Oregon TIl:itrIofi 1 Society City Mall HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 23. 1908 NO. 11S0 VOL. 21. The Kind Yon Have Always in use for over 30 years, and has p77-7" sonal supervision since its Infancy. Yt cwcU4t Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good." are but; Experiments that trillo with am endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine, nor other Narcotic substance. 3ts ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverish ness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and liowcls, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE OCMT.UII COMPANY, TT MUdKAV STRCCT, NCW VOHK CTTY. Entirely Under Local Contro l a n d Management Bank of Heppner Capital $50,000 Fully Paid Officers W. O. MINOR. President J. II . McHALEY, Vice-President W. S. WHARTON, Cashier VAWTER CRAWFORD, Asst. Cashier Loans Made at Eight Per Cent. FOUR PER CENT 1HTEREST P31D OH TllHE DEPOSITS WE ARE GROWING Gain in Deposits, month of January $19153.53 " ' " ' February 8,503.01 March 10,30(5 03 " " April and May 51.C-lti.48 Total gain for first five months, 1908 8S9,770.50 NOT BAD. FOR THE DULL SEASON. For Sale by Bought, and which has been, has borne the signature of been made under his per- Signature of Directors W. O. MINOR C. K. WOODSON W. G. SCOTT J. II. McHALEY W. S. WHARTON muumi i'f-.'.lSTHE. NEWv.a:iS::v1 .temperance, paew tj It s wliolcsoino It's pure It's good For sale at all leading temperance drink stands. Guaranteed non i n toxicatino NORTH PACIFIC BREWING CO.t ASTORIA, OREGON Notes from Spray. Wrrtten by Garfield Caawford, while on the way on his outing trip. To any old, time resident of Heppner, a 6top in the town of Spray is apt to befaddle his braiD for a short time. IE not he will wonder whether or not he has got tea oat or Heppner or whether the town of Heppner Las picked op and sot down over here on the John Day river. It is a splendid tripthrough the mountains from Hardman to Kah- ler basin, bat the Lord will please have mercy on the poor fellow whose lot it is to travel from Hepp ner to Hardman and the last eight miles from Kahler Basin to the Bleeping little burg of Spray. SpeakiDg ofj Heppner people flocking together, one can safely say they haveflocked to this sec tion of Wheeler county. D. A. Herren, the old time bus ine6S and sheep man of Heppner, with his family, is located here and is manager of the Spray Mer cantile Co. Mr. Herren is doing a nice business and is without donbt the business end of Spray. Billy Potter who stood back of the counter in Minor & Co's store for to long, is located above Sprav on a fine ranch that is producing more alfalfa hay than he can find ground to stack it on. Tracy Wilcox has an enormous ranch on the 'bottom jnBt across the river from Spray, and today between showers, is piling haj mountain high. Mr. Wilcox ha6 a fine young orchard that in a few years will be producing mora fruit than be can cart to market. H. E. Warren, Heppner'e. pion eer druggist, is running cattle and owns a splendid ranch, and then there is Clarence Bisbee, who clerked for Gilliam & Bisbee, and Harry Myer?, who at one time ran the Palace hotel, are here and look prosperous. The fall crop is good but the farmers say the spring grain is badly damaged. Theetock are in good condition and groes beef is now being gathered. Some of the frnit was killed by the late frosts, but not to any great extent. What this section needs is trans portation facilities and when that is overcome, this section of Ore gon will be on the map in big black letters, A ttolden -Wedding; means that a man and wife have lived to a goid old age and consequently have kept heahhy. The best wny to keen healthy is to see that your liver does its duty 3(5) days ont of 305. The only way to do this is to keep Ballard's Herbine in the house and take it when ever vour liver (jets inactive. 50c per bottle. St Id by Patterson & Son. The Misses Johnson of Walla Walla, are visiting friends in Heppner. . Revelation. It is a revelation to people, the severe caseiof.lung trouble, that have been cured by Foley's Honey and Tar, It not only stops the cough but heals and st-engthens the lungs. L. .M. Kuggles, Heasnnr, Iowa, writes: "The doctors Slid I bad consumption, and I got no be'ter until I took Foley's Ilonev and Tar. It stopded the hemorrhages and pain in my lungs and they are now as sjund as a bullet. Slocum Drug Co. liood Home for Sale. For only $750 you can buy a nice little home in Heppner. Four roomed house, pantry and bath room, good well, chicken house, and fenced. Inquire at this offi:e for particuia re. FRIGHTFUL ACCIDENT HORSE FALLS ON RAY FAIRCHILD. Now in a Critical Condi tion at Heppner Sanitarium. Ray Fairchild, the well known stock buyer, met with a frightful accident early last Tuesday morn ing. The accident occurred out at H. W. Fell's place. Mr. Fhirchild in company with Atdy Morgan got up Taes:Ta7 morning at 3 o'clock and thking their saddle horses went out to round up some cattle. In at empting to head an un ruly cow, Mr. Fairchild's horse fell, the saddle turning at the same time. Mr. Fairchild struck on his face. All of the Boft tissue of his nose and the lower part f his face was torn off, and left hanging. The bones of his nose were badly fractured. He was carried to Mr. Fell's residence in an unconscious con dition. The hour was too early to get Heppner by telephone and Young Morgan came in on horseback for assistance. Dr. Kistner imme diately went out to cire for the in jured man. H9 was brought in by Mr. Fell and is now in a critical condition at the Heppner Sani tatiam. Mr. Fairchild had just com- pleted arrangements to take a big shipment of beef cattle to Fair banks, Alaska. A Pleasant Day. A number of Heppner people spent Friday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Crocket Kiik on Rhea creek. Leaving Heppner at 7:30 in the morning, the party was in high spirits and every minute of tne 10 mile drive was enjoyed by all. The recent rains had laid the duet and cooled the atmosphere, it was an ideal day. By means .of certain wireless methods, the com iDg of the party was announced some time before the arrival, so when they reached their destina tion they were met at the gate by Mr. and Mrs. Kirk who welcomed them with that hospitality which j put everyone at ease at once. The Kirk borne with its shade trees and wide veranda, is one of the nicest places on Rhea creek and is certainly a fine place to pass the da', especially when you add a genial host and hostess who spared nothing in their endeavor to make their guests comfortable. At noon a mo?t excellent dinner was served. In the afternoon Mrs. Jeff Jones and daughter Iuez came down from their home and ice creftm and cake was served, lu the evening after partaking of a hearty supper picnic style, the party drove home in the cool of the evening. The following com posed the party: Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Meadows, Mrs. Winnard, Mra. Hig;:, Mrs. Kenton. Mrs. Uilliam, Mrs. Shutt, - Mrs. Slocum. Mrs. Geo. Miller, Mrs. Yeager, Mrs. Ilendricson, Mr. Sperry, Mrs. War nock, Lillian Higgs, Dorothy Slocum, Paby Slocum, Essie Shutt, Charlotte Winnard, Ralph Kenton, Norton Win nard. Foley's Orino Laxative, the new lax ative, stimulates, but does not irritate. It is the best laxative. Guaranteed or your money back. Slocum Drug Co. RAINMAKER COMING BACK own trials, and to produca 1 instead? Sherman fonntv Will pavi5n'n February, March and April for Expense. Sherman coun'y, Oregon, where fo; two seasons, Charles M. Hatfield of California, has been coaxing rain from the clouds, is to levy a tax against the p operty owners next year to pay Mr. Hatfield a rfgular salary for his services several months during the spring of each vear. Mr. Hatfield was in Portland accom panied by his brothe Paul A. Hatfield, his assistant, says the Portland Journal. The two ars on their way to southern California where they wi 1 again put in to action the chemical process which has woiked so successfully. This has been Mr. Hitfield'g second! spring in Sherman county. Last year a bumper wheat crop is excellent. The normal raiufa.l hi 33 years on an j average hss beon one inch from May 1 ' to July 10. From May 1 to J l:Iv 10 is i Hia Hma fhaf T- f Tat HoM'. ,.nr.lr,r.t calls for his presence in Suermin conn - ty to bring about the best results pos - ible in the rain coaxing business. Do, - ing the time that he was at work the rainfall has bt-en 05 per cent more than tbe natural normal average in Sherman county during the other years before the Hatfield process was started. Little is known of the remarkable but succesfcful experiments the Cali fornian has been carrying on in East ern Oregon. His fame has been spread broadcast and l.e is always receiving requests and letters asking for more de tails about his secret and the price that he charges for inducing rain from the clouds to fall where it is most desired. Heretofore the farmers of Sherman countv, that is a certain percentage of them, have raid Mr. Hatfield his sal ary out of their own pocke s. Here after, however, the county officials will pay him, securing the money bv adding a small amount to the tax lists of all tbe county property. "I do not claim to be able to make rain," Mr. Hatfield said, "my object Do ing to attract rain from moisture laden clouds that otherwise would pass over the locality in which 1 am situated. I first thought of the ide when a by in the arid parts of southern California when cloud after cloud day after day j passed oyer us without ever shedding a drop of water although we needed it badly. "The system consists of chem'cal combinations. Nature furnishes ground and man fertilizes it to get an increased production. Similarly nature furnishes moisture bearing clouds and in the same manner assistance is necessary to bring about a greater precipitation, "My scheme is a natural one I have simply worked it out cn the same principle as is followed by nature in lo - calities where there is always plenty ot rain. 1 give to the atmosphere my chemical secret which has the same r0 not risk vour health by taking som effect as the climatic conditions in fee unknown preparation when Fo!f" lions rf the country where there is Honey an 1 Tar :. saf? i.nd ceitsin in i- , . . . , ., suits. Slocum Drug Company, p enty of ram or ram at intervals. j ' 3 Tie chemical combinations which: HatGe'd uses are natural'y secret. Der ricks are erected at euitahl 1 places there are two in Sherman county to wh:ch he carries water, which is evap orated by a chemicaPprocees, trea'ed with electricity and permitted to t'.oat by 1 aving a bottle of DailarPs Snow away, or in other words allowed to 1 1 Liniment handy. It relieves th pair, evaporate. instantly and quickly hea!s the bum. The Hatfield chemical preparation , Sold by Patterson A Son. arises and comes in contact with the! rain bearing c'oud. Precipitation fol-j Rev. I . w . William Teilte lows. From May 1 until July 10 Hat-j Rev. I. W. Williams, Huntington. M. field and hia brother are at work mix-j Va., testifies as follows: "This in the Preparation which t ronises to certif' tl,at 1 u?ed Foley's Kidney Hen- make Sherman county, Oregon, one of the rreateet wheat raising countries in the United States. In February 1904, when one of tfc- ern California un-atest droughts- waft on, Mr. Hatfield offered to finance Uk $1000. The average rainfall for IS months was 8 75 inches. Los Angeln records showed he got tne 18 inches 30 days ahead of schedule time. Tne Da'fielda will return to Orejpc during the lattar part of next April to resume their work in Sherman eonnrt;, and for which the connty tax will V levied. Portland News Notes. A contract fr 875,000 for tie construction of the foundation ot the main building for Sift 3l Company, to be finished witLic i .)0 days waa let Fiiday. The Astoria regatta, with 5' SDlet did aquatic events, is eehtd- ju'ed fur Angi.si 27-29, and tLe rai'ioads have made a rate of s. fare and a third for the round tri from all points in the state. i "e UOIUIJ ISC lalca irOIB Bfe. t i - i i i . r ! points in the East to all points it ' Oregon, commence September 1. ! and continue until OCoberSL, livery commercial orgumzatioe and every citizen of O.egon sbonfdl begin to make these rates the etch Nect of evHT ,etter lhat SB oui. of the state. The fare is $30 front Missouri river points, St. Pan, Dulnth and Winnipeg, 33 from St. Louis and 828 from Chicago, with proportionate rates from every point in the United States. No meeting was ever called ic Oregon which has attracted tfae universal enthusiasm that basbeetc created by the Good Road3 Con ference, which is to be held in tbe convention hall, 0th floor, of tbe Portland Commercial Club, oc Tuesday, August 11. An effort, will be made to call the meeting; to order promptly at 9:30 a. no., s that there may be a morning, at afternoon and an evening session.. The railroads have made a rate oC a fare and a third for the rouoL trip for this occaston, Delegation representing every grange, tb commercial bodies, and the differ ent counties to bo appointed by the county judges, are already re porting that they will be present. Every edi'.or in the state is a dele gate at large, as is the mayor of ! every city, anp every county com missioner. A program is beiiig; prepared but every effort will be made to get rid of long winded speeches and to get down to actutd work that will produce results. War Again!.! Consumption All rations are endeavo.'ing tochwfc ! tbe ravages cf consumption, the "white ; p!ng" that c'aims o many victim each year. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs end colds perfectly tni you are in no d.mor of crnsntm-tiPB, Trrrlihly Scalded is something we hear or read abi"".K every day cf our lives. Burns and scalds either slight or serious are bounl to happen in vour family. Pe prepared eiy for nervous exhanstio i and Ki.Incv trouble, and am free to sav that Fulev : Ridnev Reme.lv will d .11 n,. claim for it." Slocum Drug Co, X .