0refi City HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY JULY 30. 1908 NO. 1191 VOL. 24. The Kind You Ilave Always In use for over 30 years, - and has been made under his per . sonal supervision since its infancy. y'fk4cJuA Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-grood" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance, its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishncss. Jt cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CCNTftUa OOMMM. TT KUMAT ITMIT, HCW VORH CITV. Entirely... Under Local Control and Management Bank of Heppner Capital $50,000 Fully Paid Officers W. O. MINOR, President J. H.McHALEY, Vice-President W. S. WHARTON, Cashier VAWTER CRAWFORD, Asst. Cashier Loans Made at FOUR PER GENT INTEREST WE ARE GROWING Gain in Deposits, month of January '. 8l0l53.o3 February 8,593.01 B .. m i. March April and Total pain for first five months, 1908 880,77') 50 NOT BAD FOR THE DULL SEASON. rim ffte m&w&- ;m For Sale bv mrtimmiiMiiiBMf minriM Mlliiii Ml lit m Bought, and which has been has borne the signature of Signature of Directors W. O. MINOR C. E. WOODSON W. G. SCOTT J II. McIIALKY W. S. WHARTON Eight Per Cent. PAID ON TIE DEPOSITS May. . 1fl QOIS I'.'i , 51.C4Ci.48 nil llII.IIIIUJ1XMIW .'Looks like boor! fa Tastes like boor! berrof the Paciliu L'oat For sale at .all loading tenipcranoo drink stands. Guaranteed NON-lNTOXICATINd NORTH PACIFIC BREWING CO. ) ASTORIA, OREGON Sam E. VanVactor. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on west end ot Mar Street Heppner Oregon. C. E. WOODSON. A TTORNE Y- A T-LA W Office In Palace Hotel Heppner, Oregon HIGGS & WINNARD PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. Special attention given to diseases of tbe eye, ear, nose and tbroat. Office: Tbe Fair BaildiDg. Heppnkr, Oregon, W. L. SMITH, ABSTRACTER. Only complete set of abstrBOl books in Morrow oounty. Heppner, Oregon DR. METZLER, DENTIST Located in Odd Fellows building. Rooms 5 and 6. DR. JH. A. LEACH DBXTItST Permanently looated in Heppner. Office in tbe new Fair building. . Gas ad ministered. Clarence M. White LAWYER Heppner. Oregon Phelps & Notson ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office In Odd Fellows Bids Heppner, Oregon. Frank B. Kistner PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Patterson A Son's drugstore Residence in Morrow building over Patterson A Son's Druestore. .OTlCE. Notice is hereby given that I, the un dersigned, under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Oregon, prohibit ing the running at large of animals with in Morrow county, have taken np and have in my possession at ray place 3 miles east of Lexingto Morrow Coun ty, Oregon, tbe following described ani mal : One dark grey filly, 3 years old, branded MR, connected, on left shoul der. The owner or ownera of said animal are hereby notified that unless the same is claimed within tbe proper time or manner, that I will, on Saturday, . the 8th day of August. 1908, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenooa of said day at my raid place sell the said described mare in the manner ana for the par poses provided by law. Dated this 23d day of August. 1003. A. K. FULLER. sotice to (iti:wnoiis Notice is herebv given tha' the under signed have been duly appointed by the Count Court of Morrow County, Oregon, joint executors of tbe laRt will and testament of Norman A. Kelley, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of said dec-ased a'e hereby notified and required to present same with proper vouchers and duly verified a9 by law required to us at the ofiice of C. E. Woodson in the Citv of Heppner, Morrow County, Ore ton, within six months from th date hereof. J. M. 1IAGEU, S. P DEVIN, Executors. Dated Jr.lv S, 1008. Jly 9Ang IN FORMATION KKliAliXLNU Farm or Business for sale. Not particular about location. Wish to hear from owner only who will sell direct to buyer. Give price, description and state when possession can be had. Address, L DAR3YSH1RE. Box 999 ExWrr, R.T. Bean the ?1he ini HaB !w3?s igi Independent ul reliable TTie Oregon- 900,000 BUSHELS WILL BE MORROW'S WHEAT CROP. Market Starts off at 70c for Club and 74c for Blue Stem. "1 would place Morrow county 'p wheat crop at, '000,000 bushels this season," paid a prominent wheat bujer to a Gazette re preventative this week when asked for an estimate. The buyer above referred to is a beavy dealer in cerea's and naturally has been keeping close tab c n conditions in all of the wheat growing districts of this county. The tnat ket siarts cfTin good shape. Already buyers are in the field and of fers of 70 cents per bushel for club with :i premium of two cents for 40-ftdd and four cents for blue stem are being freely made. This is the first vear that Morrow county farmers have given 40-fold wheat a thorough trial. This new variety has been sown heretofore only in email lots owing to the fnct that seed was hard to get, however tbe results were very sat iefactory. While this season has been very dry and is an off year, the results with a good sized acreage of 40-fold are met with much favor and this variety will no doubt take tbe lead in the f jture. Tbe advantages claimed ate tbat 40- fold it earlier to mature, commands a better price than club, being a good milling whet, and yields heavier than anv other variety. J he main objection to 40-fold is the fact that it shatters more than other va rieties. Harvest is now well started all over the county. While the yield is light, there will be manv fields with good yields. A few fields in Eight Mile will go from 25 to 30 bushels to the acre. Winnard Bros, wheat which is being harvested with a combine is going 20 buftheid to the acre. Heppner warenousemen report that the demand for sacks is earlier this sea son than usual. Cherries three inches in circumference and 40 of them to the pound is what farmers near Albany cm do in the wav of raising Late Duke cherries, says the Herald. W. J. Brown, residing a mile and a quarter from town in Benton county, brought a limb from a Late Duke cherrv tree into the office which. though it was bnt t wo and three eighths inches long, bore 40 cherries. A Uoldcn Wedding means that a man and wife have lived to a good old age and consequently have kept heat hy. The beat way to keep healthy is to see that your liver does its duty 365 days out of 365. The only way to do this is to keep Ballard's Herbine in the house and take it when ever vour liver gets inactive. 50c per buttle. Sold by Patterson A Sen, Teachers' Examinations. Notice is herebv given that the Conn tv Superintendent of Morrow County will h'dd tbe regular examination of applicant for Slate and County pa eis, at the Coif h'Mi-e, Heppner, Oreeon, eotnm-rieing Wednesday, August 12, a !t o'clock a. m., and continuing until Saturday, Angust 15. at 4 o'clock p. m. Respect full v. S. I. STRATTOX. School Superintendent, lone, Oregon, July L"i, Is'OS. NOTICE FOR PfBL' -'ATOX (Isolated Trai t ) rnlilif Lfln 1 ale. So-ia! N.J. tJ J. Unite! ?tates Lsivt Oi's.ci, The Dalles. Orecv.i July l.lK N'ltiee is hereby uiven tii .f, r lirtc:i-J l the Comniissionnor ot the General I.anit Otl.ee. nnrler provisions of Act of Congress approval June 27. l'.W. Public No. ?P3. we will ot'.Vr at public ssle. to the bi-lio-t bi l ler, at 'J : 1 " o'clock p. in., on tho 14th day of September next, at ttu office, thr- foliowiinr trai t of him! to-wii : l,ot J iinil Sec. . Tp. :. r5 1! 2i E. W M. Any perform claiming adversely the nbove describod lands are advised to file their c i a i :n s . or objections, n or before the day above deMs nated for sale. Jly mi-SptS C V. MOOKK. I5e!:i.-.ter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (Isolated Tract.) rublie Land Sale. Serial No. C293. I'nited States Laud Office. The Dalles, Oregon, July '.-, 1WW. Notice Is hereby Riven that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provisions of Act of Concrese approved June 27, lsri. Public No. . we will offer at public sale to the highest bidder, at 2:80 o'clock p. m. on the 14th day of September next, at 'this ofhee. the following tract of land, to-wit: S'iSW1 Sec. SO Tp. 4 S R 26 E. V. M. Any persons claiming adversely the above described lands are advised to hie their claims, or object ions, on or before the day above desig nated for sale. Jly30-Spl3 C. W. MOORK, Register. SLOCUM'S SAW MILL BURNS Entailing a Loss of $8,000 No Insurance. A. M. Slicnm's saw mill located near the headwaters of Willow creek was de stroyed by fire Tuesday night. The loss is estimated bv Mr. Slocum at $8,000 with no insurance. The mill crew was awakened at about 11 o'clock at night by the tire, which was already beyond control. It is not known how the fire got started. Everything beinu very dry the flames spread rapidly to the lumber vard. Everything about the mill in cluding all the lumber in the yard was completely destroyed. Juvenile Court. Conntv Judge Patterson's eou't was occupied for two d,iys 'hi w eek, diuin;; which time family affairs were aired in good shape The action was brought, f ir tins pur pose of taking Nedie A. R')!i:on a minor, from her father, Oeo II Rob n son, to send the child to the Bays and Girls Aid Society. Ths complainant w:w the mother ! the child. The charges were eerie rat immoral conduct on the part of the full er, and failure t seud the child to school. A number of witnesses were exam ined. C. E. Woodson appeared for Mr. Robinson and Deputy Lbs riot Attorney White conducted the prosecution. Judtie Patterson's decisio re'urned the ens'ody of the child to the father and the case was dismissed. Lost an Eye. A voun ; man by the name of Mc Daniels, met with a painful and serious accident out at Roberts' saw mill last Friday. The young man was running the saw on a verv big log when tbe saw struck a knot and a sliver of steel struck Young McDaniels in the eye, penetrating the eye ball. Youne McDaniels left yesterday morn ing for Portland for medical treatment. Buying Fine Sheep. Emmet Cochran, the Grant county stockman h in the city. Mr. Cochran is here to receive a consignment of four blooded Spanish Delaine bucks, which were shipped direct frow New London, Ohio. Mr. Cochran has been improv ing his stock for a number ot years by crossing with the best blood tbat money can buy. Lou Davidson was in from Goose berry, yesterday. Mrs. L. A. Merrick, of Everett, Wash, who has .been visiting her brother V. H. Heath, returned to her home this morning. The condition of the Mosier apple crop was never better for this ti.ne of year than it is now and indications are that the biggest anu best shipments of apples ever tent out from this district will he shipped this vear. Utlier fruits are doing equelly as well and a bumper crop is expee'ed. Itrv. I. W. William Testifies. Rev. I. W. Williams, Huntington, W. Va., testifies as follows: "This is to certify that I used Foley's Kidney Rem edy for nervous exhaustion and Kidney trouble, and em free to say that Foley's Kidney Remedy will do all that you claim for it." Slocnm Drug Co. One morning !at week over 20 ho hoes landed in Kosehurg from t'a b but bv noon. Fays the News, most il; the gang li-sd been nerved w.tn tl. inters and vttre upjn the.r wuy to oistai t . fields. i A Revelation. j It is a revelation to people, the severe cafe-of l ing troul'le, that hive n cured by' Foley's Honey nivl Tav, It not only stops the cough but h-.r.'s and strengthens the lungs. L. ;!. I'.'i.;..'?. UeastiT, Iin. writes: 'T!-'. said I 1 a 1 ciirisumption, and I be'ter until I look 1'oley'a 1! Tar. U stopded the Lemon ha: pain in my lungs and they are d n . n.i V ard res and now as sound as a bullet. Slocnm Drug i"). Cnod Home tor Snle. For only ?750 you can l'iv a nice little home in- Heppner. Four roomed house, pantry and bath room, good well, chicken house, anl fenced. Inquire at this oflice for particulars. Foley's Orino Laxative, the new lax ative, stimulates, bnt does not irritate. It is the best laxative. Guaranteed or your money back. Slocum Drug Co. Ths editorial pax of the Weekly Ors ronlaa girtm a broad treatment I a wide rax re ot suDiecus. COWS FOR DAIRY R. F. WIGGELSWORTf I BUYS CHOICE LOT. All Grade Jerseys With Good Records for Milk. R. F. Wiegs sworth, the Butter credit stockman returned Sa'uidav evenic irom Western Oregon where he haii been to buy dairy cows. "Now that the reserve policy is cnt ting us down on punirner range, and I have more hav than needed tie Ovw amount of sheep I am allowed t" run, I have decided to try the dairy busin ess" said Mr. Wiggelsworth. Mr. W igne.'swor to has been a very successd'ul stockman and he piopohes lt start in riant ;n the dai-y business. His ti -s r. purcl:as was 25 head oi graded .ierse1 caws at an average -oX of if")7.5o per head. He also purchased a registered bull at a unft of $100. The cows are a choice lot of dairy anim-ils, the lot. averaging 325 pouni of butter each for on vear. One of bis iows ha- a record of 410 pounds of but ter for a year. Mr. Wiggfdswo'th expects to increase his dairy herd to 50 cows within a year. He has purchased a new cream separa tor with a capacity of 5)00 pounds per hour. Mr. Wigpelsworth w ill market bfs butter fat at Echo. V. H. Heath, is in town. Hp is now employed in cruising timber for F. C & A. W. Fuller, of Omaho, Nebraska. War Against Consumption All nations are endeavoring to check tbe ravages of consumption, the "white plague," tbat claims so many victims each year. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs and colds perfectly and you are in no danger of consumption. Do not risk your health by taking soue unknown prebaration when Foley " Honey and Tar is safe and certsin in re sults. Slocum Drua Company. Terriibly Scaldeal is something we hear or read abont every day of our lives. Burns and scalds either slight or serious are bound to happen in your family. Be prepare! by Laving a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment bandy. It relieves the pain instantly and quickly heals the burD. Sold by Patterson & Son. North Beach i j Invites Invigorates Infatuates Nature's lavish hand endowed North Beach with every attrac tion as a place of rest, with le jtivenation and recreation. North B 'ach is a stretch of Beautiful woodland dropping gently into the "Pacific" an.? skirted by 20 miles of smooth, sandy beach deliwhtfu'. fjr b.;U. ing. 1U Y A TICKET OVKK The O. R. & N. "T. J. 1 Ot Iter !"n riii: kivk:: skom ivnrnvc Ming'e with tl iriycare-f t'.n-iM.r. whilst s". et r:.ri: e m1- 1ii!'.1 n'nrn rtsTl.j -i n . 1 ruii.uv I lite, energy and v.t iiity. The rounC. trip ?easort rat.1 fnni Heppner is $11.80 "Outings in Oregon," contains the story of "North Beach," in cluding hotel ratjs, etc. A.-k J. B. HudJciston, Ijcal agent, Hepp ner, Oregou, OR WK1TI' Wm M. M IK HAY, lien'i l ass Agent, Portland, Or