MAKE CHICAGO WOOL CENTER Western Sheepmen Desire to Locate Warehouses. Sara Ullantynefeecretary of tbo Idaho Woolprowars' association, was in the city last nicjlit eu rout to Chicago to meet the board of trade, prominent bankers and rail road faien of that city regarding the woo! storage warehouse western eheepmen ara desirous of locating there this season, says the Obey enne Tribune. At this meeting Idaho will also he represented by Governor Fred Goodinc. who is president of the National Woolgrowers' association, and by Scott Anderson, ot the Ida ho association. Secretary Walker of the National and Wyoming as sociations left for Chicago this morning. President Delfelder of the Wyoming association is also expected to attend the meeting. Arrangements have been made for the various western delegations to meet the board of trade, promi nent bankers and railroad men of Chicago at a luncheon there Friday Afternoon, and it is expected as a result of this meeting a wool stor age warehouse will be erected at once in the windy city similar to that just completed in Omaha through the efforts of "Wyoming woolgrowers. The capacity of the Omaha etor- ege bouse, it is thought, will be severely tested this8eason,and one twice as large is proposed for Chi cago. Secretary Ballantyne is an enthusiast on this latest attempt of western woolgrowers to escape the middleman's profit, and says that a majority of Idaho sheepmen, now that they fully , understand the plan, are anzious to see the Chicago project materialize. According to reports received from the wool centeis of Wyoming the establishment of the Omaha wool storage warehouse has had an appreciable effect on the indus try in Wyoming, i Eastern wool buyers are becoming more numer ous but very few sales are made, and wools, especially from the cen tral part of the state, are being moved to Omaha as rapidly as the weather will permit of shearing and loading. The Omaha banks have announ ced they are in a position to make liberal loans on warehouse certifi cates. With the Jow prices offered for wool by the eastern buyers now in Wyoming, growers feel they are taking no chances by shipping to Omaha, where it is said some of the larger manufacturers of the ast have already made arrange ments to place orders as soon as their clips are in. Mr. and Mrn. Oscar Schafer of Monument, were in the city yester day. V Mr. and 'Mrs. II. A. Cupper are Heppuer visitors from Monument. , John Q. Wilson and wife of Sa loui, are in the city. R. W. Hickok and wife of lone, spetWednesday evening in the county seat. There is an enormous demand in the eastern aad middle west states for information about Corvallis and Bentou county, says the Corvallis Times. Manager Savage of the commercial club is iu receipt of five to a dozen letters per day, ask ing for literature. Congressman W. R. Klhs is now on his way home and it is expect ed that he will arrive here the lat ter part of the week. He left Iowa Monday, but owing to the fact that he will visit at a point or two along the line his relatives do not know exactly when he will reach the city. Mrs. Ellis, who was with her husband during the congressional session, is accompanying him.-East Oregonian. "Circuit Judge H. K. Hanna at Jack sonville made permanent an 'function secured in the case of J. C. Hall vs. Q. W. Dunn et al restraining the county court from declaring prohibition in effect in Jackson county on account of provis ions in Medford's city charter niving the citv riant to regulate the liquor traffic recardless of the etate laws on the su ject. They always speak of love fl young dream because it so rarely lives to be old. The man who declared there was nothing new under the sun may bava been speaking of novels. Early barley is yellowing op the valley. The annual state encampment of the Grand Army is now bein held at New port. A voting man is apt to believe that lie has friends wbo would die for him. Call at the Gaiette office and learn ol our clubblnt; offer with the Weekly Ore-ronton. VIC GROSHENS Proprietor Union Saloon Redfield' & VanVactor, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office on west ond of May Street Heppner Oregon. C. E. WOODSON. )A TTOHNE Y- A T-LA W Office In Palace Hotel Heppner, Oregon WINES, LIOUORS THE CELEBRATED Inderweis BEER HIGGS & WINNARD PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. apeoinl attention given to diseases of toe eye, ear, Dose and throat. Office: The Fair Building. Heppner, . Oregon. Phelps & Notson' ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Odd Fellows Bid Heppner, Oregon. Frank 43. Kistner PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Patterson A Son's drugstore Resideuce in Morrow building over Patterson & Son's Drugstore. High Grade Clears HEPPNER. OREGON W. L. SMITH, ABSTRACTER. V A big La Grande sawmill has received a log skidding device that is operated by a locomotive and can climb a 12 per cent grade on a standard gauge track. Its arms reach out 1.000 feet in any angle and it has a power hard to calcal ate. A temporary track can penetrate the most dense kind of woods by eimply clearing a roadbed, and the logs are skidded to it by this mon ster and powerful machine. An apple orchard near Milton j which has never been known to anyone (outside of a few neigh bors and of which but little care has been taken, last year netted the owner $S00 per acre. A vine yard in the tame locality yields S500 an acre every year. A peach orchard last year nettedj S4S0 bh acre, and a three acre strawberry patch 310 an acre. Postmaster Smead, W. B. Barratt and J. G. Crawford returned from Portland Saturday, where they had been attending a session of the Grand Lodge Knights of Pythiae Everybody want to know what Th Pregont&A naa to say. Net ice. ' Notice is ben by given that I, the un dersigned, nnder and by virtue of th laws of the State of Oreeon, prohibiting the running at large of animals within Morrow county, have taken np and have in my possession at my place near Hardman, Morrow County, Oregon, the following described hogs: One boar. ear mark, swallow fork in left, tlit in right, three white feet and little white in face, tassle off of tail. One sow, ear mark, swallow fork in left, slit in right, two white teet, scar on right hock. One sow, ear mark, crop off right, small notch in nnder side of same, four white feet, little white in face. One sow, ear 'mark, swallow fork in each ear, four white feet and is making bag. The owner or owners of said animals are hereby notified that unless the same is claimed within the proper time or munner, that I will on the 5th day of July, 1908, at the honr of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day at ray said farm sell tha said described animals in the manner and for the purposes pro vided by lay. Dated this 4th day of June. 1908. T. J. MERRILL. June 25, 1908. It is a pity to see a person neglect in die ations of kidney or bladder trouble that may result in Bright's disease when Folev s Cidney Remedy will correct ir regularities and strengthen these organs Take Foley's Kidney Remedy at the first sign of danger. Slocum Drug Co Red Front Livery & Feed Saibles Willis Stewart, Prop FIRST-CLASS Only oomplete set of abstract books in Morrow oounty. Heppner, Oregon DR. METZLER. DENTIST Located in Odd Fellows building Rooms 5 and 6. F0LEY5H0OTMAR for ehlldrmni afm, turm. JVo oplaf J. MAN FOO Chinese Root and Herb Doctor, He is an experienced compounder of Chinese Medicine. He treats success fully all private, nervous and chronic diseases, also blood, stomach, heart, lung, liver, krUney, female weakness, catarrh and all diseases of the body by the use of roots and herbs, especially prepared for each case. If you cant call at his office, write for hojne treat ment. Consultation free. J, Man Foo, successor to Hong Wo Tong Chinese FOimnoilEYTAR Cures Coldsi Prevents Pneumonia Medicine C, 117 bany, Oregon, W. Second St., Al- J. J. SMITH Painting; Paper Hanging and Carriage Work Satisfaction Guaranteed Shop next door to City Meat Market, Main Street. Oregon SiiOPJllNE - eirhop Pacific Clip Onlv Ijine EAST via SHU lie ana Denver TWO TRAINS DAILY. n?'1 TIME SCHEDULES DaMy JJKPARTS ARRIVIS Hkpfnbr Or. Fast Hall For 7:45 a.m. East arjd. West Fast Mall From Xat and Weit :15 p. m. Express For 7:45 a.m. East aud West Express -From Kaat and West 4:15 p. 17:45 a. m. Sunday 4:80 p.m. The Brick Saloon We carry in stock only a very high grade of Barrel . and Bottled Goods LIVERV RIGS Kept constantly on t and and can be furnishes c short notice t - parlies wishing to drive into he interior. Firclas., : : Hacks and Buguies CALX. GROUND AND SK T WE CATER TC VlIE : : : : OOMMERCIAL TRAVELERS CAN FURNISH RIGS AND DRIVER ON SHORT NOTICE : : : Heppner, Oregon DR. Al. A. LEACH t DBXT1ST Permanently located in HeDDner. Office in the new Fair building. Gas ad ministered. FINEST WINES liquors & Cigars. ORE. One hundred empty barrels for sale. Five hundred barrels of ex tra fine cider vinegar on tap. . . . HEPPNER, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. April 21st, 1908, Notice Is hereby given that Lucy Jackson, one of the heirs and for the heirs of Maria Church, deceased, of Heppner, Oregon has filed notice ol her intention to make final five-year proof in support of her claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 1161, made Feby. 2, 1903, for the 8E NEK H SEK and Lot 1 of Section 5, Township 4 South, Range 2S E. W. M and that said proof will be made before J P. Williams, U. 8. Com. 4 &57. Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department ot the Interior, TJ. 6. Land Office, La Grande, Oregon. May 6th, 1908, Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of tim ber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory." as extended Notice. Notice is hereby given that will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, she having left my bed and board. M28-J18. Mahlon Haworth. WANTED INFORMATION Farm or Business for tale. Not particular about location. 'Wish to bear from owner onl wbo will sell direct to buyer. Give price, description and state when possession can be had. Address, U DARBYSH1RZ, Bex 999t sUdcttar, X. T. mwsA Minum-MM h fumy Wiua Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the nnderigned has been appointed executor of the las! w ill and testament of R. Knck, deceafed, and al! persons having claims againet said estate are hereby re quested to present the same with proper vouch ers therewith to the said executor, at his place of doing business, at the law offices of Kedfield & Van Vactor, In Heppner, Morrow Connty, State of Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated April 15th, 1908. J. P. WILLIAMS Executor of theEstate of R. Krick, leered to all the Public Land States by act of August at his office in Heppner, Oregon, on June 10th, M, 1892, George E. Miller, of Ilappner. countv of 1908. Morrow, State of Oregon, has this day filed In She names the following witnesses to prove this office his sworn statement No. 5638, for the her continuous residence upon, and cultivation purchase of theSEK NWH NEM SWJ SEH of, the land, viz: of Section No. 81, in Township So. 4 S., Kange Henry Scherzinger, James C. Kirk, Thomas No. 28 E. W. M , and will offer proof to show J, D. Jones, and John W. Sprouls, all of Hepp- that the 'and sought is more vnlnable for its We carry the lead ing brands of FINE CIGARS Draft and Bottled Beer. Hkppnkb, Oregon. The Palm' Robert Hart, Prop. Ice Cream Ice ('ream Soda High Grade Cigars Fresh Candies Nuts and Fruits Lunch Goods Tpp flnld Conn Coin. ! Orangeade -c "Root, Reer STEAMER LINES. Boat service between Portland, Astoria, Oregon City, Dayton, Salem, independence, Corvallis and all Columbia and Willamette River pointa SNAKE RIVER ROUTE. T Bteamers between Rf paria and Lewlpton leave Rlparia dally at 10:40 a. m. except Saturday, returuing leave Lewistou dHily at 7 a. m. except Friday. J. B. HUPDLESON, A(?ent, Heppner. WmMcMCRRAY. g.p.a. NOTICE FOR PL'BLH'ATON (Isolatod Tract ) Public Land Sale. Department of th Interior, United States Land Oftioe, La Grande, Oregon. May 22, 1908. Notice is hereby given that, as directed by-tlie Coramiasionner of the General Land Office, under provisions of Act of Congress aoprovtd June 27. 1906. Publlc-No. 30J. we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 6th day of July, next, at thia office, the following tract of land, to-wlt: Lot on. and two, and K NW4 Sec. 7. T. 3 8 R. 27 TV . in. Any persons claiming adversely the ahovo- desoribed lands are advised to file their claims. or objections, on or before the day above deelg- May28-July2 F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. A. A. ROBERTS, Receiver. NOTICE FOR FI nf.irATIQ. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Offlct at La Grande. Oregon, J one, 8, im. Notice is hereby given that Jerm O'Coonor. f Heppner. Oregon, who, on June 8. la n,B,i Timber and Store Application. No. 6053, for WKi or the N. E.X S. E.J4 N. E.H N. E.J 8. E.H Section 27, Townflt ip 4 S. Range 27, E. W. Meri dian, hs filed notice of intention to make Final Timber Proof, to establish claim to the land a bove described, before J. P. Williams. TJ. 8 Commissioner, at his office in Heppner, Oregon on the 22nd day of August, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Lafe Penland. Frank Hale, Phillip Higgins, and Jess Hall, all of Heppner. Oregon. Junelt-July23F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. STAK HOTEL ner, Oregon. Apr30-JunJ C. W. MOORE, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t Department of tie Interior, Land Office at La Grande, Oregon. April 27, 1908. Notice is hereby given that Edwin Weed, of Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, haa filed notice of his intention to make final five-year proof in support of his claim, viz; Homestead Entry No. 12356, made Jan. nth, 1903, for the NH SWX Section 15, Township 8 S.,HanKe 28 E, W. M., and that said proof will be made before J. P. Williams, V. S, Com,, at his office in Hepp ner, Oregon, on June 18, 1908. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence Upon, and cultivation -of, the land, viz: David O. Justus, Joseph H. Campbell, C. C Patterson, and Albert Osmin, all of Hefpner, Oregon. Apr30-Jun4 F. C. BKAMWELL, Register. timber or stone t han for bgricultural purposes. and to establish his claim to said land before J. P. Williams, U. 8. Com., at his office In Hepp ner, Oregon, on Monday, the 13th day of J uly, 1908. He names as witnesses: Robert D. Watkins, William O. Minor, Charles A, Minor, and Lafe Penland, all of Heppner, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 13th day of Jnly, 1908. Mayl4-July9 F. C, BRAMWELL, Register NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION l'-Tartment of the Interior, Land Office at The Dalles. Orpgon. .Jay tith, 1I8. Notion i hert'.iy given that Henry E. Wilhelm of HardmHii, Oregon, has filed notice of his In, tention to make final commuted proof in sup port of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. ir.2-2 wde for the Si NW Sec. 24, SWU SW U Sec 1'.. 8E? SK! Section 11. Town ship 5. S., KAiijje 2"i E. V. M., and that said proof will he made before J. P. Williams, V. 8. Com. at his offioe in Heppner, Oregon , on June 21th, im. He nams the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land, viz: Claude Huston, Guy L. Hadley, Scott Osboirn, and Thomas Musgrave, all of Hardman, Oregon. MavM-Tunel8 ('. W. MOORE. Register. Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. Pleasant to tafce QUID Laxative Fruit Syrup Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. It is guaranteed For Hale fcy Hlooum Drue Companyi NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Department of the Interior L'. S. Land Office at La Grande.. Oregon. June 22, 1! 8. Notice is hereby given that Harry Hays, of Heppner, Oregon, who, on June 16th, 1908, made Timber Application. No. 6062, for H'2 SZhi N'i Section 3:t, Townships, South Range 28 E. W, M., has filed notice of intention to make Fi lal Timber Proof, to establish claim to the land a bove described, before tf. . Williams, U. 8. Commissioner, at his office In Heppner, Oregon on the 7th day ol September 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Gideon B. Hatt, David O. Jus'iu, Frank (iott, and Alliprt M, Slocum, all of Heppner, Oregon. June-i Aug 27. F .('. BRAMWELL, Register. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. United States Land Offiice l a Grande Oresron, June, 18. 1908. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCEKN: Notice is hereby given that the State of Ore gon did, on the 18th day of Jane, 1908, make ap-plicatl-n. List No. 391, for the following des cribed lands as indemnity for the designated losses sustained to its grant of public lands for common schools, made by the est of Congress of August 14, 1848, and acta supplementary thereto, and agrees to accept the same in full satisfaction of the loeees assigned, to-wit: The NE54SWS4 Sec. 7, and NE NWJ Sec. 18. T. 4. 8. B 28. E. W. M. Any end all persona claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in tta.a office during the period of publi cation. June 25 July-30 F. C. BRAM WELL, Register. LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR Men's Clothing Made to Order Cleaning. Pressing Re pairing. Star Hotel Bulldino, May St., Heppner, JEFF NEEL. Proprietor Everything neat and clean at popular prices. Corner Chase ard MaySts.. Heppner Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. Notice For Publication. Department of the Interior, Land Oflice at The Dalles, Oregon. May 11th. lflr. Notice is hereby given that Catherine M. Farnsworth, of Hepr.ner, Orepon, who, on April l;!th, l!fH, made Timber Application, No. 4H10, for H!iNE'4. 8KNWi and Lot 1, Beotion 4, Township fi south. Range 2(1 Esst. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J. I", Williams, U. 8. Com missioner, at his office, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 2sth day of July, ISHlS. Claimant names as witnesses: OrrinE. Fnrnsworth, - of Heppner, Oregon; James W. Beymer, Florinda L. Bcymer, and Charles H. Keymer, all of Hardman. Oregon. May28-July23 C. W. MOOUE, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Isolated Tract) Public Land Bale. HEPPNER OREGON. Imperial Hotel Portland, Oregon Modern six story, fire proof building. European Plan j Rates S&l.OO ond xi Fhil Metschas, Manager. Phil Metschas, Jr. Aet. Manager. Tha Heppner Oaaette tba news of Mor row County: The Weekly Orvgonian tea ft special pficft. Inquiry or address The I Gaett, Heppoar, Or . SALOON The Club The Dalles, Oregon. Land Office, May 21st, 1908. Notice is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, Under provisions of Act of Congress approved June 27, 19116, Public No. 803, we will offer at public ale, to the highest bidder, at 2 o'clock p. m.. on the 30th day of June next, at this office, the fol-1 lowing tract of land, to-wit: Lots 1 and 2 of Section S, T, 4 Booth. Kange 25 E. W. M. Any persons claiming adversely the above-1 described lands are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the day above desig nated for sale. LOCI8 H. ARNE80N, Receiver. JnC JtV VvTr yTy For those appreciate ity. who Qual-