i fat Showing ;i Fashionable Us Remnants of Dress Goods at Nearly Half Price. Good Values well worthy of your immediate consideration. "SLAVES OF FASHION" l's h laippomer ni d our gaiberirg nf pew Fall Suita and SkiHa is proof. Its yon rather-than whim. pica Dame Fashion who ia to hfl HpbbmI. In tit tha fashion ia a brotd mindftd serai-fitting to the silhouetting of the good lines of the tignrr. We feel confident we can and are prepared to meet the requirements of the roont exaoting tastea. We guarantee Hhsolutp fit in all garments and alterations free of expense to customers, Tailored Suits anil Skirts Exceptional Values The Store That Strives to Please CORSETS The style of the woman, the effect of Lei gown in deed, the very life of the gown itself depends largely ou the corset she wears. If it is the correct model, the one tht suits her, she mav be dressed with the utmost simplicity yet be distinctively stylish. If you have corset troubles we wonld suggest that vou see our new full and special demonstration of the American Ladv Corsets. No. 40-4 new enug hip for medium and well developed figures, medium high bust, long hip and hack. Material Batiste, hose sup porters front and sides, 1.00. No. 750 for slender figures, high in bust, especially long and cleverly de signed with bias seams. It molds the form perfectly. Material coutil, $2 00. No. 404, for slender and me dium figures, made on long graceful lines, high bast, long back and hip, material coutil, SI. 25 Ladies and Chil dren's Pattern Hats at less than actual Half Price It being our intention to dispose of this Btock. We are of fering to the public many attractive designs Values $2 to $4 at 98c. Select Early WAISTS Our waists have an attractiveness of style, beauty of finish and perfection of fit which draws all wornpn to them. Every waiBt ia so smart and desirable that the question arises to many "where can I end my ee lectiou aud still have all the bright ideas I should like?" Large assortment of Fall Waists received Monday. Come in and look them over. White aud cream net waists, iancy silk in blues, browns, piuke, cream, whit& and black. Price $3 to ec 50. Ladies fancy linen waists all colors with white laun dry collars and cuffs attached, silk embroideried fronts, 1908 snappy styles. Price $1 45 to $3 35. Marquardsen's Department Store, Heppner, Oregon Headquarters for Mens and Boys Clothes and Furnishings .The Heppner Gazette JKtMie.le llarcb 30. 18f3. VtSStfED THURSDAY MORNING. JFrecl Wamock Ecasat S2e Postortiee at Heppner Oiegon, as second-class mutter. jfreSSEAY .Oct. 1, 1C0 J tAKE MANGISHLAK. fjfs Sangiy Perfumed Waters Are Mauve In Cclor. "ijxsssa, clinging to its Alp, high x.'fcrc tu Mediterranean, is supposed ? fv? the stranger a headache on ae- . . n-c-.v ltd porfume," said a perfumer. -3z-zi&& makes the world's perfumes. fs ic mountains of How ors there, as ; '.2. i xiiJiUij. country you fee ujoun .. t xtes C wheat. The odor is powerful, : lefi a far as head.'.ciies no. -".Da;: ha thu Casph-.u- district there is : liSsr s-j strongly porfuuied that if the : t?nti:r boats oa it or swims in it he i ZzzZy gats a headache. This hike's . Utsi are of white salt crystals, its otacr-s act niauvo in color, and'from it . rx wlur &f violeto is exhaled. 'Si fa Lidco Mai:g;..!ilak. I visited it Cc t: ii I couldn't hot tie it up and put - 2 us the pL-rfuiao uarkot.. No go. "Vrn s.-fc; it is the presence of tht s T5H5 vc Folvdcystiu violacea that chc take its lir.e and smell. When to home? the- waters the ;--eaweed at- ?rtr.v after a few days die and rot. ' jxtz Ui.i odor changes from violet to "lluX if' you are ever in the Caspian ' -rjzx tl'.:y Manki.-h'.ak ponlnula an r tJ.S'ft: a iook at the ia':e. It is i:i its way : a cvnVns as the asphalt lakes of South , &xi?-JZi." New tJrleaus Times-Deuio- To Make Waxed Paper. This is used for keeping substances which contain either a volatile aromatic ingredient or grease, which would pen etrate through ordinary paper. On a flat sheet of copper over a gentle fire place a sheet of paper as a base aud then lay a second sheet on the top of the first. Coat this second sheet with yellow or white wax and distribute the latter uniformly over the entire sheet by means of a sponge, exerting a lit tle pressure, till the paper is every where transparent and consequently permeated by, the wax. If the fire is too feeble, the process will be retard ed. Too powerful a flame is still more harmful, as the paper is liable to be come brown or black. Stearin may be used Instead of wax. Der Industriose Gescbaftsmaun. Sure to Be There. .An old Scotch farmer was lying on what he thought was his deathbed. He began to give orders to his wife about his funeral and the people to be invit ed. His wife, knowing that ho was not dying, paid but little attention to his requests, and this so enraged the farm er that he rose on his elbow and cried out: "What need I speak? There'll be naething dune richt unless I'm there mysel' !" His wife, patting him on the shoul der, replied: "Toots, man, Bauldy! Keep yer miu' easy. Yc'll be the prin cipal man there." Glasgow Times. SARTC.HTAL DILEMMA i:tii.;aly Pnohlems That Are Pi:zziin;j Our English Ccusi.u. : XycaUeini is put forward by a writer .ii t contemporary v.h: h gives food xifar tSnas&L It is this S ppose by e waKceox&ihation of ciicuir..;.auces you wsse facsi by the tlioruative of weur li'&sg a fox'k coat with brown boots. T -w:Mild be the better way out of -it warns a bowler or a taU hat? As it2K riter Justly remarks, if you wear I--- -losier then the thing 'you have to 2$fcaa avvity is the coat. If you wear -tif. Sjit, you have only the boots to :.,-serea&t for. We should advise those oar Kadtrs who find one morning Cto? aU the wearing apparel In the " its-y? 2nd been stoleu during the night - tlie- inception of a frock coat, x 5s;sTj;arr trousers, shirt, collar, vest, f .int., a jjrfr of browir boots and two hats ane Sail,, tfie other round to cut the CJPiiiii Si2ft by staying in bed. An t :-Cwr afe's dilemmas which may fixx tile traveler down the world's Cjncf: highway has to do with collars. ; ihtns-oa arriving at a hoi:se fr a w.-t ul and starting to dres3 for rjaxjvr son find that your evening col-1 Ixrt Vrvc- got wetted by your sponge : fcierwLse defaced'. Sliould you wear mraijz double collar or a dirty ortho- ".-.r,i:;g collar? In the former oa.-:e yrri -Till be natty, but a thing of -V.li&j; to all properly constituted i-.-'u ia the latter you will th'O the I.TipEwifia that you cannot afford thf ar;itv5 f a laundry. London Globe. Both Ways. "Cixi Suw that i have fed you, : is r-jvf going without doing your cvV Tramp Oi couldn't wuiruk on arm fcEcy stomach, mum, aa' Oi nlvir ..m-arsfck a er full one, so there ye2 be' - fesart Set Where They Gas Away. Of the late Laugdou Smith, the bril liant journalist and author of New York, a Denver reporter narrated anec dotes the other day. "I remember," ho said, "my first visit to WashiugtOn. Smith, big and hand some and vivacious, showed me about. From an eminence a great pale dome rose up against the blue sky, the dome 6f the capitol. "'What is that?' said I. "'That?' said Smith. 'Oh, that's the national gas works.' " I S2ay VjL CYRUS NOBLE direct la yt -'" mm from the best known, strictly wholesale house in the Northwest. Established in Portland in 164. . . , 4 quarts GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE $4.90. A pure old honest whiskey botilcd by the distillers. . . Guaranteed to the United States Government, and to you, (o contain nothing excepting pure straight whiskey. Many ol the railroads use vyrus IMoblc almost exclusively. So do the big steamship companies. So does nearly every big metropolitan hotel. Because it's pure. RpflM; it a4ed in wood. Because it has that soil, delicate, palatable flavor oi the ripened grain, often mentioned but rarely found. Cut Out th Coupon and Send To-day W. I. VAN SCHUYVER & CO. Established 1864 103-107 Second Street, Portland. CUT AT THIS tINE AND MAIL TO-OAY Oregon w J. Van Schuyver & Co., PortUnd, Oregon. Enclosed please find $4.90 for which please lend me at oace by express, prepaid, four quarto GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE. ; Nu M I I IP. O. AdditM. , Ship I Oregon "Bui Are you doing yhat you can to populate your state? OKKGON NKKDS PEOPLE Settlers, honest farmers, mechanics merchants, clerks, peopln with biains, slrcng hands and a will ing htart capital or no capital. Tire Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. is sending tons ot Oregon literature to the East for distribution through eveiy available Pgency. Wiil you not help the good work of building Oregon by sending us the names and adresses of your friends who ate likely to bt interested in this state ? We will be glad to bear the expense of sendinu them complete in forma ion about OREGON at.d its opportunities. COLONIST TICKETS will be on sale during SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER fiom I he East to all points in Oregon. The fates from a few principal cities are From Denver ..'50.00 From Louisville 41.70 Ciiu-inimti 4LM,() Cleveland 44 7" ev York ."").()() In One Lesson. He Your sister said she couldn't dance. She Well, can 6he? "Yes; I made her. We hadn't been on the floor a minute when I stepped on her foot. You Just ought to have leen her.'WYonkera Statesman. Misnamed. Towne Why do you call young Fetherbraue "Cholly?" His first name Is Noah. Browne Yes, but that's so Inappro priate. N'onh had sense enough to get In out of the rain. Philadelphia Tress. He who will not renscn Is a bigot; he who cannot I", a for;!; hi- who dt'.res net !' a slnvo. I'vron Making Headway. TServjos Traveler (to seat companion) B.M fast should you say you were rfcBwQag Companion (who has been l tfctg: with the girl ac toss the way) ii a cmite a minute. -Life. Spanish Delaine Yearling Bucks for Sale. After the 10th of OJober, 1 will have for sale at my place near Monument, a fite lot of Spanish Delaine bucks. Terms to suit purchaser. Pick out what you w ant and I will deliver to any place in Morrow countv if desired. EMMET COCHRAN, Monument, Oregon. The buyer who seeks experi ence may seek it anywhere: But the buyer who heeds ex perience buys the Remington. Remington Typewriter Company W i! M " Omnha... .:?0.00 u Kansas City ;J0.O0 il St. Louis ;iV).;j() " Chicago ;5S.0O Tickets Can Be Prepaid If yon w int to b inn a fiien l or relative to Oregon, dn osit the p'opur amount with any of our aget.ts. The ticket will then be furnished by 'e'eirp!i. J. B. HUDDLES TON', L)cal Aent, W.M. McMURRY, Gn. Agent, Heppner, Oregon. P.-rtlanu, Oregon. Notice to Taxpayers. o Batnthe Bignstu of ASTOI Tlw Kind Ym Ha Always Bought MonJay, October o, ia the last day on which you can pay your 1907 taxes without penalty and in terest The new law makes it dangerous for delinquents, and you should let nothing keep you from raising money enough to pay your taxes before October 5. E. M. SHUTT, Sheriff. NOTICE FOB I'l BLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. 8. Lnd Office at The Cal!e, Oreion. Sept. 15, 10 Notice is hereby given that Georse L. KoRem of Portland, Oregon, who, on Sept. lMh, ISPH. mnde timber and stons iworn statement No. 0101(1, for 8V4 8W!4 and 8'i BEH Section 5, TownrrtiipB 8., R. 26 W. M. hai tiled notice of Intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Ke ceiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on the 7th day of Dec. woe. Claimant names u witnesses: E. J. Catlett J. A. McMorris and Frank Pliter, of Condon, Or. and Halph J. Gilbert, of Portland. Or. O. W. MOORE, Keginter. Sept 24 Oct 2 It's Easy to Reach North Beach Take Steamer Potter from Portland raspengers are now transferred to the railroad at MEGLEK fourteen miles up the Columbia River from Ilwaco. Tbis eliminates the nececsity of steamers waiting forthe tide, and insures a prompt and regular Summer Schedule. The Steamer T. J. POTTER leaves Port land every morning except Saturday and Sun day at 8:30 o'clock Saturday only at 2 o'clock p. m. Kemeniber the Summer rate on the lEfc. c& 3$T- is $11.80 from Heppner, Oregon, to all North Uench Points and return; good until September 30. North Beach is a famous, bea itilul place the most perfect beach on the whole Torth Coast. There are accommodations galore at prices to Milt all tastes ; camping 'facilities without equal petfect bathing conditions; all 6orts of amune meuta and Diversions. Come, have a good rest atd a jolly gocd time. Let us send you our new summer book, and fell yon all about MOKTII P.KACH. J. 15. IIUDDELSTON. Local Agt. JWm. McMUKRAY. Oen. Agt. Heppner. Oregon. Portland, OreRon. 9 The Pastime Finest Line of High Grade Cigars in City Candies, Nuts, Soft Drinks Billiards and Pool F. E. WESTER BERG. Prop