1 VOL. 24. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 8. 1908 NO. 1128 MORROW A WINNER BOUGHT ANOTHER PRIZE WINNER The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been, in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per (jPL fJ-fl-A , sonal supervision since its Infancy. W7f. -cccAK Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-grood" are but Experiments that trifle with ami endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA ' Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance, its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcvc:rishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 7 The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years, MC aCITMUH ., rt MUDIUV TtT. NIW VOHK OITV. Entirely Under Local Control a n dJM a nag e m e n t Bank of Heppner Capital $50,000 Fully Paid Officers W. O. MINOR, President J. H.MrHALKY, Vice-President W. 8. WHARTON, Cashier VAWTEK CRAWFORD, Asst. Cashier Directors W. O. MINOR C. K. WOODSON W. G. SCOTT J II. Mr !I ALKY W. S. WHARTON Loans Made at Eight Per Cent. FOOR PER DEHT IHTEREST PAID OH TIRIE DEPOSITS WE ARE GROWING Gain In Deposits, month of January .$19153.53 " " " February 8,503.01 " " " " March 10.3WM53 " April and May 81,640.48 Total gain for first five rronlhs, 1908 $89,7:9 50 NOT BAD FOR THE DULL SEASON. iaMaaHHMHHHaBaiMBaaHHiBHaaiBnKnHnai HerrsR s 16 Saw Mil Located on the Hoad waters of Willow Creek This new and thoronghly tip to date saw mill iH now in RCtive operation and turn ing out a superior quality cf ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER mmm .J.amber is now being hauled from the mill to Heppner where yards will be established. Orders promptly filled The mill has a running capacity of 20,000 feet per day. Herrin & Wilder Props. Spanish Delaine Yearling Bucks for Sale. After the 10th of October, 1 will have for pale nt. my place near Monument, a fine lot of Spanish Delaine bucks. Terms to pint purchaser. Pick out what you want and I will deliver to any plate in Morrow countv if desired. KM. MKT COCHRAN, Monument, Oregon. F0LEYSR0NEWWR Cures Coldsi Prevents Pneumonia TAKES FIRST ON AG RICULTURE. Ribbons Galore for Super iority of Our Many Products. : W. O. Minor adds Show Herd. to FOR BET TER ROADS Morrow county. Third District fair at Pendleton. We walked away with that $50 prize for the best county agricul tural exhibit. Best county display on fruit. Got that in our vest pocket too. Another blue ribbon on the best display on peara. When it comes to wheat, well, there was nothing to it. Morrow county only lugged home the fol lowing premiums: Blue stem 1st and 2d. Little club 1st. Winter wheat 1st and 2d. Barley 1st and 2d. Oats 1st and 2d. , liye-lst. One hundred and twenty-one ribbons were awarded to Morrow county products. W. 0. Minor has purchased In wood Lass, first prize yearling and grand champion Short-horn at California State Fair, Oregon State Fair and Pacific National Show, as the property of Mrs. Lizzie H. Glide, of Sacramento, Calif. In wood Lass will be one of Mr. Minoi's show herd at the Alaska-Yukon- Pacific exposition, Seattle, '09. JUDGE SCOTT STARTS THE BALL. Good Roads Convention to be Held in Hepp ner Soon. SENATOR FULTON WILL SPEAK Will be in Heppner on Oc tober 13. Senator Charles W. Fulton will epaak in Heppner on the political issues, Saturday, Octjber 17. The Morrow County Taft Club will spare no pains to furnish en- tertainment, while everybody knows that Senator Falton is one of the ablest speakers in the west. Judge John H. Scott, of Salem, ex county judi:e of Marion county, presi dent of the Oood Ro ids Association of Oregon, good rca Is enthusiast and ex pert on road building was in Heppner yesterday evening and held a meeting HEAVY STOCK SHIPMENTS Sheep and Cattle are Being Moved. A Good Company The Pavilla Comedy Company played three nights at the opera house, closing Saturday evening laBt. The company put up a good performance and deserved a bigger bouae than they got. Alfalfa Meal for Stock. A north Inlet, Coos county, man says that his cranberry lanch Will yield about 300 bushe s per "acre, and as the prevailing price is about $2 75 per bushel, he will derive about $825 per acre. He expects to raise 400 bushels an acre after tha land has been cultivated more, 1 a ana some times cranberries are worth $1 a bushel there. From one Gravenstein tree, a I Alfalfa meal is looked upon as Moro man nicked oioht hovp of S3 the coming food for stock in the apples, and his pears did even bet- Xorthwe8t' wLere faUeDinS i9 nec- ter than that. The Sherman coun- e69flr - is loucier is now manu ty climate is alright and so is the factured ln ,ar6e quantities in the soil, for nlmost anvthin? that will state ot Colorado and shipped to grow anvwbere in Oregon, by the tbe Mt'1DZ ffrounds of Illinois, Ne- nnnlinotinn nf Bnnn,l raOBnn;nn braska and Missouri where corn 18 liftl ih orOQua c,.a nt, raised on a large scale. Alfalfa can servor. These trees never have produced in Oregon and Wash- bad the least bit of irrigation. 1Dgton on a mucb lar8er scale 19 the opinion of stockmen here who . , i. i , , uave investigated its advantages. e have several parties whoarelook- a r X ing for homestead locations or relinqush- Heretofore Oregon and Washing, ments, also some good timber claims, ton, as well as Idaho and Montana If you know of any good homestead or have been sending thousands of timber claims, it will pay you to write heid of cattle and sheep to the feeding grounds of the east. This sto k, bought here in good condi tion, but not fat us. Address, Aetna , Realty Co., Failing Bldg. Fortl nd, Oregon. Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure any enough for the case of kidnev or bladder trouble that Catchers, is shipped into com-grow- s not beyond the reach of medicine iDg states, where it is kept for a iNo medicine can do more. Slocum . - . .. UlUg Co. Elgin lumbermen are again busy shipping their product. A planer has eeveral million feet more to ship. J. MAN FOO Chines Root and Herb Doctor. He is an experienced compounder cf Chinese Medicine. He treats success fully all private, nervous and chronic diseases, also blood,, stomach, heart, lung, liver, kidney, female weakness, catarrh and all diseases of the body bv tli e use of roots and herbs, especially prepared for each case. If vou cant call at his ofliee, write for home treat ment. Consultation free. J. Man Foo, successor to Hong Wo Tong Chinese Medicine C, 117 W. Second St., Al bany, Oregon. Pacific Lodging House C. N.SHINN. Prop. Good clean rooms, none better in town. Come and Stop With Us MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, ORE. year or bo before being considered fit for the markets at Chicasr.i. Kansas City, or Omaha. The idea has consequently prevailed among stockmen that Oregon will do very well to raise stock, but not to fatten it. With the production of "alfalfa meal" this notion will vanish, as it can be produced cheaper here than corn can in the states of the Miss issippi Valley. The Portland Com mercial Club is having the advan tages of "alfalfa meal" investigated with the idea of having the mills for grinding it started in different parts of the 6tate. at the Commercial Club, where a good sized audience of Heppner's business men were greatly interested in listening to plans for the betterment of roads in Oregon. The meeting was called to oruer by C. E. Woodson, who introduced the speaker. Judge hcott said that it was not his purpose to go into detail in tbe short time allotted on road building, but at the recent good roads conference in Port land, he was employed to go over tin state for the purpose of.arousing interest. To get the people to think about needed legislation and state aid. The first work necessary to get prop erly itarted would be to hold a good roada convention and form a good roads league, when detail work and methods could be properly handled. - Judge Scott askod the people here to get together and get acquainted with our needs in order to be able to prope'ly ad vise a legislative committee at the prop er time. Also to stimulate the proper senti ment and enthusiasm to back up the county court in work that is impossible under present conditions. Judge Scott favored a state commis sion to outline a state road policy. The speaker called attention to the progress of other states in good rord building, and impressed the necessity of working Oregon up on this important question. The speaker said that it would only cost about f 100 to hold a convention and get started right. By motion of T. J. Mahonev it was unanimously decided to hold a conven tion in the near future, the time to be set by Jude Scott to suit the conveni ence of his itinerary in this district. Judge Scott was followed by short addresses by Prof. Re'd, Judge Patter eon, R. F. Hynd, Dr. Kietner, and Sher iff Sliutt, who all favoied the movement. By motion the chair will appoint a committee to solicit funds and arrange for a big convention to be he!d here soon. Ample time will be given to thorough ly advertise the date. Movements in both sheep and cttl have been heavy of late. Good demand and short grass are tiut reasons for the active business in tixtt stock industry. Joe Coombs, the Grant county steefc- mao, is in the city today looking after the shipment of :i!)0 head of S-year-oW beef cattle. The sale was made ta Union Meat Company. J. If. Phirmtat, representing the comi any is here to re ceive ttie stock. Other cattle shipments will soon fol low. Dnring the past week, T. H. Marrjp, representing J. B. I,ocg & Co., of ,.lw tina, shipped from Heppner 4000 Leal of sheep. Mr. Murray went from htm to Baker City where he shipped 3fl head to his company. Tne sluep f-lr.pr- ped were lamb, and the price was $2iW per head. In speaking of the fcituatioo U' East Oregonian says : Saturday Danzie & Son shipped 33M head from Wa'lowa city to Smla Sprio, Idaho, tbe pf ice paid being J2.12 pr head. C. E. Lukena ahipped 2800 head of yearlings from Baker City to Cutbsnk, Mont. Several buyers are now in or ntix Pendleton and others are coming. All are in Bearch of lambs as the local raoes have been cleared of everything ela that is for sale at the present time.' Or-"" dinarily there would be no limbs far sale as they would be held until tlav were a year eld, but owing to the pa- drv season, the range is bo short tkU local growers will have approximator 20,000 lambs to offer. The demand f jt lambs is exceptional? good. F.om present indications the price uf wtnter mutton sheep will be high. Very few Oreiron men are feeding or pianolike to feed owing to the scarcity of b 5tli ktv and grain feed and from the undvS west comes the news that owing to t&t high price of com, little of that ceraii will be h'd to sheep this winter.' It therefore looks like the sheepman who will have mntton to turn off be.fani the grass fed article is rady is ready fr the market will be ab'e to coximand a. high price for his anim.ils. Hood River ht put itself on re cord as in favor of good roads atul will soon have an association fci help get them, says the Glacier. State Senator R. A. Booth hr.s given 10,000 more to the endow ment fund of Willamette university. C ured II ay fever and Summer rw A. S. Nnspaum, Pa'e.vi!le, Inthstru, writes: "Last year I suffered for t'hrw; months with a simmer cold so distress ing tbat it interfered with my b'lsin-"?.. I had many of the eymptoturt ot ian fever, and a doctor's prfs riptirm il not reach niv rae. and I took se'r-d medicines which seemed only to x gravate it. Foitunatily I insisted on ha villi: FolryV IIuii'v.uil Tar. ! j'.i l kiv I'Ulr-i Mc. . , , '.,'. . i;,od F. !' : .!''- - same s'w -- " . '' j. IMsnurt-riitilr at Home Lots of men ami women who are a greeahle with others, get "cranky" at home. Its not disposi'ion, its the liver. If vou Hud in yourself thatyon feel cross around the house, little things worry yon, i ist bnv a bottle ol Ballard's Her- bine and put your liver in shape. You J and everybody amnnd you will feel 1 tiettcr lor it. Price 50 cents per bottle. Patterson A San. Ilaby .Morphine ('lend are made bv all soothing syrups and baby medicines that contain opium and narcotics. Mctiee's Baby Elixir con tains no injurious or narcotic drugs ot any kind. A sure and safe cure for dis ordered stomachs, b iwels and fret fulness splendid lor teething infants. Patter son & Son. How to oil A ppi-ii il icll 1 . Most vic'inis of appendicitis arethoj-e wno arc habitually iviiptipu'e i. Foley's Orino Laxative cures chronic coni p iion by stimulating the l.wr a- d 1 oV fls ami restores the natuial actim of the bowels. Foley's Orino Fixative die not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Kefuse substitutes. Fanners p.. p.U'li ir ro - r . . inirs. v km; i u . micro; F ii i ton. - 1 ' .. t'! A lloon In ridorly I'roplr. Most elderly people have some kid ney or bladder disorder that is both painful and dangerous. Foley's Kidney Remedy Ins proven a boon to many el derly ieople as it stimulates the urinary organs, corrects irregularities and tones up the whole tystem. Commence tak. ing Foley's Kidoev Remedy at once and be vigorous. Slocum Pru Co. r.it : .iv i tl.l l' Kfd ; i .i t i . t: vi i VufTert rnt will niw .i sufferers :! ,it h.ui rot col treatment.- loK'n- Honev and Tar is the best tenie'v ' coughs, colds anil all th.roat ru( tv tronn'e. 1'ontains no hum;;';! '-.j-. ' jcuiu Prug Co.