant county.
The lot was purchased by A. H.
Sunderman, of Batter creek. Mr.
Sunderman, who recently bought
the Frank Sloan place, will feed
the cattle for beef.
Win. Matlock brought in 215
head of the heaviest lot of feeders
received here this season. This lot
came in from -the Beaver creek
country, and together with a lot of
150 head will be taken to Yakima
vVash., for feeding.
Vni. Matlock, Percy Hughes and
(Jeorge Terry are feediDg at Yaki
ma. This last lot will make in the
neighborhood of 700 head that
they will feed for beef.
We have several parlies who are look
ing for homestead locations or relinqush-
ments, also some good timber claims.
If you know of any good homestead or
timber claims, it will pay you to write
us. Address, Aetna Beflty Co., 225
Failing Bldg. Portl nd, Oregon.
Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure any
case of kidnev or bladder trouble that
is not beyond the reach of medicine
No medicine can do more. Sloeum
Diug Co.
The La Grande commercial club
is getting actively busy.
Chinese Root and Herb Doctor.
lie is an experienced compounder of
Chinese Medicine. He treats success
fully all private, nervous and chronic
diseases, also blood, stomach, heart,
bmp, liver, kidney, female weakness,
catarrh and nil diseases of tho body bv
the use of roots and herbs, especially
prepared for each case. If vou cant
call at his office, write for home treat
ment. Consultation free. J. Man Foo,
successor to Hong Wo Tong Chinese
Medicine C, 117 W. Second .St., Al
bany, Oregon.
Pacific Lodging
Good clean rooms,
none better in town.
Come and Stop With Us
Lion's Share at Third Dis
trict Fair.
Mat of Premium.
Best agricultural disphy, 1st, 850.
Best fruit display, 1st, $10.
Noble Bros, saddle, 2nd.
Doherty Bros., rye, 1st.
H. Nelson, 1st on blue barley.
Dan Rice, 1st on little club wheat.
French Bros., lat and 2nd on winter
H. I. rash, 2nd premium on blue
Shelly Baldwin, 1st on blue stem.
Fred Lucas, 1st on white barley.
J. 11. Olden, 1st premium on Damon
J. F. McMillan, 1st on largest squash
Chas. Barnett, 1st premium on white
pearmain apple.
J. F. McMillan, 2nd premium on yel
I jw beliflower,
Wash Thompson, 2nd on Wolf river
John Oldtn, 1st on general display of
W. B. Effing, 1st on table f quasb.
J. K. Olden, 1st on Indian field corn.
Miss Hufford, 1st on Crochet dress.
Andy Hayes, wool, 2nd.
J. R. Olden, 2nd on winter Nellie
J. R. Olden, 2nd on Flemish Beauty
Henry Gay, 2nd on Thomson King
T. L. Dor man, 2nd on Baldwid apple.
T . L. Dorman, 2nd on Gloria Mundi
J. R. Olden, 1st on Indian cling peacb.
J. R. Olden, 1st on Transcendent crab
J. R. Olden, 1st on table beets.
J. R. Olden, 1st on tomatoes.
J. R. Olden, let on cauliflower.
T. L. Dorman, 1st on Boure de Angie
J. E., Olden, 1st on ura clargu pears.
J. R. Olden, 2nd on Hungarian prunep.
D. Cox, 1st on white oats.
Ed. Brown, 2nd on white oats.
D. C. Gurdane, Barred Rocks, let pen,
1st cock, 1st hen. 2d pen, 1st pullet,
2d pullet. Brown legharns, 1st pen, 2d
pen, best cockrel, best pullet, 2d cockrel
and 2d pullet. Golden SeaDrUht ban
tams, 1st cockrel, 1st pullet, 2d pen.
Al Emerson, 1st and 2d pen Andalu
eions. L. W. Bnggs, Rhode Island Reds, 1st
cockrel, 1st pullet, and 2nd pen.
French Burroughs, Northern Spy ap
p'e, let.
French Burroughs, Husk Tomatoes,
Ed Ball, pears, 1st.
A. C. Pettys, Golden Russett apple
1st. Roxbury Rnssett apple, 1st. Ida
ho pear, 2nd.
Ed Hammer, quince, 1st. Buerre
pear, 1st. Mammoth Black Twig apple
F. C. Dillingham, 3 first premiums on
Mrs. Augusta Mason, Alexander ap
ple, 1st.
Mrs. Chick, 1st on Biedertnere em
brouterery. 2nd Silk embroidered bu
reau scarf. 2nd Danish cut woik.
Mrs Robinson, 1st, apron in shadow
embroidery. 1st, linen applique center
piece. 1st, darned buck centerpiece.
W, B. Beasley, let on parsnips, 1st on
Wpatheiford onions, 1st on Danver
Harry Bell, 1st on Blackeye grapes.
A. Bennett, 1st on Golden pheasants,
Enclish pheasants, 2nd, Buff Cochin
bantams, 2nd, Mammoth Bronze turkeys
1st, Homer pigeons, 1st.
Mrs. C. Bowers, Battenburg hat, let,
Battenburtr cr 11 ir, 1st.
MrB. J. S. Cabbage, ba'.y drr-ss, let,
baby carringe robe, 1st.
Mrs S. L, Carson, 1st on display -cf
canned fruits, carnations, 1st.
S. L. Carfion, Plj-nmuth rock pul'ef,
1st, Plymouth rock cockerel, 2nd, Flame
Tokay grapes, 1st, Muscat grapes, 1st,
Rose of Peru grapes, 1st, Best Winter
pears. 1st.
Fied Curaraings, Brighton grapes, lbt
Black Prince grapes, lbt.
E. C. Hamilton, Rhode Island reds,
1st, Indian Runner ducks, 2nd.
O. C. Henkle, Silverskin onions, 1st,
silver spangled Hamburg chickens, 1st.
L. R. Kicker, 1st on Buff Lfghorn
L. McCubbins, 1st on White Leghorn
Mrs. C. E. Niles, 1st on display of
pi kles.
John Painter, 1st on Eiberta peaches.
H. II. Quiraby, Purple wine grapes,
1st, white wine grape?, 1st, Black Ham
burg grapes, 1st.
ueorge Kaon, lien Uavis apple, ltt
King of Tompkins counti apple, 1st.
Fred Rieks, 1st on watermelon.
C. L Roadruck, Concord grapes 1st.
Mrs. C. L. Roadruck, roses, 2nd,
asters, 1st, best collection of home
grown nuts, Is'.
J. H. Smith, Silver prunes, 2nd, Sal
wsy peaches 1st.
Peter Susbauer, 2nd on watermelons.
Irving Wo'tnington. 2nd on muBk-
Mrs. Irving Wortbingtap, 1st on die-
play of preserves.
Vlsagremble at Home
Lots of men and women who are a-
greeable ith others, get "cranky" at
home. Its not dispo9i'ion, its the liver.
If you find in yourself that you feef cross
around the house, little things worry
yon, just buy a bottle ol Ballard's Her
bine and put your liver in shape. You
and everybody aronnd you will feel
better for it. Price 50 cents per bottle.
Patterson & Son.
Eugene's public school buildings
are crowded this year worse than
ever, notwithstanding tbe addition
of several new rooms, Bays the
La Grande is one of the Oregon
cities that are prospering and grow
ing, surely and eafeJy.
Huby Morphine ( lend
are made bv all soothing syrups and
baby medicinrs that contain opium and
narcotics. McGee's Baby Elixir con
tains no injurious or narcotic drugs ol
any kind. A pure and safe cure for dis
ordered stomachs, b lwtls and f-etfulness
?plendid for teething infants. Patter
son & Son.
Salem Statesman: Work on the
Dallae-Salem railroad is progress
ing nicely. The grading is within
three miles of Salem. The east
camp of the graders is at the water
tank this side of Eola.
How to Avoid Appendicitis.
Most victims of appendicitis arethose
wno are habitnal'y constipa'ed. Foley's
Oiino Laxative cures chronic constipa
tion by stimulating the liver ar d bow
els and restores the natural action of the
bowel. Foley's Orino Lixative doe-!
not nauseate or gripe and is mild and
pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes.
La Grand Observor: Thirty
thousand paid admissions to the
Pendleton fail ! This meant a rev
enue of !?4. 500. Lat season th
admissions were 21.000. IVcdle
hss demonstrated that a fair, and
a successful one, can be held right
in town.
A lloon to i:idrrlr IV-oplr.
Most elderly people have Feme kid
ney or bladder disorder that is both
painful and dangerous. Foley's Kidney
Remedy has proven a boon to many el
derly people as it stimulates the urinary
organs, corrects irregularities and tones
up the whole t ystem. Commence tak.
ini? Folev'a Kidoev Rpmedv at onco an.!
be vigorous. Slocuni Viug Co.
Suspicion as to Honesty
of Cashier.
Monday morning the Farmers'
& Traders' National bank of La
Grande, failed to open its doors.
The refusal of the bank to open
its doors was due to the fear of a
run caused by a general euspicion
that has been aroused as to the
honesty of the bank's cashier, J.
W. Scriber.
Last Fiiday X. K. West, a prom
inent merchant of La Grande, re
ceived notice from the First Na
tional bank of Elgin informing him
that they held a note signed by him
for 82000 and in favor of the Farm
ers' and Traders' national.
Knowing he had never issued
such a note, Mr. West called upon
ftcriber to explain. He was then
informed by Sciiber that the affair
would be attended to and for him.
West, to think no more about it.
However, Mr. West was not sat
isfied and securing an auto started
for Elgin to investigate. At the
same time Scriber also started out
bv auto for Elgin in hopes of beat
ing West to that place.
On the way to Elgin West's auto
collided with a buggy and as a re
sult Scriber beat him to Elgin by
half an hour. Reaching the bank
Scriber secured the note and the
Elgin bankers are cow non-committal
regarding tha matter.
Saturday the news of West's ex
experience became known in La
Grande and suspicion became
aroused as to the safety of Scriber 'a
bank. Some deposits were with
drawn Saturday, but not enough
to affect the bank seriously.
Sci iber is reported to be suffering
from nervous prostration and is ill
at Lis home. However, in an in
terview with the La Grande Obser
ver, he declared he weuld use all
his private means to protect thu
bank's depositors aud furthermore
declared that the bank has arrspla
means to pay off every depositor at
full face.
The last statement issued by the
bank September 23. showed the
bank to be solvent.
It is the general opinion in La
Grande that a receiver will be ap
pointed to tike charge of the bank's
affairs. However, it is not believed
the depositors will suffer at all od
less further irregularities are dis
covered. La Grande's other banks, cf
which there are two, are in stronger
conditions than at any time in the
past. No fears whatever are en
tertained for their safety.
Cured Hu) leui iinti Numiiifr t uid
A. S. Nnspaum. Fa'esv'lle, Indiara,
writes: ''Last year I tuiu'eied fur three
months with a summer cold so distieea
ing that it interfered with my business.
I had many of tit- .y::-;-:. .! h.tv
fever, and a doer: V ; s
!C'l did
not reach my i-.i.-v. ; :. . :.
medicine w L:ch sw- (-. ' :,! t
gravate it. lYirt'in..!. 1 1 ; : :
nn bavin j !'! y' 1 1 : 1 - .
ipi'i'klv cised u. y v. !,..- -used
Foley's II t .. i T.i- ,.:.
sair.!' s"..v :. !':.:'..
Fanners Audition!
Before .-v !::.; ,
please I tit n aki
a a;a I would btj
i :i o;Ter. (iia;u
i:it'.1 in
on tiie lieppner
and Columbia .viti e n branches.
l;es;.eetlu lv vours.
tltriiilnn. trn SnTcrenl
Foley's Honey and Tar will give im
mediate relief to asthma sufferers a: 1
has cured many cases that had refusal
to yield to other treatment. Foley's
Honey and Tar is the best remedy i r
coiih, cold and ail throat and lur
troubV. Contains lj Laiuiful ur.ifct.
Sbcum Diug Co.