Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 01, 1908, Image 5

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    Local Notes.
K. F. Wigglesworthis in the city.
Glasses properly fitted at 1'. 0.
Corn's. tf.
Ed Day camo up from Portland,
James Rosa came in from Dale,
E. L Reaney was up from Lex
ington Saturday.
Ed, Adkiua was a passenger for
Portland, Monday.
Highest cash price paid for hides
lelts and furs. 1'iiW Colin.
Dr. E. R. Swinburne was over
from Pendleton this week.
Assessor W. S. Conner and wife
went to Portland, Moiiday.
A. C. Pattys was up from his
Willow creek ranch, Monday.
Frank SloaD, of Echo, wag reg"
istered at the Palace, Tuesday.
Jack Hynd was an incoming
p assenger from Portland, Tuesday.
The light showers this morning
helped tome but was not enough
Mr. and Mrs. W; E. Pruyn have
returned from a two weeks visit at
Ilillsboro and Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucas have
moved to town to take advantage
of Ileppner'g good school system.
Joseph Eskelspn, of Lexington,
has purchased 320 acres of land
from Geo. M. Allen. Considera
tion S1800.
Judge T. W. Ayers, County
School Superiutendeut Notson,
Frank Gilliam and J. C. Kirk are
attending the fir at Pendleton.
The ladies of the South Method
ist cbnrch nre planning to hold a
Xmas baziar December IStb.
Watch for further notice in this
The Orphoum theater on May
street is now open with the best
moving picture entertainment that
ftr came t; Heppner. Every
thing is new and tbe very best.
11. V. Fell brought to the Ge
zette this week 20 potatoes that
weighed 31 pounds. The spuds
were all Eo'id, well formed, and the
I'm est that we have seen thie season.
The attendance fr m Heppner
to the Third District Fair at Pen--dleton
is light. The Monow coun
ty exhibit is t-aid (o be very at
tractive and much bet'.er than last
W. B. Bsrratt returned Tuesday
evening from Baker City and Aus
tin where he has been looking after
his sheep. He states that while
at Austin one night the thermom
eter registered only 12 degrees
.above zero.
The citizens of Lone Rock at the
city election last Monday, voted to
put in a municipal water system
The water supply will cjma from
springs which are located near tbe
town. The water is saidto be ex
ceptionally good.
Evangelist T. S. Handsaker and
wife of Walla Walla, will begin a
series of revival meetings in tbe
Christian church m Heppner next
Sunday morning. Kev. Handsaker
ii ia had several years experience
as preacher and singing evangelist.
1I is ably assisted by Mrs. Iand
eakerwho is especially iitted for
evangelistic work. It is expected
that all who desire to Bee our city
improved morally will support
these meetings. The evangelist
requests that all who will aesiet in
the chorus choir meet for practice
at the church Saturday evening at
7:30. The services will continue
Services at the Methodist church
Sunday, Oct. 4th. Sunday school,
10 a. m. Junior L ague, 3 p. m.
Preaching, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.,
by the pastor, Walter L. Airheart.
Subjects, morning sermon, "A
Confession of Faith." John iv,
39, 41, 42, evening, "The Dynam
ic of Human Life." 1. Got. 1,
27, 28.
Of the Firs! National Bank, at Hepp
Der in the 8'ate of Oregon, at tbe
close of business, September 23,1903
No. 8774
Loans and disoouots $359,183 5.'!
Overdrafts, secured and nnre-
' oared 9,435.90
U. 8. UJDds lo secure circula
tion 12,500 00
Bonds, securities, eto . . 2,750 00
Banking bouse, furniture, and
fixtures 14.180 00
Other real estate owned l,u81.6o
Dne from National Baoka
not reserve agents 8.173.14
Dje from State Banks and
Bankers 867.20
Dae from approved reserve
agents 20,484 30
Checks and other cash items. 1,13181
Foods io Transit U-J8 94
Notes of other National banks 470.00
Fractional paper currency,. .
nickels and cento 198 71
Lawful Money Reserve in
Bank, viz :
8peoie 28,709 85
Legal-tender notes 010.00
29 319 85
Redemption fund with D. H.
Treasurer (5 per cent of cir
culation) G25 00
lleiluuraiil for Mile.
The OK restaurant on Main
street is for sale. For pi ice and
terms, inquire at the restaurant.
V Meet Require-
What is the world coining to. when
two il Bend's young ladies walk into a
ci'irar store in broad day light and each
purchase a cigar ? asks the Bulletin.
Total 407,055.04
Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00
Surplus Fund 20.000.C0
Uodividsd profits, lees expen-
f es and taxes paid 31,842.28
National Bank notes oatstan !-
ing '. 12,000 00
Due to other National Banks 8 705 35
Due to StateBacksBodBaLk
frrs 2.810 11
Individual deposits subject to
check 283.250 00
Demand oertifJoiitesfif deposit 5,978 : 7
Time certificate of deposit.. 30,702 08
Bills p.iyab e. iucliidinu; cer
tificates ot depoeit or
money borrowed 20,000 00
Letlers of credit 2,359 90
407,055 04
Statu ctv nnifrtow )
I, T. J. Mahoney, Cashier of th abov -nani-d
back, di solemnly swear that th
above et term n Us true to the best o'
my kuowledj;f r.tnl belie'.
T. J. MAUONKY, Cashier.
Hubso ibed and sworn to lWore rut
this 28 h d .v of Sep enfher, l'lOs.
sam k. van v.urrou,
Notary Pub io.
Correct Atte':
C. A. Rhea Directors.
J B. Nailer, )
Police of Final Settlement.
No one is immune from kidney
trouble, so fust remember that Foley's
Kicney Remedy .will stop the Irregu
larities and cure any case of kidney or
bladder trouble that is not beyond the
reach of medicine. Slocum Drug Co.
Active at 87
This would be unusual news if men
and women would keep themselves free
from iheumatism and all aches arid
pains as well as keeping their mtmlee
and joints limber with Ballard's Snow
Liniment. Patterson & fcon.
The Lazlcat Man In the World
would not be contented to be kept in
the honee and doing nothing by rheu
matibrn. Neither are yon, who are ai
wavs busy and active. Then don't neg
lect the first twinge of an ache or pain
that you mght think is just a "crick "
Rub well with Ballard's Snow Liniment
and no mutter what the trouble is, it
will disappear at once. Patterson &
Bears the J? Kinl1 HaV9 Alwa)r8
Located on the Hoadwaters
of Willow Creek
This new and thoroughly up lo date saw
mill is now in active operation and turn
ing out a superior quality of
llrrrpllon and Uonallon.
The ladies and" friends of tbe
NoHco is hereby diver, Tlmt (ho iiik1pis'kih1
Ad'iilnistrntnr of tin- Ktfite ( K F. Z 'nooII , .:.
c iiSi'd, will make Find feltli nient (f bis .u
count)! w!(h fai'l I'M ite H . i iuli A il mini ft .; ntiu .
a', the next term of tlio County Court of Morrow
onnty, Cregou, to bo lK.ile:i at Hei-pucr lY
h j.l County, on the 2nd Ky November, A. 1)
i '.km, at iu o clock in tin forenoon of s:iid !.
Objections to said HiimI account should Le tile
on or b.Iore said date.
j l. yku;i-:i:
Admiiiiolrat rt'etata of E. F. Zixp.-ll. de
ceised. tk-tl-2'.l
Lumber is now being hauled frcm the
mill to Heppner wheie yard9
will be e.-thblished.
Orders promptly filled
The mill has a running capacity
of 20.COO ftet per day7.
Hcrrin & Wilder, Props.
Aotlce la Creditor.
Notice I8 hereby Riven that the HndBrhinrje;!
has b. en ppoin'ed by tie ountv Conit of
M rrow County. Oregon. HOnriniHtrator oi th
estate of Sarah A. Hughes, deceived, and haf
quxnne.i lor shki trust All persons hnvinganv
claims Ka nst said estate are hereby notified to
presnt the in inn to me dnlv verifi d with
vouchers at the office of 8am E.'Van actor at
Herrm-r, Or g n, within s x months from the
date ot the riiai publication ot thi notice.
Admi'istrator of the estate of barah A.
Huiche, decAaaod.
8am E. Van Vactor, attorney for the admlnis.
Dated and first publUhed this first duv of
Ojtober, A. I). 190S. Oct 1 29
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is horebv elven that thn nndaraloncH
has been appointed by the County Court ol
Morrow County. Oreeon. s lmlniirtrat.ir of thr
estateof Isnae Ahalt. deceased and has quail
tied for Bald trust. All persons having claims
against said es'ate are uotitied to present the
same to me ! I y veririi wi h vouchers at the
i (lice of 8am K. Van Vactor. at Hennner. Ore
gon, within six mouths from the date of the
i.ri puoiicai.on or this notice.
Administrator of the estate of isiac Al.alt. de
Ham E Van Vactor. attorney for Adminla
Dated and firt Dlibllshsd this Isr. dav of
October. A, D. 1H08. Oct 1-29
tn the District Court oi the United States for
the District of Drcgon.
in the matt-r ot 1 he iee r urnlaire Co fln-
volunlary, liaukriipt.
ISo.lce la lrely mven that on the 2S dav of
S ptembcr, A. n. lit M. The Wise Furniture Co
of llei pner, firon, was duly actjudica ed
buiikrii t; Hill tl at t ie tir-t me -ting of tl e.r
cre!i'or will lw held at Itooins au-ft Fenloii
Piiilning, rortlaud, Oieoti. on the 13 day of
Octohur '.iH. at 111 a. in., at which Mm? the
said cr d tf r mf y attdid, rrove t heir claim,
appoint a trusree, examl' e the, bankrupt and
tramnut such otl.er liusluehS as inav nroncrlv
come lifore such meeting.
Uateil Sept. 2.1, lit 8.
Keforee iu l!:inkr ptcy.
In t!ie Circuit Court of the S'ate of
Oregon for Morrrw County.
Cora Jolmpon, l'ihiutifr, vs. ThomtB
) . Johnson, Defendant.
To Thomas J. Johnson, the above
named deJtndaut :
In the name of the State of Oiegon
yon an heiebv commanded to .appear
in the above entitled case on or befote
Monday, the 1'Jth day of November, A.
D. 1'JOS, lo make answer to the ooinplaitu
of plaintift filed herein against you and
in case you fa 1 bo to t ppeui- the aliena
tions of the comolaint wi.l ba taken n-
confessed asainst you, mi.I tin plaint tl
will apply to the Ccu t (or tl.e le'ief
prayed f rin the complaint, to- it: foi
adecieeof said couit dissolving the
bonds of matrimony existine between
plaintiff and defendant,, and for the tes
toration of plaintiff's maiden name and
for such other and further relief as n ay
be just and equitable.
The time prescribed for the publica
tion cf the snmm na is six weeks and
the date for the appearance of the de
fendant is on or before the 12th day of
November, A. D. 1908.
That the summons i published by
order of the Hon O. C. Patterson, Judge
of the Coot.ty Court of Morrow County,
Oregon, wkich order was made on the
30th day of September, A. D. 1908.
The date of the first publication of
this summons is the 1st day of October.
A. D. 1908.
Octl-Novl2 Attorney for Plaintiff.
x m y
S Iff- I
1 mh
8 i mmmmmmmmMk JmMm
0 . mm mMmmMM
Jaw should be passed
and pure clothes inspectors
appointed by the govern
ment, special honorable men
tion would be given to the. as
XTRAGOOD brand we
sell. Everyone would want
to buy of us. Moreover, if
such laws renuired the strict
est sanitarv precautions on
the part of the makers, and
prescribed a high standard
of quality for linings and M,
cloths, and called for a cer
tain grade of tailoring for
garments at each price, from
the lowest to the highest, we
would be found to exceed &
demands in every particu- h,
lar. H1
Are you getting Boys and m
Young Mens Clothes with &
Are vou, for a fact?
it doubtful?
r is
Minor a Co
Hepprer, Oregon $
JEFF IS EEL. Proprietor
111 1.1 ic I.nud t?nle
M. E. Clurcb, SoUlll, Will ten er a riir,rnii.lo.Orpr..n. Un.lOm.e.Poi(.2'.. VHiS.
..u: : H.:. Mct'r I . N'-' hereby Kirii Hint, dir'yte.1 ly
Kev. W. A. Orr anil bis family, at
tbe cburcn, on Friday of tbia week,
from 7:00 !o 10 p. m. Members of
otber churcbes aud tbe general
public are cordially invited to be
present. Refreshments will be
Berved and a abort program ren
dered. The culture of informal
Christian sociability shall be the
chief end of the occasion.
tlie CommiFKionvr of the (miernl linl t:fli;-.-
under provikinim of Art of Onsre-f dpvrov.-il
June 27, l'.Mi, Public No. So3. we w.ll otior at
public. nip. to the highcM bidder, at 10 o'clock
a. m , on the 1'Jili dHjr of Novemln-r, nxt, at tins
oflb .-, the followiim trct of I- nd. to-it: NW1
HA S pec. 2S. NK! Wxi Sec.: 3, T. 1 S , IU 2J E.
W. M . hVrial No. (w.l .
Any persona clRiining adversely the abore
deacritMHl lands are advised to file their claims,
or objection. .n or before the day above desig
nated for tale.
Octl-NoTo F. C. BK AMWKLL. KelMer.
A. A. KOBtKlX, Receiver.
akM KMMya Bladdtr Right
Everything neat and clean at popular
Corner ChaBe ard May Sts. H fppner
Perartment of the Interior
1'. S. Land Oltice at l aOracd.e Oregon
Septembers. 1308.
Notice is hereby Riven that James M. Hnger,
of Heppner, C'regon, who, on Sept. 3d, 1908,
made. Timber Apilicati. n No. 01 a-3 forSJf NE
S'i NWy, pectioii 2-2, T. 4 S. K.2S K. W. M. has
tiled notice of intention to make Final Timber
Troof, to cntablUh clim to the land above
described, before J. I. William, V. S, Com
missl.mer, at his oltice in Uph nor, Gregon, on
the '24th day of November, l'AW.
Claimant names as witnrafe:
Horace Y. aki:m. bhern.an ;l?h8w. Clam's Her
rcu and Willard H, Henen, s'l of Ileppner,
Oiegon. J
Pl.t 17-Xov 13 F. C. I5RAMWKI L, Hogiater.
Pepartmect of the Interior,
U.S. bond OHice at The llallcs, OreROn,
July :-o, mia
N. tlce Is herd y "siven that FlUlia J.Catlett,
Condon, Oregon, who, on July 2 IPO, made
imber and Stone Application, No. 013, for
WVi, S'i Section 5, Towl.Hl.ip 6, Soulh
Karge2('., Fast Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make tiual proof, to e
Ut'lish claim to the land alove described, before
liegister and Receiver of the V. S. Laud Office
at The Dalles. Oregon, on the 12th day of
October. 19W.
Claimant names as witness. S:
Albert Steers of Hardinan, Oregon, Emery
Jones of Lost Valley, Oregon. Percy Catlett of
ConJon, Oregon, and. Frank M. PUter of Con
don. Oregon.
Augft-Ocs$ W. MOOBE, Register.
... ls orn . . .
If you want to be sure
about being
Fall Purchases
Shoes for
Twenty-one Years
We have passed our 21st milestone in our as
the First National Bank of Heppner.
During this time we have been identified with
the jrrowtli of Morrow countv and have assisted
inanv of our customers in becoming well-to do'
At the same time we have made reasonable profit
on the capital we have had invested.
AVe do not take up every proposition that is
presented to us, but we have always tried to meet
the reasonable demands of our customers.
It is our purpose to merit a continuance of
the confidence of the community, which has been
extended to us for the past twenty-one years.
First National Bank
of Heppner
ropartment of the Interior
C. S. I j. ml OltU-e at Ia Grande, Oregon.
September !, l'Mv
Notice is hereby (ttven that William 1 Je'.
lison, of 6 ,H Laurel street. Portland, Oregon,
who, or. Anmist l-.Hix. made Timber and
Stone sworn statement. No. U1.V.I, for NW'i
NE', section 9, and W. SC SWV NKl. sec
tion 4. T. 4 S., R. f K. W. M. has filed in.ticeof
Intention to make final Timber and Stone proof,
to establish claim to the land above described,
before the Register and Receiver, V- S. Land
Office, at Latiracde. Oregon, on the 1 ith day of
NOTcmber. l'-HS.
Claimant name as witnesses:
C. 8. YanDuyn, D. C. Bricboux and Thoe.
Priskell, all of laGrande, Oregon, and Harriet
D. Jeliison, of Portland, Oregon.
8pt ITNov W F .C. BRAMW ELL, Register.
Notice For Publication
IVpartment of the Ii.terior,
1'. S. Land Otlice at LaCi.ande, Oregoc.
September 8, 11J-
Notice is hervby iveii that Herrfet V. Jt-lus-on,
of t'2- Ijiiml street, Portland, llregoii, 1
on AuRut 2n iW'.N made Timber and Su n
sworn statement No. t12M. for N ht NK' S
and Lots 3 aud 4 sec. 4. and Lot 1, sec. 5, Town
ship 4 8. II 29 E. W. M . has filed notice of in
tention to make final Timber and stone prf
to establish claim to the land above deecril c!
before tht Kecister and Kcceiver, V. S. Ijt.d
Ortice, at LaOrande. Oregon, on the 25th daj f
November, 1W.
Claimant camea as witnesses:
C. S. VanDnyn, of LaGrande. Oregon. D C
Brief oux, of La Grande, Oregon, and Georjr
W. Lilly and William D Jellison, both f l'o.t.
land. Or. gon.
fpt. IT Not 19 F. C. BRA at W ELL, Reu-Ur.